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Post by JANAA » Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:02 pm



 DATE OF BIRTH : 10.06.1963



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Post by Sorrow » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:48 pm

Please give me your full name.

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Post by Delphina » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:41 pm

Hi Janaa:
Birthpath number 8
You have a natural leadership ability.
A talent for management, business and finances
You need to learn the REAL value of money. If not learned you may lose it.
Money is not to be used against someone, but rather to help.
06) You are a caring individual
10)You are a survivor.
63)You bounce back from defeat.

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Post by JANAA » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:01 pm

Sorrow wrote:Please give me your full name.
hello sorrow

   my name is C.T.JANARDHANAN only.  even in my official records also. so u can ahead with analysing about my career prospects in the near future based on the name mentioned as above and DOB : 10.06.1963.

    thanks once again



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Post by JANAA » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:05 pm

Delphina wrote:Hi Janaa:
Birthpath number 8
You have a natural leadership ability.
A talent for management, business and finances
You need to learn the REAL value of money. If not learned you may lose it.
Money is not to be used against someone, but rather to help.
06) You are a caring individual
10)You are a survivor.
63)You bounce back from defeat.
hello delphina

      thanks for yr prediction.  however, i wud be glad if u cud analyse further and tell me  what kind of change u expect in my career within a year from now.  by the way, alberta is in which country?  



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Post by Sorrow » Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:02 pm

You dont know what your name initials stand for?
What is your name, and what is your surname in that C.T.JANARDHANAN?

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Post by JANAA » Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:40 am

hello sorrow

       Pl. note that my initials C.T. stands for COIMBATORE THANGAVELU.  but in all records my name is C.T.Janardhanan only.  otherwise it is COIMBATORE THANGAVELU JANARDHANAN. But this  is not used.  NO SURNAME ADDED TO MY NAME,  AS THERE IS NO CUSTOM IN OUR SIDE.

        Hope i clarified yr query.  U can go ahead by taking my name as C.T.Janardhanan only.[ DOB : 10.06.1963]


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Post by Sorrow » Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:16 am

About your Personal Reading

   This reading was composed for you personally, C.T.Janardhanan, and is based on
your full name at birth, your date of birth, and the name you now use to introduce
C.T.Janardhanan, your Personal Numerology Reading describes all aspects of your
chart as they are understood in numerology, accurately and in-depth.
   Each chapter starts with a short introduction telling you where this particular number is
found and how it affects you.  This is followed by the number itself.  Often, you will find a
double digit number followed by a single digit.
   The meaning of your number is then explained in easy to read language.  
C.T.Janardhanan, you don't need to know anything about numerology to be able to enjoy
and benefit from this reading.

   I hope you will enjoy your reading.

   If ever there was a moment of total transformation, it was the moment of your birth. In
that instant, you stepped through a door in time into a new reality -- the reality of human
life. The most important number in your numerology chart is based on the date of your
birth, the moment when the curtain goes up in your life.  
   Even at that moment, you were a person with your own unique character, as unique
as your DNA. Everything that is you existed in potential, much like a play that is about to
begin. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been prepared for. C.T.Janardhanan,
you have ultimate freedom to do with your life as you like: To fulfill its potential completely,
or to make some smaller version of yourself. It all depends upon your effort and
commitment. You make the decisions to fulfill, to whatever extent, the potential life that
exists within you. That is your choice. In this sense, the possible you is implicit during the
moment of your birth.  
   The Life Path number gives us a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and
lessons we will encounter in this lifetime. Your Life path is the road you are traveling. It
reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your Life Path number is the
single most important information available in your Personality Chart!

