Karmic Debt Number

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Karmic Debt Number

Post by tigress55 » Mon May 28, 2007 11:37 pm

Today I downloaded the Karmic Debt Numerology software.  I opened it to find out what my number was. It said my Karmic Debt number is 0, and something about this not being applicable.  What does it mean to have a 0 for my Karmic Debt number.  Thank you for any advice you can give me.

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karmic debt numerology.

Post by s.v.kuppuswamy » Tue May 29, 2007 2:41 am

dear tigress55,
I am a numero palmist for the past 25 years but have never come across karmic debt number.
The karmic numers  means the result of actions in the previous life times.. One has to pay the price in the form of failures,sufferings, disappointments, accidents etc, For good actions in the past one is rewarded in the form of success, promotions, material gains,honours and similar things unexpectedly in thid life.
All are not karmic numbers except the following.
19/1=(1- Sefishness &egotism 9-misused talents and ambitions)
11/2=( negative aspects of 11 and the result is perversion and selfish ambitions of past)
13/4= 1- selfishness and egotism 4-trivial and frivilous activities)
22/4-high sensitivity and  difficulty in expressing  finer feelings in apractical and materialistic way.
14/5= 1- selfishness and egotism and 4- non serious and irresponsibility and misuse of powers.
16/7= (1 - selfishness and egotism and 6- illicit love asffairs ans distortion of love feelings).This is the worst karmic period of all karmic numbers.
all the above karmic numbers do have some remedies. and lastly the 0 you have mentioned occurs only as a negative or positive numer and never as karmic number.
Remedies on request

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karmic debt numerology.

Post by s.v.kuppuswamy » Tue May 29, 2007 2:42 am

dear tigress55,
I am a numero palmist for the past 25 years but have never come across karmic debt number.
The karmic numers  means the result of actions in the previous life times.. One has to pay the price in the form of failures,sufferings, disappointments, accidents etc, For good actions in the past one is rewarded in the form of success, promotions, material gains,honours and similar things unexpectedly in thid life.
All are not karmic numbers except the following.
19/1=(1- Sefishness &egotism 9-misused talents and ambitions)
11/2=( negative aspects of 11 and the result is perversion and selfish ambitions of past)
13/4= 1- selfishness and egotism 4-trivial and frivilous activities)
22/4-high sensitivity and  difficulty in expressing  finer feelings in apractical and materialistic way.
14/5= 1- selfishness and egotism and 4- non serious and irresponsibility and misuse of powers.
16/7= (1 - selfishness and egotism and 6- illicit love asffairs ans distortion of love feelings).This is the worst karmic period of all karmic numbers.
all the above karmic numbers do have some remedies. and lastly the 0 you have mentioned occurs only as a negative or positive numer and never as karmic number.
Remedies on request

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Post by Sorrow » Thu May 31, 2007 10:38 pm

Numerology is based on the understanding that we enter life with certain strengths and weaknesses.  Karmic Lessons are areas that we are currently weak in, and that we must face and work on in this life.  There can be more than one Karmic Lesson.

As we have already seen, each letter in your name corresponds to a specific number.  Certain numbers repeat within your name, while others may be missing.  Karmic Lessons are indicated when one or more of the nine single-digit numbers are missing in your name.  A Karmic Strength is suggested when a number is represented two or more times.

The letters and numbers of your name point to talents and abilities that you possess.  These characteristics can be compared to a workshop in which certain tools are available to you.  Missing numbers, those that are not represented in the letters of your name, imply tools that are unavailable, and that must be learned and mastered during this lifetime.

For people with three or more numbers missing, it is supremely important to focus on your career and talents, and to persevere in the face of any difficulty or obstacle.  The kind of keyhole energy suggested by such a name gives you the ability to achieve great success in a specific part of life; but before such a success can be achieved, adversity must be overcome.  Perseverance, therefore, becomes the key to happiness. Credit to: Hans Decoz

How to Find Your Karmic Lessons

The Karmic Lessons are found by finding which numbers are missing among the letters in the full name at birth.  You can have none, one, or several Karmic Lessons.

For example, in the name Thomas John Hancock, we find the following numbers to be present:

Use this Chart:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 8 6 4 1 1

1 6 8 5

8 1 5 3 6  3  2

We find all numbers represented except the 7 and 9, which are missing.  Therefore, Thomas has two Karmic Lessons: 7 and 9.

By 0 I can only say that you have no karmic lessons.

