Venus in the Signs

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Venus in the Signs

Post by Benevolentwizard » Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:27 am


I have seen many of Vedic interpretations and thought some you you might like the Western astrology interpretations as well so here you go.

Venus in Aries
Natives with Venus in Aries are both passionate and aggressive in how they express their emotions in their relationships. They tend to be the pursuers, seeking out the affections they need.
They are often attracted to others who share their competitive nature. Personal freedom and honor are much more important to them than material gain. They are prone to be risk takers and tend not to follow the crowd.

Venus in Taurus:
Security and stability are the keys to understanding the nature of those with Venus in Taurus. Be it in affairs of the heart of personal finance, security is paramount to them. They tend to have strong personal values that lean to the traditional. Because of their need for stability in their lives then are generally good with handling money. While they love comfort, luxury and beautiful things, they seldom live above their means. They are loyal to their friends and family and tend to form lasting relationships.

Venus in Gemini:
Those with Venus in Gemini require a degree of variety in their emotional affairs. This is not to say the need multiple partners but they do need a partner who can give then mental as well as physical stimulation. These natives seem to have a natural talent for expressing their feelings. Combined with a natural wit, grace and charm, they tend to be popular and socially active. Their friendships are a strong influence on their lives, providing much of the stimulation the crave so much.

Venus in Cancer:
People with Venus in Cancer tend to form very deep emotional attachments. They are highly sensitive and romantic by nature. They tend toward variable in their moods and can be easily feel any hurt. They also tend to hide their feeling and need to be treated gently by those who would win their hearts. But then they give their hearts they are extremely loyal. They have a great need for security, both emotional and financial. They are private in their feeling but very faithful in their relationships. These natives have a strong sense of family values.

Venus in Leo:
Style is the hallmark of those who have Venus in Leo. They are prone to grand gestures of affection, both with friend and partners. They love to make a good impression. They love life and seek to live it to it’s fullest. These natives tend to possess a great deal of personal charm and a vivacious nature which they use to cultivate their ever widening circle of social contacts. Their pride can often cause them to become of a prima donna. They are lavish in giving their affections but can very possessive and jealous if that some consideration is not returned.

Venus in Virgo:
The placement of Venus in Virgo is not one of the best positions. These natives tend to overanalyze their feelings and emotions. They always seem to be working at making love something better rather than accepting that love just is. They tend to examine the feelings of their friends and lovers, not to find fault but see some inner meaning. Spontaneity is not one of their virtues. This may show itself as shy nature and emotional insecurity. These subjects need to find a partner who shares their high intellectual idealism for this where their passions tend to lie.

Venus In Libra:
Since Venus rules Libra this is an excellent placement. These native seem to have a natural sense of the social graces. Endowed with an inerrant talent to put others at ease, they seem to sense the emotional condition of their friends, family and partners. These native tend to create a sphere of harmony around themselves. Romantic and affection by nature they seek marriage rather than open ended relationship. Their social relationships tends toward the an established circle of friends. They love to play host and it is very important to them to make a good impression.

Venus in Scorpio:
Natives with Venus in Scorpio are extremely private when it comes to their personal relationships. While they are very loyal to friends and partners the expect the same in return and can become very jealous at a perceived slight. They are very passionate in their affections and will do almost anything for those they feel worthy of their love. However, if they should come to feel scorned, they are capable of serious acts of retribution. Their pride is not a thing to be taken lightly.

Venus in Sagittarius:
Those who find themselves with Venus in Sagittarius tend to be very idealistic when it comes to affairs of the heart. The hold themselves to a high moral standards and expect the same of their partners. These standards are often spiritual in nature and they tend to find love in those who share their beliefs. They are mostly frank and honest in their emotions and generally can not endure a relationship with some someone who is not. While some may consider them tradition bound, they tend to see this as an asset rather than a liability.

Venus in Capricorn:
To natives with Venus in Capricorn, emotional security and material security are often one in the same thing. Without a stable and secure material environment their passions seem to be lost in their ever present concern for the future. They tend to be attracted to those who can provide them with the most security. They tend to be reserved by nature and are not prone to public displays of affection, preferring to express the emotional side in private. To some they may appear snobbish and aloof but in reality is just their way of expressing their need for personal pride and dignity.

Venus in Aquarius:
The subject with Venus in Aquarius tends to be a bit unorthodox when dealing with affairs of the heart. To them, the mind of their partners is just as, if not more important than the physical qualities. Their lovers are almost always a fiend first and a partner second. They are not bound to traditional ideas of love. Rather they often see love as outside the bounds of social morality. They tend to require a great deal of mental stimulation form a partner if there is to be any chance of sustaining a long term relationship. To them, commitment is a thing of the mind not of the heart.

Venus in Pisces:
The placement of Venus in Pisces represents a deep emotional sensitivity in the nature of the subject. They are caring and considerate of the feelings of others. Their own personal sensitivity means they can be easily wounded by others. They often bear their emotional wounds in silence rather and contest the thoughtlessness of others. These people often possess a high degree of empathy for the emotional condition of those around them and will often go out of their way to give comfort and aid to those who are in emotional pain. Generous and sympathetic by nature the can be easily used by others.

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