Horoscope Reading

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Pravin Kumar
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Horoscope Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri 23 Mar, 2007 10:34 am

Dear Friends,

I request all those knowledeable persons of astrology to let me know about the horoscope of a girl whose details I am giving below:-

Name: Bisakha

Date of Birth: 18.10.89

Time of Birth: 8.55 p.m.

Day of Birth :   Wednesday

Place of Birth:  Gauhati\

Since I have seen her hand prints I just wanted to check certain things. Hoping to receive your replies.

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Bishaka's Kundali.

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri 23 Mar, 2007 4:27 pm

Namaskaar Pravin ji,
Bishaka's chart:

The chart shows health issues, 4TH house of cure and 8th house of disease are linked, Rahu is leading the graha malika yoga,
problems from 1999 may have brought this to the fore.

Mercury is the planet that is afflicted by a curse and is the planet which starts this graha malika yoga.
Jupiter even though a bhadak in the 1st house is a blessing in health matters and a bow to Shiva will get her out of many a troubles.
Mothers health is really a matter of concern, there is a chara karaka replacement between Matrukarak and Pitru karak.
Experience relating to parents leaves a lasting impression on her.

Married life area is also under affliction, Venus in the 6th shows bad result for a sibling. It also effects relationships.
Rahu is the Darakarak and there is a replacement and Rahu replaces Sun as the Gnati karaka, the Darakarak slot falls empty and it is taken over by Venus (Jupiter according to some), venus is badly placed.

Above was just afew observation of mine presented disjointedly.
If you have a specific area in mind please let me know.


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Post by JAIDEEP » Fri 23 Mar, 2007 5:12 pm




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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat 24 Mar, 2007 3:14 am


I am wondering whether the time given by the girl is correct. I wanted to know about her personal life i.e. about her Father, Mother and her personal life. What I know does not tally with what you have said. It is way off the mark. So possibly the time must be wrong. Let me wait for some more replies and I shall let you know.

She is brilliant in her studies and got a first prize with Computer as a gift although her hand shows a an island on her head line and lots of criss cross lines. Well let me wait till tomorrow to get more response and I shall certainly tell you what I know personally.

Also if you could tell about her married life i.e. when she will marry and how her husband will be I would appreciate. Never mind the wrong prediction as the time could 8.55 a.m. probably.

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Post by Milind » Sat 24 Mar, 2007 3:49 am

I think the Horoscope given by Mr. Vivek Shetty is Correct !!!

Family Life: 4th Mars with 10th Aspect of Saturn shows, either Mother of Native is having Big Health Problem or might had a Health /Family Problem which was like a Death Experience during 1989-1997.

Marriage of Native will be Love Marriage but could be "Inter Cast/Religion". The couple will be an Odd Couple, where the Native's Husband will be have Differance in Age, Education, Cast/Religion, Physic or something like that when compared with Native.

4th Mars with Mercury makes one, Sharp and Intellectual but same combination makes one be very Emotional and over Aggressive causing Problems with Collegues. The person becomes Unpredictable, Whimsical, Mood Swings etc.

Finally, I feel that Native has lost one of the Parent very early.

God Bless Her !!!

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat 24 Mar, 2007 4:06 am


You are a little nearer the  truth but not in matters of age prediction. When I tell you what I know I think both of you will be stunned .

This is the reason I wanted to have astrological prediction too. I have seen this girl's hand and could not find exact confirmation of what I was told and saw.

I am waiting somemore and see how it goes and definitely will inform you the truth as I know it.

I did not say Vivekji's horoscope is wrong as I have also made the horoscope and it tallies. All I want to know about the girl is her future life, marriage and her parents.

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Reading of the horoscope of Bisakha

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat 24 Mar, 2007 1:31 pm

Dear Friends,

From the horoscope of Bisakha I consulted one of my known astrologers who is in this field for 45 years, and his reply is as under:-

Girl is a shrewd politician and brilliant in studies.

There is problem with her parents who are separated since July/August which is correct

She will get married 4 years from now.