Your Life Path is 8  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are gifted with natural leadership and the capacity to
accumulate great wealth. You have great talent for management in all areas of life,
especially in business and financial matters. You understand the material world; you
intuitively know what makes virtually any enterprise work. Your talent lies not with the
bookkeeping or petty management, but with the greater vision, its purpose, and long
range goals.
   You are a visionary and a bit reckless. You possess the ability to inspire people to join
you in your quest, but often they are incapable of seeing what you see. Therefore, those
around you need your continual guidance, inspiration, and encouragement. You must
prod them into action and direct them along the lines of your vision.
   You attract financial success more than any other Life Path, but effort is required.
   C.T.Janardhanan, your challenge in life is to achieve a high degree of detachment, to
understand that power and influence must be used for the benefit of mankind. Those
born with the Number 8 Life Path, who do not understand the real and relative value of
money are bound to suffer the consequences of greed; they run the risk of losing it all!
   You must learn to bounce back from failures and defeats. You have the character and
resilience of a true survivor. It is not uncommon for a person with your Life Path to
experience major reverses, including bankruptcies, financial failure, but you also have the
talent and the sheer guts to make more than one fortune, and build many successful
enterprises. More than most people, your failures in marriage can be extremely
expensive for you.
   Despite the difficulties that life presents, you will experience the satisfaction that
comes from material wealth and the power that comes with it.
   Business, finance, real estate, law, science (particularly history, archeology, and
physics), publishing, and the management of large institutions are among the vocational
fields that suit you best. You are naturally attracted to positions of influence and
leadership -- Politics, social work, and teaching are among the many other areas where
your abilities can shine.
   You are a good judge of character, which aids you well in attracting the right people to
   Most 8s like large families and sometimes tend to keep others dependent longer than
necessary. Although jovial in nature you are not demonstrative in showing your love and
   The desire for luxury and comfort is especially strong in you. Status is very important.
You must be careful to avoid living above your means.
   C.T.Janardhanan, your Life Path treads that dangerous ground where power lies --
and can corrupt. You may become too self important, arrogant, and domineering, thinking
that your way is the only way. This leads inevitably to isolation and conflict. The people
you run the risk of hurting most are those you love, your family and friends.

   Be careful of becoming stubborn, intolerant, overbearing, and impatient. These
characteristics may be born early in the life of an 8 Life Path, who often learn these
negative traits after suffering under a tyrannical parent or a family burdened by repressive
religious or intellectual dogmas.
   Those with the 8 Life Path usually possess a strong physique, which is a symptom of
their inherent strength and resiliency.

   The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and
where your talents lie.  The day of birth indicates some special talent you possess.  It is a
gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path.  Your day of birth is one of your four
core numbers -- the Life Path, Expression, and Heart’s Desire being the other three.  It is
the least significant of the four core numbers, but perhaps the most finite, in that it
reveals a specific ability you possess in a marked degree.

Your Birthday is 10  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are highly ambitious and yearn for independence.  You possess
leadership abilities, and a strong drive for success.  Your test in life is to live according to
your dream -- that is, to have the courage and the stamina to overcome obstacles and
win the independence you so deeply want.
   You possess a sharp mind and fine analytical skills.  You have excellent managerial
skills.  You plan well and can organize people to carry out your plan.
   You are often frustrated by routine activities.  You can become dull and even
depressed if you are bound too tightly to the smaller details of life.
   In order to rescue yourself from such a fate, it will be necessary to take prudent risks.  
C.T.Janardhanan, you must learn to assert yourself.  You are a pioneer at heart.  You
must live up to such a charge.
   You can be stubborn and rigid when it comes to ideas that you feel strongly about.  
Yet, you are a loyal and devoted friend and can be demonstrative of your affections.
   Conversely, you are highly competitive and can suffer from jealousy when it comes to
the success of others, especially colleagues or friends.
   By using the determination and creativity you possess, you can achieve much

   Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, the orientation
or goal of your life.  Some numerologists refer to this number as the Destiny, because it
represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming.  You work at fulfilling this potential
every day of your life.  Thus, the Expression number reveals your inner goal, the person
you aim to be.  
   The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with
you when you entered your human body.  Your name, and the numbers derived from it,
reveals your development, as well as the talents and issues you will be working with
during this life.
   For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration of your full
name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, the experiences, talents, and
wisdom accumulated over many life times.  Every experience, no matter how great or
small, along this evolutionary path has influenced your development, and brought you to
your current state of being.
   The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you are attempting to
learn this time around.  Time allows the gradual emergence of your personality.  By
reading the Expression number below, you will come to understand your basic nature
and the abilities and issues inherent in your being.

