What's happened to the Mystic Board?

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Post by srimathi29 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:19 pm

Hello Swetha! Members  are in the Board have become  in active  so make them active !

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:04 pm

srimathi29 wrote:Hello Swetha! Members  are in the Board have become  in active  so make them active !
It is summer now and in places that are not too hot, folks are *out active* <LOL>

We are relying upon members who are *in active* due to weather (too hot, too cold) to keep the virtual bonfire going &nbsp;:smt020

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Post by dhav » Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:48 am

Me too have been very inactive in comparison with the amount of time I used to spend here. Maybe the habit was broken with work some years back. I sure had many nice times and conversation here and also I loved to hang out in the 'Hug' forum. :)

Cheers my friends,
I am not totally gone
Dhav :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:27 pm

We can only provide the resources and opportunities for people to be able to use the website for the purposes it was designed for.

We can no more make inactive members active again, than we are capable of &nbsp;controlling the weather in each member's location.

If we are depending upon members whose activity on the boards has not been negatively affected by the weather conditions where they live, it clearly is no longer working.

I have seen many seasons and weather conditions &nbsp;come and go in my time on Mystic Board, but I have never experienced so many consecutive days when there are no new postings on any of the boards, as I have so far this year.

This having been said, the same thing is happening to many similar "free" psychic and spiritual websites all over the internet, independent of any weather conditions.

The reasons for this phenomenon are numerous and complex, but I believe that people are going to paid sites instead because the value of readings is now being judged more by how much the psychic charges (the more they charge, the better they must be), how popular they are, how long you must wait to get an appointment, &nbsp;and if they are able to convince clients that they possess special powers and abilities they other people lack, or that they are able to accurately and reliably predict the future.

The commonly accepted definition of what a psychic is creates totally unrealistic expectations about what &nbsp;a reading is capable of delivering, which inevitably leads to disappointment when reality fails to match fantasy.

While we cannot survive entirely as a site or community on readings, readings will continue to be the main attraction for and major driving force behind people visiting sites like Mystic Board for many years to come.

When reading requests stay on the boards unanswered for &nbsp;weeks and months, it gives the false impression that we are no longer open for business, so people chose to look elsewhere.

And because most readers have a family, &nbsp;job or &nbsp;life of their own to live offline, many of them are often not available for giving readings 24/7 or on demand. And yet this is exactly what many of our members expect of us, and for nothing.


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