Plz giv a look at my chart- rahulji

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Plz giv a look at my chart- rahulji

Post by chetansharma83 » Thu 12 Apr, 2007 2:51 am

Namashkar Gurujan,

this is chetan sharma frm delhi.

Really impresed the way u all answer the queries, specially  rahulji.
Its only u ppl whom persons like me can approach.

I am extremely soory for asking so many questions in one go(thought may forget later), u may reply in parts!

D.O.B-- 24th sep 1983
Time-- 4:10 a.m.
Place-- delhi


1. In my chart, as ascendent is at 9 degrees of leo, n Mars n Venus are lesser in degree than 9 degrees in leo, then will u consider these planets in 12th house, will these planets give the effect of 12 house, plz elobarate on this.

2. If these planets r in lagna then, Is venus infant with less than 1 degree in Leo? so wat effct it will hav on career/occupation.

3. There is an exchange relation between Mercury(2nd house lord) n Sun(Lagna Lord), but mercury is also 11th house lord, What will be its effect w.r. t money.   Note- mercury is retro here, so might delay the results, wat u feel, to wat extent this exchange will be showing results.

4. I hav read that 10th n 9th house lord combination(even if they r together) form a gud yoga, in my case 9th lord(mars) n 10th lord(venus) r together in lagna n also in navmansa chart, so does they form that strong yog or not.

5. 12th lord(Moon) is present in 8th house, though Jupiter does see it frm 4th house, What will be the effects of both these planets.

6. Rahu in Taurus n in 10th house, howz my career/job, wats the effect of this rahu on Jupiter.

7. Ketu+ Jupiter does giv any sort of Gyan yog, they r in 4th house, so inspite of having all the comforts of life i tend to lead a simple life, no show off, where does it takes me.

8. Shani exalated in Libra, Howz my life partner going to be, bcoz i belive in high morals n principles n u know today we all consider ourselves mordenized, taking us away frm simplicity.

thanking u all for ur time n consideration

with regards
chetan sharma

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Hi Chetansharma

Post by RishiRahul » Wed 18 Apr, 2007 8:57 am

Q1: In my chart, as ascendent is at 9 degrees of Leo, n Mars n Venus are lesser in degree than 9 degrees in Leo, then will u consider these planets in 12th house, will these planets give the effect of 12 house, plz elaborate on this.

A1: Depends upon the system you are following. Mars and Venus are in Lagna, both in rasi and bhava chart. So it will give result of being in lagna. This is as per traditional Vedic astrology.
As per Krishnamurthy Paddhati, while delineating the results of Mercury dasa, it is said that mercury will give the effect of the star mercury is posited in (ie: Venus).  That is Venus is the lord of 3rd and 10th. lord, and is posited in 12th. house. So Mercury dasa will give the result of 3, 1 and 12. I hope it is clear?
       See, in traditional astrology the lagna degree (ie: 9 degrees) is called ‘bhavamadhya’ or the middle of lagna bhava; whereas in Krishnamurthy Paddhati, the 9 degrees is the starting of the Lagna bhava.

Q2: If these planets r in lagna then, Is Venus infant with less than 1 degree in Leo? So wat effect it will have on career/occupation.

A2: Venus is in ‘Balya’ avastha.
       Venus is the lord of 3rd. and 10th. house, so it will give good effect in career/professional matters, particularly in the second half of its dasa. It is powerfully placed in navamsha and lucratively placed in dasamsa, bettering the normal results of the rasi and bhava chart. Summing up, it will give good gains in career after age 23 is crossed. Since Venus is in the sub star of Venus (posited in 12th. as per K.P.) the gains could probably be away from home.

Q3: There is an exchange relation between Mercury (2nd house lord) n Sun (Lagna Lord), but mercury is also 11th house lord, what will be its effect w.r. t money.   Note- mercury is retro here, so might delay the results, wat u feel, to wat extent this exchange will be showing results.

A3: The result of the exchange between Mercury and Sun should be very good, giving rise to ‘a powerful ‘dhana’ yoga.
Mercury being retrograde (in terms of finance) will create some difficulties in terms of finance, but it will be negligible as ‘mercury’ dasa ended at the age 5 and a half for the native. Retrograde Mercury will add to your intuitive faculties in or while speculation.

Q4: I have read that 10th n 9th house lord combination(even if they r together) form a good yoga, in my case 9th lord(mars) n 10th lord(Venus) r together in lagna n also in navmansa chart, so does they form that strong yog or not.

