Requesting a Numerology reading...

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Requesting a Numerology reading...

Post by Evie » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:31 pm

I would appreciate a numerology reading for myself... and
...... if it is not TWO MUCH to ask... I am an identical twin  
and I am most curious ... to see how our readings would compare...   :smt052

Thank You
Thank you very much


Last edited by Evie on Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:21 pm

Dearest Evie,

Normally we won't do a reading for a person if that person doesn't ask in person him/herself....but in your case I will make an exception since you are one of a twin, and you know how to deal with 'your other'....

Where your readings are the same, I will leave it in black...where it differs I have chosen Green for you and Blue for your sis....

Both Your Life Paths are Number 11

Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.
You have the Master Number 11 as your Life Path Number. Master Numbers indicate nearly complete or complete development of the traits associated with the number they would reduce to. This relation is usually expressed by writing the Master Number and the number it reduces to together. Master Number 11 is often written 11/2
Freedom and responsibility come with having a Master Number. You have the freedom to choose whether to allow your Master Number traits to express themselves or not. If you opt to act responsibly and use your lofty powers, you will find your reward is in the choice itself. If you choose to ignore your talents, you may find yourself taking more than one step back. You may incur a Karmic Debt.
Much is expected of those carrying an 11 Life Path Number. Yours is the journey of the Spiritual Messenger. You are meant to explore and come to understand life's spiritual mysteries. As your wisdom grows, you will share your vision with all of humankind.

Your Life Destiny Number is 3

Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.
Your destiny is to create, and inspire others to create. You were meant to express yourself, to share the joys of creation with others, imbibe those fortunate enough to know you with the powers of creation and the joys of unbridled enthusiasm.

Your Sister's Life Destiny Number is 9

Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.
Your destiny is to learn how to love all of mankind without condition. You do truly want "peace on earth and good will toward man;" and will work to make those conditions a reality. Whether through some art form or your touch, you are destined to heal those who come into contact with you. For you, life's horizon is limitless.

Your Soul Number is 4

Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.
You desire to address life with a well thought out plan. You need to have things organized and clear set boundaries. You have no desire to be surprised by anything.

Your Sister's Soul Number is 5

Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.
Your passion is to be free of limitations. You have a lust for change and the variety of experience which comes with it. You are rebellious and sensual by nature. Routine bores you and you loath having any limitations put on you.

Your soul numbers being so close, imply that you have been closely connected also in previous lives, hence you were born as twins in this life...

Your Personality Number is 8

Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
The 8 Personality is ambitious, influential and powerful. They radiate strength to the point of seeming larger than life. 8 Personalities are destined to lead others. They are balanced and slightly conservative. Their confidence assures others will have confidence in them as well.

Your Sister's  Personality Number is 4

Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
You are an ideal citizen: honest and willing to contribute to your community. 4s are conservative, responsible and industrious. They can be counted on to complete any task they take on. 4s do not like surprises or conflict and may flee from either. They make for great builders and managers. The foundations of many good communities have been built by 4s.

Your Maturity Number is 5

Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.
A 5 Maturity Number ensures that throughout your life you will experience the thrills which come with change and constantly develop your free will. In your later years your personal freedom will be fully developed. You will still be a risk taker and embrace change. People will find you very attractive, because you have somehow managed to mature without losing your youthful spirit.

Your Sister's Maturity Number is 2

Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.
As you mature you will become increasingly adept at creating inner and outer peace. You will learn to evoke the same sincerity and sensitivity you have for others from others. In your later years you should find perfect inner peace.

Your Balance Number is 6

As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.
A 6 Balance Number suggests you are a key part of the problem and must take responsibility for your role. Do not allow yourself to be overly comforted by others. To do so will give you a false sense of justice and a stage on which to wallow. You need to not just act, but act responsibly and fairly.

Your Sister's Balance Number is 8

As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.
A 8 Balance Number indicates you have considerable talents for leading during troubling times, so take the lead and guide all parties involved towards a fair solution. However, be careful to not become dictatorial. You cannot force others to accept your solution. The key is to use your creative talents to find a solution that is fair to all.

