Request for Reading pls!!

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Request for Reading pls!!

Post by Astroman101 » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:38 am


My birth name is: Waqar Ali
My current Name: Waqar Ali
My birthday is: May 02 1990

Preferably, I would like to request an in-depth and detailed reading pls.

Thank you very much to whoever is taking time to do this!

ian grace
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:18 pm

Post by ian grace » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:51 am

Hello  there,  I  am  not  able  to  provide  the  above but  if  you  look  up  the  numerology  software  by  Hans  Decoz,  you  can  get  one  free  complete  report  for  yoursel.  I  would  also  recommend  the  book  'The  idiot's  guide  to  numerology  by  Kay  Lagerquist  and  Lisa  Lenard.  It's  very  good  and  lovely  to  read.  Amazon  will  stock  it.  £10  or  so.  
Best  wishes

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:49 pm

Dear Ali,

Here is your reading!

Your Life Path Number is 8

Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.

You were born to lead and your Life Path will provide you with opportunities to express your God given talents. You will have to learn how to be an effective leader without becoming dictatorial. Success seems almost unavoidable for you, but it may not be in the form of finances.

Indeed, your success may well be measured in terms of accomplishments, which could take on historical proportions.

Your Life Destiny Number is 1

Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.

The 1's destiny is to be independent and lead others--often where no one has ever ventured before. You will develop a very strong sense of self and force of will. Your courage will give you the confidence to take action while others may cower. You were truly meant to be a leader, and as long as you do not become overbearing or dictatorial, people will gladly follow you.

Your Soul Number is 3

Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.

You desire to make people happy, laugh, and be all they can be. You want to create, have fun, and remain ever enthusiastic. You are a lover of life, and will do all you can to ensure those around you are aware of just how grand a gift life is.

Your Personality Number is 7

Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.

A 7 Personality Number is the mark of a person deeply absorbed in the pursuit of spiritual and cosmic knowledge. 7s are intelligent, perceptive and introspective. It comes as no surprise that the 7 Personality is an introvert.

7 Personalities can be difficult to get close to. They have the air of a mystic about them and can be quite aloof. Also, 7s love their privacy. However, the 7 Personalities' wisdom and knowledge will draw people to them, and in the end they will realize sharing their knowledge is as rewarding as gaining it.

Your Maturity Number is 9

Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.

Persons with a 9 Maturity Number do not always have an easy path before them. They must learn to balance their love for humanity with their own needs.

Throughout your life you will heal and enlighten those around you. In your later years you will have mastered your healing techniques and learned to apply your compassion for others effectively. You will be able to look upon your life and see that you have been a great benefit to most who have had the good fortune to know you.

Your Balance Number is 6

As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.

A 6 Balance Number suggests you are a key part of the problem and must take responsibility for your role. Do not allow yourself to be overly comforted by others. To do so will give you a false sense of justice and a stage on which to wallow. You need to not just act, but act responsibly and fairly.

The 4 Pinnacles

Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you realize current goals and learn some of life's lessons. If you are at the beginning of a Pinnacle, then they can be used as a predictive tool to assist in managing your future.

Your first Pinnacle begins at birth and last until around the age of 27. Your Second Pinnacle last through the next 9 year and the Third Pinnacle last for 9 years after the Second Pinnacle has passed. Your Fourth Pinnacle picks up where the Third Pinnacle ends and last throughout the rest of your life.

Your First Pinnacle Number is 7

A 7 Pinnacle marks a time for study, self-discovery and spiritual development. Your focus on the inner-self will bring out the loner in you. If your 7 is a First Pinnacle you will probably have to deal with a feeling of alienation. A 7 in the Second or Third Pinnacle demarks a time for further spiritual exploration and refinement of your understanding of yourself. As Fourth Pinnacle, the 7 denotes yet more time exploring your inner-self and the sharing of your wisdom with others.

Your Second Pinnacle Number is 3

You are at a time in life where the door to self-expression is ready to open. This should be a very creative period for you during which you also develop strong friendships and learn to speak from your heart.

Your Third Pinnacle Number is 1

A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant and allow your individuality to blossom. This is a time when you may want to seek teachers to assist you on your journey toward independence. If you should have a 1 as your third or fourth Pinnacle, it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.

Your Fourth Pinnacle Number is 6

A 6 Pinnacle notes a time of love and devotion to friends and family, or possibly the building of a new family after a divorce. During this Pinnacle your energies will be focused on your home-life. You will nurture your loved ones and beautify your surroundings as much as possible. During this Pinnacle that which is in your heart will come to the forefront.

The 4 Challenges

Challenges denote personal weaknesses and temptations you will have to overcome and strengths you will have to develop to fully realize your goals. The 4 Challenges have the same time frame as the 4 Pinnacles.

Your First Challenge Number is 3

The Challenge the number 3 puts before you is to learn to speak truly from your heart. You will have to overcome the negative traits of the number 3, which include superficiality, hyperbole, egocentrism, gossiping and disorganization.

Your Second Challenge Number is 8

An 8 Challenge denotes a period when you are being called to come to the forefront and lead others. You will be tested by material gains, and must remember your true destiny is to contribute significant accomplishments to your world. To traverse this Challenge successfully you will have to learn not to misuse the power that is entrusted to you.

