Daily horoscopes for 5th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 5th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:30 pm


Get back in touch with pop culture trends, today. Find out from those in the know: What's the coolest music to listen to? What's the hottest celebrity gossip to know about? And what are the most fabulous fashions? You shouldn't necessarily follow any of these trends, but it's still important to know what is going on around you. Exploring the ways other people choose to live their lives and spend their money can make you feel more secure in your own choices.


Be careful with other people, today -- someone you'll be dealing with has a very sensitive ego and they will be almost eager to get defensive. So when they do something you don't like or that isn't good enough, be careful about blurting out what you really think right away. Instead, try to come up with a way to deliver your critique in a very sensitive, supportive way. The extra effort you make in communicating with them will pay off when they don't waste your time throwing a tantrum.


You know, it's okay to change your mind once in a while! Holding on to the same opinion forever and ever does not speak well of your flexibility or intelligence. If new facts come to light or a situation goes through an evolution, it's only natural to re-evaluate what you think and how you feel. An intelligent person (like you) should not be afraid to revisit issues and update their thoughts. Old leopards can change their spots and people can become who you always hoped they'd be.


It's nice to be diplomatic with people, but sometimes you just don't have the energy or the time to look at things from many different angles. You can't like your goal to be well-liked hinder you from getting things done, right now. Sometimes making progress means that you have to make enemies -- at least for a little while. Being a team player doesn't mean that you should sacrifice your intelligence or critical thinking skills. Make what you know is the smarter move, not the most popular one.


Right now you are surrounded by so many people that you might feel a bit claustrophobic -- but these people really are looking out for you, so why don't you rely on them a little bit more than you have been? They will play a vital role in helping to turn your dismal outlook into a more positive one. Not only will they help you see the glass as half full, they will help you figure out a way to fill it even higher! So reach out and ask for help -- even if you don't think you need it, you could use some.


Being comfortable is overrated -- especially right now, when the stimulation you really crave isn't going to feel warm and cuddly. So go get uncomfortable. Explore emotions and activities that make you feel weird. Why? As soon as you start to explore the unknown, it becomes known -- and you've grown. Just go with the flow today and if an opportunity to try something comes along, grab it! And enjoy the fact that it won't feel nice and easy at first.


If you have recently embarrassed yourself in front of someone important, have no fear! It is never too late to make a good impression -- at least not right now, when there is a strong energy of generosity around you. For whatever reason, people want to give you the benefit of the doubt. They want to see you succeed. This is a great time in your life for making amends, putting old feuds to rest, and apologizing for past errors. No one is perfect, so they will understand.


The grumbling and whining of a coworker or a friend is starting to get on your nerves, so today might be the day to take them to task and tell them what you think. Unless you address this situation head on, it will only grow and become a larger and larger obstacle between the two of you. The good news is that the sooner you have the conversation, the sooner the issue will be resolved. So get an early start and get it over with. Be as compassionate as possible, but tell them to stop.


Despite the less-than-jovial attitude of an anxious friend, you two are going to have an awful lot of fun today. Once you shower them with your positive outlook and help them see the bright opportunities that the day offers, they will quickly do an attitude adjustment and get on board with the good times. Your sense of humor is likely to be the most effective tool toward lighting up a tiny spark in their eye, so don't be afraid to poke fun and get them laughing.


Everyone deserves some alone time once in a while, and your time might need to be today. You have been moving so quickly, without being conscious of it -- what is your hurry? There is no point in running yourself ragged -- especially right now, when there is so much good stuff going on in your life! Stop. And do more than smell the roses -- pick a whole bouquet of them and bring them to one of your favorite people. Relaxation is contagious, so go and spread it around!


Start listening more closely to the advice your friends and family are giving you -- it's more complicated than you think, and a lot of what they are saying to you is in some sort of code. You can pick up on the undertones if your listening skills are as good as they usually are. Of course, you do not have to do exactly as they say -- but their insight is incredibly valuable. Be prepared to hear things that aren't exactly pleasant. But a lot of the time, the truth is unpleasant.


Feeling like less than the immense powerhouse that you are? That's no problem -- self-empowerment is a lot easier to achieve than you think! All you have to do is learn more about whatever it is that you fear. Worried about giving a speech? Check out some videos online about how to be better at public speaking and practice, practice, practice! It's the unknown that strikes fear in your heart. Once you get to know it, it becomes old and familiar and even comfortable.


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