Could you spare a hug?

Here is the place to share your life's problems and questions, and to offer you possible answers and real, practical solutions. The best place on the internet for all members to exchange general advice, healing and support, and to help each other to get through at least to the next day. No readings will be given on this board.

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Could you spare a hug?

Post by cthroughu » Tue May 29, 2007 5:38 am

My world has seemed to have crashed down around me for the past few years.  When I thought I had a load of friends, I could actually count them on one hand.  I have been betrayed by alot of people, and a few of those people I thought I could trust with my life.  When the crashed down first started after about 9 days, I had planned to end everything.  I had even thought of a way to do it to make it look like an accident, but the only thing that kept me from this was Mom and Dad.  The only two people in my life that have stood by my side.  I didn't want something to go wrong, and end up a vegetable and then I would be dependant and a burdine on them.  Since this all started piece by piece my life has fell to the ground.  I lost everything, and it wasn't even my fault, yet I was the one who suffered.  It has now been a few years and I am slowly beginning to build my life back.  I trust no one and I feel as if I have no friends, just acquiantances.

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Post by Evie » Tue May 29, 2007 6:26 am

Hello to Cthroughu  (((hugs)))

I am sad to hear about your circumstances and despair. Unfortunately many people
feel the way you do, lonely and very unhappy about being alive. ((((HUGS)))

I hope this changes for you and you find a reason for being happily here.
Not everyone is untrustworthy, there are good people in the world... I hope you find
someone to believe in.

If you need a shoulder, or an ear... I would be available for you... (((HUGS)))


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sending a hug

Post by jeanette.d » Tue May 29, 2007 6:45 am

hi just wanted to send you a hug,sounds like you have reached rock bottom,but i suppose now there's only one way to go and you know thats up,best wishes for your future[/quote][/b]

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Post by starryskies » Tue May 29, 2007 11:39 am

I am sending you a big hug. Things can only get better and I wish you a bright future full of good times xx

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue May 29, 2007 11:51 am

A big Bear hug to you, your story are cruel...but sorry to happen to many of us.

It's an old saying that goes...."It is in misfortune you see who your real friends are"....and yes they are few.....if any.

It sounds good that you are back on track....that show you are positive and try to fix thing...and it is the only way who work, no one will come an save you.

Again an old saying tells it good : "It is the need who learn a naked woman to spin" and yes....we have to adjust according to our situation and try for something new if we fail.

Another big Bear hug and lots of luck to you....must you soon be back on your feet!

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Post by lilac » Tue May 29, 2007 3:38 pm

Hi cthroughu

A Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Hug from me.

Sad to know about what happened to u. Take this whole episode as one of the lessons given to u by life. Don't get disheartened.Be positive. I'm sure u'll find someone as a good friend.

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Post by cthroughu » Tue May 29, 2007 5:28 pm

I would like to say thanks to all of those who have responded to my post.  :smt005  Until somone has been through some hard situations, you really don't know what the words of someone who actually send heartfelt actions mean.  Like an old dog who is almost dead and is still being kicked around that is how your hopes feel, but then someone comes along and picks that animal up and tends to it, loves it, feeds it, and nutures it, over time that dog becomes a loyal friend.  You have made me smile, and have brought a tear to my eye.  You seem to be nice and understanding individuals.  I still don't trust anyone though, it's hard to trust people after you have been done the way I have.  I feel people usually wear disguises, and when they want something, they take them off.  Thus, my name:  cthroughu.
Thank you again for the hugs, it's nice to know people will give you one without wanting, or waiting for something.  You're great people, I wish you life's best!

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Big hug

Post by lunarcraft » Tue May 29, 2007 5:55 pm

I am sending you one of my HUGE hugs - hope it helps a little.

As said before, the only way is UP and I am sure that will happen very soon for you.

Brighest Blessings


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Post by Delphina » Wed May 30, 2007 3:08 am

[[[A BIG Hug for You]]]

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You are great!

Post by cthroughu » Wed May 30, 2007 3:50 am

It is as if I can see arms around me.  Thanks again, you ALL have gone above and beyond.  I have felt more through you (the huggers) than I have through alot of people who were my so-called friends.  I asked for something and you ALL graciously responded.  You have taken time for a stranger, to read into their life and you have taken a moment not to sympathize, but to reach out to help.  With out-stretch arms  and a big hug for all of you, again I say thank you.

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You are great!

Post by cthroughu » Wed May 30, 2007 3:50 am

I wish I would have found this site sooner.   :smt002

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Post by rainii » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:51 pm

hi... l'm sorry to hear that your so low now.. l too felt as you do . l was alone and no one helped me.. and l'm 2 years depending only on myself. l found the strength in different ways to continue for my son, and now l continue for me..l'm worth it.
your worth it too.. prayer and meditation has been hugely helpful.. l hope your feeling better soon.. rainii

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:13 am

I am sending you a big hug my friend.

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