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Post by Gem » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:21 pm


This short course is designed to help people choose or make a Pendulum and learn the basics of how to use and interpret the answers.

What is a Pendulum?

A Pendulum is an object suspended from a point and allowed to swing freely.

-A tool that can be used for communicating with our deeper consciousness or the spirit world-
It can be used for picking up messages and answering questions. It can be used for balancing and testing the chakras for areas of imbalance or illness, searching for water or spirits or any hidden thing and also for testing for truth.

These practices are called dowsing, divining and also radiesthesia.

Your Pendulum could be as simple as a gold wedding ring tied on a long strand of hair, or a button on a piece of string, even the common conker can be used quite effectively. Nowadays it is much easier to get good quality and very pretty Pendulums from most crystal and esoteric shops, as well as online. And the range is quite astounding. Here are a few of the Pendulums that I have around me at the moment. Some are simply made with a weight knotted on to a cord. Try a favourite pendant and use the chain’s catch attached to the loop.

The length of the chain or cord or thread is a matter of personal choice. Most ready-made Pendys will come with a chain of around 6-9 inches. Experiment with different lengths. The longer the length the more sensitive the Pendy will be to movement and also the freer it will be to move and show differences in the energies picked up. The shorter and the more restricted the movement will be.

Copper is a wonderful conductor of energy and can create a really strong energy ‘pull’. Some people prefer working with polished crystals or their favourite stones in a raw point, others prefer perfectly balanced cut glass or a favourite pendant. It is commonly said that a Pendulum has to be symmetrical and also to have a point. Whether you believe this to be true I leave up to you, but I have had some amazing results with natural raw crystals and home made Pendys, and I am convinced that it is the relationship between the user and the Pendy that counts more than the shape.

Sometimes it is best to choose the Pendulum for the task that you want. For instance asking questions about a relative in spirit may benefit from a piece of their jewellery being used, likewise dowsing for underground energies copper may be best. Using different crystals will impart their different vibrations and wisdom too. Perhaps run your hand over a selection in a shop, or see which picture you are drawn to online, or see which Pendy swings when you walk by. Choose intuitively and go with what attracts you. I bet before long a Pendulum will spring up and you will instinctively know it is the right one. The main thing to remember is to be content and happy with your choice!

So now you have your Pendulum!
What do you do with it? Well I am presuming there is already a bond between you? You have chosen or made it and have probably tried a few questions and wondered if it was you making it swing or if it was really working! It can be a great idea to carry it round with you for a few days before putting it to work, some sleep with it under their pillow, others keep it by the bed. Treat it with respect and perhaps if it didn’t come with a pouch to keep it safe then make one yourself too?

Getting ready
Some people will immediately cleanse the Pendy and this is fine. Depending on what it is made of there are many ways of doing this. Cold running water, smudging, breathe of light, sound, prayer or reiki; whatever you choose is up to you as long as it doesn’t damage anything. (n.b: we can go over this aspect more if anyone would like)

Before using your Pendy I would suggest that it is always a good idea to ‘earth’ and ‘clear’ and also ‘ground’ yourself and your hands. This can very simply be done by rinsing your hands under a running cold tap and then shaking them dry. The cold water removes all the excess and unwanted energy and returns it to the Earth. This also helps remove any static electricity build up too.

Then find a quiet, non-windy place lol!

Some people find it much easier to get an accurate result sitting down with both feet on the floor, and with legs uncrossed. Rest your elbow on the table to steady your arm and hold the Pendulum at a comfortable convenient height above the table. When standing, have your feet slightly apart and try and relax your arm so that you can hold the position steady for a while. Try a few positions and see how you get on. It’s important to feel comfortable and natural otherwise stiffness and the ‘shakes’ may interfere with your reading. (n.b: don’t try after a heavy nights drinking<gg>)

Questions for the student:
1.) Please describe your Pendulum, and perhaps a bit about why you chose it, you can be as brief or as long as you want. A picture would be great too please J

OK, so now you have your Pendulum, what’s next?

Q. Which hand should I hold the Pendy in?

A. Well which do you feel is the right one? Usually I would recommend your right hand if you are naturally right handed and left if you are naturally left handed. Simple? This way the strongest and dominant arm is used. But! Hmm there’s always a but isn’t there? For some situations it can be better to use the receptive or recessive hand (not the one you write with) because this side is supposed to be the receiving side and therefore can be more open to messages from outside. Perhaps try both? You may find your hand is so unsteady that it shakes crazily and then the choice is easy.

Yes or No?

There are two main methods for working with Pendys, programming and non-programming. Now I am definitely biased here because I personally don’t believe in ‘programming Pendys or crystals, I think it’s a cheek that we dare to think that we could know better than the Pendy, so I leave it up to the Pendy to tell me, but I will explain both ways here J

Programming Method
Programming is very strict and puts you in charge of telling the Pendulum which way to spin for YES (clockwise) and NO (anti-clockwise), and HOME, REST or CLEAR (still). Holding the chain in one hand and gently hold the Pendy in your other hand to steady it, very slowly let it free and think Home. The Pendy should be still and not move. Then change your thoughts to Yes and will the Pendy to swing in a clockwise direction, (help can be given at this point if it won’t move lol,) then once a good clockwise swing is achieved, think Home and will the Pendy to stop. Then do the same with No and anti-clockwise. Swing the Pendy anti-clockwise and think ‘this direction means NO’.
This needs to be repeated for the first few times you use the Pendulum, and sometimes as a reminder in difficult situations.

