Mediumship: fact or fiction.

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Mediumship: fact or fiction.

Post by Omnicron Solaris » Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:58 am

I may open up a can of worms with this post but I think that occasionally it is good to stir things up.  
Now the first let me make it very clear that my intention is not to disturb anybody or to provoke any kind of angry or negative reaction.
Quite the contrary!
All I am interested in is attempting to better understand this phenomenon myself.  And possibly... make you think more deeply on what is mediumship.

In my experience with mediums, a lot of the medium can do can be simply explained by clever series of questions and answers.  Only once in my entire life have I ever been to medium that has told me something about myself and only I know.
In my first experience, the person asked me questions like "have you ever lost an uncle" and "was he a big man".  In my opinion these questions aren't demonstrating anykind of psychic skill but are in truth "fishing questions" and even though they may be true, they are what I would call information gathering questions..

In my second experience the woman took my cell phone in her hands and proceeded to tell me everything about my childhood including some very personal and negative things that have happened to me. She didn't ask me a single question.

All I'm trying to point out here is that some mediums are nothing more than highly trained and highly perceptive charlatans.  Where other mediums are definitely in touch with something otherworldly..

How is a person to know the difference?
(I believe that I have already answered my own question but I'm looking for to seeing what you think on this subject)

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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:06 pm

My own (possibly judgemental and definitely controversial) opinion on this is that people who have the gift of or ability to communicate with spirits have no business gaining financially from it, and that those who do, for the most part, should be dealt with carefully.  (I know that others see it differently, but in my own case I do consider it a gift that comes from outside of myself and therefore doesn't "belong" to me.  Therefore, it would seem wrong to me to "re-gift", as they say--to profit in some way from what was given out of love.)

Spirits don't come around to entertain, or do parlor tricks, or predict a person's future (a spirit once said to me, "You don't just drop by if you're a spirit").  When they reach out to the living, it's for a serious purpose--either guidance, or because they want to pass on a message to someone.  I don't believe that they're likely to just "pop up" at the behest of a medium in his or her place of "business", or onstage or on TV.  My guess is that they would find such antics laughable.

I believe (based on my own experience, which I may or may not interpret correctly) that spirits will find  ways to communicate with those they want to communicate with regardless of whether or not there's a "medium" around--perhaps not in so many words, but in other ways.  I have, very rarely, passed on messages, but they were very personal and usually directed to people I know--free of charge, of course.

So I guess I'm just saying that, although certainly not everyone who uses his or her gift or ability as a business or means of attaining notoriety is a fraud (I'm sure that there are those who are perfectly sincere as well), it's important to consider someone's motives in claiming that they can pass messages from the spirit world on to you.


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Post by Crow » Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:54 pm

Hmmmm, thinking...question is shorting out my brain.  :smt005

All play aside.  I cannot speak for all, only me.  When I am moved to relay a message for someone, which rarely happens on the personal level, I do it freely.  Just like certain gifts of mine.  

The question would be how do we make money being mediums?  My heart tells me that I should just apply it to my everyday life. Whatever field of employment I am guided to.  Use it as an asset, see it as a deeper insight kinda thing.  If I were to get more info for someone that a spirit may wish to convey I would still do it free of charge.  

Mediums are real.  While there are those who are bogus.  Myself I am not allowed to charge for the messages relayed. Having being told that if I do I will loose what was given to me.  Maybe there are other rules for other mediums, I dunno.  My Guides, and Guardian will not let me charge for certain things.  They say this is a big no-no.   In this I am still learning, so I am not sure what they are talking about.  They just said for me not to do it, and I listen.  I test them, being a skeptic, but in this I feel a deeper humming of truth.  For me I know I am not allowed to profit by the messages for others. Now the messages for me, that is something else.  They help me in ways to where I do make money.  I am provided for, I want for nothing.  Nothing more, nothing less. Again hard to put into words how this works in my life.  Not sure about others, wonder if they have the same guidlines they follow.

How do you know the differance between a real or a fake?  

