Daily horoscopes for 30th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 30th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed May 28, 2008 6:30 pm


Shiny new things will be drawing you in today -- every shop window seems to hold something that you simply must have! The shopping bug has bitten you, and it has bitten you hard. And, like most bugs, it could do some damage. This fascination for new clothes, new shoes, new gadgets, or new furniture is a passing one, so if you are feeling a bit strapped for cash, just hang on and avoid the malls. But if you have some money to spend, this will be a very fun day to spend it!


One of your friends is in quite a hurry to move forward on some plans, and you can expect them to put some pressure on you to commit, today. If you're not ready, you're not ready -- so tell them to give you more time, and tell them why they should give it to you. They should be cool with that, as long as you can give them an idea of when you will able to give them an answer. But don't leave them hanging if you don't have to. Your involvement is important to them.


Focusing on what is holding you back or what is missing is not going to get you anywhere! Right now, you need to forget about the things you don't like about your life -- because the more you think about them, the more power you are giving them. So today, put a smile on your face and be confident. And if you can't feel confident, then fake it until you do! If you can convince yourself of your value, then other people will be convinced of it, too -- and things will start changing.


You are in a prime position to learn, today. You are open to the unfamiliar, and your quick mind is ready to sort through a confusing matter. So go out and get busy looking for something that will keep your brain humming -- a long historical novel, an intellectual foreign film, or an avant-garde art exhibit are the types of things that will feed your intellect and keep you thinking all day long. Challenge yourself today, and you won't be disappointed.


You are in charge of teaching yourself new things, and should be prepared to seize a learning opportunity when you see it. When you encounter an unfamiliar situation today, don't freak out. Instead, mine the episode for insight that can enrich your life. Ask a lot of questions to orient yourself and figure out how to proceed. Don't take a simple 'yes' or 'no' for an answer -- make sure you are clear about what is going on and about what needs to happen. You are empowering yourself.


Today you will find yourself with the interesting problem of having plenty of energy, but nothing to do! So what are you going to do -- channel all of this energy toward cooking up some new adventure, or jump into a coworker's stressful situation and help them sort it all out? It's basically a question of whether you feel selfish, today, or selfless, today. And just for the record, the universe says that either option is acceptable. Choose according to your mood.


You are approaching a critical point in one of your relationships -- are things evolving toward the professional and away from the romantic. But where you would like them to go? You can still correct this course -- and the sooner you realize this, the better. But if you are not certain, you need to have a tactful conversation today. Ask them the right questions in order to find out if what you want could ever happen. Don't give up -- until you know that you need to.


Getting involved with a cause doesn't always bring you any reward other than the good feeling of helping others. So if you are contemplating volunteering or giving your time to some type of charity, you can't expect to gain more than a feel-good vibe. If you do expect more, you just aren't doing it for the right reasons -- and the universe won't count these good karma points. Your aim should be to grow as a person in these types of experiences -- not meet a new cutie or even to prove something to someone else.


Something very unexpected and exciting is coming your way today. This could mean that there is a new romance coming your way, a new job opportunity landing in your lap, or maybe just some wonderful news you've been waiting for. No matter what it is, is will bring a lot of fun into your life. Any scheduling hassles it causes will be no big deal -- the inconvenience will be worth it. Your only task right now is to open up your mind and get ready for whatever it is.


Seek out the people you most respect -- being among them will provide you with positive reinforcement and remind you of what a special person you are. Make sure you have contact with these good people with some regularity -- why aren't they more integrated into your usual social group? It might be time to reconsider your key friendships and why you have them. Spending time with someone who doesn't make you feel good is not the definition of friendship.


Pay closer attention to your dreams -- they may help you identify patterns that could shed a lot of light on your life. Your subconscious mind is working while you sleep, playing out different potential scenarios and showing you alternate ways of looking at the world. Sure, most of the images are weird or downright disturbing, but sometimes being disturbed is the best way to wake up from the monotony of routine. Your brain is hungry for a change in your life, and your heart should be, too.


Veils are being lifted today and quite a few juicy secrets are going to be shared with you! Unfortunately, most of what you hear will be things that you pretty much knew anyway, so don't expect to be shocked. Although you knew it all along, it's still nice to have your hunches confirmed. Once you hear the news, do your best to keep from spreading it. It's not worth the risk -- after all, you might get a reputation for being a blabbermouth, which is never attractive.


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