Indigo People....

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Post by Vircanaq_88 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:08 pm Has A great Article On Indigo People. For Any One Intrested On reading Up On It.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:30 am

Okay... Well I am sorry that I haven't been on here sooner to reply to some of the post that I have just read. First of all.... We ALL as humans feel the need to belong... and speaking as someone who often asked as a small child (3 or 4) if I was adopted because I was not like anyone in my WHOLE family. I think that I have a driving need to know that I am NOT alone in this, and that it is somehow and someway normal. I have been able to do MANY things that other people can not. I can hear sounds at frequencies that I shouldn't be able to, I have been tested on my hearing so much when I was in elementary school my parents finally decided to take me and have a private dr. test me. I can hear almost at the level of a canine; and I have better than 20/20 vision. I have this documented into my medical records and have suffered from these sensitives all my life, along with a better than 'normal' sense of smell. I can often tell you what was put into a meal just by smelling it. Now add that to the figuring all this out before I was 9. I have NEVER felt like I was normal, and I am sure that everyone goes through that at one point in time or another. But to be able to find a grouping of people who also know what this is like is important in fulfilling the very basic of human instincts to belong. Many have found this much younger, and if finding this makes me part of a division, then how is that different from what I have felt all my life? In fact in finding indigo people, I am connecting to people when I normally wouldn't. The internet is my best friend and ally I have in the world because I can choose to not tell people these things about myself. As for being 'better' well every one out there has their own personality and MOST teenagers DO think they are better than others, for various reasons. SO taking a new and burgeoning grouping and labeling them in any way negative when you haven't met most of them, I think is short sighted. I asked for information, about something so that I would know more about the people in general and if I could connect. I don't need so LABEL to tell me who I am, but I think that the label will help me find others like me. Feeling lost and alone ALL of your life, even with family whom I love (I had a perfect childhood, other than feeling like I was wrong) who have always done everything to make me happy. It makes no sense to my brain why I am this way, and YES I have been to doctors who have told me that I was just MORE mature than most people my age. That I was fine and would grow out of it. Well here I am still in the same place, still struggling to be able to function in life outside of my own house. You haven't walked a mile in these shoes, so don't judge people who have.... WHile I understand the point of saying that it is another way of dividing everyone, it only divides if you let it. I often don't label myself to others, when asked I am just Ivy, nothing more and nothing less... that I can see and hear things that you might not doesn't make me better... if fact in my opinion it makes me worse... I can't even go to the mall and have a day of shopping with my sisters or friends, without getting sick. So think about that the next time you want to judge before you know.

Spirittalk: THANK you for the information, I answered yes to all but one question. SO I really appreciate the information and will continue to look for more on my own.

If I have come off too harshly in my reply to all if this I am sorry, but this is a VERY personal thing for me and I feel like instead of attacking it perhaps asking questions of why I posted in the first place would have been a more enlighting road to go down. If I have offended anyone I am VERY sorry I was a little upset when writing, but it is how I truly feel. Please let us agree to not agree on it.

Light, Love and Blessing to you all.


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Post by Vircanaq_88 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:14 am


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:17 am

Apparently... though I am not that thrilled about it.... I guess that I have to live with it.... *sigh*

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Post by swetha » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:06 am

hello people,
great to see u having a conversation going on... pls do not fight... have a "healthy debate" and enjoy urself.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:53 am

I have cleaned the thread.

When we discuss a subject....we must always try to keep to subject...not person, to start on person are equal to defeat because you have no arguments left.

We must also have a clear view in what we discuss.....not only think we know...since we all are on the is just a click away

We must all agree that we as human being are different.....we all have different order to "catalog" such differences there is given names to them..

As for people who belong to this "small" group, it might be of interest to listen or discuss experiences with other who have the same abilities. What better place is it for such an investigation then on sites like this.

For us other, who NEVER have experient this kind, we might read information on the net about it, we might believe in it....or not...but I must say there is strong evidences that some people has far more psychic knowledge then other and this in itself should give proof that there is something in the classification.

In hope that this lead to a better discussion (or understanding) I let the subject stay open.....

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Post by Gem » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:31 am

Nyteshadecreed wrote:Apparently... though I am not that thrilled about it.... I guess that I have to live with it.... *sigh*
Hiyas :)

You do have to live with it, but not in the way you describe!  

There are many things you can do to help yourself understand fully the implications and when to avoid situations and when to shut down, shield or block your gifts. Other times you will really relish the accuity and extra perception because you will find unique ways of helping people :)

Some may hate you for it, some will openly attack you, that is all par for the course with a sensitive or indigo personality. Many people will be hostile for no apparent reason, and even they won't know why, so you will need to hone your diplomacy and personel skills, and grow a thick skin too lol!.

I have replied to your pm too, Don't worry this really is why there is so little open information around except the hype and manufactured marketing nonsense that is spouted on sites made from public contributed search engines and encyclopedias :)

Learn a few simple techniques and like the stregas go underground for a while ;)

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:51 am

Some thoughts about Indigo children, the way I see it.

After read wikipedia about it....I have asked myself some question about it :)

Since an ability never is equal in all people...we must assume that some have more of it....other have less of it.
Since New Age movement is a "new way of thinking" and the name Indigo Children is only 25 years old...there aren't a lot of older evidence that this is truth.....but we can all agree that it's allowed to be a belief.

Most Indigo Children is offspring from "New Age" parents is the statement from Wikipedia.

Well not that big surprise in my opinion.

From what there is stated here in the forum, we all have the psychic abilities in us....we only need to recognize it and develop it.