The 4 Pinnacles (for both of you it's the same)

Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you realize current goals and learn some of life's lessons. If you are at the beginning of a Pinnacle, then they can be used as a predictive tool to assist in managing your future. Your first Pinnacle begins at birth and last until around the age of 27. Your Second Pinnacle last through the next 9 year and the Third Pinnacle last for 9 years after the Second Pinnacle has passed. Your Fourth Pinnacle picks up where the Third Pinnacle ends and last throughout the rest of your life

Your First Pinnacle Number is 1

A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant and allow your individuality to blossom. This is a time when you may want to seek teachers to assist you on your journey toward independence. If you should have a 1 as your third or fourth Pinnacle, it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.

Your Second Pinnacle Number is 3

You are at a time in life where the door to self-expression is ready to open. This should be a very creative period for you during which you also develop strong friendships and learn to speak from your heart.

Your Third Pinnacle Number is 4

You are in a period where you should be building a solid foundation on which to carry on your life. You may be building a home, family or career. Whatever you are doing, it is not a time in which you will or should take it easy.
Your Fourth Pinnacle Number is 9

A 9 Pinnacle means you are in a period where your love for your fellow man will be at its zenith. In this period you will play healer and inspirer to those around you. A 9 Pinnacle is never easy. You will be asked to sacrifice meeting your own needs for the good of others. You may experience the pain of loss, but in the end will be rewarded by fulfilling your soul's need to ease the pain of others.

The 4 Challenges (also your challenges remain the same)

Challenges denote personal weaknesses and temptations you will have to overcome and strengths you will have to develop to fully realize your goals. The 4 Challenges have the same time frame as the 4 Pinnacles.

Your First Challenge Number is 6

A 6 Challenge marks a period in which you will learn to balance the needs of your family with your own. You will learn that true nurturing can only come from your heart. Your idealistic views of marriage may be shaken some, but if you learn to temper them some you will be happier and more secure on the other side of this Challenge.

Your Second Challenge Number is 8

An 8 Challenge denotes a period when you are being called to come to the forefront and lead others. You will be tested by material gains, and must remember your true destiny is to contribute significant accomplishments to your world. To traverse this Challenge successfully you will have to learn not to misuse the power that is entrusted to you.
Your Third Challenge Number is 2

Your Challenge is to learn how to manage your natural sensitivity to others, aversion to conflict and need for harmony in a way that will not repress your own needs. In time you will learn to balance your needs with those of others.
Your Fourth Challenge Number is 2

Your Challenge is to learn how to manage your natural sensitivity to others, aversion to conflict and need for harmony in a way that will not repress your own needs. In time you will learn to balance your needs with those of others.
The 3 Cycles (here again...things remain the same for both of you)

Cycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny.

Your First Cycle Number is 8

An 8 cycle marks a time that is opportune for you to succeed in attaining your goals. During this Cycle you will of course face setbacks and obstacles, but if you keep trying to move forward, your goals will be achieved.

Your Second Cycle Number is 2

If you are in a 2 Cycle you are going to develop at a slow, even pace. Your talents for peacemaking and gentle persuasion will come into play often. Understanding relationships will be your main goal in this period. Should this be your Third Cycle, patience and diplomacy will be the characteristics of this Cycle.

Your Third Cycle Number is 1

A 1 Cycle indicates a time of action and development. If your First Cycle number is a 1, you are gaining independence and confidence. There may be times when you feel alienated from those around you. A 1 in the Second Cycle reflects a time when you will be confident, determined and able to lead others. A Third Cycle 1 indicates a time in which you will be independent and dynamic. You will be very independent and self-discovery will be a major preoccupation.

Your Karmic Lesson Number(s) are/is   6   9
Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.

