Smanatha's Class 2006 - To all students Please sign in everyday!

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by Doris » Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:39 am

Hi BLouise,

I would like to swap readings. I hope you found my interpretation of your reading useful, it was a great experience for me. I do have the software installed, so I will use it to help me remember all the meanings. I also did a reading for my self the other day and also used the celtic cross spread. I did the reading because I wanted to know the the direction of my life. I have posted my outcome below, let me know what you think and how you see the cards. I do think an outside view is always objective and good.

Thanks for all your help,

Here is how the cards were laid

Question: My direction in life

Significator: Queen of Cups

Spread: Celtic Cross

Card 1: (my inner state) – Page of Pentacles
- Fascination with life, seeds of creativity, studious

Card 2: (immediate obstacles, outer state) – Eight of Swords
- trapped in situation, victim, confusion, fear & loneliness
- The correct use of the mind can end the situation – look at old beliefs
- build my spirituality and meditation

Card 3: (goal, principle which guides me) – Six of Swords
- Want harmony, need a holiday – go on a journey – time for healing
- Solace

Card 4: (foundation, state I find myself in) Justice
- power of true understanding
- the decisions we make sow our seeds
- time to make a decision or choices, listen to my inner self, be true to myself

Card 5: (immediate past) Ten of Wands (rev)
- have created relationships at work, home all requiring attention and demands
               - unable to relax, too much to do – obsessed in the pursuit of achievements &      recognition
- re-prioritize my life, creating time for relaxing and work will free my self

Card 6: (immediate future) Seven of Pentacles
- Look within, take a break, and enjoy what I have achieved so far
- stand back let my efforts grow, be patient, trust in nature
- clear unnecessary clutter

Card 7: (my fear, how to tame it) Three of Swords (rev)
                   - suffering, heartache, pain – learn from suffering and grow – don’t play the victim role
                   - Old wounds
                   – let go, dwelling on old wounds leads to increasing separation

Card 8: (what others feel) Page of Cups
- gentleness & sensitive to the world of feelings
- open to relationships, tenderness, warmth, sensitivity

Card 9: (my hopes, wishes, expectations) Nine of Pentacles
- completeness, not working
               - success in awareness of what really matters in life not only material also spiritual
- productive, active settled life which is self-assured and spiritually aware

Card 10: (what may come) Five of Swords (rev)
- getting worse before better, blame, sense of despair
- start moving forward, improvements will come, opportunities will arise
               - work through the feelings of pain, bury the hatchet but not the feelings and anguish, they need to be worked   through for things to improve

My Conclusion
This reading was a real eye opener for me and very true. I can’t explain how it felt, but it really hit home. Immediately after the reading I felt like I have the whole world at my feet but I am too afraid to pick it up.
I can see that if I deal with my fears and stop blaming others for them it will be a good start. I have also decided that I will sit back a bit and start enjoying what I have achieved to date, this should give me more time to explore this wonderful new world of tarot.

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Post by BLouise » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:43 am

Hi Doris,
I will start working on this right away!  I will try to interpret your cards before I read what you have seen in them and see what happens :) I'll post as soon as I can.  I found your interpretation of my reading very interesting.  You and George had about the same insight and totally different from mine :)

If your interested Niravcal has posted a 3 card spread that she wants input on.  If you need a new project you could try that one.

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Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Post by shazia » Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:17 am

hello! Still here and do my regular reading on my cards.......hey Doris and Blouise i think it is wonderful idea to do some sample readings with each other.........i don't know how but i went on to the page where Doris you have pasted a reading you did for yourself.....i have taken down yr cards and will give you my reading very shortly
Take care / Shazia

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Post by shazia » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:21 am

Hello Doris!  I kind of got carried away with your reading so sincerely apologize if i am really off-course but wanted to give it a shot

Significator - Queen of Cups - I thought you might have selected this because you want some direction which is to do with your personal, emotional problems.  Maybe you chose this because u might be a water sign, u r deep sensitive person.  Like I said my imagination gets the better of me at times *smile*

Card 1 - Monteray Message - But as card to do with inner state, i felt you are like a child who likes to make things happen, u r serious, sober...Maybe financially secure????? just a thought that came to mind

Card 2 - Swords every where, i feel u r afraid to make changes...the longer u stay in same position, worse it will become for you so i feel you need to gather will power and develop mental strength to move as u will get cuts and bruises along the way but being stagnant serves no purpose

