
Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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electric beauty
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Post by electric beauty » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:42 am

I am completely new to crystals. I became interested in them after perusing online, researching various spiritual practices. I am naturally highly intuitive and empathetic, and I am doing work and exercises to open my psychic faculties when I read that amethyst is a good crystal to enhance intuition and and psychic awareness, I got very excited and purchased one from a store that carries all types of stones and crystals.

So, I wore it around my neck. It's a small pointed chunk, very pretty.

But I can only describe how I felt as "weird". I felt extremely wired, like I had drank 5 cups of coffee and a Red Bull.. haha...and I felt random prickles in my body. I felt a little drained, in all honesty. And spacey. I held it up to my Third Eye chakra and shifted my awareness there, and closed my eyes, and I felt incredibly dizzy.

All in all, I can say that this crystal did not raise my vibration.


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Post by Gem » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:48 pm

You say all that then state that it did not raise your vibration lol? What were you expecting to feel like then with a raised vibration? The Ameythyst worked very well :)

electric beauty
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Post by electric beauty » Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:33 am

Gem wrote:You say all that then state that it did not raise your vibration lol? What were you expecting to feel like then with a raised vibration? The Ameythyst worked very well :)
Well yes, it did effect my vibration, but by "raise" I mean in a positive way, since the crystal made me feel rather uncomfortable.

Are there any other crystals you can recommend for raising psychic awareness and intuition?

I wore a rose quartz pendant today in the shape of a blossom....It was somewhat calming... :)

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Post by alee » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:52 am

Hello electric beauty,

I would say probably u are new to its energy for you to have such reactions. My experiences were so.

Next time u feel like that, just take it off and walk bare feet on the ground (grass, earth...)

electric beauty
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Post by electric beauty » Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:46 am

alee wrote:Hello electric beauty,

I would say probably u are new to its energy for you to have such reactions. My experiences were so.

Next time u feel like that, just take it off and walk bare feet on the ground (grass, earth...)
thank you :)

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Post by dessa » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:34 pm

Sometimes when you are still learning and you get a strong energy buzz for want of a better word you get the feelings you described, at those times it is best to not continue wearing a crystal,

Some stones are stronger than others, and some will affect you stronger than others, another piece of amethyst may not affect you the same way, as it might not have such a strong message or energy with it, you were just not prepared for this, it might be best to keep this crystal in a safe place but NOT the bedroom until you are more used to communicating with crystals this can cause powerful dreams but due to the way it affects you so strongly at this time it might interfere with your sleeping.  

And yes there are stones that can help with awareness and intuition, and sometimes creating a healing bundle to carry with you can be helpful so you can create this kind of bundle or perhaps choose a stone that will be best for you to wear.

Combining These Stones Creates A Powerful Synergy ~

For Psychic Awareness:
Amethyst is an extremely powerful stone with a high spiritual Vibration. It activates the crown Chakra. Sleep with it and it facilitates out of body experiences and intuitive dreams.
Gold Tigers Eye increases our psychic abilities and clairvoyance.
Serpentine is considered an exceptional meditation stone. It helps with emotional cleansing, psychic powers and finding inner peace.
Chrysoprase imparts a sense of being part of the divine whole. It strengthens the workings of insight and the higher consciousness. Helps to make conscious what was unconscious.

For Inspiration:
Jasper Dalmatian is happy stone and good for lifting our spirits and inspiring us. It brings a sense of purpose as well as fun to our lives.
Blue Goldstone brings inspiration, sincerity, faith in oneself and trust in others. In can inspire us to improve career and finances.
Magnesite Nugget inspires and stimulates creative thoughts and ideas and putting them into action. It fosters a positive attitude to life.
Opal helps inspiration, imagination and creativity.

For Spirituality:
Agate Blue Lace links thought to the spiritual vibration and brings in deep peace. It’s a great healing, nurturing and supportive stone.
Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It's one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine, selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
Angelite is considered a gift from the angels. It's a perfect stone to use to contact and communicate with the angels and spiritually aligned beings to receive information for yourself and others.
Prehnite enhances inner knowledge, showing the path forward to spiritual growth through attunement to divine energy.

