Another question

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Another question

Post by crouchingfrodo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:32 am

Recently I have been able to gain a bit of control over things except my health and my weight. In the pass few week more than ever I have been having issues with headaches, shakiness, and panicky. Turns out im hypoglycemic, but i am also very overweight , which can be a cause of it. So here my question, I been trying my hardest to get control of my weight and am seeing no result. Two months or more of changed diet and exercise and i feel like i am in worst shape than I was before. Will i get control of my health and lose the weight i need to, will i regain the balanced health i use to have and is it possible there is something, like maybe a negative energy that is bring this about?

I thank you for your assistance,
Crouching Frodo of Tampa

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Sei no Senshi
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Post by Sei no Senshi » Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:57 pm

Hey there.

Let's see what we've got.

Cancer rises (which is rather humorus as Cancer denotes roundness) making you Luna.  Luna is fresh in Aries, showing this is a new endeavour for you.  Mars and Luna are in mutual reception, showing actions and since Mars rules the Fifth house, I suggest playing sports to lose weight, make it fun.  Anyway, to go on with your question, Mars is the only planet in the Twelfth house and this reflects how pleasurable activities and public image are weighing down on you.  So, obviously, all that Fifth house stuff that goes along with weightloss (overindulgence in food, laziness, blah blah) and the pains of public-acceptance (don't try to impress people) are going to have to go.  One thing I did not like is how Jupiter rules and resides in the house of accidents.  Jupiter rules obesity and it really, really concerns me that he is here.  He has a close sextile with Neptune, who resides in the Eighth and I believe is speaking of greif and lethargy, so I think you may feel you gain weight before you lose any, and it's going to dishearten you.

Now, if you don't want to get into my personal words of advice, stop here.........okay.  First of all, I think you need to set realistic goals, if you were expecting some major changes to occur in two  Take it slow, don't over-exert yourself, and make it realistic.  In actuality, depending on what exercises you're doing, you may actually gain weight.  So, don't ever go by a scale.  In that I mean, you're probably gaining weight in muscle, but trimming off fat.

Keep going!

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an amazing software

Post by navz » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:31 pm

thanks for the software

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Post by Youdah » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:28 pm

I am not going to open a chart since Sei no Senshi has already done this.  Yet, I would make a suggestion.  In Ayurveda philosophy of healing, it would indicate that you have an imbalance with the Kapha dosha.  You can learn more about this by doing searches of the internet.  Since, I think, you are in the USA, you may not know what this means.  Simply, it means that you have too much of certain things in your life, and not enough of other things in your life.  Anything that helps restore balance to your system will help with the weight control and the pre-diabetes indicated by hypoglycemia.  To balance out the Kapha, I would suggest the following activities:

For the body:
Take a yoga class, begin with gentle or beginners.
take deep breaths through the day
favor spicy or hot foods
Take a walk after eating for 5-15 minutes to aid in digestion and sluggishness
When eating, pay full attention to eating.  Notice the taste, smell, how it feels in your mouth.  Do not ever rush your eating, or eat while doing something else (like watching TV or reading).
Drink invigorating teas through the day.  Sweeten with Stevia (can be found in health food stores).

For the mind:
Listen to upbeat music.
Favor bright, bold colors around you.
Use aromatherapy of spicy scents such as cinnamon, peppermint, eucalyptus, etc.
Look for opportunities to be spontaneous.

When the body and mind are out of balance, it can create disease.  To restore balance is the goal.  When you have balance, the weight will take care of itself.  Look at your life and your habits.  Where do you need to be more moderate?  Suddenly going from an indulgent lifestyle to a suddenly over-active lifestyle with a lot of exercise seldom achieves anything except frustration.  Look for ways to add new things into your life to bring balance.

Sorry this is off-topic to this forum, but it answers the questions asked.  :)

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