Please read my palms

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Please read my palms

Post by Natka51 » Sat 18 Aug, 2007 9:00 am

Please read my palms. I'd like to know about my life and career.
I'm 30 year old(almost 31) female. I'm from Poland and right handed.
Left hand: ... 88539.html
Right hand: ... 54fdb.html

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat 18 Aug, 2007 3:00 pm

Dear Eva,

You have not informed whether you are right handed or left handed and which country ( city ) are you from?

Pravin Kumar

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Palm Reading

Post by Natka51 » Sat 18 Aug, 2007 3:48 pm

I'm from Poland (country in Europe) and right handed.

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat 18 Aug, 2007 5:28 pm

Dear Friend,

You have had a very difficult childhood. Right upto the age of 32/33 your life line is cut at intermittent intervals from influence lines coming from inside the life line and at places cutting your Head line and also fate line. By nature you are idealistic and the best line in your hand is the Head Line and Fate Line. So despite so many set backs in life you have withstood all the pessures and I find your health to be the weakest link as the Life Line grows weaker as the age progresses. Your thumb appears to be strong but short in the left palm. I cannot see the thumb of the right palm completely.

I believe your blood must be light pink in colour. Just check out and let me know. Press the nail of Ring Finger strongly and see the blood flow back. Look at the colour of the blood and how fast the blood flows back.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by Natka51 » Sat 18 Aug, 2007 6:16 pm

Dear Mr Kumar,

Thanks for Your reading.

In my opinion my childhood was quite easy. I was healthy and I was a good student. My parents took care of me even I would say too much.
I pressed the nail and the blood flowed back very fast, almost immediately.
My blood is red with orange, not pink.

Kind regards,

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun 19 Aug, 2007 12:15 am

Dear Eva,

Your Life line is cut at many places by influence lines coming from inside the life line as shown in the palm print. This indicates obstacles in early life and it could be accidents in your life, brain line being cut too indicates mental tension at that period and fate line cut at young age means problems in finances of your parents. I did not say parents did not look after you but the above sort of problems you must have encountered. Even death in the family could be indicated by those influence lines. This is why I said troubled childhood.

The colour of your blood if red is very good but is it light red or bright red?

Pravin Kumar

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Palm Reading

Post by Natka51 » Sun 19 Aug, 2007 8:42 am

Dear Mr Kuman,

My childhood was quite good. During this period I only once was in the hospital. My parents were not rich but they were not also poor, they hadn't finance problems - they have got a big house, of course they worked very hard, so my grand mother helped my mother in householding. My grand mother died at the age of 86 when I was 16. When I was 19 I started my study in another city and I stay there up to now. Other people regard my parents as rich.
Regarding the blood, is red and sometimes deep red.


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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun 19 Aug, 2007 4:08 pm

Dear Eva,

Thanks for your feedback and now I am relieved. Because what I thought was your life line turned out to be double life line as you said you left the city to go to another city to study in the age of 19. I get this age as 20/21. Anyway that small error is possible.

Your career according to me has just started at 30/31 with the sign of new Fate line starting at that time. Secondly two life lines shows your robustness and your inner system too strong to be able to withstand all types of health and accidental problems. You must have faced financial loss or problems with your finances at the age of 26/27 as a fork cuts your fate line and again your fate line is cut at 32 and 33. Again at the age of 41 your fate line is cut by an influence line and problems with your finances. In a woman's hand normally I read this cuts as personal/marital problems as women are much more sensitive than men but since I cannot see your relationship lines I cannot be sure. So it could also be problems in your personal life.

Your life line shows the Mount of Venus to be so vast that you would love to travel and you have tremendous energy. Your thumb is medium setting and hence a common sense approach to your problems helps you get out of it and a person who loves to help others after seeing the plus and minus. I cannot see your thumb clearly.

Your mercury finger is low set and quite short and hence the problems will be in your communications.

Pravin Kumar

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Palm reading

Post by Natka51 » Mon 20 Aug, 2007 11:47 am

Dear Mr Kumar,

Thanks again for Your reading.

I have worked for 8 years. When I was 25 I lost my first job, but in the same month I found another one. This year I changed my job and started working at new company, I hope in this company my career blows and I receive new responsibilities  and better salary and position ect.

I would like to know if my palms forecast that I will be a rich person and when.

Regarding the financial problems, I haven’t experienced them. I am not rich but I earn money every month and I live quite usually.

I love traveling but so far I haven’t many occasions to do it.
I wouldn’t say about me that I have a lot of energy, I’m rather quiet and shy person.
And you quite right that I have some problems in communications.


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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon 20 Aug, 2007 2:47 pm

Dear Eva,

Life is full of ups and downs. What goes up has to come down. One day you feel on top of the world and the very  next day you might feel depressed or way at the bottom. Everyone goes through this cycle and hence the setbacks in personal health, finances, personal relationships etc. etc.are recorded in one's hand. When I said you must have suffered some financial setback at 26/27 you have confimed that you lost the job at 25 and took another one. Why did you leave the earlier job? Probably not happy with the salary or what? So this is what I was indicating to you.

