Interpretation Of King of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of King of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 1:06 pm

King of Pentacles - Upright

Minor Arcana

You are a pillar of solidarity and strength you may be in a very responsible profession like a banker or a chief in any industry. You are trustworthy, patient and cautious. You do not lose your temper unless under dire circumstances. Your investments are very sound.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:33 am

Here we see a man sitting on his throne holding his scepter and keeping a keen eye on his coin. From this we can assume he is a solid leader of a financial business.
In order to achieve this he must be both determent and consistent. What he has achieved make him respected and a man one will consult in financial matter.
Since his wealth can have made him a bit snobbish you might expect some stubbornness in his advices. (since he has a more focus eye on one object (financial) and not the outward sight of king of Wand)
He is telling us that competence and skill will bring us forward. Show Reliability , generosity and patience and you will succeed. Don't be afraid Enterprising if you believe your skill is up to it.

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Post by nicnic » Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:06 am

This is a regal king, dressed in fine clothes. He obviously enjoys the rich things in life. He has worked very hard to obtain what he has and is proud of his achievements. He knows that anything is possible if you are prepared to work for it. I also see him as some kind of banker or maybe a financial advisor. Being of an earth sign he could also be a successful farmer.

Could mean the need to go and see such a person.

It could also mean dealings with a business man who is maybe in real estate. I get this because of the Earth element of the card and also to that fact that Pentacles is connected with material security which to me means my home.

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Post by Bhadra » Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:41 pm

The King of Pentacles
The King of the Thrones of Earth-.
Numerical Value: 4 (Numerical Meaning) Stability, rest, solidity, consolidation, the realisation of one's goals.  

Elemental Name: Air of Earth  - AIR - relates to thoughts, ideas, concepts, beliefs, attitudes, difficulties, communication, understanding and practical effort.

EARTH - relates to the material and physical. Pentacles types are down to earth, practical, realistic and grounded. They are at home with the business world and material things, they tend to live in the present. They know when the time is right to conserve resources and when to let go and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Love nature and could have a green thumb. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Prince and Emperor of the Gnomes.

Astrologically -  The Kings are connected with the Cardinal signs. The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn): generate outgoing, dynamic energy. They are authoritative, powerful, and energetic. They represent creative, enterprising ways of relating to life, with a strong will to accomplish goals and realise ambitions.
Capricorn - the Goat = Cardinal Earth -Rules from 20 Degree Aries to 20 Degree Taurus.

Pentacles: Dark-skinned races; or, white hair, any colour eyes, fair skin.

Divinatory meaning and keywords
A dark Man, Victory, Bravery, Courage, Success;

Upright - A loyal and dependable leader who is neither particularly intelligent or imaginative.  He is trustworthy, patient, cautious and uses his inborn wisdom to increase his wealth.  He is slow to lose his temper, but once angered he stands rigid against his enemies.

A chief of industry or a banker, a reliable person, a married man, solid, steadiness  
Captain of industry, wealth, patience, sound advice, success.

The King of Pentacles (Fire of Earth)(in some places this is Air of Earth and he is sometimes seen as a Taurus) represents mastery of ones finances and environment
Good position in industry; this man is competent in mathematical procedures, a generous soul who is friendly and affectionate.

A King sits on a throne carved with the recurrent symbol of the bull to suggest courage. Symbols of harvest decorate his robes. He holds a wand in one hand and a pentacle in the other to reflect material rule. His left foot rests on a small ottoman. In the distance there are the rooftops of a successful castle keep.
(Cardinal Earth = Capricorn, Material Authority, Business Acumen, Corruption, power, victory, good forces over bad, unseen strength)

The Court cards can represent:

> The people in your life.

> Aspects of character and personality.

> Your sense of identity and knowledge of yourself.

> The roles you play.

> Events or situations coming into existence.

> Times or seasons of the year.

> Qualities you should cultivate to handle your situation.

