natural remedies

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natural remedies

Post by randym23 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:45 am

natural remedies
NAUSEA: Chew mint leafs.
NERVES: 1 piece rock candy in a jig of whiskey. Drink.
NOSEBLEEDS: Pour a gallon of milk on the back of the victim's neck. Or fold
a piece of paper over and Place on the upper lip; a bean will also work; or
soak feet in cold water.
PNEUMONIA: Mash cooked onions and put between two cloths, fasten to victim's
POISON IVY: Put washed leaves of a sweet fern in boiling water and apply to
affected area.
RHEUMATISM: Boil dried apple peelings, strain, drink hot 4 times daily. Or:
Wear the front foot of a mole in a bag - a rabbit foot would also work. Or:
turn your shoes upside down at night. Or put a Copper wire around the join
(sound familiar?), or carry sulfur in your pocket. Or break the ice and Jump
into the river. Or get stung by bees. Or blind a live toad and hold it over
the aching place. Or put the entrails of a chicken on your feet. Or rub with
raccoon grease, bacon grease, fishing worm oil, goat grease or skunk grease.
Or: sleep with a dog or cat as the animal will take your pains away.
SHINGLES: Kill a black chicken by wringing its head off and while the body
is still warm, rub over the affected area.
SINUS: 1 tsp salt and 1 cup warm water - sniff through nasal passages.
SORE THROAT: 1 cup vinegar, 2 tbls. sugar and a sprinkle of black
pepper. Gargle.
SPRAINS: Soak brown paper in vinegar and wrap around affected joint.
STOMACH ACHE: 2 mint leaves in 8 oz. glass cold water, drink as needed.
SUNBURN: Cider vinegar to affected areas.
TEETHING: Boil catnip, steep, 1 tsp. at bedtime.
THRUSH Let an old woman (preferably a witch) blow in the child's mouth.
Or, let the seventh son or daughter blow. Even the breath of a jilted lover
would work.
TOOTHACHE: Wad of tobacco on sore tools or two cloves (the latter I've
always used!)
WARTS: Rub castor oil over wart. Or take 9 grains of corn and rub them over
the wart. Feed the corn to one old hen. OR: Steal a dishrag, rub it over the
wart, bury the rag and when the rag is rotted, wart will disappear.
MILD SEDATIVE: Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 tsp. dried catnip. Cover and
steep until cool. Strain and sweeten. Start with 2 Tlb. increase by 1 Tlb.
until you find the right amount. Store in the fridge.
HOP SEDATIVE: Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 1/2 tsp. dried hops flowers.
Let steep, covered,10 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Add lemon juice. Drink
the entire pint.
FEVERFEW TEA: Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 ounce of feverfew flowers.
Cover and steep until cool. Strain and sweeten with honey. Drink cool.
TO INDUCE SLEEP: Mix 2Tlb dried peppermint with 1Tlb each of rosemary and
sage. Pour 1pint boiling water over the herbs, steep for 5 to 10
minutes,strain and sweeten with honey.

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Post by thunderponi » Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:35 pm

Does anyone know of good natural, homeopathic or other alternative therapies that help with fibromyalgia?

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:18 pm

thunderponi: I checked a few sites and found one for fibromyalgia that has a forum like this one. I thought that maybe talking to someone else who has it and what herbal remedies worked for them might help. They also had pretty good info on the site... I will Message it to you. Hope it helps.

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