When I said your career would start at 30/31 as the new fate line started at that age then I now knowing your side of the story can easily say that this is the best job you have on hand and this will take you to the top. As for whether you will become rich or not is a relative term. Some people earn 10,000 dollars per day and think they are not rich enough and some people earn only 100 dollars per day and consider themselves very rich.
Reading of hand can never reveal your Bank Balance or the exact amount you may earn. I have told you the years when you will have some financial difficulties or problems in your personal life. If you have not felt anything out of the way in your childhood which I saw as troubled then it seems you have a very positive outlook in life. Several cuts in young age are there in your palm and logically it means disturbance in your life at that time.

You may be shy but that is no hurdle to travelling. Yes if you feel you do not have the energy to travel then you may not travel but you do love to travel and have not got any opportunity to travel. But I think and this is my intuition speaking that very soon within 2/3 years you will travel to far off places.

I must thank you for your prompt feedbacks as I am now able to understand you much better. Knowing a person through internet is sometimes very very difficult.

God Bless You.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu 23 Aug, 2007 7:31 am


Your palm shows that you are basically impulsive, have a strong go ahead spirit and dash.

You have to remember that too much of this dash could lead to foolhardiness.

Otherwise you have a healthy love nature and healthy imagination too; certainly not a rigid person. Such hands have good business acumen.

Age 21= the start of professional life OR direction.

Age 26.5 to 27= Proper career/profession starts. Marriage or a powerful relation is seen.

Age 23, 25= minor influences of the opposite sex are seen.

Age 28.5=A betterment in life is seen. Probably more renown or more social friends too.

Age 31.5 – 32.25 years= A critical change in your life for the better. More direction. Different nature of work; but the intervening period will be troublesome. Your finances should be at least one and a half times when this period is over.

Feedbacks please for more precision. One or two questions please.


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Palm Reading

Post by Natka51 » Thu 23 Aug, 2007 9:16 pm


Your reading is very detailed.

Age 22 and 3 months I got my first job.
Age 23-25 I confirm that I had  minor influences of the opposite sex
Age 26 and 9 months I got married
Age 28.5 you are right – I am more renown, unfortunately I still don’t have many friends, but I try to meet new people and talk more to them.

In November 2007 I will be 31.
Since 1st August 2007 I have been working for a new company, but I am not so happy with this job. I was said that I would have interesting responsibilities, but I received something else. I’m curious if it's only a tough beginning and the situation clear up. And here is my questions:
If my palms show how long I will be working at this company, or will I receive another offer?  

And a technical question: My sun line is quite thin and forked (3 ends), Does it mean anything ?

I am really impressed with your reading regarding my marriage.


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Re: Palm Reading

Post by RishiRahul » Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:48 am

Natka51 wrote:RishiRsahul,

Your reading is very detailed.

Age 22 and 3 months I got my first job.
Age 23-25 I confirm that I had  minor influences of the opposite sex
Age 26 and 9 months I got married
Age 28.5 you are right – I am more renown, unfortunately I still don’t have many friends, but I try to meet new people and talk more to them.

In November 2007 I will be 31.
Since 1st August 2007 I have been working for a new company, but I am not so happy with this job. I was said that I would have interesting responsibilities, but I received something else. I’m curious if it's only a tough beginning and the situation clear up. And here is my questions:
If my palms show how long I will be working at this company, or will I receive another offer?  

And a technical question: My sun line is quite thin and forked (3 ends), Does it mean anything ?

I am really impressed with your reading regarding my marriage.

Hi Ewa,

Before I venture forth with further predictions I would like you to tell me your year and month of birth so that I can fix your age with your palm better.

Regarding your technical question,  The end of your sun line is weakly forked or I think tasseled.

Fork, or tasseled, it is at the end of the line, showing dissipation of creative energy in the last part of life, but supported by a well directed fate line, is not of major consequence.

Result is that you will concentrate in so many things with split or divided attention, those being your many interests. Supported, by a good fate line shows a mentally busy old age is all you need to know.


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Post by Natka51 » Sun 26 Aug, 2007 5:36 pm


Thanks for the clarification about Sun Line.

I was born on the 22nd of November 1976 (I don't know the exact hour, I know only that it was after dark).

Kind regards,

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon 27 Aug, 2007 1:02 pm

Hi Ewa,

The time is not required, since I am not seeing your birth chart. Just wanted to clarify your proper age. In Nov 2007 you are becoming 31.

I had said that age 21 you started work, but itwas at 22.2 years was a en error on my part. My accuracy comes to plus minus 3 months if I work out with a scale, but I have see the hand in person.

Regarding --- "Age 31.5 – 32.25 years= A critical change in your life for the better. More direction. Different nature of work; but the intervening period will be troublesome. Your finances should be at least one and a half times when this period is over............"... as I had previously said.

I  now put the age 31.5 - 32 years.

A critical change generally means an absolute change of environment, but i dont see a major change of place there.

Best of luck,


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