Daily horoscopes for 24th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 24th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:30 pm


When was the last time you entertained at home? Your inner host wants to come out to play for a while, so let it! Now is a great time for gatherings, especially ones that include members of your family. The easy going, pressure-free nature of a family get together will help you truly relax and reconnect with what is truly important in your life. It's time to get things back into balance and remind yourself how lucky you are to have these people in your life.


Your heart needs to get pumping today! Either in terms of romance or physical exercise -- or both! Try walking instead of getting into your car to go somewhere. Not only will you give your body some much needed exercise, you just might meet a cute certain someone along your route. And there's nothing wrong with purposefully choosing a route that takes you right by where they happen to be. Sometimes, there's nothing more attractive than a flushed face.


Turn a deaf ear to the sweet talkers who'll be buzzing around you today -- they want something for all their flattery, and it's probably not something that you feel at liberty to give. You've got to make it clear to people that you can't help them out with what they want, even though you know it probably means you'll be saying goodbye to all of their positive attention. But positive attention for ulterior motives isn't legitimate, so what is it really worth?


Time is weighing a bit heavily on your mind, today, and all of your clockwatching could prove distracting. Deadlines, expiration dates and looming appointments don't have to steer you off track, though -- just set your alarm an hour earlier. Try to live in the moment. Don't worry about what's coming up in the next hour, day or week. You do have all the time you need, but you'll have even more of it if you stop wasting the moment on being preoccupied with the future!


Today, a conversation with an authority figure will not go as planned. You are expecting it to be very official in tone, but it will turn out to be naturally warm and comfortable. When passionate ideas are expressed, it's only natural for people to put down their guard and get real. So take advantage of this window of intimacy between you two and share some of yourself with them. This is the first step toward making a very powerful connection with them.


Someone who doesn't really need your help will still ask you to lend them a hand, today. And if you have the time, you should offer up your services -- together you can get all the work done in half the time, and then you'll both be able to relax and have some fun! This could be a huge bonding opportunity for the two of you! This person has a lot to learn, and they've picked you to be their teacher. You should find this flattering, not annoying.


It will feel like everyone you know wants to tell you how to live your life, today -- coworkers who think that they've been in your position (they haven't), friends who think you're not seeing the big picture (you are), and family members who are just worrying too much (tell them to relax). This unsolicited help comes with good intentions, so try to keep from rolling your eyes when you're given it. Be polite, and keep an open mind. There could be one or two gems in there.


Deal with the people, places and things that are in your present today -- get your head out of the future. You don't know what it will look like, so why waste your time thinking about it? Right now, right here, someone wants to make a deeper connection with you -- but they've been having a hard time getting your attention long enough to make any progress! Do them a favor and slow down today -- talk to them and let the conversation go on to a deeper level.


Your mood might surprise you, today -- but you should follow it wherever it takes you. It will lead you to very interesting social situations that hold a lot of promise for your future. Make sure when you start conversations that you don't focus just on safe small talk. Push the envelope with new people and show them that you're really interested in what they have to say -- especially if they disagree with you. Healthy debate creates stronger bonds, sometimes.


Today, you need to be on the lookout for people who are on the edge, emotionally-speaking. You need to identify them and understand that whatever they say or do right now is controlled by irrational thinking, not unkindness. If they start overreacting to something you've said, do not give it a second thought. Their knee-jerk reactions aren't designed to hurt you -- though it could be that they're supposed to make you doubt yourself. Don't let them.


Things in your social life are not easy, right now -- just when you thought you had figured everything out, things started getting different again! It's understandable you get frustrated when the rules of the game seem to keep changing on you, but you need to put all your energy into not losing your cool. Give the situation more time and stay flexible. Because when you stay flexible, you don't have to ever peg things down again. Try to see the mystery as being fun, not confusing.


It's only when you start to actually exercise your power that you really start to understand how much of it you have. So go ahead -- be a little more demanding, today. Believe it or not, your high standards will be appreciated by others. People like to be told what to aim for, how to succeed. And when you let them know what you expect, they are only too happy to give it to you -- especially in a service context. So if you are an unhappy customer today, speak to the manager.


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