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karmic Debt Numerology

Post by s.v.kuppuswamy » Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:32 am

Dear sir,
The karmic debt of o means it is not he has no karmic debt but the place of nine numbers  square if any number is missing that is his karmic number. This comes in Nmae only and can  make us  to be watchful and careful during that perioid.or learn the positives of missing numbers and lesson the effect of those karmic numbers
I think I am clear in this aspect.

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Post by KeLa » Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:46 pm

I have some thoughts about this discussion - First, I have not heard of a 0 Karmic Debt number, but I have heard of a 0 Challenge number, which is basically a little easier challenge period than a normal challenge, but you are offered a crossroads, a chance to take "a higher road" .
Second, I disagree that 11/2 and 22/4 are karmic numbers, and with the definitions given (I am not trying to start a debate, but mearly offer another opinion to someone who may not be familiar with numerology).
Third, in the method that Sorrow pointed out, his method is correct, but it is also very important to consider the other numbers in the chart before deciding if the "missing numbers" are actually karmic or not, sometimes they are picked up in other important positions in the chart (i.e. Birth force, Expression, Soul urge, personality, birthday).  In fact, I think one area where this type of format is a little misleading at times is in pigion-holing numbers and thier meanings without the benefit of a complete chart.  Discussion is good, but beginners that put a lot of value on one number are not getting the full benefit of numerology, which is realized in the synthesis of all the numbers in a persons chart.
For the person that was told their Karmic debt number was 0 - what software or author did that come from?

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Post by KeLa » Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:55 pm

Had another thought - if your Karmic debt number came up as 0 (using the typical method by Decoz that Sorrow outlined) it means that the letters in your name cover all 9 digits and you basically have no Karmic debt numbers - I usually refer to these as Karmic lessons, not debts, and I believe that is the terminology used by Decoz.  These are usually less severe and are really just lessons that most of us work through pretty early in life (by 35 or so).  Karmic Debt, in the form already provided by S.V.K. is another matter.

Basically what the 0 (another way of saying it is that you have a Subconscious Self number of 9) means is that you are a well rounded individual that is able to draw on a wide variety of resource when life's problems arise.

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Post by Sorrow » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:41 am

On the other hand, someone who has no karma ? Hard to believe...

From the Point of view of astrology that is impossible...

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Post by KeLa » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:27 pm

I did not mean to imply that the person with the subconscious-self number of 9 had no Karma.  But, I will say this...  I do not believe that God, or the Universe, or the Higher Power operates from a tit-for-tat position, which is how a lot of people view karma - as a punishment for "bad" deeds in this or previous life times.  Rather it is the souls longing to experience balance, i.e. both-sides-of-the coin, that determines karma.  I also feel that more evolved individuals in our time, who are vibrating at higher levels, have the ability to work through their karma almost immediately, if they choose.  :)

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Post by Sorrow » Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:09 pm

What goes around, comes around. - you can take that as primary law of karma.

If you give love, love will be given to you.
If you do something bad to someone, that will be done to you.

Karma simply mirrors your actions back to you!    

Just that karma doesent say when.

Indeed that there are individuals highly evolved, take Indigo Children for example.

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Post by Delphina » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:06 pm

Karma does not always give you back what you have dished out.
For some may say...
But I have been really nice, good....and this still happened to me.
That is usually because one must learn humility first.
Sometimes it seems that people never get back what they deserve when they hurt others. But I wouldn't want to be in their shoes the next time around!

As for indigo children, yes there are many around. I have found that most of them carry no Karmic numbers. If they don't understand why... it is very hard for them to figure out which direction to turn. No Karmic numbers does not mean no Karma. It means they have a choice. If they choose wrong, they have created a burden that must be remedied in this life time, or it will be Karma in the next.

Not all "indigo" individuals that are highly evolved are in that age category, just as... not all children in that age category can be considered indigo.


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Post by Sorrow » Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:00 pm

Delphinia your perspective is not wide enough,
Delphina wrote:Sometimes it seems that people never get back what they deserve when they hurt others
Karma works over more lifetimes, those people will get back what they deserve in next lifetimes.

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Post by Delphina » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:07 pm

Sorrow wrote:Delphinia your perspective is not wide enough,
Delphina wrote:Sometimes it seems that people never get back what they deserve when they hurt others
Karma works over more lifetimes, those people will get back what they deserve in next lifetimes.
Oh My Goodness. That is why I said I wouldn't want to be in there shoes the next time around!

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