Daily horoscopes for 20th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 20th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:30 pm


To get along better with an important person, you can't just rely on your sense of humor -- because this person might not have one! First off, don't give yourself an unrealistic deadline for getting them to be your friend. You can't expect one short and sweet conversation to guarantee that they always have a smile for you whenever they see you. You have to understand that this relationship needs to build slowly over time. Just be consistently polite, and consistently friendly.


Someone is really counting on you right now, and the level of pressure they are putting upon you might start to feel like a burden, today. This growing sense of obligation won't go away anytime soon, especially since this person seems to enjoy making you responsible for their happiness. Today, if you don't think that you can make them happy, then tell them so. They need to start carrying their own weight and dealing with their own issues -- on their own.


Money will be the main topic of conversation today, but you don't have to join in if you don't want to. Your finances are you own business, and if you don't feel like sharing, then don't. When you start talking about how much you make or how much you spend, the numbers are going to create waves that won't be easily undone. So avoid the topic altogether or change it once it is raised. There is a time and a place to discuss personal finances, but this isn't it.


Getting organized right now is a good idea -- it will help you be more prepared for the curve balls that are very likely to be coming your way soon. Check in with the folks in power and see if they can give you a heads up about what might be in store. There's been some vague emails and text messages going back and forth, and it would be in your best interest to double check that what you think is going on right now is actually what is really going on!


A win is a win -- so why are you trying to downplay your latest accomplishment? Don't be modest just because you want to impress someone. It's a waste of time to hide your abilities, and this particular person is way too smart. They'll be able to see right through your act in a minute. Just be genuine -- and be happy! You have every right to be proud of yourself. If you're worried other people will get jealous, that's their mistake to make. You can't help them.


Today, you will find it effortless to do the things that used to be difficult for you. From figuring out how to work a complicated electronic device to speaking your mind with those in charge, the tough stuff just doesn't seem so tough anymore! You'll be getting a nice ego boost out of all your proficiencies. You will also be energized by others, and eager to take part in group activities. It's all about sharing ideas, sharing laughs and sharing intimate moments for you, right now.


Your old methods for avoiding conflict aren't working too well right now, so you need to try a different tactic! Trying to keep your head down and your mouth shut has worked well in the past, but you're dealing with a new crowd, and new dynamics. So today, perk up when the drama starts and toss in your two cents! Throw your opinion around and see what happens. Chances are, people will be so surprised you're mixing it up that they'll be stunned into submission.


Travel is on your mind right now, especially trips to far off lands overseas. But if you can't exactly afford to take the time or spend that kind of cash right now, then you will just have to satisfy your wanderlust in a more creative fashion. Pick up a bestselling novel set in an exotic location. Rent a documentary about one of your 'must see' spots. Go eat in a restaurant that serves food from your favorite country. You don't have to invest a lot of time or money to give yourself an escape.


You can't disqualify someone's opinion just because it's a mismatch with yours. What is the point of having everyone agree with you all the time, anyway? It's no fun at all to be surrounded by 'yes' men (and women). So don't be too dogmatic in your beliefs and be open to hearing the other side of the argument. You don't have to change your opinions, but listening to different perspectives will only enrich you. Of course, it might frustrate you too -- but it keeps life interesting.


Your razor sharp intelligence enables you to evaluate any situation in a split second -- so trust it more! Your first impressions will be dead on today, so you won't have to waste any time getting second opinions. No matter how hard other people will try to convince you to change your mind, don't do it if you don't want to. You know more than they do, despite their titles or experience. You are way too smart to be a sheep that just follows others around.


Today you need to get more direct with your communication -- it is time for you to stop playing phone tag and using text messages to relay things that you should really be saying in person. Are you trying to avoid having a real discussion? Don't worry -- any stress that is caused by speaking one on one with someone will be far less than the stress you're giving yourself by avoiding the talk. Step up and speak out. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Your creativity could use a nice bit of exercise right now, and the kitchen can be the perfect gym for its workout! Whether you're comfortable cooking or not, you will get a great kick out of taking various ingredients and putting them together in interesting, satisfying and delicious ways. While you're at it, why not invite other people over and feed them? Sharing your affection by sharing your food will be a very rewarding experience for you and your people.


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