Your Expression is 1  
   You are a natural leader, independent and individualistic.  C.T.Janardhanan, you are
extremely ambitious, original, and courageous.  You employ new and unproven methods.  
You are an explorer and an innovator.  Openness to too many peripheral influences limits
and frustrates you.  You are self-reliant, confident, and energetic.
   You possess executive abilities and are most successful at owning or independently
managing a business.  You need the freedom to make your own decisions, based on
your own ideas.  You can be an astute politician.  You also possess the ability to
influence the opinions of your milieu.
   The number 1 symbolizes the front-runner, pioneer, warrior, risk-taker, and daredevil.  
Generals, top politicians, successful businessmen, self-made millionaires, religious
leaders, inventors, activists, and avant-garde artists are often born with a 1 Expression.
   Strength and perseverance are central to your success.  You must be willing to travel
the frontiers of life, away from the beaten path.  You possess a great reserve of willpower
that must be directed at your goals.  You do not give up, but relentlessly pursue your
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are quite opinionated.  People tend to be inspired or repelled by
your strong personality.
   You have great powers of concentration and the ability to visualize your goals, thus
making them more attainable.
   You stand up for your convictions and hold your ground.  All of these abilities enhance
your chances of success in life.
   There is a tendency to be self-centered.  You can be domineering and, in the extreme,
a bully.  You can be highly critical of others, complaining that people lack the industry or
determination you possess.  But this lack of understanding can alienate friends and
family members from you.  You must learn to control this tendency to maintain harmony
in relationships.
   Once you are convinced of the inherent correctness of your ideas, you stubbornly --
and sometimes rigidly -- defend and propagate them.
   Avoid obstinacy and antagonism.  You must cultivate balance, compassion, and
   You easily assume the role of protector.  You spring into action when leadership is
   Pride can be your downfall.  You so powerfully identify with your goals and ambitions
that you sometimes refuse to see a potential flaw or weakness in your well-laid plans.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you possess strength and determination, which, when applied to
any endeavor you are committed to, will lead you to great success in life.

   Your Heart's Desire is the inner you.  It shows your underlying urge, your true
motivation.  It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions.  Consequently, it
dramatically influences the choices you make in life.  The Heart's desire is seen as part
of the larger picture, called the core numbers, which includes the Life Path, Expression,
Day you were born, and Personality.  But each points to a different aspect of you.
   The Expression number reveals your talents and abilities, and your general direction in
life.  The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world to learn.  The Day you
were born is very closely connected to your Life Path.  It reveals specific talents you
possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing with your Life Path.  The Personality
reveals how people tend to see you.  It also demonstrates what characteristics you are
projecting to the world.  The Heart's Desire demonstrates the identity of the soul that
joined the earth -- you, the spiritual being.

Your Heart's Desire is 4  
   You like to live a stable, well organized life.  You dislike sudden changes.  You prefer
orderliness in all things.  You have a systematic mind that is reflected in everything you
do.  You can establish and maintain a routine.  You are exacting with details and quite
   You like to carefully analyze a problem and then tackle it in a logical and practical
approach.  You want to be dependable, a rock of strength and an example of discipline
for others.
   Work is central to your life, but you may have a tendency to overdo it; you can easily
become a workaholic if you're not careful.  You have a great deal of energy and can
accomplish a lot.
   You want a family and you are a good parent.  You may carry the discipline and the
need for orderliness too far, especially in your family, making children and spouse feel
oppressed and limited.  Flexibility is your key to harmony and balance in life.  For you,
structure is more important than freedom, which you tend to interpret as chaos.  But
others do not have your need for well defined systems, in fact, they may feel deeply
inhibited and uncomfortable with it.  The peace you get from orderliness may represent a
prison to someone else.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you need and want much love, but you are not very demonstrative.  
You can be a little rigid and stubborn.
   You are honest and unpretentious.  You detest liars and affectations.
   You can be very determined and tenacious.  You are the bedrock of any enterprise.  
You have the courage to go into the nitty gritty of a problem and come up with a solution.  
Try not to lose sight of the larger picture and dream while you plumb the depths of the
bottom line.

   Your Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name at birth.  
Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your true nature.  
It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at the outset of a
relationship.  With time and trust, you invite others into the deeper aspects of your nature;
you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, your Heart's Desire, Expression, and so
   Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms of what
you send out, as well as what you allow to approach.  It discriminates in the kinds of
people and information you let enter your heart and mind.  For this reason, your
Personality is usually much more narrow and protective in its definition than the real you.  
It can screen out some of what you do not want to deal with -- people or situations -- but
it also welcomes those things that immediately relate to your inner nature.
   Your Personality number also indicates how others perceive you.  No one can be
objective about himself or herself.  Even our closest friends and relatives have trouble
describing how they see us.

