Part Two - The Minor Arcana - 9

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Post by farafina » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:02 pm

It was not easy, but I tried :smt017
As beautiful Carmella (9 of pentacles) walsk about in her luxurious garden and enjoys the wealth innocently, her greedy husband, who is a very successful business man (8 of cups) continues to sell his cups for a high price. The poor and hard workers (9 of wands) who work the land feel cheated by the high prices and are increasingly determined to finish the revolt they have been planning.
What none of these three characters know, however, is that someone is being haunted by a terrible anguish that keep him awake at night... (9 of swords)

Want to know the rest of the story?
We'll be right back after this commercial break  :smt003

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Post by appylover » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:07 pm

9 of pentacles: I am so lucky to have everything I need to be comfortable in life. But I feel incomplete,something is missing.

9 of cups: My husband is never around. All he does is sit around being preoccupied with all he has required.

9 of wands: My son has been off trying to make his own way in the world. He has worked hard,and fought well to keep what little he has.

9 of swords: Then their is our oldest son. I worry about him. He is having such a hard time making it on his own. Can't sleep,bad dreams,feeling like such a failure. But he knows their is light at the end of the tunnel and things will get better. It will just take time.

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Nine of ...

Post by deelitefullyme » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:16 am

Same person, link a story:

(pentacles) The Duke has done wll for hisself.  He is surrounded by all the fruits and material gains he has achieved over the years, life is good. (cups) Life is so good and the Duke is so happy.  He has all he could wish for.  There is nothing he needs or wants.  (wands) When tax time rolled around, the Duke was taxed heavily.  Most of his posessions were taken.  He is not worried though.  He knows his good fortune will return.  Already, his wands are blooming, showing good times again just ahead.  He waits and is impatient but waits none the less. (swords) Night time approaches and the Duke starts to worry about the wands.  Will they grow?  Will he prosper again?  Will everything really be alright?  He tossess and turns in bed but cannot sleep.  All he can do is situp and hang his head in his hands.  There will be no sleep for the Duke this night.

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Post by Mandimedea » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:39 pm

I definately related someto the previous post right before me in that I feel the

Pentacles shows the man with success and wealth and feels he has made it, attaining the things he has always wanted.  He has worked hard to achieve success and wealth and wisdom.

cups i feel that this person feels fulilled with all he has learned and achieved and right now feels he wants for nothing else.  His purpose is achieved.  

wands this person feels that other people may only look to him because of the wealth and knowledge he has and is starting to feel insecure with the power and wealth he holds or feels he is being judged by other people or jealousy from other people on what he has.  He is use to being in control and he has power and money but that doesn't make people respect him or make him have an easier life.

swords, this person now goes to sleep worrying about losing all he has, wakes up tormented by all the problems he is facing.  are his friends for him or what he can give.  Why are people judging me and putting me down, I have worked so hard for what I have.  Why are people jealous of me or giving me a hard time.  Struggles of power

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