A4: For your lagna, the rajayogakarak planets are Sun (lord of 1) and Mars (lord of 4 and 9). The conjunction/ exchange/ mutual aspect between them will give a proper rajayoga.       As per traditional astrology the conjunction between Mars and Venus for your lagna will give Rajayoga bhanga, but still, a good yoga, as it is an applying aspect too.
Proper and perfect rajayoga is a rare phenomenon. However, this combination is financially gainful; Only Saturn’s aspect to your 9th. house can delay matters.
     This combination makes you a ‘dharmik’ person, obviously in ‘kaliyuga’ standards.

Q5: 12th lord (Moon) is present in 8th house, though Jupiter does see it from 4th house, what will be the effects of both these planets.

A5: It will give the effect of ‘vipareeth rajayoga’. It can give sudden, out of turn lifts in life, though could result through someone else’s loss; but can take its toll in terms of health and happiness factors. In bhava chart moon shifts to the 9th. house. In my experience it can give the native foreign yoga later in life. Others may not agree to this, though. However, the yoga causing planet is weak in shadbala; causing the results as weak, but still there. Again, the 8th. and. 12th. lord, being weak, is not adverse for the chart.

Q6: Rahu in Taurus n in 10th house, howz my career/job, wats the effect of this rahu on Jupiter.

A6: Effect of Rahu in 10th. house in Taurus is good, as the malefic quality of Rahu is at its minimum, being exalted. It affects home life in native place adversely, but supports a carrier in computers, electronics etc. It is well placed in dasamsa too.
Jupiter conjunction rahu makes a person materialistic. The case here is opposition, so one is generally not materialistic.

Q7: Ketu+ Jupiter does give any sort of Gyan yog, they r in 4th house, so in spite of having all the comforts of life I tend to lead a simple life, no show off, where does it takes me.

A7: I have seen that the conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu, acts adversely if one is materialistic by nature. The relation between Jupiter and Ketu is not favorable in your chart. It is not good for home and family peace. Stomach could be a weak spot.

Q8: Shani exalted in Libra, Howz my life partner going to be, bcoz I believe in high morals n principles n u know today we all consider ourselves modernized, taking us away from simplicity.

A8: Your spouse should not be living very far away from you; she would be a very vigilant observer, glamour struck, and attractive in terms of personality. Her views will differ from yours though; increased mental distance is seen. Friction in married life is certain.

Feedbacks would be welcome.


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Post by chetansharma83 » Thu 19 Apr, 2007 3:01 pm


i hav no words to thank u,  its just amazing the way u hav made answers so simple to understand.

sir u hav quoted

"For your lagna, the rajayogakarak planets are Sun (lord of 1) and Mars (lord of 4 and 9). The conjunction/ exchange/ mutual aspect between them will give a proper rajayoga.       As per traditional astrology the conjunction between Mars and Venus for your lagna will give Rajayoga bhanga, but still, a good yoga, as it is an applying aspect too.
Proper and perfect rajayoga is a rare phenomenon. However, this combination is financially gainful; Only Saturn’s aspect to your 9th. house can delay matters.
    This combination makes you a ‘dharmik’ person, obviously in ‘kaliyuga’ standards"

n i understand that perfect rajyog is a rare thing, but i hav read this in almost all the books related to astrology that 9th house n 10th house lord relation of any sort leads to a very good Rajyog. There no exception has been quoted w.r.t any lagna, then can u kndly cite the resons why for leo lagna u dont consider venus n mars together in leo lagna to be that powerful rajyog.

Plz dont take my question as argument, iam just asking this as a learning concept.

with regards
Chetan sharma n once again thanks a lot for ur reply.

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To Chetansharma,

Post by RishiRahul » Sat 21 Apr, 2007 2:55 pm

chetansharma83 wrote:Sir,

i hav no words to thank u,  its just amazing the way u hav made answers so simple to understand.

sir u hav quoted

"For your lagna, the rajayogakarak planets are Sun (lord of 1) and Mars (lord of 4 and 9). The conjunction/ exchange/ mutual aspect between them will give a proper rajayoga.       As per traditional astrology the conjunction between Mars and Venus for your lagna will give Rajayoga bhanga, but still, a good yoga, as it is an applying aspect too.
Proper and perfect rajayoga is a rare phenomenon. However, this combination is financially gainful; Only Saturn’s aspect to your 9th. house can delay matters.
    This combination makes you a ‘dharmik’ person, obviously in ‘kaliyuga’ standards"

n i understand that perfect rajyog is a rare thing, but i hav read this in almost all the books related to astrology that 9th house n 10th house lord relation of any sort leads to a very good Rajyog. There no exception has been quoted w.r.t any lagna, then can u kndly cite the resons why for leo lagna u dont consider venus n mars together in leo lagna to be that powerful rajyog.

