Hug 4 Moongoddess and Beau Keith

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Hug 4 Moongoddess and Beau Keith

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:07 am

My Hugs and healing thoughts go to you Moongoddess and little Beau-Keith who is in hospital tonight.  I hope he makes a quick recovery and I hope you dont stress out too much.  He'll be right, the little man will bounce back quick kids are so resiliant, bit of I.V fluids and he'll be bouncing round the corridors.  All my hugs for you through this stressful time

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[Love and Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:26 am

A big Bear hug from me too.. must everything go smooth and all be back to normal as speedy as possible :)

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Post by Mlady Raka » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:48 am

And from me too dearest friend,

You guys are in my thoughts and prayers....  what he suffers from is treatable and the hospital staff know just what to do....

all my love, a {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

and rainbows


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Post by Nicole » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:07 pm

Not sure wha is going on..
Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you and the hole Family sis..

It's hard not to stress when it's our children.
But pretty_angel_wings is right...
He's in good hands sweet sister...  :)

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Post by Samson » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:17 pm

I'm not sure what I can say to make things sound a lot better, I've never been in this kind of situation before where a child is in hospital and being a parent, I think the best that I can do for you is hope and prey he comes home good and healthy.

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Post by reichild » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:20 pm

For Beau-Keith


Love and Light to you too MG n  (((((hugs)))))

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Post by taraprincess » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:41 pm

hi sweetie my thoughts and prayers are with u and your little boy, hope everything will be well and he will be healthy and comes home is a huge hug for u and little beau-keith god bless u both.

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Thank your all very much from the bottom of my heart

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:22 am

I will tell you what has been happening since Wednesday morning.  Wednesday morning I woke up to him giggling and laughing to himself so hopped into the shower and started my day.  After I had go myself ready for the day ahead I went into his room smelling the distinct smell of vomit.  Oh how guilty I felt at that moment that I had gone about my shower while he was sitting in his own vomit.  The curtains open revealed it even more.  I called out to my partner who quickly got up and got the shower running.  I brought BK into the shower and discovered that his nappy was very smelly and runny as well.  Gastroenteristis had struck him, it is going around alot over here and adult and small children have been admitted to hospital because of it.  After we had cleaned him up I tried giving him water, but he threw that up.  So I rang Health Direct a Government health organisation that is run 24 hours with doctor and nurse who answer the phone.  They told me to give him a tablespoon of water every 15 minutes for 8 hours, and I could increase the amount of water if he was holding it down and then food after 8 hours.  So at 4 in the afternoon I gave him a piece of toast which he held down for about 30 minutes and then came back up.  He was very lethargic in the afternoon and spent most of it on our couch asleep between us.  He slept through the night without any problems, so in the morning I gave him some water with camomile diluted in it and a piece of toast.  He held it down for an hour then it came up again, I checked his temperature about 1130 and realised it was 39.3 degrees so rushed him off to the hospital calling my partner and telling him how he was going occasionally as we waited in the waiting room in the Emergency room.  2 and half hours I waited for, the nurse gave him an icey pole to keep his temperature down and his fluids up.  It came straight up all over me, I have had worse things covering me.  After he relaxed a bit I put him back in his stroller and for a while he slept until he went into convulsions.  Leaving everything where it was I picked him up and ran to the nurse who ushered me into the the Emergency room where we were surrounded by doctors and nurses.  They put him on the bed and gave him oxygen.  He looked so fragile laying there.  He convulsed again a bit later on more intence and for a little bit longer.  They put a drip in his arm which my partner made me go for a walk as I am so bad when he gets immunised I can't stand to see him in pain.  I come back after there first attempt and realised the weak cries I heard as I walked back in were coming from poor little man.  We were transfered to another hospital as the one we were in was not suited for peadiatics and they wanted to find out for sure it wasn't menigitis or anything worse.  We stayed the nigt there and the peadiatrician told us that the convulsions wher called Febril siezures which meant they were temperature related and nothing to do with anything worse.  That night he seemed a little better and the next morning he was a little bit perkey.  My partner arrived and I finally had a chance to drive home and have a shower to get rid of my lovely clothing.  When I come back he was laying on his back playing with some toys and was much happier.  We are back home now and aside from his diarrhea which I am told will last a bit longer he is fine, weak but fine.

So I am so greatful to all of you for your well wishes.


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Post by Samson » Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:47 am

Your ever so welcome MoonGoddess. I'm happy that everything has turned out good.

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Post by reichild » Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:51 am

MG i am glad to hear your wee man is much better. I remember like it was yesterday (even though it was 10-12 years ago) when my kids were little and going through te scares of viral infections and similar, i know how traumatic it can be when they are un-well.

I hope you can all get some rest now and feel much better for your un-born child, Beau as well as yourselves (((hugs)))

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Post by Nicole » Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:20 am

I'm so happy to hear your all back home...
Poor little guy...

((( To your family )))

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Post by Mlady Raka » Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:53 am

Dearest friend,

I am very happy to hear that things have taken a turn for the better.....Take care and lots of love and hugs for the little man...
and  big hug for you guys too...

love and rainbows


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Post by LibB » Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:54 am

Special Heavenly Hugs from me to you're whole family.
Moongoddess you are SPECIAL and so are you're children.
Wrap them up with golden light. You can also start with golden light in their heart and see the golden light expand until it is surrounding them.
May Heavenly peace be with you in you're time of need and always.
LibB :smt051  :smt060  :smt056

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Post by angel2007 » Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:55 am

Its great to see your all well especially your little boy,

Ive experienced that once, convulsions are very frightening, my son had it while I was driving home from the
doctors, they eventually grow out of it,

Wish you all very well,

Lots of hugs for you and your little boy!!!

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