Free-will Method.
Hold your Pendy by the chain and ask which direction is Yes. Wait till the Pendulum starts swinging and jot down which way it is. The do the same asking which direction is No? Some Pendulums will actually prefer to swing side to side or backwards and forwards rather than round and round and this is perfectly fine. Just remember what they mean lol! It is also useful to ask for a ‘clear’ or ‘home’ or ‘rest’ setting. This answer is also sometimes used when the Pendulum is undecided or unwilling or unable to answer your question. Another variation on this is to ask a few questions, which is great for those that want to dive straight in and start work. But remember, good questions aren’t that easy to formulate. So stick to simple ones that have one simple definitive Yes or No answer.

Question for the student:

Which method did you use to understand your Pendy’s answers and why?

It should be fun to see how we all get on. Try practising whenever you feel like it. There is really no limit to when and how you can use your Pendulum

Please post your answers below. If you have any questions or need any help please let me know.

Pendulums 2006 ©
Last edited by Gem on Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by starryskies » Thu May 24, 2007 2:30 pm

I just did a search on pendulums and came across this thread.

I will try to answer the questions. I attached a photo of the pendulum in another thread today and deleted it from my camera so hope you can find it! It is carnelian with a strange green bit in. I tend to get round and round for yes and side to side for no and no movement for "unclear."

a) Is Gem’s middle name Sarah? NO
b) Is Gem wearing a ring on her right hand? YES
c) Does Gem like Marmite? YES

Hope I am right (I love Marmite LOL) :-)

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Thanks Gem

Post by Teressa » Thu May 24, 2007 2:37 pm

Thank you for the pendulum class. I really appreciate you going the extra mile for me.

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Post by starryskies » Thu May 24, 2007 2:41 pm

I appreciate it too. I just got mine 2 days ago and Teressa and I seem to be fascinated by pendulums at the same time :-)

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Post by Gem » Thu May 24, 2007 4:53 pm

heehee, should I disclose about the marmite? Will you still love me either way? Love it or hate it lol?

Teressa and Starry, great to get those Pendy's working :)

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Post by starryskies » Thu May 24, 2007 5:03 pm

Gem, we will love you regardless!!!! :-)

Did I get ANY right?

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I think I finally figured it out thanks to you and the pendulum

Post by Teressa » Thu May 24, 2007 5:49 pm

Again I was talking to my sister's pendulum. It has her on it still, it has not been cleansed. Again she led me to the book case. This time she pointed me to a book called "The Mists of Avalon". It is a story of King Arthur from a womens prospective. It has a picture on the front of the book of a lady riding a horse holding a single sword. It also attracted me to a book about depression. Then it pointed me to a "20-point club" certificate. We have a 20-point tracking system at my job.

My synopsis is that she is trying to tell me to get on with life. Stop being depressed and worrying and do my job!

What do you think? I love the pendulum, if you really really makes a lot of sense!

I believe people are attracted to each other by a divine intervention. I think I was brought here to the mysticboard for the resolutions I am uncovering in my life today. I thank each and everyone of you for everything I have learned thus far.

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Post by ligit » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:53 pm

a) Is Gem’s middle name Sarah? Yes
b) Is Gem wearing a ring on her right hand? No
c) Does Gem like Marmite? No

thank you for the lessons

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Post by weejaine » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:22 pm

i bought mine the other day along with a reading board and did not have a clue how to use it &nbsp;:smt003

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Post by Austin » Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:56 am

Please go in-depth (as you can) as to how one may be used regarding Chakras. I'm having these ideas that it's held above each one, or hung above and for one to lay beneath? Doesn't sound right though if a Chakra can move in any spherical direction. Thanks!

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Post by bodine47 » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:51 pm

work with a young lady that practices wiccan beliefs. would love to find out more on this subject.

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Post by STEVEJESSE » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:00 am


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Post by starsign20002000 » Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:53 am

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Thanks for posting the post on Pendulums. &nbsp;It was interesting. &nbsp;I will try the questions you posted and see what I come up with. &nbsp;I bought a pendulum Kit a few years back. &nbsp;I have not used it much.

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Post by richardredhawk » Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:37 am

Austin -- yes you can use a pendulum in every situation you choose. In your reference to the use on the chakra this is a great tool to see how the energy is flowing in each of the different chakras, all you have to do is establish you patterns of movement for yes, no , free flowing, is there a block, type of block and so on you develope the questions and have a specific response to each question. Always make sure the question is consice and to the point as this leaves no room for interpertation of a different answer. I have devised a flow chart that I use to test before each use &nbsp;and as always clear/cleanse your pendulum between each use when working with an individual so there is no possibility of their energies hanging on.
Even though the energy of the chakra is 360 degrees and multi dimensional you are using the pendlulm to check the energie pattern so if the individual lays down it is easier to test each of the chakras without having &nbsp;yourself getting tired from getting in uncomfortable positions while holding the pendulum.
I usually have them lay down if I am doing them in person and I have devised a holder so that I can use several pendulums at one time as their energies keep each of the pendulums moving this way I can see when the blockages start to break up of if a blockage is beginning to start. It just takes some practice and you can use more than one at a time.
If I do a remote check I usually have a silouette of a human and use this while tapping into their being but it is even better if you have a full length photo &nbsp;to work with but is not necessary.
So experiment as this is the only way you will become one with &nbsp;your pendulum.

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Post by whitetiger0000 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:08 pm

Every time I hold my pendulum, it turns clockwise, wildly! &nbsp;Any idea what it means?

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