> When reversed, they represent shadow aspects of the personality or people who are working against you.

    Court cards have two fundamental interpretations. On the one hand, they represent curious aspects of yourself that are important in your current situation. On the other hand, Court cards represent other people. They suggest that you are asking about your dealings with others in your life. When many Court cards appear in a reading, there are involvements with many people regarding your question.

    Each characteristic of a Court card can refer to different people. The Tarot's Court cards is a system of personalities represented by the 16 Court cards - Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages. These are the keys to understanding the Court cards because the personality of each one is a combination of its suit and rank.

    A Court card in a reading is showing you how a certain approach to life is (or could be) impacting your situation. A Court card can show you a side of yourself that is being expressed or seeking expression. It may be a side you value, or one you neglect. It may be an approach that you recognize, or one you deny. How you view it depends on your question, the other cards and the situation.

    A Court card can also represent another person. If you look at a court card and say to yourself "I know who that is!" then it probably does represent that person. It may also indicate someone of whom you are not yet aware.

    The Court cards have a human dimension that the other cards do not, so they can give you clear messages about who you are and what you want from life. The trick is to understand yourself and the situation so you can accept the messages when they come.

    Each Court will also express its suit Quality in some form as well. Knights tend to take their suit to it's extreme, Queen's tend to express their suit in a motherly, or loving nature. King's will use their suit to help them achieve their fullest potential in life to get them ahead in the world. And Pages tend to use their suit for offering you a message in some form, they will inspire us to reach for their suit and enjoy what it can offer to us.

Kings can stand for actual people in your life or different aspects of your personality. Unlike the other cards in of the Tarot, Kings do not tend to represent a situation in your life but rather a type of personality. Kings want to impact the world through the force of their personality.

    Kings show mastery, ability, authority, leadership, and stature in the field represented by their suit. They represent experience, power, authority, and status. Kings are secure but rigid and limited by the rules they have established.

    Kings reflect our force of will, initiative, principled action, and our ability to get things done. They are usually mature and able to give advice. They influence the situation in a way described by their position in a spread.

    Kings can be your father, a boss, or someone in authority or to whom you look to for direction. "He" can also represent a woman, or a sense of self in a man.

THE Four Kings, or "Figures mounted on steeds," represent the Yodh forces of the Name in each Suit: the Radix, Father and commencement of Material Forces, a force in which all the others are implied, and of which they form the development and completion. A force swift and violent in its action, but whose effect soon passes away, and therefore symbolized by a Figure on a Steed riding swiftly, and clothed in complete Armour.

Therefore is the knowledge of the scale of the King so necessary for the commencement of all magical working.

The King of Pentacles has an easygoing exterior and is friendly, kind, generous, thoughtful, and industrious. He can represent a father of kind disposition, a businessman of prosperity, or a reliable married man with his main focus on the security of his family. This King has tremendous ability to make decisions about financial issues, and he is logical, thoughtful, methodical, responsible, and very solid and steady with everyone he meets. The King of Pentacles truly believes that everyone can have security on the material plane, and he wants his family and friends to attain material success to ensure their future security. He is accomplished at math, sciences, banking, and real estate. If you ever need financial advice, this is your King!

The King is a realist who thrives on practicalities. His grounded approach earns him trust, and he can be relied upon to resolve and manage financial issues effectively. He may hold a corporate position, and his appearance in a reading heralds the solving of problems. He is also a predictor of contentment, materially and emotionally.

Slow, steady and practical steps bring success. Successful in a business sense.  Possibly owns his own business and has worked his way up from the ground level or has done the same working for someone else.
Qualities of Character -Grounded, practical, cautious and hard-working. Reliable and conservative. Fulfils his commitments and takes his responsibilities seriously. Exceptionally wise with money. Has a stubborn streak and can be territorial. Loves home and the comforts thereof, food, music, animals, nature and material things. Can easily slip into a rut and become too conventional. When out of sorts food will usually calm him. Although sometimes unadventurous he is a stable and reliable partner. Prosperous and highly successful in a worldly sense. In regard to health this card can indicate tension stored in the neck and shoulders. Careers:  Builder, Naturalist, Conservationist, Gardening, Geologist, Archeologist, working with metals and gems.  Colouring: Over 30 years of age has dark hair and dark eyes or white hair and any color eyes with fair skin.