For Aura:
Blue Agate is a grounding, soothing and calming stone that helps In stabilizing the aura. It also harmonizes the yin and yang.
Clear Quartz can act at a very deep vibrational level bringing the body, subtle bodies and aura back into balance.
Amethyst cleanses the aura. It also balances and connects physical, mental and emotional bodies to the spiritual.
Black Tourmaline grounds excess energy. It’s often used as an aura cleanser and helps one attain higher levels of awareness.

For Awarness:
Agatized Coral helps awareness and allows us to see things in a new way, an energized way and brings them in as fun.
Selenite can make you much more aware of things – on all levels. It helps you to better understand situations around you
Dumortierite is a learning stone that can help awareness by opening the third eye chakra to enhance mental and emotional intelligence.
Obsidian Snowflake brings things to the surface. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way.

For Destiny:
Selenite helps you to access angelic guidance and allows you to see the bigger picture.
Carnelian helps you find strength within to come into your own.
Jade can help bring realization to ones potential and the necessary devotion to pursuing ones purpose in life.
Amazonite encourages the pursuit of your unique path in life.

hope this might be useful in some way


electric beauty
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Post by electric beauty » Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:22 am

dessa wrote:Sometimes when you are still learning and you get a strong energy buzz for want of a better word you get the feelings you described, at those times it is best to not continue wearing a crystal,

Some stones are stronger than others, and some will affect you stronger than others, another piece of amethyst may not affect you the same way, as it might not have such a strong message or energy with it, you were just not prepared for this, it might be best to keep this crystal in a safe place but NOT the bedroom until you are more used to communicating with crystals this can cause powerful dreams but due to the way it affects you so strongly at this time it might interfere with your sleeping.  

And yes there are stones that can help with awareness and intuition, and sometimes creating a healing bundle to carry with you can be helpful so you can create this kind of bundle or perhaps choose a stone that will be best for you to wear.

Combining These Stones Creates A Powerful Synergy ~

For Psychic Awareness:
Amethyst is an extremely powerful stone with a high spiritual Vibration. It activates the crown Chakra. Sleep with it and it facilitates out of body experiences and intuitive dreams.
Gold Tigers Eye increases our psychic abilities and clairvoyance.
Serpentine is considered an exceptional meditation stone. It helps with emotional cleansing, psychic powers and finding inner peace.
Chrysoprase imparts a sense of being part of the divine whole. It strengthens the workings of insight and the higher consciousness. Helps to make conscious what was unconscious.

For Inspiration:
Jasper Dalmatian is happy stone and good for lifting our spirits and inspiring us. It brings a sense of purpose as well as fun to our lives.
Blue Goldstone brings inspiration, sincerity, faith in oneself and trust in others. In can inspire us to improve career and finances.
Magnesite Nugget inspires and stimulates creative thoughts and ideas and putting them into action. It fosters a positive attitude to life.
Opal helps inspiration, imagination and creativity.

For Spirituality:
Agate Blue Lace links thought to the spiritual vibration and brings in deep peace. It’s a great healing, nurturing and supportive stone.
Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It's one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine, selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
Angelite is considered a gift from the angels. It's a perfect stone to use to contact and communicate with the angels and spiritually aligned beings to receive information for yourself and others.
Prehnite enhances inner knowledge, showing the path forward to spiritual growth through attunement to divine energy.

For Aura:
Blue Agate is a grounding, soothing and calming stone that helps In stabilizing the aura. It also harmonizes the yin and yang.
Clear Quartz can act at a very deep vibrational level bringing the body, subtle bodies and aura back into balance.
Amethyst cleanses the aura. It also balances and connects physical, mental and emotional bodies to the spiritual.
Black Tourmaline grounds excess energy. It’s often used as an aura cleanser and helps one attain higher levels of awareness.

For Awarness:
Agatized Coral helps awareness and allows us to see things in a new way, an energized way and brings them in as fun.
Selenite can make you much more aware of things – on all levels. It helps you to better understand situations around you
Dumortierite is a learning stone that can help awareness by opening the third eye chakra to enhance mental and emotional intelligence.
Obsidian Snowflake brings things to the surface. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way.

For Destiny:
Selenite helps you to access angelic guidance and allows you to see the bigger picture.
Carnelian helps you find strength within to come into your own.
Jade can help bring realization to ones potential and the necessary devotion to pursuing ones purpose in life.
Amazonite encourages the pursuit of your unique path in life.

hope this might be useful in some way


Thank you so much! This is awesome advice~

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Post by dessa » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:52 pm

Glad that this information could be helpful. hope it can work out for you.