Plz dont take my question as argument, iam just asking this as a learning concept.

with regards
Chetan sharma n once again thanks a lot for ur reply.

Hi Chetansharma,

Good question.

A connection between 9th. and 10th. lord give 'Dharmakarmadhikari' Raja yoga. It is a very good yoga.
What I meant was that a perfect rajayoga can be attained by only functional benefics. For Leo lagna  only Sun and Mars are capable of forming  a perfect Rajayoga, but not 'dharmakarmadhikari rajayoga.

Leo lagna is not capable of producing a blemishfree 'dharmakarmadhikari yoga'

The bove is  not just from the books, but through my experience and 'logic' too.

I like your questioning mind.
Feel free to ask, if in doubt. One lerns better that way.

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namashkar rahul sir

Post by chetansharma83 » Fri 27 Apr, 2007 5:36 pm

pranam sir,

thanks a lot once again.

Sir one question has been croopig in my mind for few days.

5th house lord in 4th house is supposed to create loss w.r.t. the results of 5th house , as this is the nature of 12th house w.r.t. any house.

But its also written that 5th or 9th house lords in any kendra or vice versa are gud.

In my chart 5th lord jupiter is 4th house, kindly explain me how to assess situation like this in any chart.

in addition to this i hav Jupiter n Budh together in 5th house in my Navmansa chart, so for me as a native, how will u discuss the condition of 5th house when u analyse both main chart n navmansa.
Kindly giv the points so that i can understand how to read both charts together.

with regards
chetan sharma

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Hi Chetansharma

Post by RishiRahul » Sat 28 Apr, 2007 7:03 am

I thank you for appreciating my explanations. Appreciations are really wonderful feelings to achieve!

Generally lord of 5th. house in the 4th. is not good for childbirth technically. But only if the 5th. houses from lagna, Moon and Jupiter is afflicted; specially form the lagna. Your Jupiter is in Scorpio with Ketu. Ketu being in exalted or nearly exalted there has the least maleficence there. Ketu is in your 5th. bhava. At this stage only your spouses chat or your physical palm could confirm better.

Again 5th. lord in the 4th. in a kendra is good for the 5th. lord (Jupiter).

12th. house is generally called the house of loss as you said. It is a general statement only.
Actually 12th. house is the house of undoing of the self. Think of a snake undo itself from the skin. It takes a long time. Undo yourself from a habit – time consuming--- takes nearly a lifetime when in terms of a chart (because a chart is about a lifetime).
Therefore the lord of 5th. house in the 12th. house from the 5th. makes the child factor very important and that you will be very fond of the child.

“But its also written that 5th or 9th house lords in any kendra or vice versa are gud.”—yes. Good for the chart and 5th. lord regardless of who the 5th. lord is. If the 5th. lord was a malefic in the fourth it would have been bad for the 4th. house, but again it’s a different thing. Therefore, in this case good for the chart and the 5th. lord only. (note: 5th. lord stands for so many other things.

Now coming to Navamsa: the sun mercury conjunction in the 5th. house in navamsa is good. Studying navamsa is very elaborate and I cannot explain in short. Certainly shows that you will have the pleasures of issue. The natural relation between Mercury and Jupiter (conjunction in navamsa 5th. house) betters in the panchadamaitra chart.

The above question of your was hard to explain. It struck me as a very intelligent question.

What is your actual age?


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Post by chetansharma83 » Sat 28 Apr, 2007 10:07 pm

Sir its realy ur greateness that inspite of my asking u questions again n again u hav always replied.
In todays world very few ppl help selflessly. n it has been really a pleasure n honour for me to interact with u on this platform.

As far as my age is concerned sir i will turning 24 this september.
I did my engineering n right now just giving my final semester MBA exams, hav got campus placed in Wipro n hav to report to Banglore wipro office on 13th of May.

Sir during my engineering days i started studying Astrology on my own through books etc...., but u know its a complete science n moreover there is always scarcity of time which i can devote to it.

