Controlling Telekenisis

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Controlling Telekenisis

Post by WanderingSoul » Fri May 11, 2007 5:06 am

Well, like I stated in my 'hello' post, I've been searching for help on how to be able to control my inert ability of telekensis.

I have already experienced accidental telekensis five times so far, all from situations that I have used LOGIC to actually figure out but could not logically create a solution as to why these objects spontaniously have moved themselves.

Let my just begin by stating my first experience so maybe we can establish a basis. The shower has always been a very spiritual and relaxing place for me, a place for relaxation and somewhat deep thought. I've meditated in the shower, I've slept standing in the shower, I just love steam and hot water. Now, I'm standing in my shower as usual and figuring that I'm wasting the precious city alot of water and that I should be doing what everyone else does, washing myself. I stand in the center of the shower with my eyes close, and just imagine myself walking over to get the bar of soap that is on a ledge, completely away from the stream of water and out of my reach - many times like we imagine ourselves getting out of bed but really just fall asleep and snooze 15 more minutes in the morning when the alarm clock rings. Suddenly, I hear the bar of soap drop. I open my eyes, and I see it on the floor of the bathtub, moved a good clean 5 feet away from where it originally was on it's ledge. I think, maybe the soap just had some build up of water and slid off and fell. I shirk it off, close my eyes again and step forward a step or two in the shower and just begin relaxing again. I think about having to pick up the soap and getting my lufus sponge to wash myself (again I worry about what I should be doing), and the entire rack of washing stuff just flys around in the shower and hits me. I look down, see all of the bottles of shampoo, sponges, and assorted crap now laying all over the floor of the shower. Theoretically, the rack should not have been able to do this unless you pick it up and then turn it, so it would not cling to the sides of the bathtub. At this point, I begin getting a little freaked out, and my soap begins to skid around on the floor of the bathtub as I'm staring at it. It zips past behind me, then I just shut out all thought and it stops moving. I stop being freaked out and then just try to breathe normally and place everything back where it was. I try to visualize myself grabbing the soap again like last time, but now it doesn't move. It just sits in place, mocking me.

The next experience would be when my friend came over my house. We were going up my staircase and all of a sudden, all of the shoes from the second floor came flying down the staircase. No one was home except me, so naturally no one could have thrown the shoes down the staircase, nor could they have physically moved themselves and thrown themselves down the staircase. As we began ascending the stairs again, I watched my little brother's scooter move from leaning against the wall, ride forward an inch, then fall down on the floor on the side. My friend was staring at my wide-eyed and I just shrugged and we continued onward up to my house.

This accounts for all five I believe.

Now, it occurs to me that all of these events have happened subconciously, I subconciously moved all of these objects without knowing I did, and I'd like to find out how I could harnass this ability to do it conciously, or willingly.

Thanks for any future advice.

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Post by Paranormal » Sat May 12, 2007 3:51 pm

I'm not "experienced", I can't make a measly psi ball, but I am knowledgeable.First,I believe you went into whats called alpha or meditative state, which is when your brain waves lower and you can concentrate more clearly.But this doesn't explain the shoes.And since Psychokineses is a very advanced form of energy manipulation  you might have some kind of "gift".You should try basic energy manipulation, Psipog. net is where I started. has some good links, try psionic dojo and psi world.Good luck!

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Post by WanderingSoul » Sun May 13, 2007 1:25 am

Paranormal wrote:I'm not "experienced", I can't make a measly psi ball, but I am knowledgeable.First,I believe you went into whats called alpha or meditative state, which is when your brain waves lower and you can concentrate more clearly.But this doesn't explain the shoes.And since Psychokineses is a very advanced form of energy manipulation  you might have some kind of "gift".You should try basic energy manipulation, Psipog. net is where I started. has some good links, try psionic dojo and psi world.Good luck!
I just attempted doing a psi ball and there was an enormous amount of energy between my hands, so much so that it was actually pushing my hands back as I tryed to make the psi ball denser and denser. It felt like I had two magnets in between my hands, and trying to push them together felt almost impossible. When I couldn't hold it anymore, I threw my psi ball at a can of axe that was sitting on my table that fell down off of my table and onto my carpet.  :smt107

Edit: I tried pushing my cell phone around with psi-balls, and it's worked.. it's so unbelievable that I had to take a video of it.. Every time I moved it, I would get freaked out, but with the excitement, the cell phone would stop moving itself.

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Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 11:36 am

Ooooh psi balls, and throwing them at things? Why not try and use that energy for a more gentle purpose and one that helps others? Energy can be a very destructive force and I hope I don't end up sounding like 'Obi Wan' here but "don't turn to the dark side!"

Use the energy you can control and call on for good, try investigating healing rather than destruction, Look at Reiki therapies and Qi Gong, investigate quantum holography. With talents such as yours please be responsible and throwing psi balls around with the wrong intent can be very dangerous!

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Post by WanderingSoul » Mon May 14, 2007 4:15 am

Gem wrote:Ooooh psi balls, and throwing them at things? Why not try and use that energy for a more gentle purpose and one that helps others? Energy can be a very destructive force and I hope I don't end up sounding like 'Obi Wan' here but "don't turn to the dark side!"

Use the energy you can control and call on for good, try investigating healing rather than destruction, Look at Reiki therapies and Qi Gong, investigate quantum holography. With talents such as yours please be responsible and throwing psi balls around with the wrong intent can be very dangerous!
I don't want to hurt anyone  :smt009

I was just looking for a way to control my energy, and it seems that I have such an abundant amount (either that or I'm good at drawing energy from the source I've been using: The Sun)  :)

I'm mostly still experimenting, but I'm not an evil soul at heart, because I believe that if I would not be as good natured as I am, I'd be unable to do any of these things. Sort of a 'safe-guard' against evil, disallowing those that wish to harm others from performing feats that would allow them to do as such.  :smt051

As for actually being hit by one of my psi balls, if it kicked an axe can over, I'd say that the maximum damage it could inflict would be equalvalent to being hit by a paintball perhaps.  :smt002

And as for healing, I'm actually afraid to try because I might mess up somehow and actually maim the person instead of helping them.

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Post by Gem » Mon May 14, 2007 12:56 pm

Hi Wandering Soul, :)

I really feel you should investigate further, reiki is the easiest to find out about, and it uses energy to heal and help others.  Energy balls, although you might think knocking over a can is nothing, could inflict a great deal of power, and damage the energy flow of the body or the aura or the meridians. So please investigate further, if you would like any help let me know :)

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Post by WanderingSoul » Wed May 16, 2007 12:09 am

My Psi Balls became visible today. I took some photographs of them, and they look ALOT like the energy source I am using for them.  :smt103



And then releasing the psi ball and letting the energy dissipate.

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Post by gigihealys » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:05 am

that's great! I've had a lot of problems with telekenesis and telepathy. Learning to control it is always tough, but it's a great way to set yourself apart from others. Congratulations on your gift, and I hope you find a way to master it.

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