hey RishiRahulji...my data

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hey RishiRahulji...my data

Post by dhav » Fri 11 Apr, 2008 7:46 pm

Hi rishirahulji,

As you asked me to put my birth details here I am doing so.No hurry about it.

Name: Removed Rhuto (to protect for id steal)
Date of birth: 13 May 1982

Time of Birth: 14 50

Place of birth: Mauritius

Thank you and I am wondering what you got to tell me.  :smt003


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Post by RishiRahul » Fri 11 Apr, 2008 8:03 pm

Hi Dhav,

Will get back to you quite soon.


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Post by dhav » Sat 19 Apr, 2008 1:16 am

oH I just saw that Rutho that you removed my name.Thank you.Now I think yea it' can be stolen along with my data..lol ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat 19 Apr, 2008 8:11 am

Hi Dhav,

Your Country of birth is Mauritius. What is your place of birth? Or am I going wrong some where?
I need your country and place of birth. Will be out of station for 2 days. But you could answer sooner.


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Post by dhav » Sat 19 Apr, 2008 1:29 pm

my country of birth is Mauritius.

PLace of birth is Vacoas.

There is no difference in Longitude and latitude of places in Mauritius.They are same everywhere.Mauritius is no bigger than city delhi.So it is just a small dot on the map.

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Post by dhav » Mon 21 Apr, 2008 7:25 pm

My data more clearly Rishirahul ji,

Date of birth:13 May 1982
Place of birth :Vacoas

Country of birth:Mauritius

Time of birth: 14 50 Mauritian time

Thanky ou ,
dhav ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon 21 Apr, 2008 8:31 pm

Hey Dhav,

I have got it already. Returned quite tired today. Will return again after 3 days, and you should get the guidance by then.
Sleep well. You are on the right track. believe me.


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Post by dhav » Mon 21 Apr, 2008 9:27 pm

RishiRahul wrote:Hey Dhav,

I have got it already. Returned quite tired today. Will return again after 3 days, and you should get the guidance by then.
Sleep well. You are on the right track. believe me.

Take your time RishiRahulji,

Get refreshed.I don't want to tire you with the reading.oK will see you in 3 days.In right tracks means?regarding what? :smt020

Have anice time

dhav :smt005

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun 27 Apr, 2008 3:59 pm

Hey Dhav,

I hope you do pardon me for not keeping up to my promise. Just too tired and busy at present. Will certainly get back in a week.


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Post by dhav » Sun 27 Apr, 2008 4:23 pm

Hi Rahulji,

No problem about that.I understand.Infact you are helping me out with your free will and I should be grateful for that.

dhav ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu 01 May, 2008 1:09 pm

Hey Dhav,
Sorry for the late reply.

I find that you will be able to alter your mentality to being a much more level headed one as you age. The other marked changes noticed are development of strong ego and dominative tendency; will learn to become less rash, less liberal, but more methodical in life, with marked independence of action.

In early life you are known for taking very rash decisions sometimes, causing your own harm with internal aggression following. Fond of independence and freedom, some unconventionality, philosophical/mystical pursuits in early life.

Later in life you will firm your decisions to settle away from your country of birth. Obviously there will be some vacillation regarding the/such settlement in early life. For this reason your home life in early ages would be troublesome due to secret enemies in family who would speak behind your back, but this you will learn to live with it by developing a practical mindset and independence of action. In later life you will lead a very purposeful life by trying to be just, keep good humour. Strive to cultivate your material and emotional base by reaching out to people with the aid of good humour, meaningful exchanges rather than get too involved personally.
In middle life you will turn quite intolerant due to pressing personal circumstances. The more you try to withdraw from society circumstances will force you otherwise.

Sani and mangal in Lagna in Kanya aspected by Venus squared by Rahu, and Sani shifted from Lagna in the bhava chart gives a personality which is attractive to the opposite sex, have sex inhibitions. They are quite temperamental and are accident-prone.

All Kendras being occupied with Venus ruling, fortified by Malavya yoga negates a weak life, but adds personality in big measure to the native through limitations in life.

Atmakaraka Sun is exalted in rasi. In karakamsa is with its lord Jupiter, and  aspected by Mercury. The Sun is in fiery signs and is aspected/conjunct by Jupiter and mercury in rasi and navamsa. Such an atma is ruled by (1) desire for fame, power and position, and (2) desire for home life. This leads to a tussle between the wants. The native needs to learn to balance both in the present life; and will attain it with twin vigour. She will achieve it, even if it is hard for her people she comes across in life (healthy selfishness), which is betrayed by papa amala yoga by Saturn Mars.

She will prosper very well if away from her homeland.

Sept – March 1989= You came into a new environment/residential change which was confusing over the next few years. Such periods could sow long migrations too.
July 1993 onwards a better environment came up.

Jan/Feb 2002 marked a fresh career environment and increased popularity; but life and career has not been satisfactory.
March- Dec 2002 marked frustrations of a personal nature.
Mid 2003 – mid 2004=cheated feelings, confused, but from which arose an effort and urge to develop and reform communication.
Oct 2004 catapulted you in Rahu dasa for the next 18 years. This period changes you slowly, helping you to be able to concentrate in your future productively, and leave the not so required characteristics behind.

Are you finishing off some career related project, probably career related education around May to July 2008?

A detailed reply with a view of te present circumstance will enable in giving directed predictions.


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Post by dhav » Thu 01 May, 2008 3:06 pm

Hey Dhav,
Sorry for the late reply.

I find that you will be able to alter your mentality to being a much more level headed one as you age. The other marked changes noticed are development of strong ego and dominative tendency; will learn to become less rash, less liberal, but more methodical in life, with marked independence of action.

