Symphony of the Ages

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Symphony of the Ages

Post by Tyrinaniel » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:33 pm

To be honest, this book series is what helped me find this site :)  I was researching birthstars, trying to see what influence they have on the person, and stumbled upon this site.  I've been trying to research how music effects a person, and to see if we have our own naming note based on our place in the family (first borns having the first note in the octave, etc).  I've always found the concept interesting, and since the series of books is based on a lot of astrology, elemental lore, and more, I've felt more inclined to research how these things effect us.  I've always had a strong musical influence in my life, so with how the books describe music and its influence on everything in life has made me feel more connected to music and the vibrations.

Thoughts?  :)

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Post by Nimisha » Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:25 am

Good series.  I look forward to its conclusion.  

I have never thought of it in these terms though.  Interesting concept.  :D


Post by Tyrinaniel » Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:14 pm

Well, she's coming out with a book after Assassin King.

The whole series has some things based in Indian Astrology, like with the birthstars.  I love the whole Lirin heritage that Rhapsody has.  I think Rhapsody is Haydon's persona throughout the book series, lol.

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Post by suzisco » Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:07 pm

You might want to look at psychiatry and music.  There has been alot of research done in the this field.  Its long been acknowledged that music has a profound effect on the himan psyche.  It might take you to were you are looking to go.



Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:50 am

I've been reading the last 3 books of this series, and hoping I'll be patient after I finish the 6th book.. Her 7th is forthcoming.  Though, I think I understand where she links music, vibrations, and colors together, after reading this:

Aura energies are linked to colors, the chakra system, musical tones/notes, as they all resonate to the same frequency. Sound, light and color are all interconnected at source.

I found this very interesting, because at times I've felt like humming certain tones.. Or felt like singing certain songs when I feel like changing my mood.  Music's always been very spiritual for me, soothing me when I need to calm down, brightening my day, or even pumping me up when I need it.

Haydon really brings out the best in writing and music.  She's an accomplished madrigal singer, harpest, poet, and writer.

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Post by miladsaberi » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:11 pm

Can you give some internet links to provide free e-books of the subject?

I seldom can find a suitable and logical book!



Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:24 pm

Well the series itself isn't online.  You can find the books in Borders or Barnes & Noble, the typical online bookstores also.

Here's the link from the site with the previous post's quote:

I'm not sure if the site is fully accurate, but it seems to make some sense.  It helps me understand the books more.

In the books, it talks about each color of the spectrum, and each one representing some foundational tie to the universe.  There is so much in the books, that I'm literally amazed at how much the author knows.  She really does her homework.

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