The earths axis ?

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The earths axis ?

Post by Deborah » Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:10 am

I layed awake thinking last night of many things ..and thought this is the perfect place to ask this...if this is too Ignorantamous of me please disregard but am thinking ..on this seriously...

During the Tsunami the earth was shaken from the axis ...What if any does this play into our lives?
If we are aligned with planets the solar system ...well to be honest I do not understand astrology all that well but find it facinating as anything ...
so say I was told this or that in my life due to my astro...and now the earth switches..can that change it? how does one know ...everything changes all the time ...

maybe I just think to much! ok yea I do :smt009

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Post by Abhishek » Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:15 am

i am am not sure that the angle of the earth's axis chnaged any during the tsunami so, there should be no chnages what so ever. but i am only guessing cant say for sure.


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Post by sunny » Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:53 pm

me will find out and let u know tomorrow.

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Post by Deborah » Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:08 am

what did we find out about the earth's axis?

posted on January, 2005:

Astrological Perspectives on the Tsunami
Web News Archive

by Mary Plumb

The TMA staff joins readers worldwide in extending our thoughts and prayers to all who have been affected by the tragic loss of life after the huge earthquake in the Indian Ocean.

As astrologers, we naturally turn toward trying to understand events on Earth, so many have begun to write commentaries on the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Here's a link to the chart for the epicenter of the quake, the largest in nearly forty years. [1] With the death toll now exceeding 150,000, the tsunami has been "described by relief experts as one of the worst natural disasters in recent history." [2]

I noticed right away that the Moon is out of bounds by declination (27° N 42') and, at 28° Gemini, is in the same degree in longitude as it was when the first plane hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11. This is the degree of the fixed star Menkalinan, about which Robson writes: "It causes ruin, disgrace, and frequently violent death." [3]

Researchers at the Department of Applied Geology at the University of Madras (India) predicted this earthquake (within 28 minutes of time and 157 kilometers of distance to the epicenter). Their prediction was based on "a novel method developed by the team. According to the method, when two or more planets, Sun and the Moon get aligned more or less in line (0 to 180 degree) with the earth it could affect the angular momentum of the earth and decrease the speed of rotation of the earth which could trigger an earthquake." (

For many years, Richard Nolle has researched the phenomenon that he calls a "SuperMoon" (coined in 1979). A SuperMoon is a Full or New Moon occurring when there is also a lunar perigee, that is, the Moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit. Nolle's forecast for December 2004 predicted a "geocosmic stress window" around the December 26 Full Moon. He wrote: "The last big geocosmic stress window of the month will be in effect from the 23rd through the 29th, associated with the full moon at 5 Cancer on the 26th (the same day the Moon reaches its maximum north declination). This particular alignment looks nearly as dangerous as the SuperMoon on the 12th, where the risk of storms, flooding and seismic upheaval is concerned." Please go to this page for Nolle's extended forecast:

Sandy Hughes looks at the angular position of the TransNeptunian Vulcanus (having to do with the overwhelming power and forces of nature, now at 23° Cancer), and she refers to the Sun's occultation by Venus on June 8, 2004.

Astrologer Tashi Grady Powers gives a timeline of events since the tsunami, as well as a declination graph for December 26 in her e-zine, "The Enlightening Times."

Humanistic astrologer Sarah Kalvin takes note of the septile aspect between Neptune and Pluto as the underpinning of this event.

(TMA publisher Tem Tarriktar has written about the long series of Neptune-Pluto septiles here: ... pt604.html)

A column by Michael Harwood called "The Daze 2005" features lots of astrolocality maps (e.g., the October 13, 2004 eclipse and the New Moon before the earthquake) and shows the second- and eighth-harmonic charts of the earthquake.

Astrologers studying Uranian techniques may enjoy the following (quite technical) posts from Mark B. Anstendig, who uses original Hamburg School/Uranian methods. These were posted on various e-groups and are used here with the author's kind permission.

"Note from Mark: The times for the Tsunami are at the end of these posts. I originally used the first time we were given, which was almost :59 GMT. The third post below shows the earlier times of :57 GMT.

Post #1:


The moon controls the waters of the earth (and the body) and is where to look first for the flood. So that is the planetary picture for the Moon at that time.

Then, the moon is 1° 49' short of the Earth Axis, moving towards it, which would account for the delay of much water damage around the globe after the earthquake: i.e., that the Mo=Aries was still closing, so that damage went on.

The releasing factor was the Ascendant, i.e., the horizon, space axis of the Earth, which is in aspect-relationship to the earth Axis.

Admetus also is central for it signifies the depths, where the earthquake took place. Its pictures are: AD=MA/NE=MO/MA=CU/ZE=NE/HA=UR (Ur is an 11.25° relationship), and MA/AD=Aries (22.5° relationship), and AD/HA=AR.