Your Personality is 6  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you radiate understanding and compassion.  People sense your
warmth and fairness.  For this reason, you attract many people who are in need of
comfort, including the disadvantaged.  People tend to come to you to unload their
burdens.  You inspire confidence.
   You have a fine sense of justice.  You do everything in your power to keep the harmony
and are even willing to sacrifice your personal desires for the good of others.
   You can take this too far, however, sometimes playing the role of the martyr.  You have
to guard against being taken advantage of.  You are not always a very good judge of
character.  You tend to see the best in others.
   You also can become too involved in the lives of others, to your own detriment.  (This
aspect can be balanced by other numbers in your chart.)
   You are hospitable and domestic.  You love children and are a good parent.  You are
romantic, faithful and very protective.
   You are artistic.  You love music, flowers and gardening.  You are a natural interior
designer.  You have an excellent sense of color and taste.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are more concerned with the content of your personality than
your appearance, which causes you to be less conscious of the style of your clothes.  
You are more interested in comfort and the utility of clothing than the statement it makes.
   Six Personality Numbers are exceedingly generous.  You are not particularly logical
when it comes to finances.
   You are very vulnerable to praise and criticism.  You tend to worry a lot, causing
stomach problems.
   People see you as a maternal or paternal figure.  They want to relax in your presence
and unburden themselves.  You are the safe port in the crowd.

   Your Maturity number indicates an underlying wish or desire that gradually surfaces
around age thirty to thirty-five.  This underlying goal begins to emerge as you gain a better
understanding of yourself.  With self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you
are, what your true goals in life are, and what direction you want to set for your life.  This,
in a nutshell, is the gift of maturity: You no longer waste time and energy on things that
are not within your own special identity.
   No matter what your age is at present, your life is being channeled in a specific
direction, toward a very specific goal.  That goal can be seen as a reward or the
fulfillment of a promise that is implicit in your current efforts, often without your knowing it
consciously.  While the characteristics of this number are usually visible during
childhood, we tend to lose sight of these aspects until later in life.  But our lives are
always being affected by this influence, nonetheless.
   Your Maturity number begins to have a more profound impact on your life after the age
of 35.  The influence of the number increases steadily as you grow older.

Your Maturity is 9  
   C.T.Janardhanan, your concern for the well being of society will grow more powerful
as you come to maturity.  You will be drawn to doing much public service.  The long-term
good of your community and even the world will occupy your thoughts increasingly.
   As you mature, your appreciation for the arts and beauty in any form will also increase.  
It is quite possible that you will be actively involved in the arts, if that is not already the
case, often as a benefactor.
   Service to humanity is fundamental to your life.  You will grow in understanding and
wisdom as you mature.  Involvement with international affairs or humanitarian service
offers you much satisfaction.
   If you already have several 9s in your chart, especially among the core numbers, you
will have to guard against arrogance, aloofness, and alienation.
   If you have few 9s in your chart, or none at all, you will gain a sense of your personal
place among the human race.  You will feel you belong and that you have provided
something of lasting value for the future.

   Numerology is based on the understanding that we enter life with certain strengths and
weaknesses.  Karmic lessons are areas that we are currently weak in and must be
faced and worked on in this life.  There can be more than one Karmic Lesson.  These
are indicated by the absence of certain numbers in your name.
   The letters and numbers of your name point to talents and abilities that you possess.  
These characteristics can be compared to a workshop in which certain tools are
available to you.  Missing numbers, those that are not represented in the letters in your
name, imply tools that are unavailable, and must be learned and mastered during this
   You may well recognize your Karmic Lessons as weaknesses you have learned to
overcome in the course of your life, however, the challenges implied in your Karmic
Lessons will continue to come up occasionally for the rest of your life.

You have a Karmic Lesson 6  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you have a major issue with commitment and responsibility to
   You have a hard time committing to marriage and other important personal
relationships.  You have to learn to show true emotion.
   You may feel isolated and alone, but do not understand why.  The reason is that very
often you form relationships yet remain heavily guarded, putting up a show of emotion
without truly communicating affection or care.  This can make the bond between you and
others superficial.  You must learn to establish sincere relationships.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you will learn the importance of close friends and lasting
relationships.  You will learn to give and, when necessary, sacrifice.  This is the one true
way to true friendship and lasting love.
The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 6 among
your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality

You have a Karmic Lesson 7  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you need to deepen your knowledge and talents in a specific
discipline.  You lack the will or determination to perfect yourself or a specific talent you
possess.  You must learn to be your own critic, without self condemnation, in order to
bring your abilities to their full development.
   You will learn not to take things at face value.  A superficial understanding of important
matters will prevent you from experiencing the satisfaction of your true potential.

