May I request help from anyone in the forum to choose the right choice

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May I request help from anyone in the forum to choose the right choice

Post by janakiraman » Sat 10 Mar, 2007 3:49 pm

Hello all,
           I am a widower with 2 female kids. I have no one to help me except my parents who are oldaged. Maintaining the kids and housekeeping has become difficult for me. I decided to go for remarriage and I got 2 horoscopes. I have taken the horoscopes for matching to 7 astrologers. 3 astrologers told that both did not match and 2 people said that 1 horo matched and 2 astrologers said that both are matched. I am in a confusing stage. I dont know how to take these. Since I require someone who can keep my kids as their own, I want to be careful in finding a mate. Please help me. I owe my gratitude to you all. Following are the details:

My Name : Janakiraman, DOB: 21-01-1966, Time :20:10 hrs. Place: Vellore, Tamil nadu, India (Latitude: 12:57 N Longitude: 79:09 E

1ST Horoscope : DOB: 18-02-1969, Time: 20:35 hrs, Place: Vizianagaram, India (Latitude:18:07 N, Longitude: 83:25 E)

2nd Horoscope : DOB18-03-1969, Time: 01:16 hrs, Place: Tambaram, India (Latitude:12:55 N, Longitude: 80:07 E)

I request any good-soul to help me in this forum.


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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat 10 Mar, 2007 8:49 pm

The worst part of the transit is that just to earn a normal earning you may have to work 10 times. Almost most all of your plan will not execute in time or will not give you even half of your expected result to you.  Do not try to start any thing new otherwise you will get stuck-up in middle and the position will become like that neither you will be able to go ahead nor the way of coming back will be open.
In respect of love and desire, it is a year in which you will get very good company of opposite sex. There are very good chances that unmarried native get married if you are unmarried, it is likely that you may get married or will think about it or your marriage may get fixed during the 1st(Up to 21 Feb. 2007) or 7th month(Up to 21st July to 20 August 2007) after your last birthday.
Both Charts are not with favors with you,one have(18-02-1969, Time: 20:35 hrs, Place: Vizianagaram) egos and only order power,there are not life of your kids.and Second has (DOB18-03-1969, Time: 01:16 hrs, Place: Tambaram, India ) cruality in his mind and only ask you for the sexual activity.
Kindly find other person,
God bless you,in every field of Life.
Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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Post by janakiraman » Sun 11 Mar, 2007 5:57 pm

Dear Mr.Ramendra Singh Bhadauria,
                 Thanks a lot for your kind advice. I am really grateful to you. I was having this suspicion in mind, that is why, I approached this forum. Thank god My life and my kids lives are saved.

with sincere thanks


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Post by RishiRahul » Fri 16 Mar, 2007 9:28 am

Hi Janakiraman,

Saturn Mars conjunction in the 7th. house brought the massive, tumultous ordeal in your life with aggessive personal developments.
Your vimshottari Rashu dasa from 1983 - 2001 was very harmful towards home life and peace of mind, yet was good in the material way. 1997/1998 were very bad years having constrictive and aggressive evelopments.
In 2005did you have a  major change of environment?

Your 6th house shows strong sexual interests.
2007 = Marriage or any personal liaison will bring great trouble. Chances o getting married in 2007 is strong, but will bring unexpected troubles in home life and'karyasiddhi' will be stifled. Concentration over Jupiterian matters like finance and carreer only will bring results during this year, and this should be strictly adhered to. In 2007 all matches (good or bad) bring trouble.
Only during Yogini dasa Bhramari after end 2008 that one could contemplate and that also after proper chart matching.
2012 brings much contentment through children's success.

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Post by janakiraman » Fri 16 Mar, 2007 9:46 am

Dear RishiRahul,
         Your prediction is amazing. Really what you have told about the past is exactly correct. In October, 2005, I lost my wife. Now, since my daughter is 12 years, my parents pressing me for another marriage. Since, no one is there at home to help me in house hold affairs, I find it very difficult to cope with. They are trying to the core to get me married this year itself before August. But as per your predictions, it seems if I get married now, It will be in great trouble. Once my daughter attain puberty, which may likely be this year end or next year, it will not be nice to go for one more marriage. So, in this situation, I also have consented.

Your words are true regarding sexual interest. But, since I am practicing yoga and meditation, I can control all my desires and divert my concentration in career side. But, my family position requires someone at home to take care of the family so that I can concentrate in my career.

