DEAR RISHI RAHUL PLEASE HELP hypersensitivity, fear, unemployment

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DEAR RISHI RAHUL PLEASE HELP hypersensitivity, fear, unemployment

Post by budo_rm » Sun 24 Aug, 2008 12:54 pm


Date: January 11th 1977
Time: 13:20 (timezone:+1, so in gmt this is 12:20)
Place: Leuven (04E42'00-50N53'00)
Country: Belgium
gender: male

I have problems with hypersensitivity. I very easily feel energy from other people and busy places. This makes me feel drained and stressed very easily. It always takes a lot of time to get it out of my system. It also creates problems with getting asleep.

In the past there also have been periods of obsessive and compulsive behavior (this really began being a problem from September 1999). The last few years this has eased a lot.

Finding and keeping a job is also difficult because of this problem. My last decent job dates from December 2005. The job before that (May - October 2004) i had a nervous breakdown because the place was just too busy and noisy.

Someone suggested that i do the Durga mantra but after 20 days i really began having trouble with overheating and a very loud and sharp noise in both my ears (tinnitus). When i stopped the mantra, the problems also stopped. The Shiva mantra was also suggested but this made me feel very spaced out, like i'm pulled out of my body all the time.
Hanuman has also been advised but increases my hypersensitivity dramatically, especially to noise.

So i just don't know it anymore...

I would appreciate some advice regarding a remedy

I thank in advance


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No magic formula

Post by hopeful_eclectic » Wed 27 Aug, 2008 9:03 pm

Honestly, I don't think there's any one system that works. Each one has it's good points and bad points.

For me, the reiki grounding technique allows me to shut out everyone else.
Breathing properly calms me down - there are various techniques you can choose from.

Taking time out for yourself helps, and associating with calm and happy people helps.

In the end though, there is no magic formula. You will not be "cured", you can only deal with it as best you can.

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Post by budo_rm » Thu 28 Aug, 2008 10:51 am

Dear "hopeful eclectic". Thank you for your suggestions.

I don't expect a "cure", the sensitivity will always be a part of me. But i just want to make it a bit more bearable so that i can use it in a more constructive way.


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Post by budo_rm » Fri 29 Aug, 2008 9:35 pm

Dear Rishi Rahul,

There is one markable moment that i would like to share regarding the chart reading.

Until my 6,5 years i was a real daredevil! Very impulsive, extrovert. After that i suddenly became very introvert, shy, sensitive, very self-aware, a lot of thinking. I don't recall any traumatic experience at that age. It was like a personality change. My father's guru even predicted this!  

When i feel very much at ease that extrovert side seems to still be there but that doesn't happen as much as i would like to.

maybe this a missing piece , or should i say peace? ;-) , in the puzzle?

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed 03 Sep, 2008 11:52 am

Hello budo_rm,

Afflicted Jupiter, apart from being retrograde and replaced by Sun is stationed with malefics Ketu and Gulika, confirming a curse/past problem due to disrespect/hurt caused to a Guru figure/Brahmin.

Also the afflicted Jupiter is in the 9th (guru/bhakthi sthana) from the Lagna Arudha also helps to confirm the problem.

Atmakaraka Jupiter’s replacement also signifies a soul level disturbance and needs to believe/trust in a Guru/give respect to his (either or) the teachers/gurus/ guru figures/ guru belief.

You mentioned that there also have been periods of obsessive and compulsive behavior which really began being a problem from September 1999.

The replacement by Sun was timed in 1999, when transit Saturn was transiting natal Jupiter and its direct afflictions therefore timing the Guru/Jupiter problem. Transit Rahu in turn was afflicting natal Sani then.
1999 was betrayed by frustrating delays and aggressed behavior, internal/external.

The above timing had its root originating from some problem occurred and aggravated between 1992 and 2000, where you caused disrespect to your father/father figure/Guru. The suffering started from its fag end timed already. Sleep problems aggravated since end 2004/early 2005.

Your problem in material terms is a sort of claustrophobia aggravated by 5th moon (mantrasthana) aspected and pressurized by its dispositor Sani. In short, it affected your personal life from 2007. Mantrapada and its lord are also afflicted.
You were running this moon dasa and Ketu antardasa during 6.5 years affecting your nature into gloominess tempering you down. 3rd lord moon in 5th aspected by sani. Your past nature had lots of dramatic instinct, agression and you found it difficult to balance results, actions and you are changing slowly even now.