In early life you are known for taking very rash decisions sometimes, causing your own harm with internal aggression following. Fond of independence and freedom, some unconventionality, philosophical/mystical pursuits in early life.
Lately I have noticed I ahve developed my ego more and I feel bad about it.Maybe I want to live for myself and I want my independence.

Yes in early life I have been subject to heartbreaks by family members and I ahve harmed myself by saying words which shoudl not have been said and regretted it .The damage was already done.now I am more cool about it and control my words.Mystical things have always fascinated me.
Later in life you will firm your decisions to settle away from your country of birth. Obviously there will be some vacillation regarding the/such settlement in early life. For this reason your home life in early ages would be troublesome due to secret enemies in family who would speak behind your back, but this you will learn to live with it by developing a practical mindset and independence of action. In later life you will lead a very purposeful life by trying to be just, keep good humour. Strive to cultivate your material and emotional base by reaching out to people with the aid of good humour, meaningful exchanges rather than get too involved personally.
In middle life you will turn quite intolerant due to pressing personal circumstances. The more you try to withdraw from society circumstances will force you otherwise.

Sani and mangal in Lagna in Kanya aspected by Venus squared by Rahu, and Sani shifted from Lagna in the bhava chart gives a personality which is attractive to the opposite sex, have sex inhibitions. They are quite temperamental and are accident-prone.
I got secret enemies and yes they are in family itself(not my close ones like father mother & sisters).I have always wanted to settle outside and travel the world.

yes I know what you mean by staying in good humor and exchanging good things and as well as not being personal.It helps to deal with stuffs more easily.In mid life I am wondering what will happen for me to have to get out of my home.I like the cosiness of a home but I know I will be active for some unknown. The sex inhibition things many approached me and I was being fooled but at last minute was saved always.Yes I am accident prone.
All Kendras being occupied with Venus ruling, fortified by Malavya yoga negates a weak life, but adds personality in big measure to the native through limitations in life.

Atmakaraka Sun is exalted in rasi. In karakamsa is with its lord Jupiter, and  aspected by Mercury. The Sun is in fiery signs and is aspected/conjunct by Jupiter and mercury in rasi and navamsa. Such an atma is ruled by (1) desire for fame, power and position, and (2) desire for home life. This leads to a tussle between the wants. The native needs to learn to balance both in the present life; and will attain it with twin vigour. She will achieve it, even if it is hard for her people she comes across in life (healthy selfishness), which is betrayed by papa amala yoga by Saturn Mars.

She will prosper very well if away from her homeland.
Weak life means?Hope I attain my goals which are still unclear but I want to be on the top of whatever I undertake.I also love the security of a home and family.
Sept – March 1989= You came into a new environment/residential change which was confusing over the next few years. Such periods could sow long migrations too.
July 1993 onwards a better environment came up.
Maybe school and also we moved house(away from joint family).We were living with uncle and granny.In 1992 high school started and I liked it better.
Jan/Feb 2002 marked a fresh career environment and increased popularity; but life and career has not been satisfactory.
March- Dec 2002 marked frustrations of a personal nature.
Mid 2003 – mid 2004=cheated feelings, confused, but from which arose an effort and urge to develop and reform communication.
Oct 2004 catapulted you in Rahu dasa for the next 18 years. This period changes you slowly, helping you to be able to concentrate in your future productively, and leave the not so required characteristics behind.
In Jan2002 i got my final results for higher studies.Being popular at that time I don't know from my knowledge.my results was bit disappointing for me.
In 2002 june i came to India for studies. Yes much frustations were there regarding adaptation to place and environment.I didn't want to go for studies abroad but parents wish urged me to stay.
2003-2004 cheated by frends and by boyfriend's false promise.Was deeply depressed.It was after that I took the my life more seriously,transforming myself to have a better future and a stronger dhav.I changed career and started a new one
Are you finishing off some career related project, probably career related education around May to July 2008?

A detailed reply with a view of the present circumstance will enable in giving directed predictions.
I am finishing my course and giving the last papers in May 2008.i am still single.And I am thinking when I will get a job.I am goign home(Mauritius) in mid June,but still not confirmed ticket yet.Right now I am styding for the last exams.Maybe will come back after results will be out for retrieval of marksheets.

Hope it helped RishiRahulji.no worries about the lateness. I am grateful  for you to analyse my chart.

adding to this:I am doing BSc IT(mostly software engineering) but maybe in some years(if god's will) will have career change which i hope very much.I don't want to spoil my eyes working on the computer always.lol :smt003 .Previously I was a science student.

Well i don't know what more I should tell you which will be valuable to help you here.

Tahnk you very much.Will wait for your reply.

dhav  :smt006

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue 06 May, 2008 5:13 pm

Hello Dhav,

Been very busy lately and will be so for the very near future.

Best of luck for your exams. Do give me a p.m. or something so that I can go further with this thread after your exams are over as I would like you to focus better in your present venture. I will answer your queries in total, and also give you more.

Best of luck for your exams and keep up your healthy selfishness,


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Post by dhav » Tue 06 May, 2008 5:40 pm

Hi RishiRahulji,

As you suggested me I am adding the following here.
I am starting my exams on 28 may,next 30 may.Then after a gap of days i will be giving 6 june and then last exam 9 june(which is the ending date).My results will be coming out in August.I don't know specific date.I have received my marksheet today of my last exam I gave and got a B-grade ;-).The papers that I am giving are those that I haven't cleared previously in my first semesters.

hope this info helps.I am eagerly waiting for the next set of reading.

dha ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue 06 May, 2008 5:44 pm

Hey Dhav,

I just wanted you to give the dates of exams and nothing more, but you are still liberal. No problem done.
Concentrate in your present exams. Will get back after it is over.


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