   The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 7 among
your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality

   Your Hidden Passion reveals one or more special strengths and talents that you rely
upon and are available to you.  The Hidden Passion represents your specific field of
expertise, or a concentrated talent.  
   Metaphorically, this talent can be seen as having a power all its own to shape your life.  
Its existence gives you a strong desire to develop and to express that particular ability.  
Having the talent demands that you express it, that you experience this part of you, and
that you live according to its nature.  In this way, the Hidden Passion shapes your
personality, and guides your life.

Your Hidden Passion is 1  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you have a strong drive to stand out.  You have a great ambition and
desire to accomplish.  You are highly competitive and want to be the best and the first in
everything you do.  You are highly energetic and creative.  You are capable of influencing
and even dominating others.  You have highly developed political skills, and can succumb
to manipulation unless your ideals are high.
   Ironically, there are times when you lack confidence, especially at an earlier age, but
you have the strength to overcome this obstacle.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are a survivor, a warrior, a leader.  Many great athletes and
politicians have this number as a Hidden Passion.
Each of us experiences life on four different levels: with our physical body; our mental
faculty; our emotional makeup; and our intuition.  Each of these areas has a specific
means of perceiving information.  The physical body is capable of touch, taste, pleasure,
and pain.  It provides us with a sense of the physical world.  The mental body, like the
emotional and intuitive natures, perceives the invisible worlds.  Our minds deal with the
world of thought.  The heart, of course, is preoccupied exclusively with the world of
emotion.  Our feelings teach us many things about ourselves and about others.  Finally,
we have the capacity for direct contact with the higher realms by way of intuition.  Intuitive
insight comes in a flash.  It is not rational -- that is the world of the mental plane -- but
comes as if it were placed at the doorstep of our minds.  Intuition, therefore, bypasses all
   These four faculties exist in all of us.  But each of us depends more on one or two of
them for the bulk of our knowledge.  Some of us are possessed by our senses, while
others live almost exclusively in our hearts, or minds.
   Numerology indicates how we as individuals function on each plane.
   The letters of the alphabet are divided in four categories: physical, mental, emotional
and intuitive.
   The proportion of each category in your name gives a good indication of which Planes
of Expression are strongest in you, and which ones are weaker.
   These Planes of Expression can greatly help you to understand your talents and

Your Plane of Expression Physical is 4  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you have a great deal of energy an determination.  You are
eminently practical and organized.  You are good with details and able to stick to routine
   You have excellent concentration and are quite serious.  You can be tenacious when
confronted with an obstacle or an adversary.
   You are loyal and honest, warm and generous.  You dislike changes and can be rigid
and inflexible.  You are a good debater.  You must control your desire to dominate people
and situations.
   You appreciate traditions and well established routines.

Your Plane of Expression Mental is 19/1  
   C.T.Janardhanan, your mind is very sharp and quick, coming up with good and
innovative ideas in a flash.  You process information quickly, but tend to put it in
short-term memory.  You use information for a specific purpose, but forget it quickly
when it no longer has any relevance to your immediate needs.
   You are the proverbial quick study.  You pick up information like a vacuum, and may
have a facility with languages.
   You are extremely original.  You love moving into the frontier of any enterprise to come
up with innovative methods.  You are a ground-breaker.
   You are witty and charming.  You get bored easily.

Your Plane of Expression Emotional is 11/2  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are highly emotional, intuitive, and extremely sensitive to your
environment.  You have a tendency to go up and down emotionally with whatever is the
overriding stimulus in your surroundings.
   You are overly concerned with the opinions of others.
   You are highly aware of what others are thinking.  You perceive their motivations and
hidden feelings.
   You enjoy, and even need, beauty and harmony around you.  You are very tactful and
diplomatic.  You have a gift for saying the right thing at the right time.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are extremely vulnerable to stress.  You can experience much
nervous tension and if not properly cared for can suffer some type of nervous disorder.
   You have a subtle mind and talent as a healer and counselor.

Your Plane of Expression Intuitive is 3  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are very original, imaginative and sometimes have fantastic
ideas about spiritual matters.  You are very artistic and inspiring.  You have a talent with
words, and may be drawn to the pulpit.
   Your intuition is above average but you tend to color and exaggerate your insights.