As per your prediction, if I get married this year, it will be destructive. I am in a state of fix. Please advice me what I can do. I have got one more proposal and details are given below. I request you to please give me your valuable advice and I will follow. I really owe a lot to you. God bless you.

Details of the proposal: DOB: 29-09-1974, TIME: 17:20 Hrs, Place of Birth: Chennai.

Thanks and regards,


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Hi Jankiraman

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 18 Mar, 2007 11:26 am

1)Were you all contemplating the marriage from mid Nov2006?
Although this year would not be too favorable, it could work out after Nov 2nd. 2007, that is, if you want a proper period this year.

The mariage with the date of you sent me is good as per the point system, but rasi matching is not seen. Again everything do not need to match, but rasi matching is very important. Again no  no powerful attraction between the two is seen. Two marriages are seen in her chart too.
A change of personal environment between Sept 2006 and March 2008 is seen in her chart, which supports marriage. K.P. system does not negate it.

Since it a marriage after children born,  not too much romance, but interest in practcal matters are deemed important. In case you do get married remember to keep your focus on your Jupiterian activities ( profession, finance, children).

Considering it is also a marriage of convenience it is O.K. But yet you will be comfortable only frm 2009.

2)Is she friendly with someone already?

Your chart states that your second wife will protect the interests of your children.

Please answer the 2 questions, given above.

3) How did your first wife expire? Accident or illness?


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Post by janakiraman » Sun 18 Mar, 2007 12:15 pm

Dear Mr.Rishirahul,
             Your predictions are absolutely amazing. What you predict is correct. The proposal I got now is a divorcee. she got married in 1999 and divorced in 2003. Her husband deserted her and went to U.S after marriage. While speaking to her, I felt that she is reasonable but career oriented too.

             For your first question, I dont know whether she has relationship with someone or friendly with someone. I have spoken to her only for 2 hours.

             For your second question, My first wife committed suicide. I asked her bit harshly, why she has not given medicine to the kid since the kid was suffering in ailment. Then I concentrated in my homework which I brought from my office. I did not realise that she was affected by my words. Next day morning, she sent me to office and sent the kids to school and committed suicide. I used to assuage her immediately even if I scold, but on that fateful day, something was forcing me to speak bit harsh. I was realizing that but I couldn't control my tongue. I told her that she has nothing more in this world than taking care of children and asked her what for she is at home. These words, I dont think is very harsh. But, she was very childish. She has attempted earlier also once long back. I did not think, these words would have triggered her for this disaster. I used to pamper her too. Though we were very fond of each other, my mental plane did not go with her it seems. Ultimately, I lost her. Each and every moment after this incident, I am feeling guilty. But, it is perplexing me, how this can happen, when her horoscope says she has long life. I did not understand. For your reference, I can give her details.

My late wife's DOB: 27-08-1976 Time: 05:30 AM, Place of birth:Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

I am really grateful to you, since you have taken pains to study my horoscope threadbare and giving me the predictions. If at all any remedies, I should do, to correct the malefic effect of the planets also, please tell me, I am willing to do it.

Thanks and regards,


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Post by janakiraman » Sun 18 Mar, 2007 12:33 pm

Dear Rishirahul,
          I did not reply to your first question. My parents started to search from August 2006.

Thanks and regards,

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:06 am

I give here a short analysis of your late spouse’s chart, which you had asked for.

1) No planets are combust or retrograded in the chart.

2) Kalsarpa yoga is present in the chart affecting the 3rd. and 9th. houses, affecting life and luck factors.

3) Atmakaraka Venus with mars and mercury. Very romantic and sexually inclined. Venusian factors in life becomes prime
   (Note= Venusian factors influenced by Mars).

4) A person of royal nature, again Venus influencing without being combust with Sun in Lagna = pride in love very important.

5) Moon, manah karka severely afflicted. Lagna, Venus, Sun, Mars, mercury, moon, Pluto in papakarthari yoga.

6) Compatibility with you = 25.5 points. Shows good matching. Difficulties being emotional adjustment, and bad rasi matching.

7) The disturbance was created by Saturn, Mars in your 7th. Bhava.

8a) Expired during Rahu dasa, mercury antar, mercury pratyantara. (Ayanamsa N.C. LAHIRI)

8b) Expired during Rahu dasa, mercury antar, venus pratyantara. (Ayanamsa B.VRAMAN)

8c) Expired during Rahu dasa, Saturn antara, Jupiter pratyantara (Ayanamsa FAGAN)

9) Rahu, the planet causing Kalasarpa yoga and mercury, both much disorganized planets, confused the mind of the native much, causing the eventuality.

