Deja vu

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Post by MangoMom » Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:51 am

Hello friends.  Here is my explanation of DeJavu.  On the other side, before we enter this life, we map out our life, maybe not to the tiniest detail, but a general blueprint, with many options, that is where we get to use this wonderful gift, choice.  When we have one of these feelings, dejavu, we are just seeing roadsigns that we are on the right track!

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Post by bebixpink » Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:07 am

i've never personally had a dejavu but many of my friends always stop in the middle of talking to me and go "DEJAVU!"
it's happend like 4 times

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Post by Sleepygurl » Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:48 pm

I get this feeling like 95% of times in a day... and sometimes I start to think if I was doing it twice...sometimes I wud get so freaked out tht I will change something like my clothes or the path I was taking immediately.

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Post by jld » Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:47 pm

I haven't had deja vu recently. The last time was about a year ago. But it was an imortant day for me spiritually and it was a nice reminder that I am not alone and on the right track.  :) It's amazing the details of the signposts. The guy I was talking to when it happened, I didn't know him very well.

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Post by FireRose » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:10 am

ok so here's a question ... are there different types or degrees of dejavu?

I ask because I hear some people describe it as "I feel like I've been here before" to "I knew she was going to say that and he would respond with those words and touch her hair" to "I've never met him but I automatically knew his birthday".

When I think of dejavu, it's the second example which happens quite often for me. Someone starts a conversation and it's like a split second dead on rolling prediction of the next minute or so. I've heard this rationalized as "a momentary delay in sense perception". kind of like our brain processes the info twice extremely fast so we feel we experienced it before but cant figure out when.

I've also experienced the third which I can't rationalize that way... the one I remember best was several years ago when I was at a restaurant with family and my aunt was saying how delicious some sauce was and we all tried it. She then asked "I wonder what's in it" and I said without hesitation "pomegranate". I had never had pomegranate in my life. She thought about it and wasn't sure so when the waiter came back she had him ask the chef and sure enough that was the main ingredient.

Similar things have been happening my whole life. This seems like a more likely sign of a past life. The other dejavu seems like it could be a simple mental spasm that's annoying but basically meaningless. But who knows for sure.

peace  :smt002

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Post by jld » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:25 pm

I believe there are different kinds of deja vu. The kind I experienced about a year ago was the type where I was simultaneously experiencing a signpost of the blueprint I composed (with God's help) before I came into this life. It's like a moment lasting just a few seconds in which every detail, from what you are doing to who you are with, surroundings, etc is so familiar you are sure you are reliving it. For that moment our subconscious and conscious minds are getting an affirmation that we are in sync with our blueprint. Mine a year ago came at a time where I was questioning the path I had taken and although I was making better decisions then, I wondered how much I had deviated from my blueprint. But I was right where I was supposed to be and that was a relief to me.
  I believe the other kinds of deja vu to be a longer lasting familiarity with a person or a place we feel we have known. Sometimes going somewhere new and sensing we've been there before and knowing our way around or meeting someone we have not met before in this life and sensing that we already know them. In these cases, it's probably from a past life. I have met people who seemed familiar but I haven't had that with a place. I guess I don't travel much. lol  That is what I believe.
Maybe others have different views?

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:47 am

I experiences them  tons  of time  at one point it gives me  a huge headaches

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:36 pm

i get them every 2-3 days out of each month!! sometimes more i get them alot

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Post by Naravyn » Sun May 25, 2008 4:29 pm

I get a sense of Deja Vu occasionally, but its usually something mundane. I believe its possible that like jld said that it is our predetermined life as put together ahead of time, and we feel it is happening as its supposed to. Then there are the times that its a dream that you have of what will happen, but you don't always remember the dream, then you have the experience and it happens all over again.

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Re: Deja vu...this is a good thing!

Post by FragelsGal » Thu May 29, 2008 8:22 am

mysticdoubts wrote:
LUCKY13 wrote:Deja vu simply put are like sign posts that let you know you are on the right track and are where you are supposed to be at that time.  You feel like you have done this before,  been there or even said that because you have.  Before we are born to this world in this body we plan our lives and chart out events along the way.  When you have Deja vu smile and know that all is good (even if it is not perfect). :smt023
Thats a good explanation of Deja Vu.

But i read somewhere that another reason why we have deja vu is not related to our decisions or plans before we are born, nor even related to past births. Its just that we have been to these places in our dreams!! If this is true than dreams do foretell and dreams are not merely recollection of impressions from the subconscious.

Deja vu in fact has been one of the best proofs we have for past life theory.
First of all Id like to say that I should have looked in this section first, I started a topic about this in psychic a few days ago!! Silly me  :smt003

Anyway, I have heard the same as msyticdoubts stated above, and that makes sense.  But when I have deja vu, this is exactly what it feels like.  Like I dreamed it a few weeks/months before, i dreamt it was going to happen.  Its pretty freaky!  Especially the moments when I think, OMG ive dreamt this and something bad is going to happen.....

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Post by floraw » Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:10 am

I have this feeling frequently, and it is not about important things. I mean, some simple comment, or a sentence that I watched on tv, and I feel scared everytime it happens. I guess it is something that I've already dreamt about, and the memories come to mind suddenly..

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