Some insight on a dream interpretation for me, please =)

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Some insight on a dream interpretation for me, please =)

Post by alexandra_rose » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:23 am

Hi there,
My name is Alexandra, Last night, while speaking to my boyfriend on the phone, he told me about a dream he had about me. That I was 6 months pregnant with his baby, we had the perfect life together, we lived in this stunning home with big glass windows/ doors and then my dad crashed through the front garden and glass doors in his car. No one was hurt in the dream, he just ruined the front of the nice house.

My boyfriend and I live an 4 hour drive apart from each other (so seperate cities). We are making this relationship work through hard work and dedication and we see each other every 3 weeks. He has told me he wants to marry me (if I move to his city), settle down with me. He loves me very much.

At the moment, in my life, my parents have just seperated, so Im going through alot in regards to my home/ personal life. I keep my boyfriend completely seperated from it, he just knows of some of it. My dad can really get to me, he is the kind of person that can make you very miserable, but since my mum left him, Im all he has.

Sorry for rambling on! Could anyone give me any insight into his dream? Im not too sure why it got my attention when he told me. Just curious.
Thanks =)

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Hi Alexandra,

Post by postalsusie » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:51 am

It seems pretty plain to me that your BF is worried that your father will 'shatter' the perfect life he~ has planned for both of you. Not just shattered, but easily shattered because you live in a glass  house.( HE sees HIS house as glass.If he was more confident he would see his house in BRICK)

Love is UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.... if he loves you, why are you keeping him from what youre going through with your parents' divorce?

When you marry someone you not only marry all that they~ are, you also marry their family *s* ( it's true)
Know that for you , and for him~.

Its one thing to be in love, its another thing to want to marry the person you love. Its a total OTHER reason, why someone wants to have a baby. Think about that carefully.

Lastly...dare I say....*s* in my opinion no one should be allowed to get married until they are at least 21. Why? Because you are not a fully rounded, formed and mature person till then ( boys maybe later *g*) and devoting yourself to marriage when you are not fully WHO you are yet, will be very stressful on a marriage.

I think this dream shows how insecure HE feels and I also think because HE wants this, and HE wants that, that that abothers him because he may~ need to control too much. Ergo he is threatened by your father's influence. Youre father needs you now, more. Your BF is afraid he will  loose your focus.
The fact that he is afraid at all.... is a bad sign.

Hope this helps *s* Good luck in all you do. Follow your intuition, not other people's wants.

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Post by cocosilk » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:25 pm

i feel this dream is an indication of the life you could have if you married your boyfriend.
however, it's your dad i'm concerned about not your boyfriend.
i feel your dad would be deeply upset, hurt and lonely if you married your boyfriend and moved to another city.
his crashing his car into your glass fronted house indicates he would vent his anger and hurt at your boyfriend for " stealing away"  his beloved daughter.
in turn this could cause some problems and bring about insecurities between you and your boyfriend.

be very careful that this situation does not cause you in the future to start asking yourself if you have made the right move by marrying your boyfriend.

this is weird because sometimes i ask for a meaning and i get nothing. but i read your post and i could hear what i have written very clearly... surreal...

good luck

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