For Rishi Rahul - career and personal reading request

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thanks phantom

Post by decentgal » Thu 22 Mar, 2007 2:02 pm

thanks a lot for taking time out and analyzing my birth data.

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Hi Decengal Hina

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 7:55 am

Jupiter in own house in the seventh  house in Rasi and Navamsa, and it being atmakaraka too denotes that, not only are you majestic to look at and probably a very attractive person, but also inclines you to set very high standards in home life and in marital qualities, seeking too much perfection in them.
                    The above combination along with moon’s position adds to mental problems due to too much pride and rigidity there from.
                    You are much romantically inclined with possibilities of chosen marriage very strong.

You came to your career environment from 1998/1999.

Presently you are running Sun dasa from 2006 till 2012, after which you will feel better in personal terms. Sun dasa will give dissatisfaction regarding home affairs, but will give productive, merit building developments. and sudden upliftments.

Feb 2005 to Feb 2006 also brought you to a new environment again: when your mind started questioning you of your life at present; and end of a new cycle. This happened after approx. after sept/oct 2005. Fro this period you stated feeling that your work and life became laborious.

In 2006 I see a marriage contact, and romantic feelings, which nurtured your sense of marriage, but the present home problems, depressive feelings, along with mounting expenses disturbed it.

2007= you will take some dynamic/big efforts in your life, probably around Nov 2007. Concentration should be directed only in career/changes due to career.

2008 =Strong Yoga for Marriage in second half. Financial sufficiency will relieve you much. Home problems become less, although not totally over.
Do give a feedback so that I can align my mind to your chart better.


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thanks Rahul ji

Post by decentgal » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 8:58 am

Dear Rahul ji

First of all i would like to thank you that you took time out and analyzed my chart  in such a detail.

Everything you predicted is moslty true specially till 2005 it is spot on andaccurate .Even the dates match precisely.I m surprised that you predicted my career start year very accurately

for 2006 i would say that i started feeling a strong urge for marriage though it has been there for a while .People tried to hitch me but it doesnt work and not necessarily from my side but from other side too.I m not romantically inclined to anybody in person since 2002-2003.I would like to mention that some times my parents also fail to handle these matrimonial affairs properly due to absence of peace ,if its left in their hands.There are so many disputes ad distractions going on .Its very isolated and depressng for a while for me atleast .

But as you said i m doing good otherwise in my career.

For 2007 i look forward to some good changes.At the moment work is taking toll on me and with no emotional relief  very frequently i feel i will break down any time . Apparently i look compose and doesnt show .I have also gotten into compromising mode looking at various factors and ready to accept as it comes for marriage.


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Post by AJ » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 9:55 am

Dear Hina,

Om Ganpataye Namah.

You may or may not remember, but you had written to me on January 30, 2007 regarding your marriage query and I had replied to you the same day.

I have been observing your posts silently off and on, and it saddens me to learn of your many continuing sorrows and worries about the future. Your growing sense of frustration has not been lost on me and today I just had to reach out to you once again. I can only pray to God to give you strength and bless you with all the happiness that has been missing in your life thus far.

Please don't give up and make any mistake after having come so far already, there is just a little further to travel. Rahulji has given you the correct dates for your marriage and you must stay strong till then and focus on your work for now. As a reminder and to convince you of your correct time of marriage, here's what I had written to you on January 30, 2007:


"Hi Hina,

You have Jupiter in the 7th, not considered very beneficial there but what's good is that it's in Pisces, it's own sign. This will tend to delay marriage in your case, or even break an existing proposal. However, things will eventually be absolutely fine for you. Your Jupiter is also Vargottam and in the Nakshatra of your lagna lord Mercury, which is very good again.

I can see you've been going through mental stress, but this is likely to be better after end March 2007 and you will be clearer about your life and where it is going. You may also travel at this time.

From August 2007 you may again feel the pressure to get married, and this may be from your family. If you want my advice, don't get married between August 2007 and end June 2008, even if you meet someone you think is nice. Things may not be what they seem and you will only discover that later. Are you more attracted to older, more mature men as partners? If yes, then be wary of someone you make like in this period. But don't worry, just be wise. :)

I believe the best time for you to get married is between July 2008 and April 2009... I know you may feel you don't want to wait that long, but I must give the best advice keeping your interests at heart. God has a plan for every soul and it is upto us to be patient and make use of his love and wisdom.

