Numerology Reading

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Numerology Reading

Post by tigress55 » Mon May 28, 2007 11:30 pm

May I have a reading please?

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Post by Sorrow » Tue May 29, 2007 9:24 am

For reading you need to give:
1. Full name given at birth
2. Name you are currently using
3. Date of birth

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Post by tigress55 » Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:48 am

Sorrow wrote:For reading you need to give:
1. Full name given at birth
2. Name you are currently using
3. Date of birth
Donna Linda Anderson
Donna Cornell

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Post by Sorrow » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:33 pm

Donna Linda Anderson

7. decembar 1951

         * Expression Number
         * Desire Number
         * Intimate Number
         * Heredity Number
         * Number of letters in your full name
         * Birthday Vibration
         * Inclusion
         * Relational Numerology
         * Cornerstone
         * Erotic behaviour
         * Life Path
         * 3 Cycles of your life
         * Personal Year

Your personal numerological study

Numerology is spreading more and more quickly and more and more widely. It responds to the need that we all have to get to know ourselves better, to know in which directions it is more advantageous to orientate ourselves. In a word, to know a little better who we are and how to situate ourselves in a more appropriate way faced with our environment, our life and the lives of others.

The simplicity of the information that Numerology needs ; date of birth, surname and all Christian names (at birth); makes this science particularly practical and precise, giving us a surprising approach to the functioning of the human.

Numerology uses the psychological symbolism contained in numbers. People have in general, little access to the "hidden face" of themselves, and it is this that the numbers allow you to discover. Numerology serves to draw up your personal geography, but also to show the openings and disturbances which you can expect. It cannot predict your reaction, nor your success or failure, this is your choice. It is up to you whether you decide to get your umbrella out and confront the storm or whether to stay tranquilly at home. This analysis of your surname and firstnames is based on the corresponding letter-number following :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z .

Your numerological study was subject to conscientious work. It has been made especially for you according to the precise rules of Numerology. Generated by the Numerology by Yves Pflieger software. Copyright © Yves Pflieger - 1999-2006.

Every personality has several facets, and it is false to believe that one can describe a character by only one qualifier. In fact, your personality leans on three major aspects : the Expression Number, the Intimate Number and the Desire Number.
Expression Number

This is the key value in Numerology. This number represents your potential of expression and contact ; it is also the image that you can give to others. You are free to use fully or partially this potential. It is a very important number to grasp the social behaviour of a person, to help her orientate herself in her professional life. When the potential of the Expression Number is not used fully, it's the sign of a certain instability that exists on the level of the Intimate Number. In this case, you must first stabilise and strengthen it's base (the Intimate Number), before being able to develop your natural qualities of expression. Also, the Expression Number allows the analysis of the possibilities of understanding between two people, to evaluate the type of possible relationship between them. This number is calculated by reducing the total of the Numerological values of all the letters of the full name given at birth. To refine this interpretation, it is useful to take the information from the Desire Number into account. In this way a number 1 or 8 Expression Number (naturally hard) will be softened by a Desire Number 2, 6, or 9.

Donna Linda Anderson
46551 39541 15459165 = 79 = 7

You have a 7 as Expression Number : Introverted personality.

You give a reserved, introverted and even secret image of yourself. Your functioning is independent, with a quite pronounced intellectual or mental connotation. Your inner life is rich. The small amount of information that you emit on yourself means that your Desire Number will play a greater role when it comes to identify yourself. It is the Desire Number which will bring the final touch to the image that those around you have of you. Your taste for personal reflection is important. It is natural for you to observe, deduct, analyse or cultivate yourself. Your mental works a lot. You seem rather like an analyst, an observer, a researcher who holds herself at a distance from events because you don't like to express yourself in front of an audience very much. Generally your accurate awareness and your mind can drive you to criticise others objectively but constructively. A mechanism that you don't always apply when it comes to yourself ! You don't always put into practice the behaviour which you recommend for others. Staying in the area of abstraction is something where you must be careful. It is sometimes better to open up to the world, to break your solitude. The fact of having confronted your ideas with others allows you to acquire a new way of seeing things. Multiply your sources of information, it can only enrich you.

Your natural introversion and your taste for personal reflection doesn't necessarily combine with long studies. The possibilities are vast (sciences, modern technology, psychology, esoterism, parapsychology, religion, philosophy) and often you are self-taught. Nothing obliges you to plunge into books. Your environment and the people you come across are an incomparable source of information for your analytical habits. You like to find information or highlight the underlying psychology. Your diagnosis is quite right but sometimes hasty.

By being plunged into the world of concepts and developing a more intense inner than outer activity, you risk being a bit isolated from others, particularly those who don't understand your inner mechanisms. To avoid this, be clear, precise, warm, and above all not too complex or theoretical. Don't forget that those around you are certainly less conceptual than you are.

On the social plan, you can make do with an activity a little in background very well where you could benefit the people of the number 4 and 8 vibrations with your sense of analysis or your clear-sightedness. On the other hand, you might prefer independent activities without hierarchical guardianship, which you don't appreciate very much, where you could show your originality and succeed. It is your desire for independence, your capacity to find the force within yourself, that pushes you to develop your resources outside of traditional society. In general, you devote little time to manual activities (or household), too much to matter of fact things according to you.