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Post by amalimrock » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:14 pm

I'm quite new to crystal healing, but why not try cleansing a crystal and then charging it?

To cleanse a crystal, use running tap water on your crystal with or you could use breath, WITH a focused mind to cleanse a crystal.
To charge a crystal, hold it and with intention and then amplify its energy with a scale of 1 to 10, whichever you feel best for you, and then imagine energy being absorbed by the crystals (you can use a different visualization technique, as long as the crystal is gaining energy.) You can even use intention so that the crystal can raise your vibration and at the same time give you better ESP. Naturally, amethyst is supposed to be a healing crystal.

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Post by MidnightWolf » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:32 pm

Have you cleansed the crystal? It may be riddled with negative energy...just a thought

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Clearing and Cleansing is important!

Post by crystalhealer1 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:33 pm

Once one has selected one’s crystals, he or she should cleanse them.  This should be done before using them.  There are a variety of ways one can clear a crystal.  One way to cleanse a crystal is by soaking it in a solution of sea salt and distilled water (lavender oil is also often added to the solution due to its purification properties).  Another method involves holding the stone under running water or in a stream to be purified.  Yet another method to cleanse a stone is by smudging it.  To smudge a stone, one must pass the stone through the smoke of an herb or incense (white sage, juniper, palo santo, sweetgrass, cedar, and sandalwood are all commonly used smudging herbs).  Also, one may choose to bury a stone in the soil of the earth for a length of time in order to cleanse it.  The clearing process should be carried out until one intuitively feels that the stone has been cleansed, or by feeling the stone’s energy.  One should then charge the crystal in sunlight or moonlight (preferably that of a full or a new moon) for at least one full day or night.

AMETHYST: (Also known as Amethystine Agate, Amethystine Quartz, Bishops’ Stone, Amethyst Quartz, or as Lavendine) Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for protection against negative energies, blocking geopathic stresses, to enhance motivation, to relieve insomnia, to enhance memory, to increase motivation, to promote dreams and their interpretation, for emotional balance, to aid in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance, to become open to one’s intuition and psychic abilities, to strengthen the metabolism and immune system, for protection from negative energy, to enhance meditation, to ease headaches, to facilitate a connection with the spirit, To aid in food-addiction and portion-control problems, and to heal and cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.  Since Amethyst is a variety of Quartz, these properties also apply.

AMETHYST, BRANDBERG:  Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for finding harmony and balance, amplifying energy, easing stress and as an aid to creating and manifesting.  The Brandberg is the highest mountain range in Namibia and produces perhaps the finest energy Amethyst on earth.  Healers and "sensitives" have long prized these beautiful and famous crystals, using them for energy work and psychic development of all types. These are transformational, shamanic, metaphysical healing crystals of the highest order.  They are considered powerful healing and meditation stones.  Since this is a variety of Amethyst, these properties also apply.

AMETHYST, CHEVRON: (Also known as Amethyst, Banded) Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for spiritual ascension, to raise one’s spiritual energetic vibration, to gain clarity of thought and insight into any situation, to aid in the decision-making process, to heal past-life trauma by moving one’s spirit above and beyond it, and to reveal hidden layers of a situation in order to better understand everything that is involved.  Since this is a variety of Amethyst, these properties also apply.


AMETHYST, CITRINE-HEADED: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to promote healing and balance of the body, mind, and spirit, to relieve symptoms associated with multiple digestive disorders, to enhance meditation, to encourage feelings of forgiveness, and to direct energy from one’s place of power (the solar plexus chakra) toward the crown chakra (the body’s spiritual center).  Since this is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine, the properties of Ametrine also apply.
AMETHYST, GREEN: See Prasiolite
AMETHYST, OAXACAMER: Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to connect one’s conscious self with his or her higher self, to raise the energetic vibration of one’s cells in order to help heal disease and imbalance in the physical body, and to promote clarity of thought inspired by the divine (especially when dealing with the mysteries of the universe), to encourage one to learn and gain wisdom or knowledge that may lead to egolessness and ultimate compassion.  

AMETHYST, VERA CRUZ:  Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for promoting spiritual ascension, to connect one with his or her higher self, to instill an attitude of compassion and of Lovingkindness, to dissolve the ego consciousness, and to enhance the nurturing aspects of one’s personality.  As this is a type of Amethyst, the properties of Amethyst also apply.

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