But whatever i read, i try to comprehend it by analysing my chart w.r.t those concepts n past events in my life.
due to this there arises so many doubts that it becomes tough for me to get them clarified.

Some of them i hav asked u in this thread. So the main stress is on leraning, its not that i want to know how rich i would be, how big i will be....., the main point is cross cheking my analysis  with urs n then learning in the process.

i hope u undertand wat i want to convey.

thanks again for ur time n consideration

chetan sharma

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Post by chetansharma83 » Sat 28 Apr, 2007 10:21 pm

sir another question, if time permits then kindly answer.

Shani is exalated in my Lagna Chart, being Leo lagna, shani is in 3rd house. Shani for me is 6th house n 7th house lord. so it will giv native capacity to defeat its enemies.

In Navmansa chart Shani is in 7th house, here shani is lord of 8th n 9th house. so here shani is in 12th house w.r.t. 8th house.

So what positive n negaive effects of shani do u analyse in such a situation.

My details

D.O.B- 24th Sep 1983
Time: 4:10 a.m.
Place: Delhi

kindly throw some light on this positioning of shani.

chetan sharma

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon 30 Apr, 2007 7:41 am

Firstly I must to state that how you started learning this science was similar to ho I started too.
Secondly before I proceed to answer your last question, I would appreciate if you discuss even to the extent of disagreeing to any of the points (practically or logically)mentioned by me. We learn better that way. Remember that no ones experience is perfect, and even sometimes a learner can come out with better deals.

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Post by chetansharma83 » Tue 01 May, 2007 2:39 pm

ok sir, though my knowledge is very little in front of u, still frm now onwards i will try to give my view also n ur absolutely right that the best way of learning is discussion.

But in the last thread posted by u, i coulnt find ur reply, i think u must be busy. No probs, when u get time then reply to it.

chetan sharma

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu 03 May, 2007 3:23 pm

chetansharma83 wrote:ok sir, though my knowledge is very little in front of u, still frm now onwards i will try to give my view also n ur absolutely right that the best way of learning is discussion.

But in the last thread posted by u, i coulnt find ur reply, i think u must be busy. No probs, when u get time then reply to it.

chetan sharma
Which was te last thread posted by me? Could not understand

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Post by chetansharma83 » Fri 04 May, 2007 9:03 am

ok sir, i repeat the question:

Shani is exalated in my Lagna Chart, being Leo lagna, shani is in 3rd house. Shani for me is 6th house n 7th house lord. so it will giv native capacity to defeat its enemies.

In Navmansa chart Shani is in 7th house, here shani is lord of 8th n 9th house. so here shani is in 12th house w.r.t. 8th house.

So what positive n negaive effects of shani do u analyse in such a situation.

My details

D.O.B- 24th Sep 1983
Time: 4:10 a.m.
Place: Delhi

kindly throw some light on this positioning of shani.

chetan sharma

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Hi Chetan Sharma

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 06 May, 2007 4:05 pm

Saturn exalted being the 6th. lord shows that even strong enemies will be weak in front of you. Also shows that you are a good observer. Probably closer to your mother than your father and that your mother is a strong personality, probably a strict disciplinarian, yet having much love.
Saturn in this position is certainly a good sign, having more benefic qualities, barring of course its natural maleficences, but in a lesser quantities. You could have moe open enemies than secret ones.
Some mental differences with the spouse is imminent, but not unhealthy.

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Post by chetansharma83 » Sun 24 Jun, 2007 4:42 pm

hello Rishi rahulji,

Happy Belated Birthday, may God Bless U!

writing to u after a long time, got selected in Wipro n currently undergoing trainning in Banglore.  

a few days ago i came across a birth chart of a friend of mine, she is having Mangal n Saturn in her second house, lagna is Libra, her birth details r :

DOB                10 march1986
Birth Time         09:50 pm ( confirmed :)  )  
Place               Amritsar

currently she is undergoing Shani mahadasha n Mangal antardasha, so how will u analyze this period.
Mangal in its own house is strongly sitting, also shani for Libra Lagna is quite yogkarak, but we all know that shani+mangal r considered to be bad together, so how should we analyse this n How this thing gonna effect her marriage as Mangal is the owner of 7th house also.

with regards
chetan sharma

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed 27 Jun, 2007 8:07 am

Hi ChetanSharma,

I do not want the present thread to be adulterated others chart.

Anyways congrats on joining Wipro and thanks for the birthday wish. When did you join Wipro?


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