The lasting union is not acquired easily for you. You have to have a partner who respects your independence, your need for calm and who shares a good number of your interests. she must overcome your apparent coldness and accept that the intellectual role plays just an important part as the affective. When an effort is made to get to know you better, one discovers a more interesting person than your reserved image leads us to suppose (to relativise with your Desire Number). So, in love you are capable of deep feelings and you are very loyal, a quality which you also have in friendship. However, make some effort to improve in relationships otherwise you risk suffering repeated failures.

To live the number 7 vibration harmoniously, you must know the possible bad tendencies. First a negative vision, the sense of contradiction or a pessimism which will inconvenience those around you. Then come some stubbornness, severity in your critics, an excessive detachment from the material and affective joys of the world. Also a tendency to be melancholy, perhaps anguish, cynicism, coldness, sometimes deception. Sometimes a loss of good sense due to intellectual vanity, a lack of ease in the material world, inferiority complex linked to a certain difficulty of being able to integrate in society, a certain impulsiveness when you are put under pressure.

Learn to show more warmth and heart to others. Try to reconcile your sentiments with your mind, your smile with your intelligence. Often the 7 has a mental and inner struggle which can demand a lot of courage and self-mastery. Take rest, don't father too many inner tensions in wanting to obey your mental requirements.
Professional orientation

You were made for all that demands a good sense of observation, capacities for reflection and sometimes a very specialised technical ability. You don't really like monotonous activities. Your privileged areas will be scientific and medical research, financial analysis, computer programming, accountancy, etc.. But you can also be attracted by the spiritual or philosophical sectors. All to do with the transmission of intellectual, spiritual or specialised knowledge, by teaching orally, writing or even preaching. You could have the ability to be an author. You could also be a politician, a person of the law or a librarian. Solitary professions suit you (shepherd, lighthouse keeper, inventor). Note that the choice of a profession doesn't only depend on the Expression Number. This decision can also be linked to your Life Path, Desire Number or Birthday vibration.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 79. Good personal potential, reflective work which can find a path for the expression of your ideals and sometimes a large public. Spiritual progression likely. On the other hand, the affective area is delicate (fluctuations, lack of consistency on your part). Some difficulties perhaps, in relating to others and being open without losing balance (introversion).
Desire Number

The Desire Number corresponds to your deep motivations, to that which is important to you. It influences you in your choices and decisions even if you are not always conscious of it. This number is related to your deep emotions. Your Expression Number will be strongly tinted or shaded by your Desire Number. This vibration is calculated by reducing the sum of the vowels of your full name given at birth.

Donna Linda Anderson
6  1  9  1 1  5  6  = 29 = 11/2

You have Desire Number 11. Only a minority will live the qualities of this master number, the great majority will have Desire Number 2, explained afterwards. You are motivated by energy, awakening and inspiration. Your intelligence and intuition are generally superior to the average. You search for a certain perfection. You would like to share your spiritual values, your beliefs. You communicate willingly with your friends about your ideas, your reflections and even your intuitions. Such a vibration often bestows a certain magnetism and creative capacities. If you are at ease, you give off an impression of strength. When your Desire Number animates you, you feel concerned about the needs of humanity. Your idealism pushes you to give assistance. This can lead towards the desire to be "the teacher who has the inspiration", the one who guides. The energy of this master number can also mean a desire to assert one's personality, to get out of rank, because the 11's have the secret desire to be admired or liked by others, while keeping their independence. That is the paradox of the 11 which reduces to 2.

You have Desire Number 2. Your deep motivation pushes you to strike up friendly relationships, to find associates, to search for a union preferably with a comfortable and warm environment. The accent put in your consciousness is on the importance of the following notions : co-operation, friendship, love, helpfulness, being sociable, tranquillity, harmony between material and emotional values. You are attracted by others and you have a certain talent in starting relationships. You search perhaps unconsciously for support to make you feel secure or because you are not used to taking the initiative alone or simply because the presence of others increases the standing of the situation for you. These tendencies can be confirmed or invalidated by the other important aspects of your analysis (notably the Birthday Vibration, the Intimate Number and the Expression Number). Well lived, this vibration can make you sensitive, affectionate, loving, tender and peaceful. Ready to maintain the friendship or nourish the marriage bonds, you are capable of patience and diplomacy. Rather than centring the negotiation on the pressure or disguised blackmail, your approach is more subtle. You know how to bring the conversation to the subject that interests you, to cool down or push aside all that could harm your universe. When your Desire Number animates you, you are devoted, friendly, affectionate, likeable and generally very nice. You prefer to work in a group with your friends but also to get married, to found a comfortable home. If you know how to develop your sensitivity, it can become remarkable to the point of giving you a great imagination, a certain artistic sense and intuitive talents. The possible excesses of a Desire Number 2 are : a certain weakness, a lack of self-discipline, a fluctuating opinion, an imagination which is not always realistic, a lack of steadiness at work, a tendency for deceit and dissimulation, a sometimes excessive sensitivity that can make you vulnerable to critics. If you use your Desire Number fully, your assets are the ability to listen, your sympathy, your warmth and your capacity to co-operate or to find someone with whom you have the desire to collaborate.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 29, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Three of Wands" - original initiatives and successes. It is the alert individual who uses his inspiration and help others. Certain hopes can be realised thanks to creative and inventive qualities, which until now have not been exploited. Can be linked to a publication, a work of art. Keep your head, don't disperse yourself or try to go too fast. This number often brings strong support or prestigious invitations, but also some jealousies in view of your success.
Intimate Number

The Intimate Number, also known as the "the hidden self", is the unconscious base of your personality. It forms a little of the "keep" or the main tower of your castle. Through it you search for strength when you feel the need ; particularly in conflicting situations, each time you must confront an important problem or undertaking, when you are tense, tired or when your primordial interests are threatened. At such a time you will stop using the vibration of your Expression Number in order to lean exclusively on your Intimate Number. It is your way of reacting. The Intimate Number's vibration allows one to know the hidden character of the human being, to reveal the profound needs and to know reactions in cases of tension.

