Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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morton tolson
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Post by morton tolson » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:48 pm

The Planetary Powers

One of the best kept secrets of Astrology, although many of the Ancients knew it well, is that the planets of our natal charts do NOT refer to those heavenly bodies which circle in our sky; instead, they represent psychic centers in the complex we so casually refer to as ‘us’.

In Tantric Yoga, the seven planets are represented as centers call ‘Chakras’ – a Sanskrit word meaning ‘circle’ or ‘time’. This schematic recognizes that our ‘bodies’ (a loose term indeed) have many ‘sheaths’, all of which represent ‘substance’ of different densities or – as Einstein once remarked: ‘E equals M times C squared’. So some of these centers are not solid but represent intense vortices of energy – such as our primitive fears, our emotions, our thoughts and even our most exalted yearnings.

http://groups.msn.com/astrolcabala/swet ... PhotoID=30

It is most important to realize from the start that our illustration represents organic growth; in other words, it shows a ‘process’ – the growth of a Lotus from the mud of the unconscious, then the struggle up through the waters representing the Divine Mother (or how Nature nourishes and supports us) until – finally, we reach the Air and the Light of conscious awareness.

Each Cakra, then, represents a horizontal slice or Mandala which reveals our level of growth and the forces or planetary powers primarily involved in the process of who we are becoming.

For example, all human growth emerges from the Power identified – by all ancients, as Saturn, which holds the Serpent Power that smolders behind all existence. This same Serpent, swallowing its own tail, is found encircling every natal chart.

Human growth, then, or our experience and expression of what it means to be ‘Man’ (Purusha, or male and female), begins with Mars in the Svadhisthana Chakra, and all astrologers can surely understand this since our natal chart begins in Spring at the Cardinal point called Aries – a sign ruled by Mars. The message to us from the ancients seems clear enough:

OUR CONCEPT OF SELF (as represented by Aries) originates specifically in the energy of reproduction (Mars).

There can be no question that these psychic centers operate in synchronism with the movements of the outer material planets; why else would we call it Tropical Astrology (meaning that the Spring Point is determined by the seasons, and not the constellations)?

And, as we see in the following illustration, the four elements are really names for PHASES in our personal evolution. I have used the name ‘gates’ because in the Mandala of the Temple, these four cardinal points are called ‘gates’ – and the Temple (of course) being the dwelling place of Purusha (‘Man’, male and female). Who else would live there?

http://groups.msn.com/astrolcabala/swet ... &PhotoID=4

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Post by arian_1c » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:03 pm

thanks shantana,
really this is what it is all about. You have hit the nail on the head.
This wonderful creation of god, human body, consists of seven chakras.
Anyways, there is a lot I want to say myself about this but first, it would be nice if all of you check this here and lets share our results and comments...

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My results

Post by arian_1c » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:06 pm

Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: under-active (6%)
Heart: open (18%)
Throat: over-active (87%)
Third Eye: open (62%)
Crown: open (62%)

The root chakra being under-active is so true....anyways how about the rest of you
What do u think about this test Shantana

morton tolson
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my results

Post by morton tolson » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:59 am

Root: under-active (-13%)
Sacral: under-active (6%)
Navel: under-active (6%)
Heart: under-active (-38%)
Throat: open (50%)
Third Eye: open (56%)
Crown: over-active (81%)

good god!


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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:56 am

Root: under-active (-31%)
Sacral: over-active (75%)
Navel: under-active (-31%)
Heart: open (44%)
Throat: under-active (-19%)
Third Eye: under-active (-31%)
Crown: open (25%)

i dnt think i have positive bone in my body i feel depressed now :(


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Post by arian_1c » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:20 am

you don't need to feel depressed Abhishek
I agree that the test has a sound of authenicity to it but then this is just for fun

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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:26 pm

Root: under-active (-13%)
Sacral: under-active (-6%)
Navel: over-active (88%)
Heart: open (31%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye: under-active (0%)
Crown: under-active (6%)

I turly liked this:))
but acc to this i am domineering too!

morton tolson
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Cakras (West and East Views)?

Post by morton tolson » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:24 pm

The Planetary Powers as Cakras (II)

http://groups.msn.com/astrolcabala/swet ... PhotoID=30

In the West the above Cakras (or horizontal slices through a human’s psychic body) can be seen as a process of psychological growth. For example, Carl Jung, the Depth Psychologist, once gave a series of lectures on Kundalini Yoga where he expressed the idea that the ego-function in humans always is down in the muladhara area, in the base or earth cakra.

‘But man can suddenly become aware of something up above, in the fourth storey, in ‘anahata’, and that is the ‘self’. That self, in Indian terminology, is ‘Purusha (man).’-- from Kundalin Yoga

And Jung equated this experience with St. Paul’s expression (in the New Testament):

‘But it is not I that lives, it is Christ that liveth in me.’ (ibid)

Jung obviously saw the ‘self’ (Purusha) as a way of living in this world which is not the individual’s own, but the life of a greater One, called Purusha. And here is where Western astrology could then lay out the course for the individual’s spiritual evolution, as he or she slowly climbs the stem of the Lotus. And this journey, obviously, would require the course of several lifetimes to complete.

My own feeling about Jung’s process, relative to Indians, is that this way of thinking would be rather alien for anyone born and raised in that country. For example, Indian astrology – which strikes me as being closer to sidereal that to tropical astrology, is mostly centered on what I call ‘social participation’, on a harmonious totality that accepts and absorbs minor quarrels and differences.

I will have to use an example, from my own life, to clarify what I mean by ‘social participation’.

I once traveled some distance, to Palo Alto California, to hear a concert by Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Kahn. And when the concert began, I became totally absorbed in experiencing the beautiful music. But a large party of Indians had taken seats in the row immediately behind me, and they soon began a rather loud conversation. I could not – because of the language barrier, understand what they were saying, but they had broken my own thread of concentration, so I finally turned around and demanded (quite rudely) that they ‘please shut up’!