   People experience different internal responses to life's challenges.  Some withdraw
from difficult situations to think them through; others withdraw from their emotions, to try
and keep themselves from feeling anything.  Some explode with emotions, but allow the
explosion to pass quickly.  Others linger with their feelings, holding on to them well past
the time they should have let them go.
Very often, these are conditioned or emotional responses that emerge without thought
or analysis.  Maturity and self-development help us to learn new and more effective
methods of handling our world and the problems we confront.  Your Balance number
provides you with the guidance on how best to deal with difficult or threatening situations.

Your Balance is 3  
   C.T.Janardhanan, be more lighthearted and optimistic in your approach to problems.  
Try to work with others toward a mutually satisfying solution.  Use your considerable
charm to influence the situation.
   You can be extremely emotional when faced with a problem.  Try to control this
tendency; you need a degree of objectivity.  You may become too personally attached to
the solution you seek, thus failing to see that the outcome can be beneficial to all

   Your Rational Thought number reveals what can probably best be described as the
way you think.  Are you a practical, methodical thinker, or a dreamer? Do you frequently
allow your imagination to color your perception? Are you unconventional and original in
the face of a practical problem, or do you stick to proven methods?
   This is the kind of information revealed through your Rational Thought number.

Your Rational Thought is 56/2  
   The 11 is the illuminator.  C.T.Janardhanan, you have answers and insights based on
the proverbial light bulb.  Your Rational Thought number is the most magical and difficult
to understand (for others).  You have the makings of an inventor, or a spiritual guide.  You
would do well relying heavily on your intuition.  You sense things more accurately than
you analyze.

   The first letter of your first name gives an additional indication to your character,
particularly as to the manner in which you approach opportunities and obstacles.  The
first letter is called your Cornerstone.

Your Cornerstone is C  
   You are intuitive and demonstrative of your feelings.  C.T.Janardhanan, you have good
self-expression and a strong sense of humor.  You are inspiring, cheerful, melodramatic,
and even extravagant at times.  You are outspoken and spontaneous.  You are
lighthearted and optimistic.

   Your Subconscious Self reveals how you react to demanding situations.  It indicates
your ability to get the most out of your talents and opportunities, especially when you face
new or challenging circumstances.  The Subconscious Self also reveals the areas of our
character that need to be strengthened.

Your Subconscious Self is 7  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you can appear indifferent to your surroundings and somewhat
aloof.  You are well-balanced and can survive many a stormy time.  In time of trial, you
withdraw within yourself finding solace and answers, in your creative and analytical mind.  
You may be a bit of a loner and do not easily share your feelings with others.

   Each of us is born with both strengths and weaknesses.  Numerology looks at life as if
it were an educational process that is meant to bring out and enhance our talents, and
turn our weaknesses into strengths.  This serves to complete our being.
   The job of becoming whole is one in which we must face our weaknesses and
consciously work to improve ourselves.  There are four Challenges to be faced during
our lives.  For many of us, the same challenge is repeated, while others have four
distinctly different lessons to learn.  
   The Challenges on your life's path provide specific lessons that you must attend to,
and, in order to inspire and help you, life will place you in situations that require the
specific characteristics of your Challenge numbers.
   The four Challenges you are required to overcome during the course of this lifetime will
influence you during different periods of your life, except for the Third or Main Challenge,
which lasts from birth until death.  The Challenges are fluid periods of your life, not
confined to specific years so much as general periods.  All of your Challenges are
present at birth, like actors standing in the wings.  


   The duration of the First Challenge usually lasts from birth until approximately the age
of 30 to 35.

Your First Challenge is 5  
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are in danger of becoming a rolling stone.  Your desire to
experience and enjoy life can overwhelm every other priority you have.  Your need for
freedom dominates you.  You want to try everything and go everywhere.
   You must guard against overindulgence -- and even dependence upon -- alcohol, food,
drugs, and sex.
   You must work at establishing and maintaining long- lasting relationships.  Be tolerant
and understanding.  This will enable you to have people in your life who are more than
mere company.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you need to discipline your urge to change every situation that does
not immediately suit you.  Stick with projects, maintain your friendships, don't abandon
people or situations the minute they become the slightest bit difficult.
   If few fives are in the chart you have a fear of change and can not let go of people and
situations.  This holds you in the past, restricting your growth.  Learn to take prudent risks
and be more adventurous.


   The Second Challenge usually lasts until the age of about 35 to 40.

Your Second Challenge is 0  
   This is a less demanding challenge.  Growth is allowed to take place without one
particularly serious obstacle.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges on
your path, but there is no single and consistent challenge during this period.
   C.T.Janardhanan, you are being challenged to stay faithful and focused on your
highest ideals.
   There is an opportunity to go deeper within yourself, and discover the inner being that
is you.