All of your psychological structure rests on the Intimate Number ! Consequently, it is important that it's integrity is preserved from all attacks or the result will be nervousness, anguish and indecision. This number, that becomes significant in adulthood, is calculated by reducing the sum of the consonants of your full name given at birth.

Donna Linda Anderson
4 55  3 54   54 91 5 = 50 = 5

Your Intimate Number is 5.

Priority needs of 5 : To feel free and versatile. Great need to construct her life from this power of growth or expansion. Doesn't like rigid limits being set on her or being commanded.

Your fundamental point of support is your feeling of freedom, the impression that there is no hindrance to your unconscious desire for expansion, your need to experiment with some of the many possibilities that life offers. It is necessary for you to be able to move, change, innovate, get out of narrow environments, discover and conquer. You like to live intensely. Vivacity, curiosity and a certain combativeness characterise your base. You are sensual, carefree and have an open mind too.

You are pushed to discover and overcome your own limits. Travelling, meeting new people, competition and games excite you a lot. You like to rove rather than attaching yourself to people or places, and you are rather anti-conformist in your convictions. The stable base which you need in order to express yourself well is in fact very dynamic. It can't put up with being suffocated or deprived of expansion due to sterile rules. If your environment becomes too oppressive, you try to make yourself scarce, to live elsewhere. When this isn't possible, you can rebel and openly flaunt this liberty to which you hold on to so much. This risks displeasing some, particularly if you fall into the excess of provocation. Don't forget that you must conserve your free-will in order to grow and avoid sterile rebellion.

You prefer to participate in events rather than keeping your distance. You have an open mind very vivacious but you know how to play seriously with words and ideas too. It is one of your major qualities. It allows you to deal with diverse people. You like to surpass yourself (sport is essential for your well-being), gain more knowledge and understand your environment. Even philosophy can interest you. You have so many different aptitudes that you find it difficult to concentrate on one thing in particular. Hindrance, delay, slowness irritate you. Routine suffocates you. If your job doesn't satisfy you, you will know how to give yourself outside activities. Besides, life is too short to waste time (it's your philosophy). You quickly become uncomfortable when people try to fathom out your deep psychology because you fear that your personality will be assimilated with superficiality. You avoid these attacks by using humour, rhetoric and your intellectual mobility. This quality is the major characteristic of your Intimate Number. In the case of a conflict, this system of defence renders you unseizable, this makes your strength.

You like to learn, to tempt new things and define new approaches. Vibration 5 is an excellent impulse of growth, from which you learn to find lessons in your experiences. If you lack confidence, you will have the tendency to repeat the same experiences in an almost infantile manner, without any apprenticeship. Take a step back from your experiences, this will help you to assimilate the substance. If you haven't succeeded to reach this maturity, you will probably fall into the excesses of this number : negligence, superficiality, a tendency for alienation through the senses or fleeing to artificial pleasures. Learn to select the experiences that will benefit your balance judiciously and avoid those that bring nothing good. Know that the secret of your happiness lies in your capacity to accept the magic of present well-being and not to run all the time after the new, the sensational. Know how to enjoy the present as it happens. Sports activities will be welcome for your balance.

In love you need to seduce others, to please yourself and to a lesser degree, to give pleasure. Your profound base pushes you to appreciate company of the opposite sex. You have a lot to give for as long as you stay close to your companion. Your need for freedom and your repulsion of routine makes sentimental attachment difficult and you are inclined to flirt and to flightiness. You prefer sexual variety, the unusual. You are very sensual and you appreciate when there is a good rhythm. In marriage, you like to feel free and all will depend on the attitude of your partner who will have to seduce and attract you, but never suffocate you. It is difficult for you to adapt to the demands of a family and home, but if you are satisfied by it, you will know how to be very attractive and amusing.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 50, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Ten of Cups" - affective happiness and peace of mind. Satisfaction with sentiments and relationships. Harmony in the family. Serenity, warmth and love. The sentimental flower blooms. Friendships, open-mindedness, good understanding and helping others. Others appreciate you. Great inspiration or awakening of unexpected qualities. The taste for freedom, travelling and changes. Possible financial prosperity.
Heredity Number

This number reveals the passive part of your possibilities of expression which are common to all the members of your family. It forms the socio-cultural heritage of your family. The interpretation of this family vibration must be approached in a wide sense, because it only possesses a minor impact on the personality. It is calculated from all of the letters of your surname at birth. The secondary number can sometimes give some additional information.

15459165 = 36 = 9

You have a heredity number 9. This is impregnated with the idea of dignity. Your family is quite original. One finds a sensibility amongst you being able to give an artistic predisposition, a taste for refinement, culture, a tendency towards compassion and altruism. Your family can be dispersed to the four corners of the Earth or it's members like travelling frequently.
The number of letters in your full name

It is the number of letters making up your first names and surname, at birth. It gives a supplementary influence, although secondary, on your life. In a way it is the aura that your name gives off. If you must chose the name of your child (or your enterprise) don't forget to take it into account ! Also if the length of your first name(s) is longer than your surname, it will favour the affirmation of your individuality. If it is the other way around, the influence of family heritage could be more prominent.