I have a question reguarding the woman who told you about your life while holding your cell do you not know that she was not a telepath?  When they start talking about my memories, perhaps some that I forgotten, I wonder if they are not just flipping through my memory book in my mind. Interesting.  So really what is the differance between a medium and one who reads people?  ( Reading...Be it by their thoughts, pictures, feelings, energy signatures, etc.)  I thought that mediums worked with spirits.  Being that wire between point A to point B. Could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time.  :smt005

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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:11 pm

Myself I am not allowed to charge for the messages relayed. Having being told that if I do I will loose what was given to me.  Maybe there are other rules for other mediums, I dunno.  My Guides, and Guardian will not let me charge for certain things.  They say this is a big no-no.   In this I am still learning, so I am not sure what they are talking about.  They just said for me not to do it, and I listen.  I test them, being a skeptic, but in this I feel a deeper humming of truth.  For me I know I am not allowed to profit by the messages for others. Now the messages for me, that is something else.  They help me in ways to where I do make money.  I am provided for, I want for nothing.  Nothing more, nothing less. Again hard to put into words how this works in my life.  Not sure about others, wonder if they have the same guidlines they follow.
In answer to that last bit...yup!

(Ditto for the part where you say, "I am provided for, I want for nothing.  Nothing more, nothing less."  It sometimes seems to trouble others that I'm content with what I have, but I am--kinda hard to explain sometimes, though! )


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:20 pm

To charge or not to charge is as personal as each medium.  And to judge one way or the other as expressed here for others is not to be considered as it is judgement.  

Mediumship is NOT a gift - a gift is given with no effort on the part of the receiver.  A talent, skill, ability is a part of the human complex and the good medium will train, educate and unfold their talents to their best possible level.  That is the measure of a good medium.  Does the medium just get it by osmosis or have they truly educated themselves?  This would be a better barometer than the money.  Although if the situation is such that there is money on the table and expectations of performance, then the money becomes an issue.

I charge for my services as it takes time, effort and educated skills to accomplish good mediumship.  And I do consider mine good mediumship.  To charge or not is not the criteria of a good medium.  Overcharging is another story.

If you have spirit helpers and are not to pass messages, why would they be there to aid your journey?  There are teachers in spirit who bring some wonderful inspiration - I am sure you would not consider it too monetary to charge for a book form of your inspirations?  There are many purposes for spirit communication.  They often have an agenda to pass their message through the medium and you may find yourself involved in things quite surprising that you had not considered your own journey.  This is only in the sense of working with the spirit guide - not being taken over by them for their own purposes.

The mandate of good mediumship is service.  Giving to others is certainly a high priority and anyone who charges for mediumship is often giving more than they receive for their service.  Believe me, my guides have not left because of charging.  Although to be honest I don't take the money for me but to keep my church and learning centre functioning.

Psychometry (the holding of an object - in this case your cell phone) is a well known talent connected to the psychic.  There is a lot to be gleaned through an experienced psychometrist.  

Mediumship is not about personal messages per se - it is about proof of life after death through the description of your passed loved ones.  Message will come because they have an interest in the living - love never dies.  And when the message comes from spirit sources, it tends to be more about the spiritual journey, than the material journey.  You can judge that from any good medium.

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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:34 pm

"I charge for my services as it takes time, effort and educated skills to accomplish good mediumship.  And I do consider mine good mediumship. "

I consider mine "good mediumship" as well.  The initial gift, in fact, did NOT come through any effort of my own.  However, the "skills" I have learned have come through a lot of hard work, severe tests, thought, and--as you allude to, Spiritalk--journeys whose destinations I never would have guessed at.  But I have learned those skills from the spirit world--"guides" who have not ever tried to "take me over" for their own purposes, but who simply try to help me remember the basic spiritual values that it's so easy for all of us to forget, and to use those values to help others (living or spirit) in need.  I learn something amazing almost every day.

I can't believe that guidance from the spirit world ABOUT the spirit world would be inferior to that offered by the living.  Perhaps no better, but certainly no worse.


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Post by Crow » Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:32 pm

spiritalk wrote:
Spiritalk: To charge or not to charge is as personal as each medium.  And to judge one way or the other as expressed here for others is not to be considered as it is judgement.  

Crow: Like I said I cannot speak for all. My guides, my Guardian are not theirs. And they specifically request that I do not charge.  Just like certain artwork, or writings that flow. I can tell and see the differance.  I am not to charge for these things.  