   This Challenge carries much weight and will be felt throughout your life.  For that
reason, it is also called the Main Challenge.
   As you master this challenge, your life will come more and more under your own
control.  You will incorporate the positive aspects of the challenge into your character.  
This is its purpose in the first place.  Therefore, there is implicit in the challenge a chance
for great reward.
   In short, this may be the secret to your success.

Your Third Challenge is 5  
(This Challenge is the same as the First, as described above.)  


   The Fourth Challenge is most strongly felt during the latter part of our lives, beginning
at the age of approximately 45.

Your Fourth Challenge is 5  
(This Challenge is the same as the First, as described above.)  
   The Pinnacles are four long-term cycles, or periods, on our Life Path.  Each Pinnacle
represents a particular lesson we are working on.  The first Pinnacle usually lasts from
birth to between the ages of 30 and 35 (your specific Pinnacle periods are provided
below).  The middle two Pinnacles each last nine years.  The last Pinnacle will stay with
you for the remainder of your life.
   The Pinnacles are very important.  The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is
always strongly felt.  Your Pinnacles reveal the general conditions and events you will
experience during the period.  The Pinnacle describes the atmosphere, or the essential
challenge you will be faced with.
   You can prepare yourself for the times ahead by knowing your approaching Pinnacle
   The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is usually prepared for approximately 2
years in advance.  The latter part of that two year period is particularly strong.  
C.T.Janardhanan, you will likely make some life-altering decisions -- marriage, job or
career change, or any number of major changes in your character.
   Perhaps the most strongly felt change -- internally as well as externally -- is the
transition from the first to the second Pinnacle.  This change usually takes place in your
late 20s or early 30s -- the exact date depends on your Life Path number and is provided
below.  You begin to feel the impact of this coming change approximately two years prior.  
This is usually a difficult transition, but once crossed usually provides a clear sense of
direction in one's life.  It also gives you a much firmer sense of your identity.  It is a
gateway to maturity.

Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 28) is 7  
   This is a period of inner development and soul searching.  C.T.Janardhanan, you will
deal with the deeply important questions of personal existence and the meaning of life.  
You will need time to be alone to contemplate your inner world.  This is a time of spiritual
growth.  You will experience a heightened sense of faith.  The power of the universe will
be the force that carries you along.
   You have an enhanced appreciation of poetry and nature.  Walks in nature provide
great therapeutic value and spiritual nourishment.
   This is a time of specialization.  You will pursue some course of development with
fervor and focus.  Your ability to concentrate will be greatly increased.  C.T.Janardhanan,
your desire to study in all forms -- reading, self reflection, and contemplation -- will reach
an all-time high.  Your intuition is much more sensitive, making your path a little easier
and more direct, since you know intuitively the appropriate next step.
   Under this Pinnacle, you will become an expert in one particular field.  Your capacity to
penetrate the depths of a subject area is enormous.  You will look below the surface in
virtually everything you encounter.  It is very possible that you will find yourself in a
teaching role.
   You must consciously work on your closer relationships, especially with your spouse
and children.  You must explain that your desire to turn inward is not an escape or an
avoidance of those you love, but a deep need for knowledge.
   During this 7 Pinnacle, spiritual growth, increased knowledge, and wisdom are the big
rewards.  The 7 Pinnacle provides the basis for contentment in older age, because you
now begin to understand life more deeply.
   C.T.Janardhanan, your challenge is to avoid becoming critical or cynical of others.  
You can become so withdrawn from society that you look down on others.  You may
forget that you, too, are part of the imperfect human race.  Sarcasm is the lowest form of
communication, and a trap you could fall victim to.
   Your desire to attain some high degree of perfection is sincere.  But that pursuit can
make you miserable if you lose perspective and fail to realize the relativity of human
existence.  Perfection is a Utopian goal, but an unrealistic ambition.  It can cause you to
be dissatisfied with yourself and others.
   The 7 provides the possibility of true refinement, insight, and a high degree of wisdom.  
This deep understanding is the basis for self-love and true happiness.

