Cleansing crystals

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Cleansing crystals

Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 12:32 pm

Some people say that certain high vibrational crystals don't ever need cleansing because they never accumulate any negative energy? Beds of citrine or amethyst are said to be self healing or to cleanse other crystals that are placed on them.

Do crystals really hold negative energies? What is a negative energy? Are they just 'unwanted' energies or memories?

How do you tell when a crystal needs cleansing? Or don't they need it?

Do you really understnad what cleansing is and how it differs from earthing, grounding, clearing or cleaning?

What do you all think?

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Post by LibB » Wed May 23, 2007 8:50 am

Hi Gem, I'm interested in learning how to cleanse crystals. My real interest though is programming them. How to overcome negative energy while programming and programming them properly to the best advantage of me.
Thankyou for your help. If you like I can make a new post for this subject.
About cleansing I have a crystal book, but love the discussions as well. I understand that crystals need different methods of cleansing. Is this true?

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Post by Gem » Wed May 23, 2007 12:49 pm

LibB, you may be shocked here, but my view on programming crystals is that it is totally unecessary and rather arrogant of any human being to think that they can tell a crystal what to do or how to act, or what is the best way for it to use it's energy!

I don't programme, I never have and never will, and I certainly don't teach it in any of my classes, although many have questions about it. I explain my views and the way I use crystals. I find the crystal that is right for the job rather than trying to force my will on one that isn't right. I teach this as part of 'crystal harmonics' and the 'inner crystal'.

Now, all that said, dedication is different. Many people get programming and dedication confused. Dedicating a crystal for healing or for the common good is totally different imho.

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Post by awejusoh » Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:21 pm

Hi Gem, I am new to this forum. Anyway, I agree with you about the cleansing. I always refer to the book "The Power of Stone" by Edith..... for cleansing technique. That's only for my customers. For personal use, honestly I have never cleaned it myself. Even without programming and cleansing most crystals work well for my family especially my two kids.

When they have fever, I give them pearl or jade. They will wear turquoise if they cough and so on. It works WITHOUT cleansing!!

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Post by Gem » Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:51 pm

Hi awejusoh, welcome to Mystic Board :)

If you don't cleanse your crystals then they won't last as long and some may even break and crack. I wonder if you subconsciously cleanse them when you place them and use them?

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Post by MarcoAZS » Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:55 pm

hi gem :),

Well for me its a little different. I dont belive that there are good and bad energy, let me explain it to you.
For me there is energy and when we feel "bad energy" its because some place or someone have less energy than us, and with nature law of balance we give energy to it, so we feel bad energy.
Now "good energy" is when you are receiving energy from someone or some place.
I hope that helps you :)

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Post by Gem » Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:14 pm

Oh I agree Marco :)  and nice to see you here :)

The fact still remains that crystals do need cleansing but more than that they need 'earthing', for they pick up a lot of electrostatic energies and this can cause problems, like the sparks we can give off when walking on man made carpets and then touching a metal door handle.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:35 pm

yeah I agree with you, otherwise they would only be losing an energy and would never recieve :)

as in I-ching earth is the eletromagnetic, and metal urges from that :)

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Post by Gem » Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:22 pm

:) your smile seems to hide hidden depths of knowledge :)

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:34 am

I work with Crsytals everyday with Clients, in the store I work in, and for us,  we always suggest you cleanse the crystals of everyone's touch, so  ask the Spirit of the Crystal to be cleanse and please could the intent of the Crystal be the right one for you.... you ask wit repsect and thank the Spirit of Crystal for sending you Positive Healing vibrations........
YOu never demand and you never expect, because sometimes what you want and what you need are 2 different things........
Hope this gives readers of these messages boards something to think about....
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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:19 am

crystals only fracture if the get astrally attacked by negative energy of beings or if you care less with them
a propperlty crystal on its own can facilitate removal of negative energy of you body some amplifly the light frequencies naturally  i wouldnt want to build my ballance arround that
Crystal matrixs are power centers think like constelations
essentually you can task a crystal to funtion for you ie a catylast for astral entitiy communication
this serves the rock function of holding and emmiting a light lesser being to be used
crystals are sentient beings that experience the world arround them  a true crystal can negate energy i agree
also to the extent that i can give positive vibrations


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Post by thewitchescoven » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:24 am

This is the infomation i give my customers when they dont know how to use there crystals this may be of some help for you

General Cleansing Infomation

It is recommended that you cleanse your crystals before use. However it is not necessary for Amethyst, Citrine & Kyanite. Two of the simplest methods of cleansing are placing crystals on an Amethyst cluster for 12 - 24 hours or out in the light of a full moon. Other methods include smudging eg. sandalwood, sage incense. Place in a stream, spring lake or out in the rain, * Not recommended for selenite.  Bury in the earth for 3 days soak in flowers eg. rose petals, orange blossom, honeysuckle for 24 hours. Energize crystals in the sun. *please note it is not not recommended that crystals be cleansed in sea salt or rock salt solution as salt crystals can enter the crystal via fracture and imperfections and ultimately damage the crystal.

General Programming Infomation

Take the crystal in your left hand, cover with your right hand imagine all your energy entering the crystal for the purpose of what you are programming the crystal for.

As crystals have many uses it is necessary to program them for the specific pourpose for witch you intend to use them.

All crystals should be sent love and blessed.

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Post by Gem » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:32 pm

thewitchescoven wrote: As crystals have many uses it is necessary to program them for the specific pourpose for witch you intend to use them.

All crystals should be sent love and blessed.
Why do you think that? The crystal knows far better than a simple human what to do. There is no need to program them at all, just choose the right crystal for the right job :)

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Post by thewitchescoven » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:00 am

programing is the prosess of instructing the energies of the crystal in the method in which to use its qualities for transformation, stability and atunement, as many people know some crystals have many diffrent pourposes how does the crystal know what to do if you dont ask it?, its like any form if you want it to help you how does it know how to help you if you dont direct it to help you?. This is what i believe any ways! :smt003

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:11 am

I suppose again I am different lol  When I was originally told about cleansing crystals and stones, I wasn't told to use other stones or any of the other methods I read about in these posts.  I was told to hold it and envision a waterfall falling onto it and through it.  That the waterfall would take any "negative" or "bad" energy or anything else that was attached to it that should not be there.

I have to admit, this has worked for me in the little work I do do with crystals, as I have never had a problem.  I suppose what it comes down to is what you have trained yourself to do and what they allow you to do to them.  When I charge objects (not stones and crystals) I can easily discharge it just by placing my thumb on it, because I trained my energy to do just that. :)

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