Could someone give me a reading .. looking for guidance

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Could someone give me a reading .. looking for guidance

Post by karen2829 » Fri 22 Dec, 2006 10:21 am


My name is Karen and I am smack in the middle of my saturn return. Althought things are better than 6 months ago, I would be interested to see what might lay ahead.

Here is my details

Karen Meza, August 28, 2977, 11:55am , Lima, Peru

Thanks :)

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To Karen Meza,

Post by rahulbanerji » Thu 22 Feb, 2007 9:03 am

Are you going to born in the year 2977?

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Post by karen2829 » Fri 23 Feb, 2007 10:37 am

Sorry..... I was born 1977

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Any particular areas of concern?

Post by Gentlesorp » Fri 02 Mar, 2007 4:38 pm

I can see that Jupiter (BIG) was making contact with your Uranus (something unexpected/change) about 6 months from your first post. &nbsp;Was that when you started noticing stressful situations? &nbsp;Now Jupiter is &nbsp;moving back and forth over your Ascendant and Neptune (sensitivity/spirituality), all of this during your Saturn Return which is probably still affecting you acutely. &nbsp;

Your Saturn is in the 9th House of philosophy, beliefs and higher education. &nbsp;Transiting Saturn hit your natal Saturn exact in October 2006, February 2007 (Retrograde, ie. seeming to go backwards) and will connect again in July 2006. &nbsp;Have you found the last 2 periods to be significant?


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Hello Karen

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 04 Mar, 2007 4:29 pm

Hi this is RishiRahul, an astrologer from India. Regarding your Saturn return.

The saturn return phase between October 2006 and July 2007 bang on will affect you the following ways:=
transit jupiter on uranus gives a boost to the sense of illusion considering other factors in your chart .
As Gentlesorp rightfully says spiritual elevation will be there.
Owing to some developments since 2004, having some separitive influences, you took the road ( not powerfully but in a sort of undecided manner) to wards proffesion etc. sort of away from spirituality, towards materialism.... a mirage had begun to form after October 2004... to start being over from March 2007+-6 months onwards. 2004 till now all being personally dissapointing years.
But nevertheless shows a new beginning in 2007; which will have certainly have a &nbsp;change of environment.
At least a massive relocation from a country is seen in your chart.
This saturn return will teach, slowly though, the meaning of aloneness.
A feedback to the above would be helpful.
March 4th. 2007

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Thank you RishiRahul !!

Post by karen2829 » Sat 17 Mar, 2007 4:18 pm

I have been out of town and just now saw the alert with your reply. I am speechless !!! Everything is true ! I did take the road of profession and build my life around my job. I had achieved success and started to see financial rewards when I was fired from my job ( was blindsighted with absolutly no idea of what was happening ) this happened on October 06, 2004. &nbsp;I like to think that this was the day that life decided it was time for me to focus on something more important than my job.. Me.
Yes, the last few years have challenged every fiber of being. &nbsp;Looking back one year ago I can see how much my life has changed. One year ago I was dealing with the illness and ultimatly the death of my grandmother June 2006. Since then things have been getting better, &nbsp;On March 01, 2007 , I fullfilled a life long dream of going to Paris, France ! I spend an amazing 15 days ( just got back &nbsp;2 days ago &nbsp;)

Unfortunatly my return home was not perfect, I returned to work yesterday morning and was fired. Although I anticipated they would have some problems while I was on &nbsp;holiday , I did not think they would fire me. &nbsp;( I am happy to say, I am handling this situation better than I expected.. I think because of what I write below &nbsp;:-) )

On my way home yesterday, I decided to look into the possibility of leaving the country and either returning to France or my home country of Peru. Your mention of this relocation is such a gift ! &nbsp;I feel validated ! I am ashamed to admit that I had lost some trust in my inner voice, the last few months I have been focusing on rebuilding this trust, this is just the type of boost I needed !... Thanks you for helping me ~

There is one thing I am still not seeing any changes and that is in the love department.. things actually seem worse. Just when I think I can trust what I feel..... I am mistaken worse than ever before .. and this is just what happened in the last month ! Is there anything in my chart showing some clear skies ?

Again, thank you !!!


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Re: Any particular areas of concern?

Post by karen2829 » Sat 17 Mar, 2007 4:57 pm

Gentlesorp wrote:I can see that Jupiter (BIG) was making contact with your Uranus (something unexpected/change) about 6 months from your first post.  Was that when you started noticing stressful situations?  Now Jupiter is  moving back and forth over your Ascendant and Neptune (sensitivity/spirituality), all of this during your Saturn Return which is probably still affecting you acutely.  