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Court Cards

Post by cedars » Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:49 pm

I have read Bhadra's interpretation of the King of Pentacles along with her/his intensive write up on the court cards. Thank you. It was a pleasure reading.

However, I still have problems relating/explaining/undertanding Court cards whenever they appear in a reading. I would have thought Kings and Queens should have been part of the Major Arcana and only as one King and one Queen, rather than one for each suit of the minor arcana. To relate and understand all the court cards (except perhaps the Pages) for me is still difficult. I find the interaction between these court cards to and with the other cards something not yet in tune with.

Appreciate any comments anyone can make this issue.

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Re: Court Cards

Post by Bhadra » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:39 pm

cedars wrote:I have read Bhadra's interpretation of the King of Pentacles along with her/his intensive write up on the court cards. Thank you. It was a pleasure reading.

***Thanks a lot, I worked hard on it.

However, I still have problems relating/explaining/undertanding Court cards whenever they appear in a reading.

***Let's see if I can help you with that.

I would have thought Kings and Queens should have been part of the Major Arcana and only as one King and one Queen, rather than one for each suit of the minor arcana.

***If I understand it correctly, the Major Arcana represent archetypes that are general, Court Cards (Kings and Queens either represent yourself or a mature individual in your life. A specific individual with those characteristics the suit refers to.

To relate and understand all the court cards (except perhaps the Pages) for me is still difficult. I find the interaction between these court cards to and with the other cards something not yet in tune with.

The best way to relate is to LOOOK AT YOUR CARD! LOOK AT THE IMAGE, MEDITATE ON IT, LOOK AT WHERE IT IS IN A SPREAD IN RELATION TO OTHER CARDS.  Clear your mind and don't overthink, let your intuition go to work. When you try to intellectualize it gets in the way of intuition.
Many times if you are doing a reading you won't know who this person is in relationship to the querent and will have to ask them, "who in your life does this remind you of?" Usually, they will know almost immediately. But sometimes it will take them a while to process and later on they will realize who it is.  Very often a King of Pentacles is an older man (a father figure or boss or benefactor) who is going to assist them in some way. The cards around will tell you with what.  If it's a Queen of Pentacles it would work the same way only be a woman.  If it refers to the querent it might be they that are in a position to assist someone else, or they are finally coming to maturity in the area of abundance, prosperity and financial issues. At least, that's the way I read it.

Hope this helps. Bhadra

Appreciate any comments anyone can make this issue.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:42 pm

Well my best comment must's was good to see you again Bhadra  :)

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Interpretation of King of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Bhadra » Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:12 pm

Thanks Rutobello, nice to see you too, cute avatar!


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Court cards

Post by cedars » Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:14 pm

Thank you for your detailed reply once again, Bhadra.
I thought the part where you described the main function of the Court cards was very beneficial to me. Thank you. Will refer to it until it sinks in.

The problem so far with me has been that I have only done readings for myself and I KNOW it is not the way to go on about things. I am immeidately put off or emotionally affected by doing readings for myself and intuition somehow runs out of the window. The few times I have done readings to friends, even those far away from me in a different country, I was quite impressed with it myself.

Is it true, or do you believe that one should not do readings for oneself?

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Re: Court cards

Post by Bhadra » Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:42 pm

cedars wrote:Thank you for your detailed reply once again, Bhadra.
I thought the part where you described the main function of the Court cards was very beneficial to me. Thank you. Will refer to it until it sinks in.

