Psychic reading please?

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Psychic reading please?

Post by cancer73 » Mon May 28, 2007 5:04 pm

Hi all! I would like to get a reading I have never actually gotten one before  :)   I have been dealing with being unable to move! I want to move so badly and even had a place lined up but due to an unforseen circumstance it didn't come to pass.  I almost feel like the universe doesn't want me to move for some reason though for the life of me I can't seem to grasp why this situation is happening.  So what I'd like to know is there any guides or angels with me, and is there a reason for them preventing this? AND (most importantly!) am I EVER going to be able to find the right place for me?

Name Gerri
DOB 7/22/73

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 29, 2007 1:55 am

Hi Gerri, Image

I was wondering on looking at your request why you might be so desperate to move. While it may indeed be the time for you to move on with your life, it may not necessarily involve you also moving to another house. We are always hopeful that by moving to a new home our overall situation is going to be at least in some way better than our current one (why would we otherwise voluntarily endure all the potential problems and financial stress that any such move can cause us?).

What I am getting around to saying is to make the point that unless your current situation is completely unworkable, it does appear to me that you will not be particularly likely to move within the next six to twelve months. I cannot say this with absolute certainty and if an opportunity did come up in the mean time, I feel that you would be unwise not to seriously consider it regardless of what your reading says.

I do feel that you may have unrealistically high expectations as to what such a move could do for you in bolstering your own sense of self esteem and in overcoming the problems which you have been experiencing in the past, which are I sense largely independent of the house you are living in at the time. In other words, unless you are presently in real physical danger by staying where you are or you simply cannot keep up your house repayments, I believe that you are there to stay for at least the immediate future.

Perhaps your instincts were absolutely correct when you suggested that the Universe or your angels and guides feel that this move is not meant to be just yet, but I really do not think that their(?) intention is to discourage you from continuing to look for another place to live. I feel that there are certain personal issues and lessons still to be worked upon where you are already living, otherwise you could merely be carrying them with you to your next place.  

We all I believe have our own personal angels/guides/spirit helpers or friends around us at all times, but while they can offer us some hints to point us in the best general direction, they are not allowed to directly intervene against our divine right of free will. While it must be very similar to a loving parent who must often stand by and watch their adult children making unwise decisions which could in the long term cause them untold suffering, our spirit guides also must allow us to make our own decisions and to then deal with the consequences in our own ways. They definitely do not derive any pleasure from seeing us continuing to do things which can cause us pain and difficulties, but it is critical to our own spiritual development that we feel free to make up our own minds about what is the best thing for us to do in the end. They cannot live our lives or make decisions for us?

From your reading therefore I do agree entirely with you that there is likely to be a very definite reason (or reasons) for you not being able to move at this specific point in time. I feel that it is primarily because there are certain important lessons still to be learnt (that can be more easily learnt where you are now) and then acted upon, before you will be able to take maximum advantage of the many benefits of your next home.

Before you turn to the next chapter of your life, be certain to carefully read the fine print at the end of the previous one, as within it I think that you will discover the reasons why you have now come up against a temporary barrier or bookmark. As time itself moves on, the probability of you moving house will gradually increase, as long as you continue to be willing to learn new ways of doing things and seeing life's challenges not as obstacles in your path, but instead as valuable opportunities to learn more about your true Self, and your overall life purpose.

Love, Light and Peace to you,

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Post by cancer73 » Tue May 29, 2007 1:05 pm

Thank you EOT! I really appreciate it.  The reason I am desperate to move is I currently am living in a 2 bedroom apartment with 3 little boys and myself.  When I moved here I didn't know about number 3 and we have been here for 2 years now.  I just feel very crowded in.  Plus its really not the best neighborhood IMHO.  The problem is for me that it doesn't even seem to be a financial situation.  I make enough money to get something better.  Though I am desperate to buy a home and I KNOW for me to do that I have to stay here for atleast 6 more months.  I have looked to renting and had the absolute worst luck.  I could tell you some stories about things that have been said to me.  I just really feel its not ment to be at this time.  Though I am hoping there will be a light at the end of this moving tunnel.   Thank you again for your time and the reading.  Its given me a lot to think about! :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 30, 2007 1:13 am

Gerri, Image

Thanking you for your excellent feedback, and kind words of support for my reading.

Please don't mind me but I was a little curious as to why your need to move was so urgent. Now that I can see that it is mainly a matter of limited space with 3 little boys and yourself living cramped up in a tiny two bedroom apartment in a dodgy neighbourhood, I will actually sleep more soundly knowing that it was not because you were in any physical danger if you stayed for any longer, or because you had exhausted your finances and were about to be evicted.

That being said I do not for one moment wish to minimise the discomfort and concern this must be making you feel as a loving and caring mother who only wants to do what she believes is best for herself and her children, and please therefore send me any good news on the new home hunting front as soon as it becomes available. The human face of your readers?

Love, Light and Blessings to you all,

EOT Image

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