Cany anyone give correct prediction and suggestion

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Cany anyone give correct prediction and suggestion

Post by janakiraman » Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:41 am

Dear all,
    I would like to get a analysis of my DOB and my name. My name is not giving me any good results so far. Any good suggestion is welcome. I have seen so far around 5 numerlogists in chennai, but most of them are very good in plucking money from us,  but have not given any proper solution, since all the five opinions are different from each other. In the state of confusion, I thoguht of approaching this board.

   I will be thankful to them, if anyone gives me a full fledged and careful analysis of my name and give a valuable suggestion.

My DOB: 21-01-1966 Time:20:10 hrs, Place of birth : Vellore, tamilnadu, india

My name: N.Janakiraman

As per the education certificate, my DOB is 05-07-1965. above is the original date of birth.

Thanks and regards,


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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:15 am

Dear Janakiraman,

We need to know what the "N" in N.Janakiraman stands for...

love and rainbows


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Post by janakiraman » Tue May 01, 2007 4:51 pm

Dear Mlady Raka,
               N stands for Nandagopal. That is my initial.That is my father name. Sorry for belated reply.

with love and rainbows


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Post by Sorrow » Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

Dominant Impression  
Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Nandagopal"
conjures up in most people.

The name "Nandagopal" inspires trust, confidence, and security.  This name is grounded
and practical, and promotes steady progress and consistent effort.  "Nandagopal" makes
one feel that everything will be taken care of; you are in good hands.  Not a dreamer and
lacking imagination, this name represents integrity and stability.  It is comforting, a strong
foundation, and the bedrock of society.  It also reflects strong organizational skills and an
eye for detail.  It has a strong sense of structure.  Family-oriented.

The name "Nandagopal" reflects a rigid, inflexible atmosphere, which, however, is good
for some businesses, such as insurance, banks, accounting, and brokerage firms.

Most positive characteristics: Reliable, trustworthy.  Structured and disciplined.  Makes
steady progress.
Most negative characteristics: Rigid.   Lacks passion, creativity, and tolerance.

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the Dominant
Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read about the Vowel
Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The Vowel Vibration in "Nandagopal" reflects some of the best humanity has to offer:
idealism, self-sacrifice, generosity, moral strength, and, above all, a true love for all of
mankind.  The vowels reflect dreams of utopia, belief in the goodness of mankind, and
faith in the universe at large.  The vowels in the name "Nandagopal" enhance its ability to
attract people from all walks of life, all races and cultures, all religions and all schools.  
There is honor and respect for every human being.  Although the vowels in "Nandagopal" do not reflect financial strength in itself, they tend to attract resources of just about every
other kind: people, governments, institutions, even religious entities.
The vowels in "Nandagopal" can also reflect self-righteousness and arrogance.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered equally

The Base Vibration in "Nandagopal" reflects reliability and consistency.  It radiates trust,
efficiency, common sense, and a down-to-earth and practical nature.
One feels secure and in capable hands.  The base vibrations in "Nandagopal" radiate
strength, efficiency and dependability.  Family values and strong morals are also present.  
At the same time, the base vibrations make one feel that the name "Nandagopal"
represents a conventional, unimaginative temperament, even rigid and boring.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Nandagopal" don’t conflict, but don’t
strengthen each other either.  2 Stars.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration are similar.  Unless their attributes are
especially desirable, this should be avoided.  Otherwise, 4 stars.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations don’t conflict, but don’t strengthen each other either.  2

seems like good name to me
This is how your numerology chart looks like.
NJana01C.jpg (196.58 KiB) Viewed 3440 times
Last edited by Sorrow on Tue May 01, 2007 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sorrow » Tue May 01, 2007 8:45 pm

Dominant Impression  
Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Janakiraman"
conjures up in most people.

The name "Janakiraman" promotes optimism, inspiration, and enthusiasm.  It feels
cheerful, outgoing, and charming.  This name represents self-expression and
communication skills.  Its upward energy is a sign of tremendous creativity and all artistic
endeavors are empowered by its vibration.  The name "Janakiraman" attracts just about
everyone.  It carries great public relation and communication skills, and an innate ability
to charm the most cynical folks.
However, it lacks focus and discipline, can be a “happy-go-lucky spendthrift”, and can
give the impression of flightiness and instability.

Most positive characteristics: Upbeat, creative, capable communicator, inspiring,
uplifting.  Has sense of humor, draws creative and passionate people.
Most negative characteristics: Scattered energy, difficulty in finishing projects, unreliable.

