Part Two - Minor Arcana - 7

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Post by appylover » Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:06 am

Seven of Swords: Avoidance,sneaky,this man looks like he is sneaking away. Leaving a bad situation behind, carrying some his possessions and having to leave the rest while looking behind to see if anyone has noticed. Moving onward.

Seven of Cups: Confusion,choices,hard decisions,too many options,he has to make a decision and he is confused. With all these options how am I going to make the right choice? I need to concentrate and weigh the pros and cons of each to reach a decision that is right for me.

Seven of Wands: Having the upper hand,courage,challenge. Now I've got you. Try as you might, I will stand my ground I have the strength and determination to stay on top. I am not afraid to fight anyone who tries to take this away from me.

Seven of Pentacles: Patience,waiting,working hard. Just think my hard work has produced good results. I am sure it will pay off in the long run but their is still much more to do. Just need to be patient a while longer and it will eventually pay off.

I would prefer to get the Seven of Pentacles in a reading for myself. It is telling me to have patience, which I am running out of, and that it will be a little while longer before everything falls into place and we see the final result.

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Post by windspirits » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:15 pm

The seven powers of the universe, seven days of the week, seven lives

Seven Swords: You have your back against the wall, you are content,
yet waiting for the unexpected to happen.  You are playing the tunes,
but ever mindful that there may be danger on the other side of the wall.

Seven Cups:  You have so many options before you.  You have to make
choices, some good and some not so good, but in the end you are trying to
get to the abundance that awaits you at the end, for if you make the right
decisions, you will be overwhelmed and fulfilled with the power and
goodness which you are seeking.  You will be able to share with others.

Seven Wands:  Before you are decisions that must be made.  Make a
plan and stick to it.  Decide the path which you want to follow and go
for it.  Don’t let anyone stop you, be precise in your decisions, but
have a reference point in which to come back to, should the original
plan fail.

Seven Pentacles: You have the power over your own life.  You have
strength, stability, there have been times you have lost your head over
things, but you stop and reflect the choices and decisions you have made,
realizing where you went wrong and try not to make the same mistakes
again, but knowing there is always a way to correct them.

I personally prefer to look at the seven pentacles.  Reason, it reminds
me of the things and decisions or paths I have taken in my life and I
always stop to think and question my actions.

I would prefer to get the seven cups in my own personal reading, as I am
always reaching for the bigger things in life.  I always want to be the best
I can no matter what it entails and reaching the top and being able to share
is the ultimate feeling for me.

What would I need to know today?   Listen to the music in your heart,
reach for the best of the best, make your plan wisely & stop and think
about your life or the decisions you have to make or have made.
Feel the gentle winds of the windspirits

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Post by weezerwall » Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:10 am

I generally draw 1 card per day.  Over the last 7 days - I've drawn 2 of the 7s!! (Cups and Pentacles).   :smt043   I've really started asking myself - what the heck's going on!!  I think the 7s may also have something to do with learning to deal with things seemingly BEYOND my control.  For example, in the 7 of pentacles the "farmer" can't control the weather, right??

I also feel a link between the 7s and the CHARIOT (7). The only thing I can "control" OR "steer" is ME (my chariot).  

Drawing these cards is also a reminder to learn PATIENCE -  not very easy for Aries folks like me!   Oh well, maybe it's time to take another route OR drive to a rest stop and get something to eat.

Weezer  :)

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Seven of ...

Post by deelitefullyme » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:40 pm

So many.....sevens can you think of one?
The seven dwarfs  :smt003 (sorry, first one that came to mind)

Work through each card and see what story and meaning they bring to you? Try to imagine emotions and one word that describes their feeling.
swords - thief
cups - choices
wands - defending
pentacles - gardening

Which card do you prefer to look at?
seven of cups - such nice choices

Which card would you prefer to get in a reading for yourself?
seves of cups

If you drew each of the sevens as a single card for some guidance to answer the question    "What do I need to know today?"  What would you interpret the card as meaning

swords - Be careful not to use thievery or sneaking around to achieve your plans.

cups - Take you time and consider all your wonderful choices before making a decision

wands - What you have is worth defending.  Hold your ground.

pentacles - It's alright to tend to your harvest but sometimes we get tired and have to take a break every once in awhile.

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Post by Mandimedea » Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:39 pm

Seven cups choices of all given, who are you
seveen wands struggles with other views and judgement
seven swords self-interest, how i can make it
seven of pentacles patience I worked hard at it, now what do I do with it, don't spend spontaniously

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