Parents who believe in New Age...are much more awaken for the possibility of psychic ability in their child....and they might even help the child to develop it, instead of suppress it as something bad.
Those who don't believe theme-self....have heard about it...and have now a possible "knot" to put it on.

We can not look away from the fact that we have had incident in our history where people who not act average are looked upon as "half wit"
Maybe among them was there people with psychic abilities who did not know how to cope with it or how to control it.

The modern child get far more input then earlier true TV and Radio....this might make the brain to function better....the child get a much bigger area of knowledge....not all equal good....but all together the brain activity will be stimulated far more then children before the time of TV.

So what I will express is.....even if some sources say it can't be proved that Indigo children exist....there are good reason to believe in it...if you believe that there is something like psychic, and again after all TV show where they solve case after case and after reading what our good readers can tell their seekers...I for one have started to believe in it :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:45 pm

Thank You all for your posting and yes Rhuto, I think that I will now get back into this topic as  it is in a good place again. Also thank you for the addition to the topic... *smile*

Gem: I know that I am a little sensitive... *blush* I guess it comes with the territory, and I will try to make sure that I get a little thicker skinned about it.


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Post by Vircanaq_88 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:24 pm

"And the line of knowledge just keeps going on."
As My Good Friend Nyte Would Say!!!!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:37 pm

R:  I have to tell you there are indigos for the last 100 years.  Not all parents of the indigos, even of current input, were new age.  Many people reject the new age as coming from free thought and not stuck.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:05 pm

Yes I agree with fact "the concept" it must have exist as long as human being since it is something we are born with ...Indigo is just a name:)

My reason for narrow it down was this statement :

The Indigo child concept was first publicized in the 1982 book "Understanding Your Life Through Color," by Nancy Ann Tappe

But you know far more about this subject then me :)

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Post by Casey » Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:50 pm

When I was just a little younger than I am now, I was in a cult based around this concept. I didn't realize at the time it was a cult, and I focused on very little else except to hone all the abilities and spectacular advancements of the mind that 'only' an indigo child can accomplish. I began preaching it.

I also began getting weird looks.

Eventually I was threatened with having to go to a Mental Facility due to my beliefs in this area. I suffered a lot for the Indigo movement... but the truth is: My ego was so inflated that I couldn't think outside of it. It consumed me. I haven't really thought about the Indigo Children idea since that time.

It's so exciting to hear about this. It's exciting to hear about things like 2012, and the Sky Falling, and the World Flooding, and the Gamma Generation. It riles us up inside. It causes us to think of The End. (The difference is, instead of it being DOOMSDAY, it's the New Age of Peace... but when we think of the New Age of Peace, we know things will be VASTLY different. It would be the death of this era, and the birth of another. Doomsday for this Generation of the Mind.)

I'm only 20. Even so, I have a 'been there, done that' attitude towards the belief of Indigo Children. Hopefully you over-stimulate yourself with it and it gets old. Then you can really see it from the outside... not just from the exciting inside.

(The funny thing is... you can see my ego flare up right here in this post in a similar fashion. Perhaps I will get over-stimulated with trying to change your mind and I'll let it be how it will be)

"I'm an Indigo Child. I'm Different. I can read minds. I'm responsible to bring the world up to a level of Peace. My level of peace. I can see things others can't"

It would take quite a special individual not to raise him or herself above the rest of the population when things like that are running through your head.


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:09 pm

Yes.....and what you tell might be the back side of putting label on this ability.

Many parents might try to hard to get to much out of their child or children. Many times they don't understand that they do more harm then good.
Many try to get the fame, they did not manage to get theme-self, true their children.....this we can see in all kind of areas.

So I think many "psychic" or people who have knowledge on how to develop this ability, in a healthy way, have an obligation to tell about it, just like you did now Casey, because no child should go true this kind of  (in my opinion) destroy more then it build.

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Meiousei wo shugo ni motsu

Post by Sei no Senshi » Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:01 pm

She gets her piece but I don't get mine?  Typical *rolleyes*  Anyway...

I disagree with the claim that the Indigos have been incarnating for one hundred years.  I've read several articles on them and they've all basically given the same time-line 1979 to 1999.  This timeframe is very significant, I don't think the 'Indigos' are spirits or anything that are incarnating from Earth from somewhere Beyond.  It's just people with particular astrological influences.

The 1979-1999 timeframe is extremely significant in the realm of space.  It's during this time that Pluto switched places with Neptune and became the eighth planet from the Sun.  So, for the first time in 250 years, Pluto's influences were not being filtered through the aura of Neptune.  So, those of us born during those times and who have close aspects between our personal planets and Pluto have this raw, revolutional energy coursing through us since Pluto overcame Neptune.

Don't believe me?  Yeah well, I'm pretty sure I can prove this.  Last time Pluto and Neptune switched places was from July 11th, 1735 to September 15th, 1749.  Well, who was born during this time period you ask?  Paul Revere, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, John Hancock, William Hershel, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, Meriwether Lewis, and Giuseppe Piazzi, just to name a few.

So, let's see.  We got some American revolutionaries there, some astronomers who revolutionized the views of space, and an explorer who...explored no, I kid, he and Clark explored the territory of the Lousiana purchase and took note of everything he saw.  Talk about observational science.

So, it's my belief that this Indigo thing isn't some mystical influx of spirits, but a perfectly predictable planetary cycle a la Neptune and Pluto which just empowers particular people to do great things.

~Jikuu no hoshi, Meiousei wo shugo ni motsu, henkaku no senshi.

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