Daily horoscopes for 27th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 27th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:30 pm


Are you going to be meeting some new people, today? You need to take them at face value -- drawing conclusions too early or making any type of assumption about who they are or what they are about or what motivates them could take you a long way down the wrong track! Regard these other people as folks who have no hidden agendas, and everything will be fine. Give them the benefit of any doubts, because isn't that what you are hoping they're doing for you? Respect is a two-way street.


The embers of your social life have been glowing slowly but steadily for weeks, and today they are about to explode into a fiery festival of fun! Your people have tons of good things going on, and they will want to make sure you are as involved as possible. Try to get boring tasks and errands out of the way early, today -- save the afternoon and evening for last minute parties and other types of social stuff. You deserve to take a break and have a good time.


One of the toughest coworkers you've ever had has become a bit of a softie lately thanks to the new romance they just started. But have they grown too distracted by their personal life? Are they falling short of their usual quality and focus? If so, you had better let them know, today. Be diplomatic and gentle about your concerns, though -- and don't tell them you think their personal life is interfering with their professional life. Give them time to figure that out on their own.


Pay special attention to the people who are not speaking today -- because they are the people who have the most to say. Your sense of intuition will lead you to people who you know are important. But because they are shy or are intimidated by the other people in the room, they might not have the courage to speak up. You're going to miss out on a valuable idea or a valid point unless you engage them and ask them what they think. Watch for others who are sitting in the corners.


You will have a good combination of positive energy and free time today! This means that some seriously fun times are on their way, so get ready. Try to be open-minded and up for anything that a friend might suggest -- trust them completely! The fewer times you say 'no' today, the more good times you will have! If you have been waiting for a big change to come into your social life, today is the day when a new person of interest appears on the scene.


You will be searching for a place to get some peace and quiet so that you can reflect upon your own thoughts and feelings, today. Don't give up if it takes awhile to find it -- your patience will be rewarded! This is a wonderful time in your life to look for answers deep inside of yourself, and you could make some meaningful decisions about where to go next in a relationship. There are changes afoot, and you can sense it. So why not get one step ahead of them?


Push yourself to be bolder in social situations today, and you will win people over in a very big way! So instead of just smiling at someone cute, try flirting with them a little. Instead of beating around the bush with the compliment you want to give, come right out and tell them how hot you think they are! Sure, you might shock a few people here and there, but you will definitely get their attention -- and that is much more rewarding than not, isn't it?


A gift or opportunity you have been waiting for is about to come your way today -- your patience is finally paying off! Run right out and show the world how deliriously happy you are about it! Grab every opportunity you can to share your joy and organize some kind of celebration. Your friends and family will be delighted to hear your exciting news, so send a few emails and make a few phone calls. Your joy is not complete until you have shared it with the people you love the most.


When you give a compliment or positive feedback to someone today, be enthusiastic about it! Your laughter, applause or cheerful, encouraging words will be key in helping this person keep going down such a positive path. You're filled with pride, and you should be -- plus, you can definitely take credit for part of their success. They know that, and will always remember your kindness. Their gratitude will be conveyed to you in a simple but touching way.


Are you ready for an experiment today? Try this -- share your thoughts with the person who intrigues you most and see how they react to what you have to say. Total honesty is required if you want to do this right, so don't be afraid to fully disclose how you're feeling about them. If you are ready to trust them with your heart, then you have to start trusting them with your feelings. The sooner you do it, the sooner you'll know what's next for the two of you.


Regardless of whether or not they are from a different culture, they are famous or they are very, very, powerful, other people will be fascinating, today. You'll love starting conversations with strangers and old friends alike, and they will be just as excited about sharing a bit of themselves with you. This gift of gab is going to help you make connections that last, even with someone you normally would not find very interesting. The differences just won't seem to matter.


You have a fresh perspective right now, and it's giving you a much clearer outlook on whatever problems you have been struggling with, lately. Take one more look at things that you don't like, and suddenly you will see a way to make them better! Once you've taken care of your own issues, see what problems you can help solve for friends and family members -- helping the people you care about is a great way to boost your confidence and strengthen the bonds of the relationship.


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