Your Saturn is in the 9th House of philosophy, beliefs and higher education.  Transiting Saturn hit your natal Saturn exact in October 2006, February 2007 (Retrograde, ie. seeming to go backwards) and will connect again in July 2006.  Have you found the last 2 periods to be significant?

Dear GentleScorp,

Thank you for your reply. 6 month before my post was one of my lowest points. I started to see what I thought was Saturn Return situations in 2004, thanks to RishiRahul &nbsp;I see that there was more going on that I thought. I feel relieved in knowing I was not crazy ! hahaha
You are correct to mention the focusing themes: My spirituality,finding strength in me and that I have to go back to school for my degree. That last one is a killer... Now I see why I have this nagging voice telling me to go back to school... hahaha

I wanted to ask you if you could help me better understand the transiting Saturn. Now being a virgo, &nbsp;I feel like I have been in retrograde the entire year. From what I can see this past year, my most significant periods have been during the eclipses... To be honest, the entire year feels like a significant period, every month is something new.
I don't want to be lazy and miss out on the benefits of these transits. &nbsp;If you could point me to where I learn more about the transits.. I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your time and help !!


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Hi Karen Meza

Post by rahulbanerji » Sat 17 Mar, 2007 8:37 pm

Its great to know that I have been correct to such an extent, and it does bolster the male ego...mine. But before I tell you more I feel sad that we have done great injustice to the science of astrology and the other scientific sciences, by studying and applying these like quacks would do.

I do not mean to demean them, though I did that just now.. I am sorry. I stop here because the perview of this text would be out of context of this part of the forum.

Oct 13th. 2004 to March 7th. 2007 was a period, when one is forced into materialism.. to bend the native to better realisations( like a mirage) and bring him zeroing  down to utter practcality. If this said period was absent then you would have not got the strength you feel you have now, although it was crooked period. Effect of Saturn return and Saturn transit venus.

This abovementioned period helped build your merits much, and will carry on till the middle of 2007, I mean merit building.

This relocation factor will be blessing started after Oct 2006 will be good for you, proper results not yet obtained due to retrograde Saturn, but do not force it. Saturn turning direct mid July 2007 will ensure you move direct.
Do inform me of whatever sudden developments minor or major between March 19th to May 25th. 2007, centering April 19th. This is important.
I thank you for getting back to me.

It is due to the co operation of consenting souls like you who that helps me to better these sciences I am passionate about.
I will answer your questions soon.

P.S: Do not force abroad movement at present, unless it comes automatically to you. Also do not focus on personal relationships( opposite sex) for the present, but on your present &nbsp;merit building and finances. Trust in your intuition which comes to you in flash, and not too much in logic. Let that be your god. Did you falter earlier because you did not follow it?
Last edited by rahulbanerji on Sun 18 Mar, 2007 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Hi again Karen

Post by rahulbanerji » Sat 17 Mar, 2007 8:41 pm

Trust your instincts, not the logic which comes afterwards. You have retrograde mercury squaring your ascendant.

Hi westerners do join this interesting thread.

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Sorry Karen

Post by RishiRahul » Sat 17 Mar, 2007 8:49 pm

The above predictions were given by me under the name rahulbanerji. I use this name in the palmistry forum. Sorry for the mistake

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Post by Gentlesorp » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 3:02 pm

Hi Karen,
Generally, when Saturn connects with something in your chart, he is asking you to get serious about something, or start taking responsibility for something. &nbsp;If you meditate on your life, you will probably know what needs to be addressed even without the benefit of looking at your chart, and there is usually more than one thing. &nbsp;Since your Saturn is in the 9th house of higher learning, it has already got you thinking about going back to school as you had said. &nbsp;By July, you will probably have a firmer plan through this urge to get serious. &nbsp;If you choose to ignore Saturn's urge, what often happens is that circumstances will force you to make plans. &nbsp;

As an example, this happened to me when I was going through a Saturn contact. &nbsp;When I procrastinated on this decision to go back to school and had all but made the decision to waitress for another year or two - bam - my boss said I was no longer needed.....just in time for me to enroll in a program that led to my steady career for 10 years. &nbsp;

If you want to see for yourself how all the planets are interacting with your chart, I suggest you look at one of the free programs that allow you to advance the chart day by day. &nbsp;This will give you a feel for the planetary cycles and how they affect you. &nbsp;If you have any questions about this, just ask!


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