Since 2007 and 1999 pressured you for the spiritual way/development, increasing your hypersensitivity and developed your intuitive faculty (mantrapada in fifth from lagnarudha with retro mercury charged by Ravi, Mars involving aggression in the thinking… certainly not easy to face!

In 2008 are about to peak your mental problem, but maybe you have already started making some efforts to correct this problem between Jan and March 2008, or realizing that it’s about time you need to.

A feedback regarding ALL the points and its timing mentioned is required to expedite prediction.      


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Post by budo_rm » Wed 03 Sep, 2008 3:05 pm

Thank you for your reply!

The replacement by Sun was timed in 1999, when transit Saturn was transiting natal Jupiter and its direct afflictions therefore timing the Guru/Jupiter problem. Transit Rahu in turn was afflicting natal Sani then.
1999 was betrayed by frustrating delays and aggressed behavior, internal/external.

Well, this feeling of delay and anger has been there since my 12th (1989) I felt very betrayed by a friend and this anger i kept very long with me. From my 12th year there has always been a feeling of loneliness, not finding my place in life, not having much friends, feeling an outcast. I usually don't have many friends (although i really want to!). Usually i have 1 or 2 friends and they are mostly also "outcasts".
I did began having serious mental problems in the period from september 1999, it was like all the pent up anger wanted to come outside. (this was the obssessive period) This created a lot of delay regarding my studies. It was a miracle i graduated!

The above timing had its root originating from some problem occurred and aggravated between 1992 and 2000, where you caused disrespect to your father/father figure/Guru. The suffering started from its fag end timed already.
I don't recall having disrespect to anyone. Maybe in a past life.
I must say that the relationship with my father has always been very difficult. Always a lot of tension. Very difficult communicating with each other. This caused a lot of inner conflict, low self esteem, the feeling of not being good enough. The last few years our relationship has improved a lot with some help of a psychotherapist.

Sleep problems aggravated since end 2004/early 2005.
I only have a sleep problem when i'm worried about something (eg a job application) or i have to try something new the next day. Or when i had a busy day. This is more a general problem, not something that began in that period

Your problem in material terms is a sort of claustrophobia aggravated by 5th moon (mantrasthana) aspected and pressurized by its dispositor Sani. In short, it affected your personal life from 2007. Mantrapada and its lord are also afflicted.
You were running this moon dasa and Ketu antardasa during 6.5 years affecting your nature into gloominess tempering you down. 3rd lord moon in 5th aspected by sani. Your past nature had lots of dramatic instinct, agression and you found it difficult to balance results, actions and you are changing slowly even now.

I'm not sure what you mean. Since i graduated in 2000 there have been long periods of unemployment. After my graduation i had a short complementary education in computer programs (march- september 2001). In March 2002 i had a little opportunity (designing a childrens book), in august 2003 i had work for a month, from may until october 2004 i had my first decent job and my last decent job dates from july - december 2005.
I agree with the natural tendency to feel gloomy, dramatic. The anger is more inwardly (frustration, irritation).

Since 2007 and 1999 pressured you for the spiritual way/development, increasing your hypersensitivity and developed your intuitive faculty (mantrapada in fifth from lagnarudha with retro mercury charged by Ravi, Mars involving aggression in the thinking… certainly not easy to face!

There has always been an interest in spirituality. But i really began working  on my self-developement around beginning 1997. I did some psychotherapy, got interested in tai chi, reiki, shiatsu, yoga, energetic healing...
Unfortunately, the last healer i consulted for a long period of time (march-november 2005) was a real possessive, egotripper. He made me feel calm with his healing but on the other hand he also made me very afraid to leave him ("Without me you can't make it!")  In the end he made my fear and mistrust even worse!

In 2008 are about to peak your mental problem, but maybe you have already started making some efforts to correct this problem between Jan and March 2008, or realizing that it’s about time you need to.

I don't have the impression that my problem is peaking, it's just lasting very long. I have been working on my self-developement since 1997. The last year i really got interested in working with mantra's.

kind regards

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Post by budo_rm » Mon 08 Sep, 2008 11:20 pm

Dear Rishi Rahul

Is this the kind of feedback you need?

Maybe the Jupiter problem is indicating a tense relationship with guru/father/authority figures? Because i'm not a disrespectful person at all. Rather the opposite. So maybe this is rather past life karma.

