The Shift 2012

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by FutureVizions » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:28 am

I think you're all a bit off your rocker, and need to quit telling little kids stuff like this.  My 10-year-old nephew CRIED when the old lady next door told him that scientists say the world will end in 2012...

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Post by womanofthecraft » Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:28 am

I agree totally with Molissa.  Also, I have wondered, it could be shifting as we speak.  A continual slow shift, over a period of time would not cause a sudden drastic change in our atmosphere or our world!  It may be so gentle we can't even feel it.  Maybe by the time 2012 happens it will be finished and whatever change that occurred we never even bothered to notice because it was so gradual, so gentle.  The shift of minds is what we will notice and it will take our thoughts away from 2012,  I am so excited!

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Post by daizyblackrose » Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:43 pm

You know what Womanofthecraft I hope that is the case with this one.  
And actually yeah I notice some changes going on,(Also feel them going on as well.) not just with the planet.
But also with the people of the world we live in.
As far as the planet shifting yes I believe it is doing so at this very moment but slowly.
Why do you think that natural disasters have been happening more & more?  
Cause the planet is shifting & I do believe that is part of the reason for global warming, only part of the reason.
But yes I do believe the planet is shifting cause I have been hearing & feeling rumblelins more & more lately.

Always Watching,

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Post by tropical » Tue May 26, 2009 9:27 pm

there will be no shift, influenced by mankind.natural forces,also explained or seen as intervention,will prevail,as always,our egos let us think we could influence things,but reality dictates that the shift will be in our thinking,not our doing

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Post by sidchowdary » Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:48 pm

there is going to be a great change on the planet earth by 2012 ,as per my opnion only the good beings will be left and the bad will be eradicated

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:20 am

The planet is sick of the way it has been treated. If there are earthquakes and other huge changes coming it is because people have not respected the planet. If people wake up and change their ways then the planet will forgive and move on.

We have been in the 4th world since the last great flood. The flood was the destruction of the 3rd to make way fro the creation of the 4th. The world is far more corrupt then it was back then so cleansing it to free up energy for moving into the 5th world will be far more intense then any that has passed. All from things like worrying what your face looks like rather then wondering what it is trying to show by looking so.

The 5th world is supposed to be one of harmony and more tribal living where people have more of a connection with where their food comes from.

The coming change is like a wave. If you move with it you ride it. If not you get hit by it and create resistance which make it harder for the wave to move. Learning to let go of the old to make room for the new is vital.

Another calender I read about said that we have been in a dark age for thousands of years and are moving into a golden age which is 4 times longer then the one we are coming out of. All the pain and things which appear bad are just the birth pangs of the new age.

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Post by Sir Mullich Vn » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:04 am

The Western media talks a lot about this. And I don't know for sure why we don't hear about this very often in Vietnamese or Chinese or Thai media.

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Post by FireRose » Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:50 pm

Sir Mullich Vn wrote:The Western media talks a lot about this. And I don't know for sure why we don't hear about this very often in Vietnamese or Chinese or Thai media.
You are right... unfortunately, while Western mainstream media is mainly controlled, it's not as controlled as some other areas, such as China. Nothing is said that the government doesn't allow. It is important to teach people to seek out information in alternative places such as the internet (while it still exists). I am aware many internet sites are also blocked in certain countries. However, if you search and ask in forums (such as this) the info can be provided to you second hand.

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Post by flowwer » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:33 am

Aegeus wrote:The planet is sick of the way it has been treated. If there are earthquakes and other huge changes coming it is because people have not respected the planet. If people wake up and change their ways then the planet will forgive and move on.

We have been in the 4th world since the last great flood. The flood was the destruction of the 3rd to make way fro the creation of the 4th. The world is far more corrupt then it was back then so cleansing it to free up energy for moving into the 5th world will be far more intense then any that has passed. All from things like worrying what your face looks like rather then wondering what it is trying to show by looking so.

The 5th world is supposed to be one of harmony and more tribal living where people have more of a connection with where their food comes from.

The coming change is like a wave. If you move with it you ride it. If not you get hit by it and create resistance which make it harder for the wave to move. Learning to let go of the old to make room for the new is vital.

Another calender I read about said that we have been in a dark age for thousands of years and are moving into a golden age which is 4 times longer then the one we are coming out of. All the pain and things which appear bad are just the birth pangs of the new age.

What preperational measures are you taking?

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:02 am


Another calender I read about said that we have been in a dark age for thousands of years and are moving into a golden age which is 4 times longer then the one we are coming out of. All the pain and things which appear bad are just the birth pangs of the new age"

What preperational measures are you taking?"

No 'preparation' need to be made.  If you live with integrity today, you have all you need.  You are living in the moment, conscious, aware and loving of your fellow 'travelers'.

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Post by Subho » Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:14 am

Well, why do you think that it would be delayed? Why doesn't it come to your mind that it may happen earlier also? May be sometime in 2011? what's your thought?

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Post by caithiggs » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:41 pm

I think there will be something groundbreaking politically at that time. The world won't end, and half the population won't vibrate onto a second earth, or whatever (that theory sounds like humanity would be split up, which makes no sense to me). There are currently many natural disasters happening. The earth won't explode with natural disasters, theyll still be going on the same. Although, we should be paying attention to how we can keep balance on our planet so that that DOESN'T happen. I just don't think that has a scheduled day to happen. But I do feel like after 2012 people at large will become more spiritually aware. Cultures across the globe will start getting in touch with spirit again. And I think feminine energy will start to show itself as what it truly is. Right now, especially the west, sees feminine as something that must become masculine (Feminists advocate women's rights to be more like men...equality seems to indicate "sameness" of sex ... but we will start to see our masculine and feminine energies as a harmonious relationship within the self ... we already have this in theory, but I think it will become manifest in the way we run our cultures ... basically subconscious will be brought to light IMO)

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:48 pm

yes  this shift is already starting to take form  keep your eyes open as we get closer   the five or six month period ,we should start to see a increase ,  no its not the ending , nowhere near, but yes change and unexpected events  on many different levels

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:09 pm

the date dec,21,2012  12212012  or 21122012  the sequence is off by 1  (when noting the zero)  this factor is important .question what is this referring to ?  100 years  or a missing element of god/spirit (0)  the feminine/masculine element is indeed present 1s and 2s . the five universal year 2012/5  known as a sign of man and the five senses  also a number of change sudden  unexpected events    mechanization /technology is also something to keep in mind

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:54 pm

i just thought of something  i wounder how other calendar systems pan out as for as number sequences goes ,something i might look into

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