Her mother will get established once again and this is true as I saw her and found confirmation from her hand.

This girl's mother is only 40 now.

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Post by AJ » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 6:45 am

Dear Pravinji.

If you would permit me to attempt an interpretation of this chart, I will try my best. And though I mean to help in the most sincere way, please forgive me in advance for any and all errors on my part because although God's science is perfect, it is me who is anything but. :)

Om Gam Ganpataye Namah.

1. Lagnesh is exalted in th 4th and aspected by 9th lord Saturn and this is where proficiency in technical things like computers comes from. She may also be good at Mathematics as 6th lord Mars joins lagnesh as well. However, she may have a tendency to be impulsive and stubborn and sometimes 'miss the forest for the trees' i.e. get lost in smaller details and sometimes miss the bigger picture or goal.

2. Moon, though exalted, is 2nd lord in 12th and in the Nakshatra of Mars. This may cause her to be emotionally vulnerable or volatile due to early childhood/growing up circumstances and incidents. She is not fond of change in her personal life and seeks emotional stability and permanence. Repeat of childhood incidents in her life can make her insecure.

3.. Exaggerating the effect of 2nd lord Moon in 12th is Ketu in the 2nd and Venus in the 6th - creating bad blood, differences and enmity with one's own family member(s), better relations with outsiders.

4. Debilitated Sun can create unhappiness on account of father and Saturn as 9th lord in the 7th in fiery Sagittarius and in the Nakshatra of sensuous 12th lord Venus , aspected by 6th lord Mars, is capable of making the fathers role very volatile in her life. Loss of first child may also be possible, should be wary and avoid possible scandal/loss of repute on this account or on account of forbidden liasons.

5. This is also true if seen from Moon lagna where Rahu is in the 9th and 9th lord Saturn has gone to he 8th, or 12th from 9th. Rahu is aggravated being in the Nakshatra of Mars as well. Again, not good for happiness on account of father and seems volatile.

6. Saturn is also 8th lord, uncomfortable in 7th, and badly situated in D-9 as well. Not good for 8th house significations (sorrow, sexual challenges or problems) in the 7th.

7. Mother is inherently strong and the girl is close to her, but there may have been some aggression or violence in the mothers life that has left a big mark on the child as well.

8. Marriage should be delayed till after age 29 for best results and then it will be good. Earlier marriage (before 24) out of need for emotional security (as mentioned in reading of Moon) should be avoided as it may not last or may even become violent.

Queries for better understanding (Kindly allow a little leniency in dates for any minute birth time variations) :

1. What happened to her/father between March, 2001 and January, 2004 (especially between 15th September, 2002 and 6th November, 2002)?

2. What happened to parents/family between 11 August, 2006 and now? This period continues till 30th August 2007.

With my deepest regards to you Pravinji and blessings to the child.

Om Namah Shivaya.

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Horoscope Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 7:57 am

Dear AJ,

Your reading is really inspiring. The thing I wanted to know, and which the girl's mother told me, and I could not believe it, you have said the same thing i.e. the girls relations with her Dad was strained. She threw out her Dad from the house which actually belonged to her Dad. Her Dad now lives separately. Mother is very strong and lives with her Daughter.

She is brilliant in her studies and got a Computer as a prize for the best student.

Pravin Kumar

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Horoscope Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 8:00 am

Dear AJ,

The problem between the girl and her father occured somewhere around July 2006 or August 2006. Do you think her parents will reunite again? They live separately now and the mother has asked for a divorce and the father wants the mother to reconsider.

Pravin Kumar.

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Post by AJ » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 8:45 am

Namaskaar Pravinji.

Om Gam Ganpataye Namah.

Thank you for your kind words, they are very humbling.
As it looks to me, the problems with father only surfaced Jul-Aug, 2006, but they go way back an have been suppressed for a longer time. Like I said, possibly from March, 2001-January, 2004 (especially between 15th September, 2002 and 6th November, 2002). I suppose it takes time for things to go from volatility to a point of no return.