I eagerly await your answers

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue 09 Sep, 2008 9:16 pm

Will get back Sir,


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun 14 Sep, 2008 10:54 am

Thank you for your reply!

The replacement by Sun was timed in 1999, when transit Saturn was transiting natal Jupiter and its direct afflictions therefore timing the Guru/Jupiter problem. Transit Rahu in turn was afflicting natal Sani then.
1999 was betrayed by frustrating delays and aggressed behavior, internal/external.

Well, this feeling of delay and anger has been there since my 12th (1989) I felt very betrayed by a friend and this anger i kept very long with me. From my 12th year there has always been a feeling of loneliness, not finding my place in life, not having much friends, feeling an outcast. I usually don't have many friends (although i really want to!). Usually i have 1 or 2 friends and they are mostly also "outcasts".
I did began having serious mental problems in the period from september 1999, it was like all the pent up anger wanted to come outside. (this was the obssessive period) This created a lot of delay regarding my studies. It was a miracle i graduated!

RishiRahul= Such violent changes in atma levels come with much hurts. The Sun started ruling your atma in a way instead of Jupiter. Both Jupiter ad Sun is in the 12th and 8th. Sun being with Ghati Lagna brings out a need to towards achievement, which evoved/formed in your mind by 2006.

The above timing had its root originating from some problem occurred and aggravated between 1992 and 2000, where you caused disrespect to your father/father figure/Guru. The suffering started from its fag end timed already.
I don't recall having disrespect to anyone. Maybe in a past life.
I must say that the relationship with my father has always been very difficult. Always a lot of tension. Very difficult communicating with each other. This caused a lot of inner conflict, low self esteem, the feeling of not being good enough. The last few years our relationship has improved a lot with some help of a psychotherapist.

RishiRahul= After 2002 was over, you/circumstances were inclined towards your father, that is from 2003... more so during 2nd. half 2005...and particularly from 2007. But the fact remains all this started after 2002 was over.

Sleep problems aggravated since end 2004/early 2005.
I only have a sleep problem when i'm worried about something (eg a job application) or i have to try something new the next day. Or when i had a busy day. This is more a general problem, not something that began in that period

= Did I mention that it began from that period? Aggravated was the word.

Your problem in material terms is a sort of claustrophobia aggravated by 5th moon (mantrasthana) aspected and pressurized by its dispositor Sani. In short, it affected your personal life from 2007. Mantrapada and its lord are also afflicted.
You were running this moon dasa and Ketu antardasa during 6.5 years affecting your nature into gloominess tempering you down. 3rd lord moon in 5th aspected by sani. Your past nature had lots of dramatic instinct, agression and you found it difficult to balance results, actions and you are changing slowly even now.

I'm not sure what you mean. Since i graduated in 2000 there have been long periods of unemployment. After my graduation i had a short complementary education in computer programs (march- september 2001). In March 2002 i had a little opportunity (designing a childrens book), in august 2003 i had work for a month, from may until october 2004 i had my first decent job and my last decent job dates from july - december 2005.
I agree with the natural tendency to feel gloomy, dramatic. The anger is more inwardly (frustration, irritation).

RishiRahul=Around May 2009 you will a change of personal and career environment. When it happens remember that you are not on the wrong track..... Carry on patiently. Wear a diamond if possible.. or Give more strength to Venus by its mantra..""Om Draang Dreeng Dreeng Drong sa shukraye Namah" . Chant it in a relaxed mood and with love so that it permeates in your soul........what your phobias dissappear slowly as confidence flows into you. See some results around May 2009... and more so increasingly. 2011 brings a culmination to these efforts.

Do not falter... do it and carry on with patience.

Since 2007 and 1999 pressured you for the spiritual way/development, increasing your hypersensitivity and developed your intuitive faculty (mantrapada in fifth from lagnarudha with retro mercury charged by Ravi, Mars involving aggression in the thinking… certainly not easy to face!

There has always been an interest in spirituality. But i really began working  on my self-developement around beginning 1997. I did some psychotherapy, got interested in tai chi, reiki, shiatsu, yoga, energetic healing...
Unfortunately, the last healer i consulted for a long period of time (march-november 2005) was a real possessive, egotripper. He made me feel calm with his healing but on the other hand he also made me very afraid to leave him ("Without me you can't make it!")  In the end he made my fear and mistrust even worse!