A 6 Karmic Lesson Number denotes an inability or reluctance to make commitments. Even when you do commit yourself to something it may be your nature to hold back any true passion for the commitment or relationship. Over time you might do well to slowly allow your passions to express themselves and put your heart into your commitments and relationships.

A 9 Karmic Lesson Number indicates an inability to see the toils of those around you. You need to work on your compassion and ability to see beyond your view of the world.

Your Sister's Karmic Lesson Number(s) are/is   4   6

Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.

A 4 Karmic Lesson Number is indicative of a need for direction in life. Although you may feel somewhat confused about why you are here, work to find your true path through this life.
The number 4 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.

A 6 Karmic Lesson Number denotes an inability or reluctance to make commitments. Even when you do commit yourself to something it may be your nature to hold back any true passion for the commitment or relationship. Over time you might do well to slowly allow your passions to express themselves and put your heart into your commitments and relationships.

Two different souls with two different Karmic Lessons to be taught....

Your Karmic Debt Number(s) are/is 14
Karmic Debt Numbers signify past abuses of your talents that you must make amends for. Like all of us, you have made many choices and taken many actions in your lives. Some of those choices and actions have been mistakes. Your past errors must be addressed, so you can use your Karmic Debt Numbers to identify exactly what type of mistakes you have made in the past and how you can atone for them. top
A 14 Karmic Debt Number indicates that you have abused your right to freedom. Possibly you increased you freedom to act at the costs of others, or you exercised your free will in ways that abused your own spirit (e.g., drug use). The solution for you is to find a true path to freedom that does not harm you or others around you.

Your Sister's Karmic Debt Number(s) are/is 13

Karmic Debt Numbers signify past abuses of your talents that you must make amends for. Like all of us, you have made many choices and taken many actions in your lives. Some of those choices and actions have been mistakes. Your past errors must be addressed, so you can use your Karmic Debt Numbers to identify exactly what type of mistakes you have made in the past and how you can atone for them. top
A 13 Karmic Debt Number implies that somewhere along your being?s path you forsake your spiritual self for material gain. You may have abused others to get ahead. Because of your past behavior you may find yourself facing what appears to be one brick wall after another as you try to find success. The key to overcoming these obstacles is perseverance, hard work and the development of a spiritual awareness that keeps you from abusing the rights of others.

(Since the numbers are so close, it reveals that in a previous life you were very closely connected...perhaps that is the reason you were born as twins in this life.)

Your Lucky Number is 2

Your Personal Lucky Number does not change. This number will be lucky for you your entire life. Your luck derived from this number will be strongest when you are addressing events and issues related to the general meaning of the number. Lucky Numbers should not be relied on to constantly produce positive results, or make impulsive, high risk gambles. They simply mean that where they appear you have an edge. How large an edge is impossible to determine, but seems to increase with the number of occurrences your Lucky Number is be associated with a given event or issue.

Those with a Personal Lucky Number 2 will find will find their luck derived from 2 strongest where there is a need for diplomacy and meditation. Your 2 will help you find a compromise that benefits all. If you are in a team situation your 2 may help you choose the path most likely to keep your team on track and out of trouble. Your 2 may not serve you as well when dealing with romance or financial situations requiring quick and decisive action.

Your Sister's Lucky Number is 8

Your Personal Lucky Number does not change. This number will be lucky for you your entire life. Your luck derived from this number will be strongest when you are addressing events and issues related to the general meaning of the number. Lucky Numbers should not be relied on to constantly produce positive results, or make impulsive, high risk gambles. They simply mean that where they appear you have an edge. How large an edge is impossible to determine, but seems to increase with the number of occurrences your Lucky Number is be associated with a given event or issue.

Those with a Personal Lucky Number 8 have powerful ally when the arena is business. Your 8 signifies someone who may be blessed with the Midas Touch. Your 8 will bring you luck in any financial arena it is associated with. However you must remember the 8 always requires a never quit attitude for its power to reach its full zenith.