You have 18 letters in your full name. Fluctuating aura. An emotivity which would do well to be moderated. Indication of hesitation, inner struggles (perhaps between material, mental options on one side and intuitive options going beyond appearances on the other side). A tendency to not detect the stumbling blocks or opposition in time (through negligence, illusion or daydreaming) and so errors of judgement. The ideal would be to privilege your intuition while using the objective information available to you as best you can. Apart from that, real qualities of imagination, receptivity, intelligence and altruism. Love her family and home.
Birthday Vibration

The Birthday Vibration is rich in information. It is not the fruit of chance. This day impregnates us with it's influence, a little like the well-known astrological signs. The astrologers teach us that the Birthday Vibration number exercises it's impact mainly during the second cycle of Saturn of the individual, which means between the ages of 30 and 60 (it constitutes the productive Cycle in Numerology). This number of birth is in relation with the productive register. In a way it is your active force in the area of achievements, the resolution of problems or in social and professional relationships.

You were born a 7. The vibration of this day brings intelligence, the taste for reflection and observation, philosophical interest, a great inner capacity and often a strong idealism. The people born a 7 are generally headstrong and prefer to go it alone, while regretting a little this isolation. They must learn to co-operate without losing their individuality. Your manner of tackling things is quite particular : intuitive and rational at the same time. In fact, your intelligence is often doubled by an intuition which allows you to analyse the exterior as well as the interior, from where a certain clear-sightedness comes. You should have excellent aptitudes in very specialised activities. Even outside your profession, you continue to be interested in "mind work". If you have a pronounced taste for perfection, you suffer from a certain slowness in advancing your affairs. This vibration make that you will be more at ease in playing the role of a magnet (which involves attracting situations) rather than trying to provoke them. Loyal, you like peace, tranquillity and nature (you like it harmonious and wild). Moments of serenity are important for your balance or for devoting yourself to your favourite activity : to understand and see clearly. Your feelings are deep, spontaneous, but you don't offer them easily, this being due to a too great reserve which is almost shyness. Your natural discretion and your apparent indifference (or distance) don't make relational and sentimental tasks easy, however you are very fond of these areas. Lived negatively, this day of birth can lead you to excesses such as : narrow-mindedness, egocentricity, coldness, a lack of openness faced with others, a rebellious character or sometimes mysterious.

Famous people born on a day 7 : Jean de La Fontaine (famous for his fables).
Birthday Present

Only those who have a two figured birthday's will have this present in as much as ease in their life.

Your birthday present is the number 7. It is a hunger for knowledge. Sometimes gives wisdom.

The Inclusion or Star of Venus calculates the number of times letters occur with the value 1, then 2 etc. The ratings of the occurrences are placed from left to right and from high to low. In this way the first space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 1 (A, J, S) from your full name, while the last space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 9 (I, R). Each one of these numbers carries certain precisions concerning your character traits. Remember that the Inclusion only constitutes a complement of the principal study of the Intimate Number, the Expression Number and the Desire Number.
Donna Linda Anderson
4 - 1
3 6 2
- - 2

4 letters in your Inclusion 1 (A, J, S, é, è, ê, ç) : You assert yourself by your serious qualities, organisation ability, perseverance and through your concrete achievements. The absence of a serious and precise goal can check your initiative.

1 letter in your Inclusion 3 (C, L, U, ù, û) : You express yourself with ease, intelligence and others admire you for your ease with relationships. When you create, you like to do it independently. You have confidence in your capacity for communication and in your creativity.

3 letters in your Inclusion 4 (D, M, V) : Your practical sense shows up most in communication and expression where you experience the need to be objective and concrete. Your actions are original and full of taste. You work in a creative, intelligent way.

6 letters in your Inclusion 5 (E, N, W, î, ë) : The open-mindedness, vivacity and ability to adapt (also versatility) are mainly experienced within the family unit, in the aim of harmony, human warmth, love, passion and sensuality. Balance is sometimes hard to maintain if family responsibilities are constraining. Other possible expressions of your qualities are: creation and aestheticism.

2 letters in your Inclusion 6 (F, O, X, ô, ä) : Your sense of responsibilities and your emotiveness mean that you become very involved in your relationships. Your choice leans in favour of gentleness and harmony. Your capacity for affection makes you a warm partner. On the other hand, you find it difficult to make decisions when there are contradictory interests at stake. So as not to offend your partner (or friends) and to preserve the peace, you could have the tendency to accept compromises made at your expense.

2 letters in your Inclusion 9 (I, R, à , â, ï) : Your altruism and influence find their expression in co-operation and the desire to help or comfort others. A great sensitivity, kindness and generosity are shown by you. You use your open mind and refinement in the idea of exchange and communication above all. Even if your kindness is natural, you don't necessarily take the initiative to go to the aid of others. You often need agreement or the request of the other person, because you are easily hurt if your offers are refused. Probable artistic sensitivity.
Relational Numerology

In comparing your Expression Number with that of another person, Numerology can describe the social and overall understanding that you can have with this person. The comparison of the Intimate Numbers gives an idea of the chances of understanding in the case of a long-term union or association engaging concrete activities while the Desire Number covers the compatibility of profound aspirations between the two people.
Understanding of your Expression number 7.

7 and 1 : Good vibration for friendship and intellectual communication. Not so good on the sentimental side. The 7 can slow down the spirit of the 1, that is why it is better that the 1 stay the leader.

