Daily horoscopes for 7th November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 7th November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:30 pm


Your vision for the future is very strong today. So much so, that you will be seeing things that haven't even been invented yet! You'll be walking around all day long feeling like you know things the rest of the world doesn't -- and it's going to give you a certain air of mystery. People will be intrigued by you and your Cheshire cat smile, and they'll be eager to strike up a conversation. Keep them guessing, and you will be able to create at least one very interesting new friendship.


Things that stick out like a sore thumb are going to obviously grab your attention, today -- but they will also get you thinking. Unusual combinations, unexpected directions and any weird behavior that you run across will all strike you as fascinating in some way. Your mind is hungry for a puzzle to solve, and you might get a real feast's worth of conundrums! As a result, you can expect some brave new ideas to swarm into your head very soon.


Today, the more you can surround yourself with people who look at the world from a different point of view than you do, the better! If all you encounter are folks who feel the same way about things and who do things the same way you do them, how are you going to have any excitement in your life? Friction can cause great enlightenment, not just conflict -- so do not be afraid of it. In fact, why not seek it out? Stirring up a little bit of controversy is good for everyone right now.


You need to curb your spending quite a lot, for now. Excessive shopping could leave you cash poor just when you need cash most! If you are dying to buy things, at least slow the process down. Put more time into researching the best brands or models, and try to find a way to get what you want at a lower price. When was the last time you went to a fleamarket or a second hand shop? These places can offer you a very satisfying shopping experience for less money.


It's going to be a little bit difficult for you to explain your ideas or yourself, today. Thoughts are a little bit scattered, and certain intimidating people could leave you a little bit tongue-tied. If that happens, just be patient with yourself. Give yourself time to go off and put together a script or flashcards if you need them. Not only will it help you feel at ease, it will keep on you track -- plus, other people will be envious of how organized and together you seem to be!


Absolutely anything is possible today, given your level of enthusiasm and creativity. This is a great time to figure out new ways of doing old things -- you may find a new way of reorganizing your stuff, getting to work, getting to know someone better, or just cooking your favorite dish. It's all about experimentation and trial and error. And remember, you learn more from mistakes than successes, so don't get too down on yourself if at first you don't succeed.


This is a wonderful day to exercise your creativity and have a little bit of fun! You should start the ball rolling this morning by dedicating some time to good old-fashioned daydreaming -- just pick a fantasy today and go for it! You'll find a way to make the time for it -- how about in the middle of a particularly gnarly traffic jam? Or in the line at the coffee shop? Or while you're filling your tank up with gas? It only takes a few moments of downtime to set your imagination going.


The time you have been able to spend with your family has been slim to none lately, and they are starting to forget what you look like! Do what you can to get back into a closer relationship with them. Cancel whatever you need to cancel in order to devote a big chunk of free time with at least one family member today or tomorrow. They know what a sacrifice it will be for you to make time for them, and they will appreciate it. It's time to focus on what really matters.


You'll be charmed by foreign accents today -- to you, they symbolize a different set of experiences and a type of insight that you wish you could have. Start a candid conversation with a new foreign person in your life and learn about their life -- at least inasmuch as it feels comfortable to do so. A short and sweet talk is all it takes to connect with someone who comes from a totally different background than yours. And while they are inspiring you, you will be inspiring them.


Keeping your unique style unique is important -- you need to be careful that you're not getting too comfortable with your fashion choices. Getting stuck in a rut is simply not an option for you, right now. To get inspiration for a new look, check out a few magazines. Do some people watching and take note of what you like and don't like. Your creativity is strong and it will help you take something standard and make it your own. Do you realize what a trendsetter you are?


There is a high level of excitement around you today -- people are all buzzing about something that you either don't know about or do know about but aren't that fascinated by. It's okay not to join in on their energy. If you don't feel it, you don't feel it. Faking it would only feel weird to you, and the forced feelings will be obvious to the smarter folks in your circle of friends. So just feel how you feel and don't second guess yourself. No one will be bothered.


Things that appeal to your intellect will be drawing you in, today. You'll find that the most challenging concepts will suddenly make a lot of common sense, and your brain will get a new sense of its capabilities. This means it's the perfect day to readdress a project or book that has been a struggle to deal with. Complicated ideas aren't so complicated right now -- in fact, they're pretty fun to wade through! If you're being tested or challenged in any way today, expect things to go well.


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