In 2008 are about to peak your mental problem, but maybe you have already started making some efforts to correct this problem between Jan and March 2008, or realizing that it’s about time you need to.

I don't have the impression that my problem is peaking, it's just lasting very long. I have been working on my self-developement since 1997. The last year i really got interested in working with mantra's.

RishiRahul = Last year was 2007, as mentioned. From this time the benefic rays of your Real atmakaraka Jupiter started affecting you through mantra/devotion. Now you are about to reach the peak... after which you start reaching a plateau  by 2012. You will be ready to go ahead properly, which has made a begining between May and Oct 2007.

kind regards

Good luck,

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Post by budo_rm » Sun 14 Sep, 2008 11:47 am

Thank you very much for your advice.  :)

Doing the Venus mantra does this affect also the hypersensitivity/fear problem or is it only for improving career?

If so, what would you suggest for balancing the hypersensitivity (very easily feeling energy of other people and feeling overwhelmed by too busy enviroments) and fear? Because this also influences my personal life in a big way. (difficulties with making friends, being very cautious towards other people).

Kind regards

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun 14 Sep, 2008 6:57 pm

budo_rm wrote:Thank you very much for your advice.  :)

Doing the Venus mantra does this affect also the hypersensitivity/fear problem or is it only for improving career?

If so, what would you suggest for balancing the hypersensitivity (very easily feeling energy of other people and feeling overwhelmed by too busy enviroments) and fear? Because this also influences my personal life in a big way. (difficulties with making friends, being very cautious towards other people).

Kind regards

Why try to wonder if the mantra is going to which sphere, about which will balance what? Just have faith in it, keeping at the back of your mind the timings I have mentioned.

Faith, Sir. No money involved. What do you lose?


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Post by budo_rm » Sun 14 Sep, 2008 7:41 pm

I just want to be sure, that's all :)

And i will work on the faith part :)

I thank you again for your time and effort.

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Post by budo_rm » Mon 06 Oct, 2008 9:54 am

Dear Rishi Rahul,

I have followed your advice and recite the venusmantra daily.

These are my findings until now:
My creativity increases a lot so thats very positive.
My dreams become very intense but this makes me feel kind of exhausted when i wake up.
My mind becomes rather clouded and restless and sometimes overexited.
All this makes my fear a little worse to be honest.

Is this just a phase?

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue 07 Oct, 2008 11:45 am

budo_rm wrote:Dear Rishi Rahul,

I have followed your advice and recite the venusmantra daily.

These are my findings until now:
My creativity increases a lot so thats very positive.
My dreams become very intense but this makes me feel kind of exhausted when i wake up.
My mind becomes rather clouded and restless and sometimes overexited.
All this makes my fear a little worse to be honest.

Is this just a phase?

Hello budo_rm,

Q1) Is this mantra better than your previous ones?
Q2) Since you have a hypersensitive nature anyway, I feel you should not concentrate too much on the mantra as you did all these days.. but do it more mechanically for the present.

You are also having sade sati on.  Your charakaraka replacement timed in 1999 will be completed in 2012... so this entire period will not be very easy.

However, do reply to my above query.


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Post by budo_rm » Tue 07 Oct, 2008 9:26 pm

Thank you for the quick reply,

Generally Venus feels more "watery" and soft unlike Durga which felt more intense and like fire. I like how Venus works on the heart and stimulates creativity.
It seems like my subconscious get stimulated by the Venusmantra. If this is too intense it kind of feels like my conscious mind gets flooded by subconscious influences. That's what i mean with a cloudy mind. And that creates some extra fear.

But if i recite moderatly it seems manageable.
I only do it in the morning now and sleep seems a little better. I also do a shorter version now: Om shum shukraya namaha. This seems to be less intense. Still, i still dream more frequently and it always very symbolic.

For example: "I am waiting with a friend for a guru at the train station, he doesn't arrive, there are some problems with his flight. Other people make fun of this and i get angry. My friend gets some drinks. Suddenly a person dressed like Vishnu sit next to me. He has a special energy. Suddenly i see his left arm is cut of, it looks like he has lepracy. He wants to embrace me but i don't want to get infected. My friend doesn't mind this."

Last time you said that everything was going to get better from may 2009. Did i understand this correctly? Because you say that things stay difficult until 2012.

Kind Regards

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