Tarot on Money!

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Tarot on Money!

Post by Blugoddess » Mon May 07, 2007 1:27 pm

Hello my I please get a tarot reading? My question is What do I need to recieve the money that I feel I will be getting soon?

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Post by robbie71 » Mon May 07, 2007 5:05 pm

Can i ask what question is it you wanted to ask the tarot?

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Post by Blugoddess » Tue May 08, 2007 3:03 am

I feel I wil be coming into some money very soon. Within a few months. I would like to know if you see this in the cards and some info about what I need to do if this is seen.

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Post by robbie71 » Tue May 08, 2007 1:13 pm


I picked out for you, few cards i got the king of pentacles, knight swords, ace pentacles.
So i do think there is money on the way, but i get a feeling of some sort of hold up or delay with regards to this. i also feel dont be careless with money, can i ask are you doing some study at the moment?  i feel there maybe some adivce or help from a older male around you.
There even feels there maybe movement around you, i also feel i am drawn to property or something to do with a home with you, it does feel though that things are set to change for you, you have to think with what you want to do in a very practical manner, and dont back down with what you believe in.
Autumn time seems strong for you...
if you want me to pick anymor elet me know.

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Post by Blugoddess » Wed May 09, 2007 12:16 am

Those are basically the same feelings I get. Right now I am not really studying but training myself to be open and understanding the meanings to the messages that I often recieve. My fiancee is 19yrs my elder and we are extremly interested in owning some land. We are kind of obsessed about it. You are right on the money and have confirmed my feelings, I would love it if you could pull a few more cards for me. Thank you!!!!

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Post by robbie71 » Wed May 09, 2007 1:23 pm

So are you thinking of moving then? things may take bit longer with your plans, but also dont rush in to things, do look at the bigger picture, when i said study, it feels like you are in a big learning period, there are changes coming up for you, with regards to land owning, dont rush in to the first thing that comes your way, do keep a eye out for the small print, there feels choices are coming so do be wise, and when the money does arrive do spend it carefully, i feel you need to do some research, there is a closing the door of one situation and a opening of another, i just think you need to not rush..
can i ask is there children around you? moving away seem sstrong around you also..
But i do feel that doors will be opening up but also be careful who you do your business with,move on from negative people.
let me know if you want to know more.

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Post by Blugoddess » Thu May 10, 2007 11:53 am

Again thanks. I would like to move but haven't any funds to do so. I am pregnant and I have a daughter about to turn 5 in June. She will be going away for the summer. Hopefully. If you can pull some more cards I will appreciate it.

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Post by robbie71 » Thu May 10, 2007 1:12 pm


I just think with you it's all about taking things easy at the moment, it seems as we get far deeper in the year there are choices coming, plans and ideas that you have for your future do seem strong around you; at present someone needs to watch there step not rush in to things, it could also mean watch yourself when you are rushing around so you dont trip up.
Movement will happen for you not just yet but its coming.
Novemeber is another month i get for you, there could be alot going on..

I picked you the angel card "Isaiah" which is all about bith of new ideas and new situations coming your way, so you may at times feel uneasy or confused, just hold on in there for after things seem to open up around you.
Are you planning a holiday or trip? as this came up around you; also i drawn to a car so not sure if someone is thinking of changing a car or has trouble with a car..
hope this ok
if u want any more, do let me know..

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Post by Blugoddess » Sun May 13, 2007 1:19 pm

You are really good at this. You have no idea how you have helped me.  I am taking my daughter to NY, where we moved from, God willing. We are having car trouble. I don't want to take up much more of your energy but I have one last question. Can the cards tell you what sex my baby will be? Thank you and may God and light be with you!

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Post by robbie71 » Sun May 13, 2007 1:48 pm

Thank you for your message, any time you need some advice, do just let me know, with regards to your baby, i feel like it maybe the opposite to what you feel it is, if this makes any sense..
you have good energy around, dont let others take it away..
remember to put your feet up and relax..
i do sense further for you later on in life travel seems strong around you..
You take care
in love and light.....

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