May God bless you and always keep you happy "


I hope this helps you maintain your strength and focus. Our countries were one once and I hope they shall be again some day. We are all one people, whether we fool ourselves or not, and you are like a younger sister for whom I will pray to God for all happiness. :)

Take care and God bless.

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Hi Decentqal

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 3:13 pm

This was a prompt reply from you.

Your sun dasa in the house of Saturn; And your transit Saturn presently is disturbing Venus, Mercury and Saturn and particulaly Ketu affecting your sense of well being, attracting reclusive tendencies, melancholia, besides increasing feelings of limitation twofold.
However it will end shortly.
April 4th 2007 - end May 2007= you will slowly see more light,therefore feeling better.But actual results start pouring from End July 2007 and more so from Oct 5th 2007.
During this period you will feel the sudden effects of Viparith Rajayoga taking its form. The effect will have sudden changes like you faced after Oct 1992 to 1993.( can you tell me what exacltly happen however minor at that time)?

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For AJ

Post by decentgal » Mon 26 Mar, 2007 3:32 pm

Dear AJ
Thanks for your concern .You are genuinely a kind soul who wants to help  ppl in every possible way.I do remember you reply on my query for marriage .I ll try my best  to make good decisions on proper times.


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Re: Hi Decentqal

Post by decentgal » Mon 26 Mar, 2007 3:45 pm

RishiRahul wrote:This was a prompt reply from you.

Your sun dasa in the house of Saturn; And your transit Saturn presently is disturbing Venus, Mercury and Saturn and particulaly Ketu affecting your sense of well being, attracting reclusive tendencies, melancholia, besides increasing feelings of limitation twofold.
However it will end shortly.
April 4th 2007 - end May 2007= you will slowly see more light,therefore feeling better.But actual results start pouring from End July 2007 and more so from Oct 5th 2007.
During this period you will feel the sudden effects of Viparith Rajayoga taking its form. The effect will have sudden changes like you faced after Oct 1992 to 1993.( can you tell me what exacltly happen however minor at that time)?
Dear AJ

I m grateful to get a detailed reply on the dates and the outcomes.your predictions are stunning and accurate.

As you say i may expect a sudden uplift in my status i wonder that how would it be possible as i work as a part timer for the last 3 yrs due to family problems .I am getting maximum returns out of it ,more than what good  qualified people get as permanent employees.

For the changes you mentioed in 1992-93 , i would say that they were not really  minor.There was a breakthrough in our lives during that time .We moved from a tiny apartment in a backward area to a spacious apartment in a decent location.It boosted our confidence somewhat a bit .So you again hit the nail.

Do you think i should go for an arranged marriage ?

sincere regards

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Hi Decenqal Hina

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 28 Mar, 2007 3:04 pm

Was my qoute above addressed to A.J.ji.I could not follow? Was the question addressed to me?

A chosen marriage is a love marriage. I find the word chosen marriage a more practcal word that love marriage.

Jupiter in the 7th. house is good for wisdom, God's grace, benevolent looks; but adds  extra ego in marital life. Your Jupiter will be strong in the palm with your Jupiter finger longer than the 3rd finger, at least, in the right hand. Such Jupiterian's are born leaders. It is goodd, unless they get such qualities to affect their mariiages. Such Jupiter can create problems in health through consumption.

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Thank you note

Post by decentgal » Thu 29 Mar, 2007 9:15 am

Dear Rahul

I sincerely thank you for all you replies and inputs to my chart.It has been a wonderful analysis from your side .
The previous reply  was meant for you and mistakenly i addressed AJ and then i couldnt change after noticing it .

sincere regards


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Thanks Decengal

Post by RishiRahul » Sat 31 Mar, 2007 1:57 pm

Feel free to address me if you feel you need help in future. I can make day to day predictions in detail from individual charts.

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Post by Vedicguru » Sat 11 Aug, 2007 2:01 pm

Yes, they will improve.
You always have to work very hard to get results and any time if you let loose yourself, you will suffer in  your career.

You should have married before July 2007.

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