Buying My First Pendulum

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Buying My First Pendulum

Post by appylover » Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:19 am

New here and would like to buy a Pendulum. Would like to know what kind of stores sell Pendulums. I will be looking this weekend but do not know where to go. Would I look in a Head Shop or Bookstore ?  Is there someplace in the Yellow pages that would have a section that I should look in ?
 I am also wondering what kind of Pendulum I should start with. I know Crystals are for healing so should I get one made out of a certain Gem or Stone, is there a certian type thats better than another.
I would buy one on the Internet but want to see it in person so I can pick one that jumps out and says "Pick Me, Pick Me".    :)

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Post by tabi » Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:06 pm

~~This is all about personal preference, but you're not really going to find a pendulum in a Head Shop or Bookstore, tarot yes though. The best place is at a New Age shop or a metaphysical shop.

~~The type again is entirely to you. Crystals are healing but they work well. If you are drawn more towards crystals to begin with then go that route, I'm personally not so my first one was a brass spiral, which I love and has won me a prize!!! But again this was MY personal taste, you may shutter at the thought of metal. There is also wooden ones out there. And of course you can make yours with using ribbon and some time of pendant you really like. A pointed objects works better for beginners but not needed.

~~Personally the two I bought I got from Discount New Age Books, which is an online site. The brass spirial and a huge moonstone. I have a rose quartz that was given to me. If you think you need a hands on approach do that. Make sure to handle the one that your drawn to and play with a bit, by asking basic questions; IE: Is my name "this"? Am I male? Am I female? Am I "this age"? The reason is A) It gives you a good feel of it and B) Where yes and no are to that particular pendulum. I do however like the selection and even better prices that you can find on line....waiting is a bitch though.

Hope it helps you!

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