Part One - The Major Arcana - 17

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The Star

Post by dreamfairy » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:49 pm

The Star card to me feels a positive card, after the destruction the tower brought in.  Stars are a symbol of guidance, the Star of Bethleham, and hope and faith - wishing on a star.  If you lose faith, you may not get what you wish for and lose your way.

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 17

Post by weezerwall » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:28 pm

Gem wrote:Image

After the last few cards The Star comes as a relief, What do you see from this card?
:smt005 I AGREE!!  It's nice to see the sun again after all that darkness we "endured" at the previous stops on our trip.   :) The woman is naked - free from the devil's bonds - washed clean of the tower's dust - she draws water from a crystal blue pool and pours it onto the earth. AH!!

Even in difficult times, we can draw hope from the deep well of our emotions and "faith". Channeling that HOPE by keeping focused on this idea becomes inspiration - the dark skies clear. The stars shine on us and for us again.  YIPPEE11

Weezer :smt041

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Post by infinitii525 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:47 pm

The Star card shows me many opportunities and freedom to choose your own path.

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the star

Post by SandiLJ » Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:25 am

I, see her kneeling peacefully at a small pond, she was pouring the waters of life, in the pond as well as on land, the back ground was peacefull. It was like a nice spring day, the stars in the back ground, are like the differant aspacts of our, life each one represents a different situtation, that we can grow from so that, we don't make the same mistake again, as well grow in wisdom so that, we can have peace in our lives.SandiLJ

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Post by pamDemonium » Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:57 pm

What a wonderful refreshing card after the tower and the devil. After all the crap we have gone through,  we have been purified and hope has emerged.

I see a beautiful maiden washing herself in a magical pool.  Her spirit has been washed clean and joy and optimism prevail. Now there is light where before there was darkness.  It is light enough to 'follow her star. It is possible to achieve her goals.
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Post by Gem » Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:11 pm

Lovely :)

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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:37 pm

The star depicts happier times after a depressing or difficult period! This card is full of hope  and maybe more carefree happy times are coming!   love littleone22 :smt006

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Post by grmrsan » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:00 am

Celtic Dragon-
Once again very diferant from the other decks, instead of a young lady or angel we have a 7 dragons dancing in the stars. And theres no water or jugs or anything similar. The book also refers to this card as Spiritual experiances.  Normaly the star card seems to be peaceful, but here it's rather exciting, the dragons are dodging shooting stars, and look like they're having fun. The one on top has his arms spread out and looks like he's leaping. This card is about making the most of the moment, and seizing oppertunities. It's not everyday you get a chance to dance with the stars so while you can, make the most of it.

Forest Folklore-
This ones a little more traditional, and much more peaceful than the other card. The water suggests cleansing and healing to me. The stars are beautiful and almost close enough to touch. The jars she's using are glowing softly, it almost looks like shes pouring star juice into the river, and if you look at the bottom where the waters touching down you see little sparkles of the stars reflected back.  This is a quiet place, or time. Time to rest, and heal. Time to take your wishes and hopes (Star juice) and "cast them on the waters" and watch what develops.

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The Star

Post by Cheyenne » Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:51 pm

The Star shows us that we should keep our head up high. That we shouldn’t lose hope. I’m not sure whether or not the spilling of the water actually stands for generosity. Could it also stand for wasting something? Or perhaps it stands for letting your emotions run free. She's also pouring water on both the earth and into the water. To me that looks like some sign of balance. In RW: One foot is in the water and the other isn’t… This could also be a sign of maintaining balance which somehow reminds me of Temperance.
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Post by Delirium » Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:56 pm

Feel free to let out the pent up emotions from the last few cards (water spilling) your in a safe calm place now (a garden with calm water=emotions) but dont forget about the bigger picture (hence the mountains in the background)

this card makes me think of the release you need before you can move on or closure on a situation.I do feel this is a hopeful card....that said wouldnt you feel hopefull  that things were going to get better if you'd just been through all of the previous cards!!..but its more hopefull to be on an even keel than say hoping to win the lottery. Its the peace you get when your on your way back up from rock bottom.

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Post by BLouise » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:55 pm

The glowing star on her head suggest intuition or higher knowledge.  The large star signifies hope and guidance.  She seems to be at peace as she pours water into the pond she sits in.
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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:40 am

A positive vibe to this card - time to enjoy what you have worked for earning a happy phase - I wish I may I wish I might I wish upon a Star tonight - lol
I wish that your dreams stay big and worries stay small

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 17

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:05 am

Gem wrote:Image

After the last few cards The Star comes as a relief, What do you see from this card?
I see peace and serenity after the storm.  There is renewed inspiration and hope for a better future.  With hope and inspiration, all can be rebuilt.  This is a new and positive beginning.
Thoth Deck - The Star
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Rider Waite The Star

Post by winniewoo » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:37 pm

A woman kneels at a pond's edge. Nude, not holding anything back. Not hiding anything.  She is holding two urns of water. The one she is pouring  on the land (the material universe, or earth), and the other into the pool of water (emotions and imagination). The eight-pointed star of spiritual energy and truth. The seven smaller stars represent wisdom she already posseses. There is a sacrad ibis resting in the tree.  Priests took their lustral water for purification from a place where the ibis had drunk: for the ibis does not drink water if it is unwholesome or tainted, nor will the ibis approach it. I use this as the wish card. To me this cards represents everything positive.
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My RW Star says...

Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:40 pm

"I am finally alone with my thoughts, free of physical constraints, letting my emotions serenely flow, not holding anything back. My body, heart and mind feel perfectly synchronized and there is a pervasive sense of incredible well being. I can look at my reflection but choose to look further and learn from the depths inside me."


Scapini's is the more "shy" of the three, with her long hair covering her from behind and her crossed arms protecting her front, so the sense of freedom is a bit more contained. She has a large vase to "feed" the waters of her emotions and a smaller one to nurture the earth of her body, like most of us do.

Ancestral Path's looks like a wise woman practicing some kind of purifying ritual in the starlight. She is one of the few I have seen with one foot truly inside the water, thoroughly bathing it in the experience.

Spiral's seems to make beautiful water flowers grow with her care and has a bird watching over her. The sense of something magic going on is stronger here.

I was surprised that all my decks were so very similar, but then I saw many different versions in this thread, so maybe it was just my luck.

I have always associated this card more with general wellbeing than with hope or dreams, although some people think it is a good omen for pregnancy (have you ever heard that? I always thought of the Empress as the maternity card).
Sunshine from the islands of eternal spring ;)

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