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the Dominant
Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read about the Vowel
Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Janakiraman" add stability and a sense of trustworthiness.  They add
orderliness, organizational strength, discipline, an eye for detail, focus, and the ability to
stay the course no matter what.  Honesty and reliability are paramount.
The Vowel Vibration in "Janakiraman" adds strength to the Dominant Impression, not
unlike structural braces and cables in a building.  And, similarly, the vowels take away
some of the flexibility, which makes the name feel more rigid and secure.
However, the vowels in "Janakiraman" also take some of the spark away from the name - one might even call it boring.  In some cases, however, that becomes an asset,
especially when predictability and routine are required.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered equally

The Base Vibration in "Janakiraman" is one of the most powerful and impressive that any
set of base vibrations can produce.  It reflects extraordinary drive and determination.  It is
ambitious, highly competitive, and ruthless in its pursuit of goals.  It represents authority,
leadership, and an uncompromising desire to win.  This Base Vibration radiates
confidence and effectiveness.  The influence of the base vibrations in "Janakiraman" will
attract some of the strongest and most confident people, but at the same time, it will
push away pretty much anyone else.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Janakiraman" oppose and conflict.  1
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration though contrary, do not clash.  At times
they actually complement each other.  3 Stars.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations are compatible and complement each other.  4 Stars.

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Post by Mlady Raka » Tue May 01, 2007 8:53 pm

Dear Janakiraman,

I think Sorrow has given you a very comprehensive analysis of both your name (father's name) and your family name.

It looks to me as if you have enough positive elements there to work with, as long as you can manage to keep "Janakiraman" under control, and not let him become too carefree...

I think you have beautiful names and perhaps the reason for your bad luck does not lie in your names, but rather in other external factors which might influence you at present.

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Post by janakiraman » Thu May 03, 2007 5:36 am

Dear sorrow,
          Thanks a lot for your prediction and pains you have taken to analyse the name. Usually, I write my name as "N.JANAKIRAMAN" and put my signature also like that.

Is there any change in the letters required for consolidating the positive energy and to be productive in career and life?

If you could guide me, I will be grateful to you,

once again my profuse thanks to you,


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Post by janakiraman » Thu May 03, 2007 5:41 am

Dear Mlady Raka,
    Thank you for your effort, guidance and help. I understood the points. I pray to almighty to give you more strength and power to help people like me.

love and rainbows to you too


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full fledged report

Post by joy » Thu May 03, 2007 5:45 am

Perhaps you are not clear in your expectations?
What length of a repprt are you expecting (#pages)?
Which of numerous parts did you want covered? Inner Dream? Lfe Path? Karma? etc.
You have to specify or ask the prospective reader to provide a list of options.

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Post by janakiraman » Thu May 03, 2007 12:17 pm

Dear Joy.
       I am interested in knowing the career path. Bcos, inspite of my best efforts and skills, I couldn't thrive. This is due to external factors such as current family situation etc. So, that is my main question.



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Post by Sorrow » Thu May 03, 2007 5:03 pm

   The Pinnacles are four long-term cycles, or periods, on our Life Path.  Each Pinnacle
represents a particular lesson we are working on.  The first Pinnacle usually lasts from
birth to between the ages of 30 and 35 (your specific Pinnacle periods are provided
below).  The middle two Pinnacles each last nine years.  The last Pinnacle will stay with
you for the remainder of your life.
   The Pinnacles are very important.  The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is
always strongly felt.  Your Pinnacles reveal the general conditions and events you will
experience during the period.  The Pinnacle describes the atmosphere, or the essential
challenge you will be faced with.
   You can prepare yourself for the times ahead by knowing your approaching Pinnacle
   The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is usually prepared for approximately 2
years in advance.  The latter part of that two year period is particularly strong.  
Nandagopal, you will likely make some life-altering decisions -- marriage, job or career
change, or any number of major changes in your character.
   Perhaps the most strongly felt change -- internally as well as externally -- is the
transition from the first to the second Pinnacle.  This change usually takes place in your
late 20s or early 30s -- the exact date depends on your Life Path number and is provided
below.  You begin to feel the impact of this coming change approximately two years prior.  
This is usually a difficult transition, but once crossed usually provides a clear sense of
direction in one's life.  It also gives you a much firmer sense of your identity.  It is a
gateway to maturity.

Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 28) is 4  
   This is a Pinnacle of hard work and many rewards.  Nandagopal, you have the
opportunity to build a foundation that will last.  Your abilities as an organizer, manager, or
simply the rock of any institution are greatly increased.  You are dependable and reliable.  
Your ability to fulfill responsibilities is likewise enhanced.
   As a result of your industry and perseverance, success is well within your reach.  It is
a step-by-step process in which you build something by small bricks laid one after
   You will find yourself caring for others in a very material way.  Family and in-laws can
be burdensome, since you are seen as the cornerstone of the foundation.
   Your life is preoccupied with details and responsibilities that must be taken care of.  
You have set in motion projects that are your children, demanding your constant
attention.  While there are many rewards, there are also many frustrations.  Nandagopal,
your sense of your own limits and the consuming nature of details may at times seem
overwhelming. You must remember that things that last require slow growth.  
You may mistakenly believe that your progress should be faster,
or happen with greater ease.
   The need for efficiency, orderliness, and methodical systems limit your creativity.
   Your challenge is to be flexible and adaptable.  Learn to play more and allow yourself to
be more spontaneous.
   Children born under this Pinnacle will tend to be serious and affected by the financial
limitations of their parents.  The child may feel the need to leave home early and start a
family of his own.  He or she must be encouraged to be more farsighted and flexible.  
The child should avoid jumping into the harsh realities of life too soon.

Your Second Pinnacle (from age 29 until age 37) is 7  
   This is a period of inner development and soul searching.  Nandagopal, you will deal
with the deeply important questions of personal existence and the meaning of life.  You
will need time to be alone to contemplate your inner world.  This is a time of spiritual
growth.  You will experience a heightened sense of faith.  The power of the universe will
be the force that carries you along.
   You have an enhanced appreciation of poetry and nature.  Walks in nature provide
great therapeutic value and spiritual nourishment.
   This is a time of specialization.  You will pursue some course of development with
fervor and focus.  Your ability to concentrate will be greatly increased.  Nandagopal, your
desire to study in all forms -- reading, self reflection, and contemplation -- will reach an
all-time high.  Your intuition is much more sensitive, making your path a little easier and
more direct, since you know intuitively the appropriate next step.
   Under this Pinnacle, you will become an expert in one particular field.  Your capacity to
penetrate the depths of a subject area is enormous.  You will look below the surface in
virtually everything you encounter.  It is very possible that you will find yourself in a
teaching role.
   You must consciously work on your closer relationships, especially with your spouse
and children.  You must explain that your desire to turn inward is not an escape or an
avoidance of those you love, but a deep need for knowledge.
   During this 7 Pinnacle, spiritual growth, increased knowledge, and wisdom are the big
rewards.  The 7 Pinnacle provides the basis for contentment in older age, because you
now begin to understand life more deeply.
   Nandagopal, your challenge is to avoid becoming critical or cynical of others.  You can
become so withdrawn from society that you look down on others.  You may forget that
you, too, are part of the imperfect human race.  Sarcasm is the lowest form of
communication, and a trap you could fall victim to.
   Your desire to attain some high degree of perfection is sincere.  But that pursuit can
make you miserable if you lose perspective and fail to realize the relativity of human
existence.  Perfection is a Utopian goal, but an unrealistic ambition.  It can cause you to
be dissatisfied with yourself and others.
   The 7 provides the possibility of true refinement, insight, and a high degree of wisdom.  
This deep understanding is the basis for self-love and true happiness.

Your Third Pinnacle (from age 38 until age 46) is 11  
   This is a challenging period in which you are at a high point of sensitivity and intuition.  
There is so much going on in your psyche that you can suffer much confusion over
direction and identity.  On the other hand, there is a wide open channel between the
personal consciousness and the higher realms of the unconscious.  Nandagopal, you
are constantly being inspired and even assaulted by information and insight.
   Because of the intensity of these revelations, you must learn to ground your life in faith
and a practical vocation that keeps your feet on the ground everyday.
   This is a period of enormous spiritual and personal growth.  You will come out of it with
a highly uncommon clarity and understanding of life.  At the same time, it is a period of
enormous demands, emotionally and spiritually.  Any attachment you might have to
specific identity traits -- who you think you are and why you are here, for example -- is
constantly challenged.
   There is a desire to settle into some field or way of life to attain stability, but the energy
of this Pinnacle is not allowing it.  It is as if there is a destination, or destiny, to which you
are being driven.  You do not feel in control of this process.  Instead, you are acutely
aware of the forces that are shaping your life.  You must surrender to them.
   Meanwhile, you experience the emotional turmoil that can come with this highly
charged period.
   There is a definite, even compelling, sense of being different.  You are aware of a
feeling of receiving special attention from spiritual forces.  Your perception of life is
somehow more acute than others; you see more clearly and more spiritually due to your
high degree of sensitivity.  It is as if you have a perfectly accurate peripheral vision, in
which everything stands out in sharp relief.  At times you may feel that you can see into
the souls of things.
   At the same time, you may feel like a foreigner to the earth.  You are completely
impractical.  Sometimes you may feel that you do not understand the workings of the
physical world.  Practical things escape you.  You feel awkward and clumsy at times,
and are aware perhaps how fluidly other lives are going.  This increases your sense of
being an outsider.
   Nandagopal, more important than all the awkwardness and feelings of being different
is the overwhelming sense of having a purpose or a message to reveal that will make
other people's lives happier, healthier, and more at peace.  You want desperately to bring
this out.
   The challenge of the 11 Pinnacle is to remain grounded and attached to this dream.  
You must find practical and useful ways to be of service to others, at the same time
developing yourself so that one day you may be able to bring forth that which is within
   The influences of this period make you highly creative, innovative, and inventive.  
You have a completely unconventional approach to problems.  Trust your intuition, seek
harmonious settings to restore your sense of inner peace, and work hard to keep your
feet on the ground.  This period will bring great rewards on all levels, and with
perseverance you will find your rightful place.

Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 47) is 5  
   This is a period that will teach the realities of freedom and expansion.  Nandagopal,
you will travel great distances, meet many new and interesting people, experience many
adventures, and essentially come to know the world.  You are in a period of accelerated
experimentation and learning.  Experience is your teacher.
   Your ability with words is greatly increased.  You can write and speak with ease.  You
are also able to successfully promote yourself.  In fact, this is the source of much
adventure; new opportunities for work, travel, and exotic experiences present themselves
with regularity.
   Your challenge is to prevent yourself from becoming a rolling stone.  You need to
ground yourself in a particular discipline, career, or relationship.  This will not limit your
freedoms so much as give you a base for operation.  Otherwise, you may find yourself
skipping from one meaningless job to the next, one superficial relationship after another.  
You can also fall victim to the abuse of food, alcohol, sex, or drugs.
   Nandagopal, you may fear being anchored or tied down, which can cause you to skim
the surface of a pursuit you enjoy, or important relationships.
   You must come to know the true meaning of freedom, which is unconditional love.  
You give your love and energy without the condition of holding on to a place, a person, or
an occupation; and you expect the same in return -- to be loved for what you are, rather
than someone who belongs to another.  There is a highly spiritual path offering itself that
requires detachment without loss of love.
   Many turn away from this and instead choose to maintain a superficial relationship with
the world, or with other people.
   You must cultivate your talents, especially your verbal and writing abilities.  You are
likely a gifted salesperson, or promoter.
   You must accept limitations as a necessary base for your freedom.  Freedom cannot
exist without limitations, otherwise you would be without identity, and without existence.

   Like most stories, there are three great divisions of our lives: the First, or opening
period, finds us groping to find our true nature; at the same time, we are trying to cope
with the powerful forces that are present in our environment, our parents and the
socio-economic conditions of our family, for example.  The Second Cycle, or middle
period of our lives, brings about the slow emergence of our individual and creative
talents.  The initial part of this cycle -- the early and mid 30s --
represents a struggle to find our place in the world, while the late 30s, 40s, and early 50s,
sees us with a greater
degree of self-mastery and influence over the environment.  The Third, or final Cycle, can
represent a flowering of our inner being, such that our true nature has finally come to
fruition.  It is during this period that one has the greatest degree of self-expression and

Your First Cycle (from birth until age 28) is 1  
   This is a period of much intensity.  It requires fortitude, courage, and flexibility.  
Nandagopal, you will be forced to use every one of your talents in order to achieve your
own personal individuality and independence.  This is a period of integration and a
focusing on your life's dream.  Your grip on your direction will be tested, but somehow the
resources are available to overcome any obstacle and emerge from this time all the
stronger.  It is a time requiring independence, resilience, and strength, but these
characteristics become integral part of your personality.  This cycle marks a time of

Your Second Cycle (from age 29 until age 55) is 3  
   A time of heightened self expression and much social support.  Any ability you
possess in the arts, especially in writing, acting, or dance, will be brought to new heights
and meet with much reward.  Nandagopal, you are socially active as never before.  You
will appear to others as charming, attractive, and even charismatic.  Be careful not to
waste your energies on too many superficial projects or relationships, however.  The
time requires discipline and focus in order to make the most of the great upward energy
that is filling your life.

Your Third and last Cycle (from age 56) is 22  
   A time of enormous potential for establishing some lasting institution or teaching that
will greatly benefit others.  Nandagopal, you have the ability to perceive something in the
archetypal world and make it manifest in the earth.  Your abilities as a builder, organizer,
and visionary are at a peak.  You are able to perceive a deep need in people and to
create a constructive and practical plan to fulfill that need.  You will be forced to commit
yourself entirely to the work at hand.  For many, this dream will last a lifetime and require
every ounce of energy and every bit of talent.  It is an all-consuming role that beckons,
but one that will provide the greatest sense of personal accomplishment and reward.  
You are able to make a lasting contribution to the well-being of humanity.

I hope this can give you guidance.


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Post by janakiraman » Fri May 04, 2007 2:57 am

Dear sorrow,
       Thank you very much for the lengthy, deep and well analysed guidance.



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