Aries is the Earth and its pictures, which include most of the Moon's pictures, is Aries=KR=NE=MO=MA/AD=HA/AD=PL/AD=SA/UR=UR/AP etc.

It is all clear in hindsight. But how to predict it? That is the problem!

You almost have to have been looking for it for the particular place, as plenty happened elsewhere, too. (It rained here in SF incessantly and unusually and hasn't stopped yet, for example). Short of checking every area on earth, it would be hard, if not impossible to say where this would happen with greatest magnitude.

Post #2

The important thing to note for this catastrophe of the greatest water magnitude, involving the seas of the world, is that the Moon is exactly in the Earth Axis at the sign of Cancer itself, i.e., that the Moon is at its most elevated point at the cusp of the 10th house of the Earth, which house of the Earth is what the sign Cancer is.

So this disaster, metagnostically seen, couldn't be clearer: the Moon, which controls the seas, comes together at its most powerful connection with the Earth itself and the resulting effect on the earth is the strongest it can be (i.e., the release of the earthquake as the vertical axis of the earth, the MC, passes the direct midpoint connection to the Earth with Uranus, MC/UR=AR, which is something like sudden excitement/dynamic in/on/to the earth). And the disaster, especially that affecting water and water levels, which the Moon controls, and which is out of control, continues around a vast area for the full amount of time it still takes for the Moon to reach the exact conjunction with the Earth axis itself, at its most elevated point, 0° Cancer, and pass it. And some minutes before the time that the MC formed the midpoint MC/UR=Cancer, the MC was square SA, remaining square SA when it reaches the MC/UR=Cancer midpoint, adding SA to the formula MC/UR=SA/UR=AR=MO, which caused the Earthquake that caused the main havoc/horror to break loose.

The MC continues past the MC/UR=AR midpoint to the opposition to the Node (impersonal contacts with people), which then, together with the MC forms the formula AR=MC/MA=NO/MA=MCUR=NO/UR=SA/UR=MO. So it affected thousands of people with its suddenness (UR), force (MA) and destruction (SA/UR).

This event has to have been seen in the Earth Axis. It is that simple. It occurred/happened to the Earth itself in enormous magnitude. The Earth Axis had to show and reflect it. That was the first place to look, along with the Moon, which was right there in the Earth Axis.

Also, the Sun is always the opposition to the Earth, and denotes the planet Earth, too. So the Sun has to reflect what is happening, and it does: the Sun is in the direct Midpoint of Aries and Zeus or Su=AR/ZE, ZE being the causal/dynamic factor, and it is also in the AD/KR direct Midpoint, with KR 22.5° AP, so the Sun is involved with something of the greatest possible expansion and affecting the most (AP), having to do with things of the ground and depths (AD) and a great forceful, creative/causal influence (ZE) of the highest nature, an epitome (KR) affecting everything (the Sun/Earth). The Sun axis (Life itself) also shows Jupiter and other more positive influences, which also came into play and which we hear about around the world with all the helpful, self-less, etc. things that also happened.

Post #3

The times below, from another discussion* puts the beginning 52 seconds or more earlier than the time I used. That is more logical, because it puts the AS not only in the Earth Axis (at 90°) but the Earth axis in AS/VU (VU = greatest application of anything, including force). And the MC is farther back, putting AR in the MC/UR direct Midpoint, which would have been the starting moment/impulse of the quake. A number of minutes before that, the MC had reached the square to the then separating, but still close SA=VU conjunction. That would have been what led to the earthquake erupting. And days before, SA reaching VU would have started the process that led to the event.

*Sunday 26 December 2004 (GMT): 00.57 GMT: Between 00.57 GMT and 00.59 GMT, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurs on the seafloor near Aceh in northern Indonesia. (See and other reports)

00.58 GMT: Saturday 25 December, 2.58 pm Hawaii Time (GMT-10) 26 Dec 00.58 GMT. US government's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center registers the earthquake on its seismic instruments. In other words at the time of its occurrence at 00.58 GMT."

And finally (for now), here is an astrology site that has collected links for donations to relief efforts:

References and Chart Data

[1] December 26, 2004; 12:58:53 a.m. UT; Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia (03°E19', 95°E51'). Source:

[2] ... 128509.stm

[3] Vivian Robson, The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Astrology Classics, Astrology Center of America, 2001, p. 175.

© 2005 Mary Plumb - all rights reserved

Mary Plumb is TMA's Book Editor and Webmaster. She lives in Ashland, Oregon where she teaches, writes, and has an astrological practice. To schedule an in-person or telephone consultation, call (541) 488-3048, or e-mail:

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Post by Abhishek » Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:39 am

again i dont see any place where it say the axis shited?

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