7 and 2 : Agreement in the material and professional areas as well as friendship and spirituality, but a bit fragile in heart matters.

7 and 3 : Not long-lasting relationships because interests and personalities are too different. Possible agreement if there is a shared creative project (with quite a strong 3).

7 and 4 : Excellent relationship especially if the 4 has the taste for order and method. Fruitful and solid collaboration. In love, the agreement will be easier if the man is the 4 and the woman the 7 rather than the other way around. The uprightness of the 4 accompanies the wisdom of the 7 very well.

7 and 5 : Powerful magnetism, reciprocal attraction. Progress and development possible. But the independence of each is to be preserved.

7 and 6 : Average agreement, can be disturbed by doubt and hesitation. The 7 remains an enigma for the 6 and the union cannot be as complete as the wish of the 6. For when there is amorous agreement, the 6 must have spiritual objectives.

7 and 7 : An excellent understanding where the intellectual and spiritual aspects are favoured. In love, there is sometimes an almost telepathic communication. Less favourable for the material and emotional aspects. Sometimes a tendency for pessimism. Can do better on the area of sensuality and warmth.

7 and 8 : A stable union under the sign of shared inspired creations and power. Original tastes. Concessions are necessary on both sides, so that each one returns to a balance between material and spiritual. Intimate relationships less favourable (not much sentimental blossoming).

7 and 9 : Quite a positive relationship despite the different characters. The agreement is more favourable to friendship than love. Very good agreement on the intellectual and spiritual level especially if there is an altruistic objective, a shared ideal. It is the energy of the 9 that must dominate and benefit from the openings of the 7 and not the other way around. Less good for achievement.

7 and 11 : Good agreement in the area of fundamental reflections. Mutual understanding but a lack of practical sense.
Understanding of your Intimate number 5.

5 and 1 : Wild love, but often doesn't last long. Good memories. Possibility of love at first sight because the ambition of the 1 fascinates the 5 and the adaptability and magnetism of the 5 seduces the 1.

5 and 2 : A great attraction and strong sensuality. Eventful relationships due to the dynamism of the 5. A certain instability.

5 and 3 : Good understanding. Enriching and varied relationships with shared creativity and travelling. Often not very stable.

5 and 4 : Turbulent, passionate and emotional relationships. The 4 can be seduced by the multiple facets of the 5. But the 4 can also hinder the expansion and vivacity of the 5. Instability. Possible clashes between stability and change.

5 and 5 : Good understanding. Shared taste for travelling, experiences and variety. Nothing is more pleasing or even enriching than living the freedom and pleasures together. The difficulty could come from what the freedom in one generates in the other (possible trouble). A certain maturity is necessary.

5 and 6 : A sometimes strained relationship, but positive with time provided that the 5 quietens down. Then the relationship is pleasant and advantageous.

5 and 7 : Powerful magnetism, reciprocal attraction. Progress and development possible. But the independence of each is to be preserved.

5 and 8 : Possible agreement under the sign of originality, independence and expansion. Reciprocal rivalry (stimulating each other), enriching relationships. Watch out, the 8 must manage because if it's the other way around some regrettable choices could be made.

5 and 9 : Difficult to meet. Clashing relationships, tendency of egoism in each one. A lot of concessions need to be made to reach an understanding. Possibility of a good agreement only if the 9 is a great traveller like the 5 or if there is great versatility on both side.

5 and 11 : Good understanding, energy important. Very sharp intelligence on both sides, favourable to discovery and expression. Emotional relationship sometimes turbulent.

The first letter of your first name is known as the Cornerstone in Numerology. It is the first stone of your edifice. On it, the first years of your existence are built, as well as the rest of your life and character. The Cornerstone tells of your aptitudes, your attitudes faced with different experiences. This letter constitutes a foundation element useful to know.

Letter D. This very concrete, nearly square letter links practical sense, work, perseverance, determination and solidity. D presents all the characteristics of the long-distance runner type of worker : her temperament isn't explosive, it is on the contrary determination which is dominant and the sense of self-discipline. D knows how to move things forward slowly and calmly, with all the rigour necessary and without being discouraged. D is self-sufficient, not exuberant, demands little from others and doesn't wait for anything either. D is pernickety and meticulous ; a manual worker, a manager or an excellent accountant, who has a strict and methodical mind even if it sometimes makes her rigid, petty or dogmatic. D has a practical and material mind and feels perfectly comfortable in an important role, provided that it's function and game rules are determined and well delimited. Efficient, D accepts implicitly that life was made for working, struggling and making effort. Loyal and straightforward, D is very attached to traditional and family values and will define clearly what shall be done or not (sometimes blinkers or sectarianism). D is ready to work for others if necessary. But she has also a secret side, quite a modest sensuality and a need to be loved and recognised. The presence of a D is the assurance of a stable, traditional and generally well-organised life, but it can also be a bit restrictive and will lack fantasy capable of adding spice and originality to life.
Erotic behaviour

The horoscope used in China and Thailand functions according to a 12 year cycle. Strictly speaking this isn't Numerology but it can give you a new and interesting approach to your erotic behaviour. Be aware: This sign starts the first of January and not in February (from January 20th till February 19th) as the chinese horoscope. This choice is due to a possible higher sensibility of Westerner people to their own system of calendar. Also, in discovering the intimate personality of the person that you love and desire, you will understand better how to satisfy her most secret desires. The general advice that you are given in this text will help you to guide yourself better in reflection that you will do either alone or with your partner.

