Books that delve into the hearts and minds of ourselves and each other...

Have you recently read a good book which you would recommend to others? Have you come across a book which put you to sleep? Discuss and review the book here.

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Books that delve into the hearts and minds of ourselves and each other...

Post by middi1 » Tue May 08, 2007 4:57 am

Books that delve into the hearts and minds of ourselves and each other...

Clive Barker, is mainly know for his “Horror” novels, and films, but of his works, I find that:

“The Great and Secret Show” (the 1st book of the “Art”) and “Everville” (2nd book of the “Art), are two books that really make your think, see, and question everything around you.  I’m not talking about “paranoia” (lol), I’m talking about, reading people, really trying to understand people, and how they relate to your life’s situation.

I’ve been told the following: “People come into your life for a Reason and a Season”. This is self explanatory, and I wasn’t feeling it at first.  But the more I read, and reflect on my life, I found this statement to be very true.

These 2 novels, and others like them, not only entertain, and totally immerse you in whole new worlds, where you can see the colors, and characters vividly and crystal clear.  They challenge your mind, your though process, your reasoning.  The majority of the time, we see only ourselves, care about only ourselves...we forget to see the others around us..the things around us that we will miss and never see again.  The opportunities we past by because we didn’t see and didn’t think.

Pick up a book, expand your mind, encourage others to do the same.

Thank You.

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Post by swetha » Tue May 08, 2007 6:32 am

i will look him up the next i go book shopping:)
but certain books do get u thinking! and then u start questioning urself:)

"People come into your life for a Reason and a Season" --- this is so true:)

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Post by BamaMystic » Fri May 11, 2007 3:25 am

You have reminded to open my eyes up around me more often. I know sometimes focus does become only on what is going on in my life so I will have to add those books to my list of to reads ;)

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