Could do with a hug

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Could do with a hug

Post by Deucalion » Thu May 17, 2007 3:38 pm

My problems seem trivial compared to most, but they're big to me.  Moved here to this town 2 yrs ago with my partner cause he was working here and didn't like the daily drive.  That meant leaving the town I'd lived in all my life and my sister who is my best friend.  I don't find it easy to make friends cause I'm rather shy.  I love living here, (we're by the sea) but since we've been here I've found it impossible to get work, which means I'm stuck on my own all day with no one to talk to.  Also the flat we live in is an attic flat and it's like being in a tower.  Movings not an option at the moment.  Feeling really lonely and down.  My partner does his best to understand how I feel, but he can't really and he gets angry when he comes home from work and I'm miserable.  Think I'm beginning to go stir crazy cause I find myself talking to the cat as if he's a person!

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Post by Samson » Thu May 17, 2007 4:27 pm

Here you are my friend, I'm giving you a Samson HUG.

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Post by Evie » Thu May 17, 2007 4:48 pm

Hello Deucalion :smt006


Your problem is not trival... not at all. Not only are you homesick, You are more than just
"rather shy" hun ... you are VERY shy. No wonder you are lonely and depressed. Awwww

Your partner isn't angry, it just looks that way. You are counting on this person for all your
happiness. They are worried and anxious.... not knowing how to make you happier.
Not finding a job is so hard too, feeling dependant really sucks.  :smt009 I know! Your self confidence
is probably suffering too.

In the meantime until you do find work consider  doing volunteer work... it feels *good
to do something for others, and it will get you out of your lonely tower, could help to lift your
depression and besides you never know... someone will notice you .... someone who  will not
be too shy to approach you.  :smt004


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Post by robbie71 » Thu May 17, 2007 4:56 pm


sending you a big hug..
i hope things start to improve for you..
keep smiling...

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BIG hug

Post by lunarcraft » Thu May 17, 2007 5:50 pm

Hello Deucalion

I am sending you a HUGE hug that I hope will help you to feel better.

I live by the seaside in the West Country and it is absolutely beautiful around here at the moment - nature is really showing herself in all her wonderful splendour.

Which part of the country are you in?  It would be wicked if you were close to me ... if you are, perhaps we could get together????

Bright Blessings and very best wishes


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You guys are great

Post by Deucalion » Fri May 18, 2007 2:06 pm

Thanks so much for your hugs guys, they really made me feel good.  It's weird that you should mention voluntary work evie, cause just this morning i saw that one of the local museums were looking for volunteers and thought i might give it a go!  It would be nice if i were in your part of the country lunarcraft, but I'm in North Norfolk.  It is lovely at this time of year, and the weather (except for the last week) has been great.
Thanks also to robbie71 and samson. :)

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in need of a hug...

Post by Phoenixx Charmed » Fri May 18, 2007 3:53 pm

I so know what what you mean about feeling disconnected.... I talk to my dog like she's a person! I mean she is in our family, but I really miss people conversations. I am trying to get my degree online right, I am at home by myself all the time, my husband works the oilfield so he's away alot, and we live way out in the country around people that I would rather not associate with or have completely different ideas and thoughts than I do. We are also having a family crisis of sorts that we are dealing with, so my children are not in hte house right now! I have depression and that is just making the matter more complex! But I am sending you a HUGE HUG and lots LOVE! Hope things turn brighter soon! Hang in there!

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more hugs

Post by silverphoenixwillow » Sun May 20, 2007 7:59 am

i do know a little how you feel,, i have moved 3000 miles away from my kids and grandbabies,,,,haven't seen them since october,,,,,my boyfriend works all day and i also am stuck at home all day,,,,we have cats,,lol,, that keep me company,,,,we are jusst north of san franciso,,so i walk to the bay,,to meditate,,,,it helps,, but when you sit down and watch Sharktales and cry , because its your grandaughters favorite movie to watch with grandma, and out of the blue, you get a call and its her,, you know, that no matter how far you are apart,,they are always near in the heart
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Another hug

Post by Oldfartcoza » Sun May 20, 2007 2:15 pm

Deucalion, you are supposed to talk to the cat ... and to yourself: where else are you going to get any intelligent conversation? You're Aquarius, remember - and that's just how we are!
I'm a little older than you and also cooped up - I haven't been out for about four years now. You see, my wife and I run a shop and if we both leave, our dogs will go crazy. We have ten dogs, massive creatures, to protect us. Here in South Africa crime is rampant: I've been held up at gunpoint twice so far, once with my wife at my side, the other time she was in the back with the dogs, but we escaped with no injuries.
I taught myself computer skills; am learning to play the guitar and keyboards; am writing a book; have made some drawings for a few inventions I hope to build soon ... I just don't have enough time to get lonely. Okay, my wife is here with me all day long, but I hardly see her because she has her garden, birds (she has aviaries) and the dogs and cats (we have three) to keep her busy. Nevertheless, we haven't had a holiday for eleven years and we have no friends, because we can't go out to visit them and they are all terrified of our dogs.
I'm not worse off than you - in fact, you could put me on a desert island and as long as I have paper, pens and pencils, I reckon I could go for a year without feeling lonely, because, after all, I have me.  
     Now sit down, close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Draw your attention inward and concentrate on the spot between your eyes, from the inside. Do you hear that heartbeat? Can you hear the breathing? That's me. My arms are going around you now, tightening - and my cheek is against yours. You can have those hugs whenever you want them.
Old Fart.

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Post by suzisco » Sun May 20, 2007 2:31 pm

thats an amazing hug old fart (love the name).
Fantastic piece of advice too.


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Post by Delphina » Wed May 30, 2007 3:02 am

[[[A BIG Hug for You]]]

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Post by symulhaque » Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:47 am

Don't get worried my dear friend. A big hug for you. thank you for posting.

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