According to this horoscope, you were born during the year of the Cat. Here is a description of your erotic behaviour.

The female "Cat" has a great femininity but also a tendency for dreaming. She like the contact of a tender man, romantic and thoughtful. Having children is important for her. She was made to have them and she will know how to be a good mother. If she likes sexual relationships, they are not primordial. If she has decided to have a baby all will change and she will appreciate the moments of pleasure more. She likes to reflect, but also to show tenderness to her partner. It is necessary to know how to return her kindness and wait for the right moment, the one that will deeply unify the couple intimately.
Life Path

Your Life Path which is the reduced sum of your date of birth, gives an important indication on the type of events that you will be regularly confronted with, throughout your life. It isn't possible to skip school, the events always catch up with you, that's why in general one naturally adopts a style compatible with one's Life Path rather than going against the current. Numerology allows you to understand the nature of your route and the events likely to stimulate you. This will allow you to have the power to adopt the attitude that permits you to sail serenely on the sea of your life without capsizing or getting shaken about. A well-informed man is worth two.

Note : The Life Path does not necessarily indicate the way in which you react when faced with the different situations in your life. In effect, your reaction is mostly based on your assets that are your Intimate number, Expression number and Desire number. The style that one can detect across the Life Path (and possibly your Destiny Number) defines rather your overall behaviour on the route that waits for you than your daily attitude (the character defined by your full name).

7+12+1951 = 1970 = 8 (17)

You have a Life Path 8. The route for the bold and materialists.

You have come to this life to deal with the notions of power, social recognition, material and financial achievement. The Life Path 8 does not say whether you will have or have not got power. It simply indicates that these notions will mark your life a lot, actively or reactively. You will be confronted by authority, financial gains, important material accomplishments, brilliant successes but probably also losses, bad failures and even accidents. In short, all that have a certain calibre in good as in bad. It is, therefore, a powerful but unstable path. You will have quite a few things to master in your life. Back away if necessary, but don't give up ! Welcome qualities : a lot of attention, a particular sense of balance, good judgement and vigour. It is often by this path that great successes happen (but also financial failures). Your life is placed under this vibration, it is necessary for you to understand and make the most of it, to develop your fighting spirit and your mastery. Your personal balance and your capacity to stay centered (to occupy the field) without going to extremes, will be your major assets. Please note that you can use this potential power fully or choose not to. In this case, you risk being regularly confronted by situations where you have to face attempt of reduction or dispossession of your power.

Learn to use the creative energy of this path to drive things forward, to take initiatives and succeed. Work with ambition, become an example of material success, learn to handle power, authority and money (as useful tool). You must find a balance quickly between the material and the spiritual so that the power or money does not blind you or make you disrespectful to the essential values of life. Always remember that you gather what you have sown. Don't be miserly, rigid or narrow-minded. Be ready to take up challenges, to overcome obstacles and to pick yourself up after defeats. Above all don't give up ! Efficiency, organisation, self-confidence, generosity and also fluidity and sense of rhythm are the qualities that you must develop. It is a risky path, that let's nothing pass, especially if you are too sure of yourself or you want to climb too quickly. It is for you to choose to which degree you will use this strong vibration.

Famous people with a Life Path 8 : Carl Benz (Mercedes Benz), Ferdinand De Lesseps (channel of Suez), Winston Churchill, Jane Fonda, François Mitterrand.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 17, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "The Star". It is the secondary number of hope, harmony and protection (almost divine) whatever difficulties you have to face. It symbolises the individual (1) who become conscious of the possibilities of her mind (7) for constructing a prosperous but also altruistic personal world (8). Lucky and idealistic number, 17 brings in the harvest, a general satisfaction, comfort of the heart and elevation of the soul. Imagination, inspiration, sincerity, generosity and optimism, with the sentiment of being guided sometimes. New pleasant creations, with sometimes the crowning of a profound research. Can be linked to a talent. Finances favoured. Magnetism, beauty. The 17 very idealistic has also a tendency to be naive, to let herself be deluded by illusions.
The 3 Cycles of your life

In Numerology, the life is divided into 3 Cycles (formative, productive, harvest). Each corresponds to the vibration of a particular number and will give a general orientation of a rather psychological nature during the period where it takes place. A Cycle tells us about our tastes, our priorities or centres of interest, as it were, for the orientation of our personality and projects during this period. These tastes of course change with the appearance of a new life Cycle. We consider that the Yang (masculine) vibration of this Cycle is more outstanding for an individual than that of the Pinnacle (Yin-feminine) which doesn't concern ideas or inclinations but the concrete aspects. Each of these three Cycles corresponds approximately to 365 lunar months, in other words 28 years and 4 months. The third Cycle or harvest Cycle will last until the end of your lifetime. The passage from one Cycle to the next happens progressively. A certain acclimatization is necessary. One could say that a Cycle isn't really in place until the beginning of the Personal Year Number 1 which is the closest to the start of a Cycle. The formative Cycle (the 1st) corresponds to the reduced number of the month of birth, the 2nd Cycle called productive, corresponds to the reduced number of the day of birth, the harvest Cycle (3rd), corresponds to the reduced number of the year of birth.
Formative cycle of year 1951 - 1979