**Your welcome, don't try quite so hard to "make" it sink in, just allow (let) it sink in, it will in its own time.

The problem so far with me has been that I have only done readings for myself and I KNOW it is not the way to go on about things. I am immeidately put off or emotionally affected by doing readings for myself and intuition somehow runs out of the window.

***That's pretty common. Especially if you do one reading after another for yourself trying to find an answer or solution. Suggest you relax and not put so much pressure on yourself. Intuition is a funny thing, it only seems to work in a relaxed (Alpha) state of consciousness.  

The few times I have done readings to friends, even those far away from me in a different country, I was quite impressed with it myself.

***That should be a clue for you.  The difference in reading for others and reading for yourself is OBJECTIVITY! you aren't emotionally involved and can see clearly. Its a "too close to the forest to see the trees" sort of thing with reading for yourself. As long as you can remain objective, emotionally detached and relaxed the answers flow smoothly. When you tense up (because its soooo important to get this answer..or the answer you really want to eludes you)

Is it true, or do you believe that one should not do readings for oneself?
***There are differing opinions on this, I say it is great to do readings for yourself, but not too often and not one reading after another in a day to get information. And certainly not when you are stressed. My best advice would be to meditate with your cards in your lap for about half an hour before doing a reading if you are going to do one for yourself, then, take your time with it. Leave the cards sitting there for a while after initially looking at them and writing down your first impressions, go do something else. Then, come back later and casually glance at them. Notice what impressions you get and write them down. Then go off and do something else for a while and finally come back a third time and sit down and just sort of stare at the cards and the spread for a while, just sort of zone out, then refocus your eyes and notice any impressions you get. Write them down again. You might want to take one card at a time and focus on it. Use google if you need to to get possible interpretations if you are stuck on a card. Usually by the third time on the same reading you will have a clear understanding of what the cards are telling you and have all the "meat" out of the reading. The point is, you have to stay neutral and relaxed and take your time.   Above all, have fun with it, it isn't rocket science and there is no need to get over serious and all stressed out about it..  be patient with your learning process, you will learn in time.

If you are going to do readings for yourself I recommend you do them once a month, but not really more frequently than that unless you are going to do a daily morning reading just for guidance. I would much rather see you do a daily Norns (3 Rune) reading as it will be much better guidance for you and is always dead point accurate. Also using I Ching is extremely helpful.

Also, it may comfort you to know that even the best professional psychics I have worked with for over 20 years report that they can't read for themselves very well either. That's so we will always need one another and not get arrogant.

Usually your first impression will be the right one. Relax, enjoy, have fun and ask for a reading from someone you trust to validate what you get and give you reality checks.


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Tarot readings

Post by cedars » Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:41 pm

Hello Bhadra,
I cannot thank you enough for your inputs.
I knew I was drawn to the tarot cards for a reason and I have yet to find out or put it to practice. I thank you for your genuine guidance and am glad I wrote to the forum.
I will appreciate your guidance and inputs in the future which I am sure I will need.
Blessings to you.

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Re: Tarot readings

Post by Bhadra » Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:26 pm

cedars wrote:Hello Bhadra,
I cannot thank you enough for your inputs.
I knew I was drawn to the tarot cards for a reason and I have yet to find out or put it to practice. I thank you for your genuine guidance and am glad I wrote to the forum.
I will appreciate your guidance and inputs in the future which I am sure I will need.
Blessings to you.
Your very welcome, cedars, I'm glad I could be of service to you. I hope you discover in time why you have been attracted to this tool for guidance. I think as you begin reading more for others that clarity will come and you will see why so you can put it into practice. Be aware, though, that "why" is rarely a good question, because it is circular and rarely has an answer (expect the answer to be revealed experientially rather than intellectually) "how can I" is a much better question to ask and yields much clearer answers and results. I'm here (though I've just taken a new job so am much busier these days) if you need further guidance or assistance.

Blessings to you too

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