Your Third Challenge Number is 5

A 5 Challenge marks a time when you most overcome your fear of change and risk. You will also learn to liberate yourself from that which restricts your self-expression. While a 5 Challenge may be a bit scary, it is a time of great personal development marked by the growth of your individual freedom.

Your Fourth Challenge Number is 5

A 5 Challenge marks a time when you most overcome your fear of change and risk. You will also learn to liberate yourself from that which restricts your self-expression. While a 5 Challenge may be a bit scary, it is a time of great personal development marked by the growth of your individual freedom.

The 3 Cycles

Cycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny.

Your First Cycle Number is 5

Change and the development of personal freedom are the earmarks of a 5 Cycle. You will find fulfillment and joy in the adventures this Cycle holds for you. This Cycle will show you life at its most exciting.

Your Second Cycle Number is 2

If you are in a 2 Cycle you are going to develop at a slow, even pace. Your talents for peacemaking and gentle persuasion will come into play often. Understanding relationships will be your main goal in this period. Should this be your Third Cycle, patience and diplomacy will be the characteristics of this Cycle.
Your Third Cycle Number is 1

A 1 Cycle indicates a time of action and development. If your First Cycle number is a 1, you are gaining independence and confidence. There may be times when you feel alienated from those around you. A 1 in the Second Cycle reflects a time when you will be confident, determined and able to lead others. A Third Cycle 1 indicates a time in which you will be independent and dynamic. You will be very independent and self-discovery will be a major preoccupation.

Your Karmic Lesson Number(s) are/is   2   4   6   7

Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.

A 2 Karmic Lesson Number indicates a need to learn the art of diplomacy and tact. Try to be more sensitive to the feelings of those around you. Make an effort to learn to work with others as a team.

A 4 Karmic Lesson Number is indicative of a need for direction in life. Although you may feel somewhat confused about why you are here, work to find your true path through this life.

A 6 Karmic Lesson Number denotes an inability or reluctance to make commitments. Even when you do commit yourself to something it may be your nature to hold back any true passion for the commitment or relationship. Over time you might do well to slowly allow your passions to express themselves and put your heart into your commitments and relationships.

A 7 Karmic Lesson Number signifies you may be neglecting your innate talents. Whether it is a lack of will or fear of failure, it appears you are not devoting enough time and energy to honing those talents that are core to your being. You know what you are best at, so embrace it.
The number 7 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.

You Have A 10!

While a 10 is not a Karmic Debt number it can have a major impact on your Karmic Debts. The presence of a 10 means you will have the tools necessary to pay your debt. Of course there is a catch, and that is nothing is forcing you to use them. You must choose to use them to clear your debt. If you do take advantage of the resources your 10 indicates you have your Karmic Debt will paid and you will start anew.

Your Lucky Number is 4

Your Personal Lucky Number does not change. This number will be lucky for you your entire life. Your luck derived from this number will be strongest when you are addressing events and issues related to the general meaning of the number.

Lucky Numbers should not be relied on to constantly produce positive results, or make impulsive, high risk gambles. They simply mean that where they appear you have an edge. How large an edge is impossible to determine, but seems to increase with the number of occurrences your Lucky Number is be associated with a given event or issue.

Those with a Personal Lucky Number 4 will find their luck derived from 4 strongest when the issue or event concerns the building of new things or maintaining established traditions. Your 4 may come in handy if the stability of your finances or romance is in jeopardy. The luck of a 4 may prove beneficial when trying to provide a stable environment in which a project or person can grow.

Your Signature Number is a 0 (this is only so because I don't know how you sign your name....)

Signature numbers are based on how you sign your name. Your signature carries the power and the faults of one of the base 9 numbers. You may actually want to sign different documents with different signatures to reap the benefit of a particular number. For instance, if you are signing an agreement of partnership you might want to alter your signature to reflect the powers of the number 2.

Your Birthday Number is 2

This number is most influential between your 28th and 56th year. While it is not the most important number in your profile, it does have an effect on your Life's Path and Destiny.
You understand the need for cooperation and enjoy the company of others. You do well in a group setting and have the ability to maintain harmony within your crowd.

Your Personal Year Number is 7

This number tells you what is happening in your life this year. This number should be used to help you avoid setbacks and focus your energies on those areas of your life where you are most likely to achieve your goals.
You are in a year ideal for introspection and self-discovery--for examining your life and making changes where needed. You may need some time out from your everyday responsibilities to explore and strengthen your spiritual self.

Your Personal Month Number is 7

This number tells you what is happening in your life this month. Use this number in the same way you would your Personal year number, but apply it only to the current month.
This is a good month for you to explore your inner-self. Make time to be alone and allow yourself to evaluate where your life is going.

Your Foundation Letter is A

Having an A Foundation Letter identifies a goal oriented person who intends to succeed at any task they take on.

Your End Letter is I

Having an I End Letter denotes someone who may lend considerable creative energy to a project or venture, but will need a stable environment to actually see anything through to completion.

Your First Vowel is A

Having an A First Vowel suggest you may be far more determined to succeed than you let on.

I hope you have enjoyed your reading.  If you want to give a feedback on this reading, I will be very happy to hear what you feel!

love and rainbows


Posts: 136
Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:07 am

Post by Astroman101 » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:00 pm

Thnx again for the wonderfull reading Raka,  it was very helpfull.

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