You are in formative Cycle 3. It is a pleasant period, happy and warm, very rich in friendships, in going out and in games. You will have the desire to express yourself more, to communicate and develop your artistic or creative predispositions. Charm will have your favour. What more can one ask to start life ! Your energy and your talents in one or more of the following areas : writing, the arts, communication, creation in a wide sense will allow you to express your originality and make yourself known, particularly around the age of 21 (the peak of this pleasant Cycle). In this rapid and fascinating evolution, those around you have every interest to support you in your cultural needs, your search for contact, your desire for leisure and sport, your considerable need for emotional and affective stability ; but also to guide you in your choices in order to avoid doing too many things at once, inachievement or superficiality that would lead you to instability. There is also a tendency to be gossipy and sometimes to want to be the centre of attention.
Productive cycle of year 1980 - 2015

You are in productive Cycle 7. A tranquil period, often studious where the inner life will have a great importance. Your centres of interest will be in the direction of reflection, ideas, observation, meditation, possible studying, philosophical or scientific research, intellectual work, writing, computer science and sometimes the spiritual or religious world. A phase where progress is sometimes slow, independent and often solitary. You will advance regularly by proving your ability for analysis and observation. Your mind will always stay on the look out in it's hunger for knowledge and openings within numerous areas. It is a favourable Cycle for all intellectual activities, but also for originality and you will certainly be pushed to detach yourself from the masses. Don't be unduly surprised if your precursor attitude is badly understood by certain people.

Because of your intellectual options and your taste for introversion and reflection, the emotional and sentimental area will not be the place that you excel the most. Others will find it difficult to define you and due to this, the attempts of expression of your warm spirit (more irregular in this Cycle but still present) won't always be easy. Marriages are relatively rare in a number 7 cycle. Will be favoured instead friendships or relationships (including marital) where intellectual communication is dominant. But keep confident. There is no fate. Don't force things. Don't look to create romantic meetings. Work a bit on your image, change your attitude, shine more, show your joy of living and let the positive occasions present themselves by themselves. Be a magnet, that's all. During this key period of your life, you have a path of wisdom, intuition and intellectual or spiritual progress. This signifies that black, hazy, fanatic or sterile ideas have no place here. Neither do inner tensions. On the contrary, develop your lucidity, your practical sense, your spontaneity and your well-being. Become an example of balance and self-confidence. Avoid getting involved in large financial investments before having reached this level. Otherwise you would certainly make some errors of calculation.

The lesson of this vibration : Wisdom means using practical applications of observation and semantic reflection, to find balance and clarity. It is not a matter of throwing yourself into the arms of the first appealing theory.

The possible excesses will be melancholy, sadness, excessive daydreaming, detachment from practical or warm activities, not enough sporting activities, illusions and obsessions. It's up to you to overcome these limitations.
Harvest cycle of year 2016

You are in harvest Cycle 7. It is a period of your life where your psychological options will incite you to stay away from the agitation of the world, in a tranquil area favourable for reflection, writing, observation or meditation. Your growing taste for analysis, your search for wisdom and your hunger for knowledge (reading, general culture, computer science or thematic discussions) will easily fill up your time. Travelling ? Why not, but for studies or improvement. It is a sort of studious retreat, probably active, where the intellectual or cultural ingredient will be dominant for you to succeed in your personal evolution, but also with your social relationships.

The possible problems that can arise are : a tendency for solitude because you could want to erect your ideas by dogmas and become a bit too intellectual, even egoistic and cold. If this is the case, climb a little, don't neglect others (helpfulness) and keep a sense of reality. This will favour your evolution and serenity. The lesson of this number 7 vibration : wisdom means learning to make practical applications of observation and semantic reflection, to find balance and clarity. Lived badly, this period can end up with melancholy, a latent sadness, an excess of daydreaming, a progressive detachment from practical or warm (affective) activities, a lack of physical activity and illusions. It's up to you to overcome these limitations.

7. decembar 1951: Year 2007
Personal Year Number

The Personal Year Number constitutes one of the major vibrations that you will be confronted with during the course of your life. Numerology calculates your Personal Year Number by adding (vertically) your date and month of birth to the current year. In reducing this number we will end up with a figure between 1 and 9. Each year is thus individualised and it is interesting to know this basic element in order to understand the dominant vibration which will always accompany you during this period and in order to help you to chose the best course of action. It is necessary, nevertheless, to keep in mind that dominant vibration does not signify fate or destiny. The explanation of a Personal Year Number is only concerned with the trends that you are going to experience and it gives an indication of how you are likely to react faced with these influences. Free-will is not denied, but the simple fact is, our decision making can be more judicious when we have got a bit of information beforehand.

The Personal Year Numbers 1, 5 and 9, indicate huge changes, indeed the biggest faced with yet ; 4 and 8 are associated with the most evident material and financial difficulties ; as for big losses (theft, trials, friends), they will attach themselves to the numbers 7 and 8. The vibrations 7 and 9 can be linked to periods of inner tension and emotional problems. Personal Year 1, 3 and 5, are in general the most positive numbers. One's love-life can benefit quite well with the positive vibrations of 2, 5 and 6. Without a doubt, your best times are during the years which have a compatible vibration with one of your four principal numbers (Desire Number, Expression Number, Intimate Number and Birthday vibration). To arrive at a good interpretation of your Personal Year Number, it is necessary to look at your present life Cycle (i.e. phase of life and mental orientations) and your Pinnacles (concrete achievements). To complete the interpretation, certain minor elements can also be considered such as Astrological Houses, Passing Letters of the name, Year Essence or Transit.

Your Personal Year Number is 1. Start of cycle, individualization.