My experience, here, was this: the form of the music creates – for an Indian, an atmosphere with which they could meld harmoniously and become a ‘social whole’. And this ‘whole’ was equally enjoyable for both audience and musicians because EVERYONE WAS PARTICIPATING IN A SHARED EXPERIENCE.

And I have this strong feeling that the ‘meaning’ of Indian astrology (whatever ‘meaning means’) is also and similarly an arena for shared experiences; and differs from the West in that Indian astrology has little or nothing to do with ‘evolution’ of the individual's psyche. (*)

Perhaps I am in error here, and someone can correct me?


(*) I am speaking philosophically of course. The average Western interprepitation has nothing to do with spiritual evolution.

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chakra test... interesting

Post by littlemoon » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:48 pm

Root: under-active (18%)
Sacral: open (56%)
Navel: open (43%)
Heart: under-active (18%)
Throat: open (68%)
Third Eye: over-active (87%)
Crown: open (68%)

rings true for me....

thanks for the link

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Post by aelis2004 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:43 pm

Root: open (44%)
Sacral: over-active (81%)
Navel: open (31%)
Heart: open (63%)
Throat: over-active (81%)
Third Eye: over-active (88%)
Crown: over-active (75%)

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Re: Cakras (West and East Views)?

Post by Gillian » Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:02 am

QUOTE:re Chakras = "horizontal slices through a human’s psychic body"

Hi Morton,
With my limited knowledge but keen interest in the Chakras, could you clarify whether we should have the arms/hands beside the body or outstretched.
With arms and hands beside the body, they are in line with all the Chakras from the Throat to the Root Chakras, but with with the arms outstretched they're in line with the Heart and Throat Chakras only.
I see the the arms and hands as being affected in both positions because the hands are definitely part of our Survival instincts (Root Chakra) by way of defending ourselves when threatened, or attacking an enemy, yet they are also forms of communication as well (Throat Chakra) and are used to signify love and compassion (Heart Chakra).

Could you advise in this matter please...I am confused about the where the arms/hands stand in the "horizontal slices" . Do you have a diagram to post in this topic section for interested people to have a better idea of the situation?
Many thanks,

morton tolson
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Dear Gillian --

Post by morton tolson » Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:14 pm


Your questions are excellent and quite perceptive, but are related mostly to making connections between your conscious individuality and your psychic, sensory and motor centers. My post and my illustration were in reference to how the 'self' unfolds in time, and how this unfoldment might relate to those same centers or Cakras. In short, I was relating the Cakras to horizontal slices in 'time' - called the natal horoscope. These same 'slices in time' are also called Mandalas.

For answers to your particular questions I would recommend you contact that Center that Arian posted, and even take their Cakra test. And then you might consider studying their suggestions for tuning these very same centers.

For example, if you sit cross-legged and touch the Apollo (Sun) finger on each hand to its thumb, and then place your left hand on your knee and your right hand on your heart center, you actually establish a current or energy flow between your ability to move about (your
knee) and your ability to love (your heart). That realization alone should answer your question for you about the arms and the legs.

The arms, for example are either for hugging, or for warding off aggression.

Similarly, you can test various minerals, crystals and metals, holding them gently against your throat center, your forehead and then your heart. Try amethyst, Tiger's-eye, Turquoise and others of your choice. Then try Gold, Silver and Copper. You will find some materials to be healing; some irritating and some will send you to far off places. Similarly, pictures and personal objects can connect you to the past and future, and (eventually) you might learn to read a person's joy or sorrow.

The Cakra test at the site Arian noted for us is well worth taking in terms of expanding your own self-knowledge. For example, my own negative scores resulted from my willingness to be brutally honest - despite screams of protest from my ego. I like to think of myself as a nice person, but I know how stressed I can get during first meetings, or in certain social situations.

So, as I answered the cakra questions I pretended I was someone else, meeting myself for the first time. How would THEY answer those questions about me?

And I feel sure that Abishek used his own method to insure some negative scores, thus assuring the rest of us that this too was o.k.

Finally, our lovely Australian Rieke instructor, would surely answer the Cakra test in accordance with her own personal goals, knowing full well that her methods will really help any who feel the need to contact her. That alone would insure her positive scores.

See how simple Life is?

Mort (shantana)

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Re: Dear Gillian --

Post by Gillian » Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:36 am

Hi again,
I took your advice, went to the site Arien posted and did the test.... Oh dear - Where did I go wrong with Root to Navel Chakras?
Root Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye Crown

Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: over-active (69%)
Navel: under-active (-6%)
Heart: open (38%)
Throat: open (63%)
Third Eye: open (31%)
Crown: open (19%)
Percentages go from -100% to +100%

But I take all your points to heart and will see more in the recommended site, believe me, and am following the information presented under topic "Chakras" in the Forum also. So again, many thanks, I will follow all the Chakra postings.


morton tolson
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Gillian --

Post by morton tolson » Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:32 am

Good for you!

And I feel sure you will discover that you have begun a new phase in your own evolution. You have opened (perhaps) a new door to your own future.

And as the DOORS once said -- 'and you can't turn back!'

shantana (mort)

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Re: Gillian --

Post by Gillian » Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:31 am

How true it is, but it was many years in the making for numerous personal reasons.....and now you're not posting any more! How sad, but I'm sure you'll pass by now and again because people never really leave somewhere they've been made to feel welcome.
morton tolson wrote:Good for you!

And I feel sure you will discover that you have begun a new phase in your own evolution. You have opened (perhaps) a new door to your own future.

And as the DOORS once said -- 'and you can't turn back!'

shantana (mort)

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