10) Her mind started getting disagornised after Aug 1996.
      She was put in a new environment from mid 1998, and reclusive tendencies started from this period and she could not take the disappointments this environment offered.  
      Became worse after Aug 2001. Aug2003 to Aug 2004 shows sudden disruption in life too. From 2003 you started focusing in your finances?

Oct 25th 2005= was a pointed transit.

I could post this chart without disclosing personal details to the forum as a new post for scutiny. Again it has been a  very painful for you and of course, you may not give consent. It will not upset me.


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Post by janakiraman » Wed 21 Mar, 2007 12:02 pm

Dear Mr.Rishirahul,
              Your predictions are absolutely stunning and true. Though I was very affectionate to her, I did not show explicitly. She herself thought that I am not having any love and affection for her. But she was my soul. She was so childish, naive and innocent. I saw her as a child only. Whenever she had problems, I used to convince her patiently, but if she doesn't accept, I started to impose my decisions. Though my decisions were logical and right, it did not go with her, since she lacked futuristic thought and vision. Hence, the gap started to build up between us unknowingly. I did not realise that earlier, now only after analysing every movement of us, I was able to decipher it. But it is too late to recognize and repent. I lost my life and soul. If I marry, I can get another wife, but my children will not get mother. Basically, as Lady Mraka told, I wanted to spend my life with the remembrance of her, but practically thinking, it is not possible to tide over the house hold problems. I am caught between the two and crushing myself in these thoughts. Because of thest thoughts, when I got an opportunity to marry a girl who loved my children so well next to my wife, I denied that proposal bcos of my late wife's remembrance. Now, I feel very sorry for that. That girl married someone but still loves my kids.

         Now for the last few days, after reading madam's reply, my wife's remembrance is pricking me like anything. I am not ashamed to tell that I don't deserve such a nice humanbeing. My soul goes with her.  But ultimately, I leave it to god, who took her away from me and my children to take care of us. I can't bear the agony of all people discussing the subject and if any one prediction which goes against her, i will be perturbed. I think u can understand my sentiment. So, I request you to please close the discussion about my late wife's horoscope with this.

        I kindly request you to just tell me whether my remarriage will be a disaster or life-saver. If anything against the interest of my children, I will never do at any cost, what come may.

       My heart-felt thanks to you for having taken pains to go through the horoscopes throughly and sincerely to give me the correct predictions. I am really bow my head to you.

      Please post me, if at all, you want to tell any advise as per the horoscope and planetary position on coming years.

Thanks and regards,


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Post by RishiRahul » Wed 21 Mar, 2007 12:13 pm


The chart of your prospective spouse has the following features:

Her present Saturn transit in Leo for the next 2 years is not favorable for her ‘love feeling. In fact she will feel constricted in love.

Since end 2005 she is going thru a very confused phase, which will last till June 2008.
Her chart is favorable for material/ financial comforts. She is not very expressive, but confused in thinking regarding personal matters.

Her marriage is favored after Sept 2008.


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Hi Janakiraman

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 21 Mar, 2007 6:23 pm

Since you have realised so many things thru myself, Mlady Raka and self realisation, I will try to tell you what I feel are your remedies to the best I can. My type of remedies are practical, prophylactic and spiritual:

Do not try to impose your thoughts and actions on others. They also have a point of view. Realise it.
Do not let your material life/ gains forget the sentiment of others.
Feed needy dogs/ pets with good food heartfully.
Wear a Ruby in your third finger on a Sunday at Sunrise. It will give you the silent blessings of your father, genarally absent in your life. Also be heartfully nicer to your father, despite hi dominating nature.
Dont rebel against your self without a cause. You were to learn a lesson, you have learnt it. Dont uncover the rusty coins with usual polish, but discover the truth from there. Dont be too intolerant.
You are lunt and truthful, but not with lived ones.


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Post by janakiraman » Tue 27 Mar, 2007 11:33 am

Dear Mr.Rishirahul,
     Thank you very much for your help and suggestions. In fact, I did not know myself, whether I am inflicting on somebody's sentiment. But, after reading your comments, I had a self-introspection and realised that how far I have neglected other's setiments. This is a lesson to me. I am very much grateful to you for opening my eyes.



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