Daily horoscopes for 31st January, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 31st January, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:30 pm


Difficult situations and touchy conversations are always made easier when you are frank and open about how you are feeling. Facts and figures are indisputable, but feelings can be easily modified -- and this is not a good thing. Do not change how you express yourself out of fear that you will trigger a bad response. Like it or not, there is no point in saying anything unless you say the truth. You'll never be able to make real progress any other way.


Being completely focused on what you want will help you get one step closer to getting it today, so avoid distractions. This is not the time to go off and party with friends or sleep in all day -- even though you might really need the extra zzz's. You need to buckle down! Be careful of others who say that you are wasting your time. They don't know what you know, which is that the more energy you put into something, the more reward you will get out of it.


You are finally starting to connect with someone new on a much deeper level -- this is the start of something very exciting. Today, you have got to do all you can to build on that momentum! Make sure you have at least one conversation with this person, just to keep that connection alive and well. An email will do the trick, so don't worry about trying to track them down on the phone or face to face. Just touching base will remind them of your place in their life.


Be very mindful of other people today, and they will reward your selflessness with a life-changing piece of information. Put yourself in the service of someone who can't do everything they need to do today -- an elderly friend or relative, for example. What they need you to do is a nearly effortless task for you -- but for them it's almost insurmountable. In exchange for your service, you will receive a wonderful sense of usefulness as well as warm gratitude from someone who likes you even more now.


If you are hungry for fun, you are certainly going to get a belly full today -- as long as you keep smiling! Having a positive attitude will attract positive people to you, and make your name the first name on everyone's lips when they are in search of a partner in (fun) crime. No one wants to try to cheer someone up -- they would rather just join in on the good time with whomever is smiling the brightest smile. Keep that in mind when you walk into a room of strangers.


Are you struggling with deciding whether or not to attend an upcoming family event or obligation? Your family is important, but you know that it can cause you equal amounts of suffering and joy. Find out who is on the guest list as soon as you can, and make your judgment based on that. If there are going to be people there who you haven't seen in ages, you should make a special effort to go -- and keep those ties alive. They are more valuable than you realize.


Today, take time to figure out what your 'must haves' are in a relationship -- and then convey them to your partner. You need to ask for what you are missing, and if you are told that they can't give it to you, then you know what you have to do. Balancing your desires with the desires of important people in your life is a nearly impossible task -- when push comes to shove, you have to put yourself first. Who knows? They might be doing the same thing. And if so, then it's all for the best.


You've seen enough fake people in your day to know one when you see one, so when someone brags about things that sound too good to be true today, trust your instincts. They are not someone you can put a lot of faith in. The people you know you can trust, like your friends and family, add a nice energy to your day. A best buddy, sibling or other relative contacts you with a short and sweet message. It seems like someone is thinking of you and sending you some love! Be sure to send some back.


You are feeling bright and jovial inside, and it's definitely showing on the outside today. Confidence is sexy, and yours is catching more than one person's eye. A lot more attention will be paid to you from a multitude of different sources today than you're used to. Are you ready for it? When social invitations come flooding your way, you need to play it cool and don't take the first one that comes along. Weigh your options. Hold out for better and better ones.


The long, rough road you have been traveling down is going to get a lot smoother today. The view is improving as well -- a new person in your life is looking at you with a great deal of appreciation in their eyes, and there is a strong undercurrent of positive energy whenever they are near. You are free to roam on your own, but do you really want to? A traveling companion is such a nice idea -- and it's one you should try on for size for the next few days.


The similarities you share with your close friends are getting so intense that you're starting to feel like you're part of a set of triplets or twins! Before you lose all sense of your own identity (or worse -- that new cutie doesn't know who you really are), step away from the group and make your own mark on the world today. Wearing matching outfits, constant text messaging, and being attached at the hip are fine every now and then, but today you need to be your own person!


There is a big difference between someone who lives their life based on solid morals and someone whose self-righteous attitude guides them through their life. You are a person who tries hard to do the right thing, so don't pay attention when someone who thinks they are on a higher horse than you looks down or passes judgment. The fact is, you don't need to impress someone whose views on the world and on life are so narrow. Only concern yourself with how the people you respect feel.


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Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:44 pm

Post by anas » Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:31 am

I am libra, and today marked as the worst day in my life.
I think there's nothing left to be sad for.... I got used to this... every now and then, i lose someone precious... maybe it is becuz i am wrong, or maybe becuz it's my destiny after all...

But whatever that happens, thank God for everything, wether it is bad or good. :smt010

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