Spiritalk: Mediumship is NOT a gift - a gift is given with no effort on the part of the receiver.  A talent, skill, ability is a part of the human complex and the good medium will train, educate and unfold their talents to their best possible level.  That is the measure of a good medium.  Does the medium just get it by osmosis or have they truly educated themselves?  This would be a better barometer than the money.  Although if the situation is such that there is money on the table and expectations of performance, then the money becomes an issue.

Crow: This is where I get confussed.  I didn't try, it came. That is why for me I consider it a gift. In which we all are able to recieve.  Example I recieve a bike for Christmas, this is a gift. But until I learn how to pedal and balance I may have problems with the gift which will take me effort to learn.

Spiritalk: I charge for my services as it takes time, effort and educated skills to accomplish good mediumship.  And I do consider mine good mediumship.  To charge or not is not the criteria of a good medium.  Overcharging is another story.

Crow: This is the plan you have with your guides. That is your path.  

Spiritalk: If you have spirit helpers and are not to pass messages, why would they be there to aid your journey?  There are teachers in spirit who bring some wonderful inspiration - I am sure you would not consider it too monetary to charge for a book form of your inspirations?  There are many purposes for spirit communication.  They often have an agenda to pass their message through the medium and you may find yourself involved in things quite surprising that you had not considered your own journey.  This is only in the sense of working with the spirit guide - not being taken over by them for their own purposes.

Crow: Depending on the book, if I am channeling the message. No I am not allowed to charge. This they tell me is a message free for people.  Yes I can write books upon my knowledge on certain subjects and recieve pay.  There is a differance.  My Guardian isn't really here for that though. He is helping me to get that last step.   And anything I am told to share with people I am not allowed to charge.  Like I said in the earlier post, there may be different rules other mediums are allowed to follow. I am just not allowed to do so.  Once there was  an older gentleman who told me about how there are dowsers who help find missing persons.  In this they were taught not to charge fees.  I asked how he made money. Well he located wells for people. Charging for that service, just like any other company would do to locate a well.

Spiritalk: Psychometry (the holding of an object - in this case your cell phone) is a well known talent connected to the psychic.  There is a lot to be gleaned through an experienced psychometrist.  

Crow: I had thought this too, but then the talks of the persons life make me think of some form of telepathy.  Psychometry, isn't this when you can hold any object and get the imprints of it, who owned it, where it has been, etc?  Will have to look that up again.


Came back to add that I forgot to thank you for your insight spiritalk.  I do enjoy these conversations, as I am still learning myself.  Hope there are no hard feelings, I was not attacking those who do charge.  I am just explaining the reasons I am not allowed to.  I make my money in other ways, it isn't my path to be a medium for a living, there may be those who this is their path.  My path is to help people in other ways, while using my ability of mediumship as opening my spirit up for the journey to grow.  Does this make a little more sense now?
Last edited by Crow on Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Crow » Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:54 pm


Good to see you around, haven't seen much posts lately.  I am just a lil junior.  :smt005  Love to see you and spiritalk discuss mediumship more.  Helps gives me some things to think about.

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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:15 pm

You too, Crow!  I've been TRYING to lay low for a while and not spend so much time on MB, and online in general...doesn't always work out too well, though!  Sometimes I just see a post that strikes a chord, like this one.

It's good to hear a lot of different thoughts, feelings, and opinions on these things, I think.  There are so many different ways to approach the spiritual aspects of things.  I really enjoyed reading about your (and your guides') approach.  I guess I always felt that way instinctively (and very strongly) about things too, although no one ever told me that I couldn't accept payment for things.

Thanks for writing!


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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:06 am

Doe wrote: Therefore, it would seem wrong to me to "re-gift", as they say--to profit in some way from what was given out of love.)
is the perfect world it would be perfectly acceptable to not accept money for performing a skill that is like a gift.
Unfortunately, we have not reached this point of human evolution.
Personally I believe that it is perfectly acceptable for a psychic or a medium to accept any "gift"(either monetary or material or perhaps an exchange of services).  I think that there is something a little bit sketchy with having a schedule of fees for a psychic.

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Post by Doe » Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:44 am

"is the perfect world it would be perfectly acceptable to not accept money for performing a skill that is like a gift.
Unfortunately, we have not reached this point of human evolution."