If you would like my humble opinion, the mother is doing the correct thing by asking for a divorce. The father is an irreversible, harmful influence and will damage the child's psyche irretrievably. Let them move on to better things. As it is, the child is quite emotionally damaged and needs much time to recover her balance.

My prayers are with them May God bless them with wisdom, peace and happiness.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun 25 Mar, 2007 8:51 pm

Above is just afew observation of mine presented disjointedly.
If you have a specific area in mind please let me know.

I would like to mention some salient featues of this chart before I go into further into details of te chart as I am short of time, but find the topic interesting.
Mars is combust  being in different signs from the planet combusting, that is Sun( Pitrukarak debilatated). The 'purushartha' in the native gets affected, but in an indirect way, affecting the position of Mars( 4th. house), house of home. There therefore the severe problems in home life.

Mercury cannot cause any curse, it being in exaltation, besides kendradhipatya yoga, which is not too serious. The roblem lies with with its partner nin conjunction combust Mars, the 6th. and 11th. Mars showing the main upachaya( advancement) planets, even in terms of health facors and recovery being afflicted. Therefore the blame goes to Mars, which is also uncomfortable with and in Virgo.

A.J. s observations are really thought revealing and quite accurate. The comuet thing was great, something to leran about.
The mother factor, with the moon exalted in the 12th. with the aspect of Venus from the 6th. house, and it being Scorpio, shows a mother fixation factor, to a lighter extent. Thanks to the 4th lord being in a proper state, but being with Mars show the the mother poses a much powerful influence or is also of more martian capabilities as the Mars aspect the moon.

The weak influence of the father ill lead this girl to spiritual influences. Spiritual influences becauses she would want to undo the powerful influence of the mother, hich is pwerful enough to spoil a marriage, unless other factors rule.
See, the moon in the 12th. is the undoing of the mother figure, yet would render the mother important. In Navamsa moon is badly afflicted.
Her father is a very weak person, being debititated in chart, Navamsa and even dasamsa and rigid enough to change himself.
The rest later.

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Post by AJ » Mon 26 Mar, 2007 4:38 am

Namaskaar Rahulji,

Thank you for your very generous encouragement. You have  always been kind to me.

There is one word you used that I could not decipher, would you be so kind to explain what it means - for my understanding? I am quoting just that part of the sentence for your reference:

"The comuet thing..."

Many apologies for dragging you away from your other duties to address such a trivial thing :)

Thank you, Sir and God bless.

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Namashkar A.J.ji

Post by RishiRahul » Mon 26 Mar, 2007 9:09 am

Sorry, I meant 'the prediction you made about her being in the computer line" was great.

For my information - how does one predict if one will be in computer line? If you are willing to tell me, that is. You see, we can always learn from people.


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Post by AJ » Mon 26 Mar, 2007 11:20 am

Namaskaar Rahulji,

Om Gam Ganpataye Namah.

God chooses whether what we say will be right or wrong, I can claim no credit other than for being completely sincere. You move me again with your humility and thirst for greater knowledge and I wish I were more like you. I am a small man of ordinary ability and cannot possibly presume to answer your question in the manner you wish. Any learning that has to happen between us must flow the other way around, from you to me.

I can, however, reveal why I said what I did so you may teach me more.

1. Lagnesh Mercury being exalted is a strong base.

2. Mercury as natural Buddhikaraka, exalted in the 4th house (Virgo) of education gives her the ability to acquire special technical skills because of an inquiring, logical mind, well suited for any career where analysis, detail and precision are required.

3. 5th house from Moon is again exalted with the same combination, so apart from good education she is also naturally intelligent and not just a 'book worm'.

4.. When Mercury and Jupiter (Vidyakaraka) are well placed and Mars joins it in the 4th there is a proficiency in Mathematics or anything to do with number crunching.

5. Saturn's 10th aspect on the 4th adds the final ingredient of organized discipline and power of concentration so necessary in a technical field.

God bless :)

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