Summary : The start of a new cycle is ideal for innovation. Don't hesitate. Your attitude and initiatives are going to mark the major part of this nine year cycle. There will not be a lot of external help. Intelligent investments could be made for the future. Vivacity and some impatience.

After the outcome of year number 9 with probably some relationship or professional matters being called into question, you are now faced with a new start. This year number 1 in effect, starts the phase of the nine year cycle of the Personal Year Numbers. It is synonymous with commencement, production, structuring and often decision. It is a rich year for initiative and originality where you must convert your ideas into actions. The concept of openings can be seen at work, with projects, promotion, transfers and new activities. But not only at work, also with one's love- life and sometimes the openings in this regard are due to an evolution of your conception of life. It is unlikely that this vibration will serve you very well if you stay passive and indecisive because it is a vibration very much in harmony with action and enterprise. It is advised not to be too hesitant or to careless because experience shows that the attitude adopted during this year will reverberate during the whole nine year cycle...

Make the most of this year number 1, from the arrival of this strong energy to start projects that you have already thought about during the previous year. Also take advantage of the energy this year to change habits, to take decisions for the future, to invest in the long term (gathering the profits in year number 3 or later), start new activities or look for new openings. The nature of these activities will certainly be in harmony with the general atmosphere bound up with your Personal Cycle and your current Pinnacle. Above all look ahead. Don't neglect these opportunities for expansion and don't let yourself rest indifferent. But also don't tear along thoughtlessly, because without a doubt you will have hardly any help from outside ; it is essentially necessary to count only on yourself. This is the nature of the vibration number 1. Making the first move yourself, will lead to good results, and everything will happen quite quickly because there are less obstacles in the way than in a year number 4 for example.

The personal year number 1 is intensified by masculine energy (the Yang) and the accent will be put on the masculine characteristics. This is beneficial period to really get yourself together again, to develop certain areas of your personality, to be more assertive faced with certain situations and people. Be careful not to drift. It is a matter of being individual, but it does not involve being an arrogant dictator or becoming aggressive in order to impose your new opinions. It is not always easy because the others have not yet perhaps noticed that you have changed (new start) and it can result in some misunderstandings. The other side of this number can revive certain outside antagonisms, notably with the different forms of hierarchy (state, father, brother, religion, teacher etc...). Above all, this is more likely to happen when it is a woman who is becoming more active and independent. Others can sometimes feel threatened or disrupted by your energy, your radiation and they will try to put pressure on you. All will be revealed by the level of your need to change and the habits that are fixed in your unconscious. Consider, however, all of this as positive, in the sense that if this year attracts conflictual situations, it is to allow one to assert oneself or to liberate oneself from burdensome ways and imperfections that have been guarded in the unconscious for some years.
Love life

This year's vibration will have a major impact on your life. Your influence on others or on your partner will be reinforced. Do not abuse this too much however, because it could turn against you next year. According to your way of living within this vibration, you will either appreciate your partner's submission (the number 1 liking to be dominant), or her sense of initiative, and resourcefulness. It's up to you.

These emotional successes, however, are relative to your Key number (the day and month of birth added together and then reduced to a number between 1 and 9. For example 12 + 9 = 21 = 3).

   * Key 1 : Few results. Concentrate rather on professional matters.
   * Key 2 : You concentrate a lot on professional matters and tend to forget about those close to you. However, there is a possibility of beneficial friendships at work.
   * Key 3 : Success in love.
   * Key 4 : Mixed outcome. More favourable to single people in finding a partner rather than those who already have one.
   * Key 5 : A very dynamic year. If there is going to be a marriage set the date for the months of April-May or alternatively during the final quarter of the year.
   * Key 6 : Some rather short-lived meetings. Other areas of your life are more dominant, notably within a couple where you set up some projects.
   * Key 7 : You will be pushed without a doubt, to start a new emotional relationship (with you current or new partner) this year. Yet be on guard, if you get involved too quickly you risk finding yourself in a complicated situation, that you will have to suffer for several years.
   * Key 8 : A year favourable to marriage, but paradoxically not to love, because you do not know what you really want. There will be a change for the better in year 2.
   * Key 9 : Some partnership strains during the middle of this year. Stay calm and let the crisis pass. For the single people, there will be some meetings, but also some obstacles to get in the way.

Professional life

This will be a dynamic year and allow you to put some useful axis into place for the future. Do not hesitate to make the first move and persevere because next year will be dedicated to the finer details of your projects. You can also use this year to improve your image, to be more radiant, to enlarge your territory, to be ready to change if necessary. Stop relying too much on others if this was the case before, because this year you must find your independence alone.

In a general way, give yourself oxygen, purify yourself. Adopt a more healthy and balanced diet, opt for a bit of clean living. Choose fresh foods, non refined and non hydrogenated oils, etc... This year is generally a favourable one for health. Only those with a Key number 1 or 8 are at risk of stress and even aggressiveness, thus it is essential to relax regularly.

We hope that your numerological report cast a new light on your personality and your life, and that it opened you to the benefits of this science. No doubt that by becoming aware of your potential and the dominant currents in your life, you will be able to benefit from this numerological study and improve the quality of your life.

This analysis was generated by "Numerology by Yves Pflieger" software.

Numerology by Yves Pflieger, Copyright © Yves Pflieger 1999-2006

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Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:38 am

Numerology reading...

Post by eunisha » Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:04 am

What an incredibly in- depth reading ! I am checking out the website to download the software now! :)

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