Card 3 - May be some one will guide you but i feel u will be leaving difficulties behind, maybe take a trip or change yr scene to restore some balance.  You will find solution to your problems

Card 4 - I feel you are looking for new inspirations, u need a balance in yr life...maybe some adjustment needs to be made in your personal or marital life.....maybe court case, legal issues....I feel balance is the key to this card

Card 5 - (i don't do reverse so taking it as right way up) In the immediate past, i feel u have been taking on too many responsibilities, too much on your plate, U need to delegate some of your work or load to other people...u r doing too much and feel drained

Card 6 - Now keeping the above past card in picture, u have taken out 7 of Pentacles, you will be finding control of your situation (s), u need to be patient, U have done all you could have and now just wait for the results

Card 7 - Your fear is heartbreak - there is a love traingle.....r there 3 people in the relationship you have....i feel hurtful words have been spoken.  I believe it is better to have got this over with as now you are over false beliefs etc

Card 8 - Others feel you are emotional type, dreamer, senstive....ekkk! might be a message of heart break as i am combining this card with the above

Card 9 - I feel with this card that you have gone into your own world......maybe some money coming your way, u need to pamper yourself - Do it

Card 10 - I feel you will win in this battle of yours.....don't allow feelings of anger, blame to overcome u as you will come out a winner after a good fight

Now all this i have written above might be completely wrong ekekeke! I have been trying my best to come up with a story format in readings as that is what i feel is the most difficult to do with tarot cards.......hope i am in the right direction.....give feedback please........take care / Shazia

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Post by Doris » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:36 am

Hello Shazia,

Thank you for doing my reading, it is always good to hear another persons view. I feel you are quite spot on with your reading of my cards - I can relate to all except card 7, but looking at my relationships the triangle could easily be that with my husband and my two kids. It often feels like a triangle, and I think I will look into that more closely.

Thanks for the new perspective, I think you did a great reading


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Post by shazia » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:02 am

thank doris and lets keep these reading going on as we can learn from each other ..........take care shazia

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Post by BLouise » Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:51 pm

Hi Doris,
Sorry it has taken me so long, my son has been sick and my internet is screwed up so I keep getting kicked off when I try to post.  I finally finished your reading and it is a bit different than yours.  Please forgive me if it is way off base :smt002

 Now is a time for gathering your energy and saving your pennies.  You have taken on too much and may need to relinquish something to help your creativity flow.  You may soon be faced with a difficult decision at work weather to continue on with what your already built or put your energy into a new project you must be fair and impartial with out negating your own roll in creating the situation.  You must remove the rose collored glasses and the face the conflict to allow healing to begin.  If you face what is possible honestly and realize that life must be lived within the confines of your capabilities you will be able to become the self-sufficient person you wish to be without having to rely on the agreement of others for validation.

Let me know what you think.  :)

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Post by Doris » Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:32 pm

Hi BLouise,

I hope your son is better. I think your reading is very well presented. Thinking closely about my situation, what you say all makes sense, even if I would like to deny it. I like the way you put your points accross, I still find myself reading each card and I have not been able to string them all together. I'm currently memorising all the keywords of the cards, hoping this will help in achieving what you have done.

Thanks very much
Doris  :)

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Post by BLouise » Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:33 pm

Hi Doris ,
it takes me a lot of studying the cards and their meanings and positions and taking allot of notes before I can come up with a summary.  Don't feel bad I don't remember all the meanings yet either :smt002

Thanks for your concern for my son.  He is all better and running around like a terror again :smt005

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Signing in

Post by brneyes624 » Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:51 am


It's me Anna signing in.  I sorry but I guess I'm a little lost.  What am I suppose to do first to begin your class?

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Post by BLouise » Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:38 pm

Hi Anna,
Here is a link to the Learn Tarot board.
If you go to the tarot textbook there is a lot of information there to read through.  Do you have any experience in Tarot or are you just starting?

Can you also sign in at the Roll Call link so that other students can find your questions and we can help each other - ... 0042#50042

Yin Chang1
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Post by Yin Chang1 » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:01 am

[b]  Dear Samantha,

          I want to join your class Ive downloaded the software and Im ready to start.


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just started

Post by gerrbear » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:22 am

I have downloaded the software and just started familiarizing myself to it.


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Post by LOSTSOUL1014 » Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:46 am



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