Your Signature Number is a 0 (for both of you, since I don't know how you sign your names)

Signature numbers are based on how you sign your name. Your signature carries the power and the faults of one of the base 9 numbers. You may actually want to sign different documents with different signatures to reap the benefit of a particular number. For instance, if you are signing an agreement of partnership you might want to alter your signature to reflect the powers of the number 2.

Both Your Birthday Numbers are 2 for obvious reasons...LOL

This number is most influential between your 28th and 56th year. While it is not the most important number in your profile, it does have an effect on your Life's Path and Destiny.
You understand the need for cooperation and enjoy the company of others. You do well in a group setting and have the ability to maintain harmony within your crowd.

Your Personal Year Number is 1 as is that of your sister...of course

This number tells you what is happening in your life this year. This number should be used to help you avoid setbacks and focus your energies on those areas of your life where you are most likely to achieve your goals.
This is a good year for new beginnings and projects. Your focus should be on yourself and self-improvement. This is the ideal time for you to plant the seeds which will lead to you attaining your goals in the future.

Your Personal Month Number is 7, (again for obvious reasons)

This number tells you what is happening in your life this month. Use this number in the same way you would your Personal year number, but apply it only to the current month.
This is a good month for you to explore your inner-self. Make time to be alone and allow yourself to evaluate where your life is going.

Your Foundation Letter is E

Having an E Foundation Letter identifies someone who will bring creativity to a project. But to work at your very best you need to have as much freedom as possible to develop your ideas.

Your End Letter is N

Having an N End Letter identifies someone who can bring innovative ideas to a project or venture, but their free-thinking spirit may not allow them to see a pursuit through to the finish.

Your First Vowel is E

Your Sister's Foundation Letter is G

Having a G Foundation Letter identifies someone who is very cerebral and determined. Your strong will and mental quickness make you a good choice for project leader.

Her End Letter is E

Having an E End Letter denotes someone who will bring a creative bent to project throughout its lifetime. You will be around to see it finished, because in the end it will probably be ?your baby.?
and her  First Vowel is A

Having an A First Vowel suggest you may be far more determined to succeed than you let on.

Having an E First Vowel suggest a person with a strong need for freedom and desire to bring the products of original ideas to life.

So in a final summary, it seems where personalities are concerned you are two entirely different people.  Your karma you brought with you when you were born also differs.  You are though on the same Life Path, but reaching your destinies, you each have your own unique talents, personalities and ways to deal with what Creator has put before you.

You have known each other extremely well in a previous life...

Love and rainbows


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Post by Evie » Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:31 pm

WOW! Mlady RAKA!!!!

You are sure fast!!!!!  Thank you so MUCH!!!!  
I am going to get me a coffee (or two) and enjoy
what you have sent to me... I mean us.

Bless YOU! :smt058

Peace and Love

Evie  :smt003

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:59 pm


What can I say, I have fast Guides and a fast computer.....

love and rainbows


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Post by Evie » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:00 pm

Hi MLady Raka

This was a wonderful read, very interesting. Thank you thank you thank you!
I read it over a few times and as I was reading it I nodded, yes yes yes very often... :smt112

I have no doubt that We have been together in past lives.  And although we are alike...
we are very different as well.   :smt017 This is sometimes a surprise to people

The only place where I  thought.... nay... ... is *Soul Number .... I am the rebel.  Ha Ha   :smt003

Age 28 ---> indeed! This was a BIG YEAR for me. After experiencing the  untimely death
of a loved one I walked onto a path that I am still one.  

I am looking forward to being 56.  

Thanks MLady Raka
You are special  :smt049


PS... no response from My sister on this reading... yet

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:08 pm

Have you two souls been bargaining with each other...swapping characteristics....

This smacks of a conspiracy....LOL

love and rainbows


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Post by Evie » Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:28 pm


------->  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I think it is fun to *trick people... :smt003  
I have always enjoyed playing
games with my twin-ness

My twin does not ...  :smt011

Love Evie   :smt109

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