Daily horoscopes for 24th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 24th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:30 pm


Today it's a great day to have a good time while you're getting things done. If you add some flirtation and some flattery to critical conversations, you will be amazed at the results. You are surrounded by people who are very fun-loving, right now, and they could even teach you a thing or two about how to have a good time. Your social circle is widening right now, and while you might experience some growing pains, you will love where it all takes you.


Right now your charms are absolutely intoxicating to every single person you encounter! Folks will be eager to hang out with you, so just to soak up some of the sunshine you are emitting every time you smile. Consequently, they are going to work hard to make you smile, over and over again! The jokes will be flying and your funny bone will have the life tickled out of it. This is going to be a fun and entertaining day, chock full of shenanigans and good-natured pranks.


It's time for a little maintenance work with your relationships. Today, make sure you've answered all their emails and confirmed all your upcoming social plans. Returning correspondence is the best way to show someone that they still matter to you, and it's the easiest. So if you don't have time for a long phone conversation, that's fine -- just shoot them an email and set up a date. Pick one of your favorite spots for dinner and then you can catch up with them there.


Put as much energy into communication today as you possibly can, because connecting with others is more important than it has ever been before. You don't have to have deep philosophical conversations to make an impact, though. Even just simple small talk with a stranger on the elevator will open up new avenues and ignite a spark or two regarding new ideas. People deserve more interaction in their life, and it's your job to give it to them today!


While working in a partnership today, do not be surprised if your teammate acts more thrifty and conservatively than usual. Their mind is distracted by a mistake from their past that they are obsessed with not repeating. While this level of caution is good, it could be holding you two back. It's up to you to be the bolder person. This isn't normally your style, but it is an opportunity! Push back a little when your partner wants to play it safe. They'll trust you if you ask them to.


If you spend your morning getting the rest of your day organized, you'll be amazed at how much free time you'll end up with! And you know just how you'd like to spend that free time, don't you -- with that new hottie! Your flirtatious energy has you bursting at the seams, and you are ready to lay your charms on the next person who walks by you. But you've got to save it all up for that special someone! Play your cards just right, and you could make some amazing headway.


Your mantra for today should be 'Keep it Simple'! If you are faced with too many details to contend with, you might get too overwhelmed, which could set you down a very grumpy path for the rest of this fun-filled day. So try hard to resist the urge to overcomplicate things or to make them exactly how you want them to be. Today, good enough is good enough. This is a good day to learn the lesson about letting go and just accepting how things end up.


Your reputation is great right now, but you still have to protect it, and make sure it doesn't get any kind of black mark on it today. Be mindful of who you are associating with right now, because you could be blamed for their actions if you don't work hard to create a line of separation in the eyes of others. Establishing boundaries protects you and sets a precedent to others that you are not someone who can be pushed around or taken for granted.


If your projects are going well, then don't rush ahead with a new project! Take time to enjoy the successes you are having right now. You'll deprive yourself of a lot of joy if all you do is think about the next mountain you can climb. Stay right where you are for a while -- be grounded, and live in the moment. Speed and progress should not be a priority for you right now. Your family, friends, and familiar routine are what you should be focused on.


Every invitation you get is not necessarily one you should accept -- before you say 'yes' to any of them today, wait a while. Find out who else is going. Will it be worth your while? Try not to fill every second of your free time with something social. Sometimes, spending time alone doing nothing is a lot more rewarding than joining a group just for the sake of having something to do. Right now there are so many ideas in your head, there is no way you'll be bored if you're by yourself.


Make sure you cover the small details, today, because they are most likely to cause the biggest problems. So get out your magnifying glass, tune into your intuition, and pay attention! Did someone say they're a vegetarian? Remember that the next time you invite them over for dinner. Has someone recently started going to the gym? Compliment them on their appearance. In order to enjoy the people around you more, you have to pay more attention to them. They will be impressed and charmed.


It's important to consider the source when you get information, today. You can't be too critical right now -- even what the big boss tells you should be double-checked. And make sure you're not just going to the sources that you know are going to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You need to be challenged, and you need to know the truth. Get out your private detective hat and be ruthless in how you gather all types of information, from driving directions to birthday wishes.


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