I guess I believe that we don't reach certain points of human evolution, or move toward a more perfect world, unless we at least make efforts to behave as we would in a perfect world in whatever small ways we can.  People work on a volunteer basis to help other people--using talents and skills they've developed and worked to attain--all the time.  Obviously it's not possible for everyone to do that, but it's an ideal certainly worth trying for.

I didn't say that all mediums who charge for their services are "bad people", or frauds--I'm sure that some are very sincere in wanting to bring messages of peace and understanding to their clients.  I only meant that, in answer to your question, it's something that should definitely be taken into consideration.

And I agree with Spiritalk that the messages should not be of a "material" nature--spirits don't waste their time and energy telling people which lottery numbers to pick, or which house to buy, or whether or not one's estranged lover will be returning.  When I say that the messages are of a personal nature, I mean that they may be important things that the spirit needs to impart to a particular person so that they can find peace, and/or know that the still-living person is OK.  Guidance of a "higher" spiritual nature is not likely to be offered in a 15-minute (or whatever) session with a professional medium.  That, I believe, would come through ongoing, direct , long-term work between the spirit and a living person who is open to seeing beyond the surface of things and finding ways to be an instrument in, if you will, working toward that level of higher evolution and the creation of a more perfect world.

Stepping down from my soap-box now.   I don't mean to offend anyone; I'm just stating what I very strongly believe.  As I said before, it's good to hear many different opinions here, so that each individual can weigh them and then come to his or her own conclusions on how to approach things.


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:40 pm

As  a Spiritualist who demonstrates spirits' capabilities each week in our church services, our fifteen minutes is certainly time to connect the congregated with loved ones.  The messages can sometimes appear material, but on the other hand, when our lives are in order, we find more time to pursue spirituality for ourselves.

As another demonstration of spirits' capabilities I also do talks in an altered state of consciousness.  They are inspirational and inspired.  Spirit speaks through me.  In this way, we show the capabilities of spirits' talents and skills.

A good idea:  to attune yourself.  That is excellent advice.  But not all people have the skills, knowledge or even the talent to make that connection.  Asking for help from a working medium is not a bad way to connect with loved ones and guides.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:54 pm

Spiritalk: To charge or not to charge is as personal as each medium.  And to judge one way or the other as expressed here for others is not to be considered as it is judgement.  

Crow: Like I said I cannot speak for all. My guides, my Guardian are not theirs. And they specifically request that I do not charge.  Just like certain artwork, or writings that flow. I can tell and see the differance.  I am not to charge for these things.  

ST:  I believe we all come to this place on our own.  I charge a fee for a reading.  On the other hand, I give so much away (including the fact that this is a course in mediumship that is given to students willing to work their way through it) that it does not half cover even my time.

Spiritalk: Mediumship is NOT a gift - a gift is given with no effort on the part of the receiver.  A talent, skill, ability is a part of the human complex and the good medium will train, educate and unfold their talents to their best possible level.  That is the measure of a good medium.  Does the medium just get it by osmosis or have they truly educated themselves?  This would be a better barometer than the money.  Although if the situation is such that there is money on the table and expectations of performance, then the money becomes an issue.

Crow: This is where I get confussed.  I didn't try, it came. That is why for me I consider it a gift. In which we all are able to recieve.  Example I recieve a bike for Christmas, this is a gift. But until I learn how to pedal and balance I may have problems with the gift which will take me effort to learn.

SP:  I came to all of us in our own way - each and every medium is a unique individual.  Once there was an experience, there was a need for answers to the abilities expressed.  That is where your own efforts to learn and grow come in.  It is amazing how the law of attraction works - when you are willing to work for something, it is manifest in your life.

Spiritalk: I charge for my services as it takes time, effort and educated skills to accomplish good mediumship.  And I do consider mine good mediumship.  To charge or not is not the criteria of a good medium.  Overcharging is another story.

Crow: This is the plan you have with your guides. That is your path.  

Spiritalk: If you have spirit helpers and are not to pass messages, why would they be there to aid your journey?  There are teachers in spirit who bring some wonderful inspiration - I am sure you would not consider it too monetary to charge for a book form of your inspirations?  There are many purposes for spirit communication.  They often have an agenda to pass their message through the medium and you may find yourself involved in things quite surprising that you had not considered your own journey.  This is only in the sense of working with the spirit guide - not being taken over by them for their own purposes.