Your Second Pinnacle (from age 29 until age 37) is 2  
   C.T.Janardhanan, this Pinnacle causes you to be extremely sensitive, intuitive, and full
of insight.  It is a period that requires patience and the development of inner awareness.  
You are being asked to use gentle power and persuasion to obtain your desired goals.  
Direct approaches, forceful displays, and confrontations will likely work against you.  You
will find the most satisfactory roles to be supportive.  You are now a gifted advisor, a
diplomat and a peacemaker.  Your insight into other people's feelings and motivations is
so acute that you seem to be able to see right to the core of things.  But rather than use
these gifts to create differences between people, you must use them to create peace, to
mend rifts, to harmonize.
   C.T.Janardhanan, your challenge during this period is to bring balance to duality in
every form, and at every level.  You will recognize the value of both sides of an argument
and be able to see the middle ground where peace can be made.  You can create the
atmosphere in which both sides can compromise and work harmoniously.  You are the
glue that keeps people and important projects together.
   The weaknesses you must face and overcome are too much sensitivity.  You may be
tempted to indulge your feelings, to be too easily hurt.  You may lack self-confidence,
especially at the beginning of the Pinnacle when your heightened sensitivity and
awareness make you conscious of your own shortcomings.  You may succumb to fear
and hesitation.  All of this can lead to emotional turmoil.

   C.T.Janardhanan, you need courage and the willingness to reach out for support.
   Your sensitivity will make you acutely appreciative of beauty and harmonious
environments.  At the same time, you need beauty and harmony around you.
   You have an increased appetite for music and the arts in general.  You may find that
your musical talents coming to the surface.  If you do not already play an instrument, give
in to any inclination to take one up.
   A person in a 2 Pinnacle who uses his or her sensitivity, understanding, and insight is
very appreciated by others.  You may not fully realize just how much others appreciate
and respect you.  This may cause you to feel undervalued, or that you are not getting the
recognition you deserve.
   You appear shy and humble, particularly if this is your first Pinnacle, but inside there is
much pride that must be kept in check.
   You may want to hide from the tumult of life, or from difficult situations.  This may
tempt you to color the facts in order to protect harmony.  Be careful of this tendency,
because it often backfires.
   You have an eye for precision and detail.  Your taste in all aspects of life is enhanced
and you possess a certain class that others admire.  If you make the most of these
qualities, your appearance is considerably improved, making you both attractive and
   The world depends on those who maintain harmony and balance.

Your Third Pinnacle (from age 38 until age 46) is 9  
   C.T.Janardhanan, this is a period in which you must identify with some larger project
or goal that is bigger than you.  Your greatest satisfaction will be in providing for others,
as well as for yourself.  Those in business will draw much personal gratification in
knowing that they are helping their employees support their families.  Those involved in
social activism -- a particularly appealing choice of careers during the 9 Pinnacle -- will
feel themselves strengthened by the knowledge that they are advancing the safety and
well being of society.  The 9 Pinnacle is a time in which you apply your energies to the
good of the larger community.
   As a result, there is an element of self-sacrifice present.  To some degree, you must
subordinate your personal priorities to those of a larger cause.  We are not suggesting
martyrdom, but making a conscious effort on your part to strike a balance between the
good of your milieu and your own personal desires.
This is a good time for financial growth and progress in business affairs.  It is a period
in which you face a large challenge and must give yourself entirely to it.
   The 9 Pinnacle also promises much reward in drama, writing and art.  You have a
heightened esthetic sense, and any latent artistic talent you already possess will be
enhanced and brought to the surface.  If you have been in business, you may suddenly
be drawn to the arts as a benefactor or patron, supplying support for theater productions
or artists.
   You will feel an increased sense of social responsibility and compassion for the many.  
You will want to help those less fortunate than yourself and will likely apply yourself to
some social cause or philanthropy.  This is a period in which you feel a greater love for
the good of your community, country, and the world.
   Interestingly, you are not restricted by prejudice or boundaries of class or country.  You
see humanity as a whole.  Your love is not personal, however, but for the many.
   Many under the 9 Pinnacle are drawn to religion or philosophy and have the capacity to
spread some doctrine or teaching.
   In short, you are highly idealistic.  C.T.Janardhanan, you will likely travel extensively
during this period and meet people from many walks of life.
   No matter what your area of expertise, you have a chance not only for success but for

Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 47) is 7  
(This Pinnacle is the same as the First, as described above.)

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Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:00 am
Location: Lahore, Pakistan


Post by hmdhsn » Sat Jun 16, 2007 4:20 am

Hi All

Any one can tell me about my numbers and some details about me?

My Name is HAMMAD HASSAN.  My date of birth is 09-10-1967


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Post by Sorrow » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:30 am

make your own tread with that information

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