Crow: Depending on the book, if I am channeling the message. No I am not allowed to charge. This they tell me is a message free for people.  Yes I can write books upon my knowledge on certain subjects and recieve pay.  There is a differance.  My Guardian isn't really here for that though. He is helping me to get that last step.   And anything I am told to share with people I am not allowed to charge.  Like I said in the earlier post, there may be different rules other mediums are allowed to follow. I am just not allowed to do so.  Once there was  an older gentleman who told me about how there are dowsers who help find missing persons.  In this they were taught not to charge fees.  I asked how he made money. Well he located wells for people. Charging for that service, just like any other company would do to locate a well.

ST:  As a matter of interest, all writers when accomplishing a book have a muse within.  Who would you consider this to be? if not your spirit guidance?

I am on a pension now, but worked at other things over the years.  I retired from the business world in my 40s because there was another path to go.  I formed a group that continues to offer many things to many people.  For the many changes that have come to this group, I have found funding through readings as well as other methods of fundraising.  The more we reach in spirituality the better, IME.  And many a psychic or medium will do a lot of charity work with their talents.  All see it as paying back for the prosperity.  Those that don't consider this aspect and are greedy will not prosper in the end.  

Spiritalk: Psychometry (the holding of an object - in this case your cell phone) is a well known talent connected to the psychic.  There is a lot to be gleaned through an experienced psychometrist.  

Crow: I had thought this too, but then the talks of the persons life make me think of some form of telepathy.  Psychometry, isn't this when you can hold any object and get the imprints of it, who owned it, where it has been, etc?  Will have to look that up again.


Psychometry is on the clairsentience of touch - tactile (the feel of the object) and emotional (the well being of the enquirer).

Came back to add that I forgot to thank you for your insight spiritalk.  I do enjoy these conversations, as I am still learning myself.  Hope there are no hard feelings, I was not attacking those who do charge.  I am just explaining the reasons I am not allowed to.  I make my money in other ways, it isn't my path to be a medium for a living, there may be those who this is their path.  My path is to help people in other ways, while using my ability of mediumship as opening my spirit up for the journey to grow.  Does this make a little more sense now?

ST: thanks for the insights.  Perhaps charging for your time would give you and the receiver more exchange for spirit?

God bless, J

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:02 pm

I think that there is something a little bit sketchy with having a schedule of fees for a psychic.

Someone I know recently opened herself as a psychic for business.  It is to be her income for living and she set up a business plan.  She spends a large sum on advertising and has gotten a visa card number, etc. to do business.  The situation is conducted as a business.  

Now comes the problems - when there is money on the table there is expectation of performance.  We will always come across someone with whom we are just not compatible.  The psychic business needs to be willing to refund for a lack of service.  (and of course this can be scammed as well as the sitter can be dishonest too).  

I have seen the good, the bad, the ugly in my travels and it is certainly buyer beware on psychic or mediumship readings.  If the individual lives up to an advertised spiritual then you have some hope of a good source.

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Post by Doe » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:03 pm

"A good idea:  to attune yourself.  That is excellent advice.  But not all people have the skills, knowledge or even the talent to make that connection.  Asking for help from a working medium is not a bad way to connect with loved ones and guides."

I agree.  I know that I've personally been extremely lucky/blessed, because my guide has been with me from the very beginning and has (with a little help from his friends!) helped me through the crises that are almost inevitable when "opening up", and given me a wonderful understanding (although I still have so much to learn!).  He's shown, time and time again, that I can trust his judgement, and he teaches not by "telling" me things outright, but by letting me learn on my own with only enough guidance to keep me out of trouble and keep me moving forward.

But I know very well that not everyone is so lucky, and I can't imagine how frightening it must be for someone to suddenly become aware of the spirit world (beautiful as much of it is, it's not all pretty, to say the least) and not have any idea what's going on, or anyone to guide him or her.  My theory is that some of the people we consider "psychotic" are people who have had those experiences without the benefit of good guidance from either the living, the spirit world, or both.

So yes--I totally see that there is value in working with a medium who is willing and able to offer guidance based on her own experience (like yours, ST), as well as help people who find themselves in the process of opening up figure out how to connect with spirits who will guide them well too.


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